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科技 英语 课本 学习 知识 句子 翻译 unit10
/. Sentence Translation Unit 1 Text A 1. However, the volume of business done on the Internet is growing rapidly, as people order books and other products to make money transactions. 但是,因特网上的交易数量急速增长,人们从网上购书和其他的产品,进行资金交易。 2. They use them to prowl the Internet, looking for ways to break into computers systems run by banks, telephone companies and even government departments. 他们用电脑上网,寻找能够进入银行电脑系统、电话公司的电脑系统、甚至是政府的电脑系统的方式。 3. The first indication of a security breach may be when a customer discovers a fraudulent money transaction on a credit card account. 当顾客发现信用卡的帐号上出现了来历不明的消费时,这可能就是安全受到了破坏的第一个标志。 4. The use of credit cards to buy things on the Internet converts the issue of Internet security into one of general security. 用信用卡在网上购物使网络安全变成了大众所普遍关注的安全的一种 5. Few people think twice about giving a credit card number over the phone and many are equally careless about what happens to the carbon copy when completing a transaction over the counter. 很多人会在电话里随意报出自己的信用卡号码,同样地,也有很多人不留意交易完成后放在银行柜台上的副本。(此句翻译要注意习语,还要正确划分句子的语法结构。) 6. These are attached to documents or messages being received, and lodge in computer’s hard drive. 这些病毒藏在收到的文件或邮件上,进入到电脑的硬盘。 Text B 1. Processing means handling or manipulating the material that has been presented to the machine in such ways as performing calculations, classifying information, or making comparisons. 数据处理就是以计算、分类、比较的方式来处理那些预先存放到机器中的资料。 (此句的翻译要注意的有被动形式的定语从句,还有状语的翻译。) 2. A computer is made of millions of electronic devices that can store the data or switch them through complete circuits with different functions at incredible speeds. 电脑是由数以百万的电子装置组成的,能够通过具有不同功能的闭合电路,以令人难以置信的高速存储或转换数据。(此句的翻译也是要注意定语从句和状语结构。) 3. We have all heard of computers plotting the course of rockets, preparing bank statements, predicting elections, forecasting weather, and so forth. 我们都听说电脑用于火箭路线的设计、银行文件的处理、选举预测、天气预报等。 4. This is probably due to the fact that computers perform very complex operations in a very short time — seconds or even fractions of a second. 这可能是因为电脑可以在极其短暂的——几秒甚至是不到一秒的时间里完成非常复杂的运行。(此句的翻译要点是同位语从句。) 5. His job is to determine what information is needed and what operations the computer must perform in order to solve a problem. 他的工作就是决定计算机需要什么信息,必须要完成哪些运行才能解决一个问题。 Unit 2 Text A 1. Robots, becoming an increasingly prevalent adjunct in factories and industrial plants throughout the developed world, are programmed and engineered mechanical manipulators designed to perform industrial tasks without human intervention. 在发达国家的工厂和车间里,用机器人来充当助手越来越普及,它是经设计并制造出来的机器手,可以独立从事各种工业活动。 2. Most of today’s robots are employed in the automotive industry, where they are programmed to take over such assembly line operations as welding and spray painting automobile and truck bodies. 当今的机器人大多用于汽车工业,他们代替人类从事装配线上的操作,诸如给汽车和卡车焊接、喷漆等。 3. Robots already taking over human tasks in the automotive field, are beginning to be seen, although to a lesser degree in other industries as well. 在汽车行业,机器人已经代替人类做许多事情,这种机器人在其他行业也开始出现,尽管还不是很常见。 4. Robots are more flexible and adaptable and usually more transportable than other machines. 机器人更灵活,更有适应性,并且通常比其它机器更易于移动。 5. It is not yet known whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision. 将来某一天机器人是否能够具备和人一样好的视力还未可知。 Text B 1. But the fact that others are starting to use it again suggests that AI has moved on from being seen as an overambitious and under-achieving field of research. 但其他人从新开始使用人工智能的事实表明人工智能已从被视作是预期过高而成就很低的研究领域摆脱出来。 2. The expression provided an attractive but informative name for a research program that encompassed such previously disparate fields as operations research, cybernetics, logic and computer science. 这种措辞为一个之前包括如运筹学、控制论、逻辑学和计算机科等不同的研究领域取了一个迷人而且信息量十足的名字。 3. By the late 1980s, the term AI was being avoided by many researchers, who opted instead to align themselves with specific sub-disciplines such as neural networks, agent technology, case-based reasoning, and so on’. 在二十世纪八十年代末,很多研究人员避免使用人工智能这一术语, 他们选择进行更详细的分支学科如神经网络学、代理技术、实证理论等的研究。 4. In particular, the problem of information overload, exacerbated by the growth of e-mail and the explosion in the number of web pages, means there are plenty of opportunities for new technologies to help filter and categories information - classic Al problems. 特别要指出的是,信息超载、电邮数量的激增以及网页数量的急剧增加等问题意味着有大量的机会来研究新技术以帮助需要信息分类的人工智能问题进行过滤和分类。 5. It may be, however, that the comparison with HAL no longer seems quite so important, and Al can now be judged by what it can do, rather than by how well it matches up to a 30-year-old science-fiction film. 然而, 和HAL的比较可能不再那么重要 。人们现在能根据人工智能所作的工作而不是通过它与一个三十年前的科幻电影有多吻合来判断它的功能。 Unit 3 Text A 1. There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. 新的、更强有力的证据表明,近五十年以来的气候变暖大部分是由于人类的活动造成的。 (此句翻译要运用词类转译的技巧) 2. The heat-trapping property of these gases is undisputed although uncertainties exist about exactly how earth’s climate responds to them. 这些气体具有吸热性是众所周知的,尽管这是否就是地球气候变暖的原因仍有质疑。 (此句翻译要运用词类转译的技巧,还要注意状语的翻译技巧。) 3. It turns out that the global average temperature is quite stable over long periods of time, and small changes in that temperature correspond to enormous changes in the environment. 结果表明,在相当长的时间内,全球平均气温都是相当稳定的,可极小的温度变化却意味着环境的巨大改变。 4. Much of modern human civilization owes its existence to the stability in the average global temperature since the end of the last ice age --- a stability that allowed human cultures to transition from roaming, hunter-gatherer societies into more permanent, agriculture-supported communities. 自从上一个冰川纪末期以来,大部分人类文明的生存就是得益于全球稳定的平均气温。这种稳定性使得人类文明能够从狩猎的游牧社会转变成生活更加稳定、以农业为生的农耕社会。 5. Unless we act now, our children will inherit a hotter world, dirtier air and water, more severe floods and droughts, and more wildfires. 除非我们马上行动起来,否则我们的孩子面对的世界将会是气候更炎热,空气更污浊,洪水泛滥,干旱肆虐,火灾频发。 Text B 1. This interest has been driven by a variety of factors, including concerns about increasing waste generation and dwindling landfill capacity, air pollution from incineration, and a general appreciation of the need for environmental protection. 多种因素促使人们更加关注(垃圾的处理)/这种兴趣的产生有很多因素,包括对垃圾越来越多,垃圾填埋场地越来越少,焚烧垃圾造成的空气污染越来越严重的担心;及对环境保护的必要性已形成的共识等。 (注意被动语态的翻译,平行结构的翻译。) 2. These holistically address waste generation through source reduction, reuse and recycling. 通过源头控制、再利用、再回收的方式形成完整的废物利用循环体系。 3. In Germany, recycling has been driven by public support for sustainable development and by concerns about diminishing landfill capacity. 在德国,为保证社会的可持续发展,和对垃圾场填埋能力不断缩小的担心,公众大力支持对垃圾进行循环利用。 (注意被动语态和定语结构的翻译) 4. As an alternative, companies can contract with a third party to collect packaging from households and ensure that government-specified recycling targets are met. 或者,企业也可以与第三方签订回收家庭包装的协议,以确保完成政府规定的回收目标。 (注意被动语态和宾语从句的翻译) 5. As a result, the country has relies on incineration as its predominant means of waste disposal. 因此,日本主要以焚烧的方式来处理垃圾。/因此,焚烧垃圾是日本主要的垃圾处理方式。 Unit 4 Text A 1. Whether they are used to run cars and buses or to make electricity for other applications, fuel cells operate by converting hydrogen to electricity without combustion. 无论是用作轿车和公汽的能源,还是发电作其他的什么用途,燃料电池都是无需燃烧就可将氢转化成电能。 2. While batteries alone havent supplied the performance most drivers want, proponents believe that fuel cells, probably combined with batteries, hold the promise of performance, range and better mileage, compared with todays internal combustion engines. 尽管单靠电池是不能满足大多数司机对于汽车性能的预期要求,但燃料电池的支持者认为,与目前的内燃机相比,或许燃料电池和电池一起使用是可以提供更好的性能、路程和里程保证的。 (注意状语从句、定语从句、宾语从句、分词短语的翻译。) 3. The direct method, which could be available commercially in five or six years, would use different, lighter stacks of plates that eliminate the need for a reformer. 五、六年以内就可能会有直接的方法,采用不同的、更轻的金属板,而且无需转换装置。 4. Marsh envisions fuel cells in lawn mowers, snow-blowers, jet skis(水艇)and other mobile devices which now contribute to noise and air pollution, and which dont run well on batteries. Marsh设想,燃料电池可以用在割草机、吹雪机、喷气式滑雪板(滑橇)和其他一些移动设备上,这些东西产生噪音和空气污染,并且用电池的效果不好。 5. Cars with methanol fuel cells would do little to change the regular routine of consumers at the filling station. 用甲醇燃料电池的轿车用户加油的时候和其他的用户没什么不一样的。 Text B 1. Using biofuels rather than oil would reduce the greenhouse gases that accelerate global warming, because plants absorb carbon dioxide when they grow, balancing out the carbon released when burned in cars or trucks. 使用生物燃料而不是石油可以减少温室气体的产生,因为温室气体加速全球气候变暖。而植物生长要吸收二氧化碳,这样就平衡了轿车、卡车释放出来的二氧化碳含量。 (定语从句转化成原因状语。分译原因状语从句,增译关联词,并注意分词短语作状语的翻译。) 2. But according to a pair of studies published in the journal Science recently, biofuels may not fulfill that promise — and in fact, may be worse for the climate than the fossil fuels theyre meant to supplement. 但是,最近发表在科学杂志的一对研究报告并没有验证生物燃料的这种作用。并且,事实上,相对于要被取而代之的化石燃料来说,生物燃料对气候产生的危害是有过之而无不及。(定语成分、比较结构的翻译,直译和意译) 3. Any climate change policy that doesn’t take this fact into account doesn’t work. 不把这个因素考虑在内,任何解决气候问题的措施都将是无效的。(增译) 4. In their paper, Fargione’s team calculated the “carbon debt” created by raising biofuel crops — the amount of carbon released in the process of converting natural landscapes into cropland. 在他们的文章当中,Fargione的研究人员算出了用做生物燃料的农作物的生长形成的碳债——即将自然景观转变成农田的过程中释放的碳的数量。 5. Biofuels are one of the few-alternative fuels that are actually available right now, but the evidence suggests we be better off not relying on them. 生物燃料是目前可以获得的为数极少的化石燃料的替代物之一,但证据表明,我们最好是不要依赖它们。(注意词类的转译和定语成分的翻译。) Unit 5 Text A 1. We are constantly reminded that we live in a world that is both dependent on and limited by materials. 很多东西都在不断地提醒我们,我们生活的世界既依赖各种材料,又受限于这些材料。 2. All of these require materials specifically tailored for their application. 这些东西都需要人们根据它们不同的用途来精心选材。 3. Specific properties are required that result from carefully selecting the materials and from controlling the manufacturing processes used to convert the basic materials into the final engineered product. 人们需要考虑各种材料特定的性质,通过精心选择以及控制生产加工的过程来把原材料变成成品。 4. The activities of these engineers range from primary materials production, including recycling, through the design and development of new materials to the reliable and economical processing/manufacturing for the final product. 这些工程师们的研究活动有很多: 从原材料加工(这包括设计和研发新材料来循环利用各种材料),到以经济可行的方式加工和生产最后的成品。 5. Many applications are limited by the operating constraints imposed by the properties or behavior of the materials available. 现有材料材质的局限性限制了材料的应用。 6. While much attention is being focused on developing metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites with improved properties, the ability to actually engineer, or create, materials to meet specific needs is just now being realized. 尽管备受关注的是研发金属,陶瓷,聚合物与复合材料材质的改善, 但有能力生产,制造可以满足特定需求的材料现在也在渐渐变成现实。 Text B 1. Even microwavable popcorn bags, which look like paper, actually contain a metalized plastic film that allows them to reach high temperatures so the corn can fully pop. 看起来像纸一样可以在微波炉里放心使用的装爆米花的袋子实际上含有一种金属化的塑料膜,正是这层膜能使爆米花达到很高的温度,从而充分的爆开。 2. But as part of the approval process, the FDA considers the amount of a substance expected to migrate into food and the toxicological concerns about the particular chemical. 但是在获准审批的过程中,美国食品和药物管理局要考虑会渗透进食物的某种化学物质的含量及其危害性。 3. The agency has assessed migration levels of substances added to regulated plastics and has found the levels to be well within the margin of safety based on information available to the agency. 该机构已经评估了添加进常规塑料中的那些物质的活性程度,目前掌握的资料已经证实这些会渗透进食物的化学物质的影响完全在安全的范围之内。 4. The levels of the plasticizer that might be consumed as a result of plastic film use are well below the levels showing no toxic effect in animal studies. 动物实验证实了什么程度不会具有危害性,而用作塑料薄膜的可塑剂的含量比这个程度还低得多。 5. Machuga says that consumers should be sure to use any plastics for their intended purpose and in accordance with directions. Machuga说,消费者应该根据自己的需要并按照要求使用各种类型的塑料。 Unit 6 Text A 1. The cells can be studied in isolation from the body, but for them to survive independently they must be provided with exactly the right sort of environment in a "culture" which contains a supply of all the essential chemical nutrients required by the cell. 这些细胞可以单独进行体外培植研究。但要使它们单独存活,则需要有一个恰好能提供所需的全部化学营养成分的营养的“培养基”。 2. Each chromosome contains a very large number of genes, and is basically two strands of DNA joined together which separate as the nucleus and cell divides with each strand of DNA duplicating itself. 每个染色体上都有大量的基因片段和DNA,DNA一般是两条螺旋的双链结构,只有当DNA在复制的过程中细胞核和细胞分裂的时候,两条螺旋才会分开(即解旋)。 3. The molecular biologist is interested both in the control the gene exercises on cell function and, conversely, the control which chemicals in the cell exercise on the function of the gene. 分子生物学家对基因对细胞功能的控制及与之相逆的细胞的化学成分对基因功能的影响都感兴趣。 4. The message is sent along a nerve fiber and when it reaches the end a chemical substance, known as a neurotransmitter, is released and this then triggers off a series of chemical reactions which result in the contraction of the cells in the muscle. 信息沿着一条神经纤维传送,当它到达其末端时,一种化学物质 —— 神经传递素便释放出来,随后产生一系列的化学变化,导致肌肉细胞的收缩。 5. Certain special glands produce these hormones and none of them acts wholly independently of all the others. 某些特殊的腺体会产生这些荷尔蒙。没有哪一种荷尔蒙是脱离其它荷尔蒙单独起作用的。 Text B 1. The findings suggest that specific polyphenols, present in large amounts in fermented seeds and skins cast away after grapes are pressed, interfere with the ability of bacteria to contribute to tooth decay. 这些发现证实,葡萄汁被压出以后,在那些被扔掉的发酵的葡萄籽和葡萄皮中有一种含量丰富的特定的多酚,这种物质能防止引起蛀牙的细菌。 2. Beyond cavities, the action of the wine grape-based chemicals may also hold clues for new ways to lessen the ability of bacteria to cause life-threatening, systemic infections. 除了能防止蛀牙,这些化学物质的作用可能还持有另外的线索,提示一些新的治疗方法能削弱那些危及生命、引起全身感染的细菌的能力 3. The widespread overprescribing of antibiotics and the speed of bacterial evolution have greatly increased the likelihood that the strains most able to resist antibiotics will thrive and spread. 抗生素的过度滥用以及细菌的迅速进化都大大增加了那些最能抵抗抗生素的菌种猖獗横行的可能性。 4. Fermented winemaking waste, called pomace, contains at least as many polyphenols as whole fruit, eliminating the need to use up perfectly good food to make any future drugs. 发酵的造酒废弃物称为果渣,至少包含和整果一样多的多酚,将来制药根本不需要耗用新鲜的水果。 (注意过去分词作定语(前置、后置)的翻译技巧,as…as结构的翻译技巧;分词的翻译技巧。) 5.All contain polyphenols and the race is on to determine which may be the most useful medically. 这些物质里都含有多酚,当务之急是确定哪一种最适用于医学领域。 Unit 7 Text A 1. Just as a human body relies on its network of vessels to circulate blood to its organs, a city depends on its transportation system to move people and goods to jobs, schools, and stores. 人体是靠心血管系统供给各个器官的血液循环,而城市是靠交通运输系统将人员和物资输送到其工作的场所、学校和商店。(本句翻译要用上增译的技巧。) 2. US cities have led the trend toward dispersed, low-density development. 布局分散,人口密度低的美国城市发展特点成为(世界城市发展的)一种趋势。 (本句的翻译主要要用上增译的技巧,可以根据上下文将句子意思补充完整。另外还有词类的转译。) 3. Wasted fuel and lost productivity cost $74 billion annually in US metro areas. 每年美国地铁地区的能源浪费和生产效率下降耗费的资金高达740亿美元。 4. But new roads attract more cars, so regions that have invested heavily in road construction have fared no better at
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