.目录石油化工英语词汇- 2 -石油行业标准-中英对照- 4 -石油钻井业常用专业词汇-中英对照- 5 -常用化工产品英文缩写- 41 -石化工业- 73 -石油公司- 75 -原油价格- 77 -油藏工程引论(I)- 79 -油藏工程引论(II)- 81 -国际石油区块合同词汇(中英文)- 83 -日语词汇:石油/天然用語- 86 -石油化工英语词汇gate valve闸阀 globe valve截止阀;球心阀 angle valve角接阀 plug cock旋塞free ball valve自由式球阀 fixed ball valve固定式球阀 angle lift check valve角接式升降止逆阀diaphragm valve隔膜阀 butterfly valve蝶阀 tilting-disk check valve斜盘式止逆阀swing check valve旋启式止逆阀 vartical lift check valve直立升降式止逆阀wedge gate楔形闸板 globe type disc球心形阀盘 ball球体 diaphragm隔膜 oil field 油田 wildcat 盲目开掘的油井 percussive drilling 冲击钻探 rotary drilling 旋转钻探 offshore drilling 海底钻探 well 井,油井 derrick 井架 Christmas tree 采油树 crown block 定滑轮 travelling block 动滑轮 drill pipe, drill stem 钻杆 drill bit钻头 roller bit 牙轮钻头 diamond bit 钻石钻头 swivel 泥浆喷嘴 turntable, rotary table 轮盘 pumping station 泵站 sampling 取样 sample 样品,样本 core sample 矿样 storage tank 储油罐 pipeline 油管 pipe laying 输油管线 oil tanker 油轮 tank car, tanker (铁路)罐车,槽车 tank truck, tanker (汽车)运油罐车,油罐车 refining 炼油 refinery 炼油厂 cracking 裂化 separation 分离 fractionating tower 分馏塔 fractional distillation 分馏 distillation column 分裂蒸馏塔 polymerizing, polymerization 聚合 reforming 重整 purification 净化 hydrocarbon 烃,碳氢化合物 crude oil, crude 原油 petrol 汽油(美作:gasoline) LPG, liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气 LNG, liquefied natural gas 液化天然气 octane number 辛烷数,辛烷值 vaseline 凡士林 paraffin 石蜡 kerosene, karaffin oil 煤油 gas oil 柴油 lubricating oil 润滑油 asphalt 沥青 benzene 苯 fuel 燃料 natural gas 天然气 olefin 烯烃 high-grade petrol, high-octane petrol 高级汽油,高辛烷值汽油 plastic 塑料石油行业标准-中英对照埋地钢质管道直流排流保护技术标准:Standard of D.C.drainage protection for buried steel pipelines钢制管道及储罐腐蚀评价标准 埋地钢质管道外腐蚀直接评价:Standard of steel pipeline and tank corrosion assessment steel pipeline external corrosion direct assessment钢质储罐罐底外壁阴极保护技术标准:Standard of external surface cathodic protection for bottom for steel storage tank天然气地面设施抗硫化物应力开裂和抗应力腐蚀开裂的金属材料要求:Metallic material requirements-Resistance to sulfide stress cracking and stress corrosion cracking for gas surface equipment石油钻采设备用气动元件:Pneumatic components for petroleum drilling and production equipment抽油杆:Sucker Rods石油天然气工业用柴油机:The diesel engine for the petroleum and natrual gas industry钻井液循环管汇:Drilling fluid recurrence manifold钻井工程术语:Vocabulary of well drilling engineering岩心分析方法:Practices for core analysis空心抽油杆:Hollow sucker rods单螺杆抽油泵地面驱动装置:PC Pump Drive Heads石油钻采设备可靠性、维修性预计方法:The reliability, maintainability prediction on equipment of oil field drilling and production司钻安全技术考核规则:Assessment rules of safety technlogy for driller独立井口装置规范:Specification for independent wellhead equipment石油钻机用柴油机偶合器机组:Diesel hydraulic coupling set for oil drilling rig油田用V带规范:Specification for Oil-Field V-Belt石油天然气工业用钢丝绳的选用和维护的推荐作法:Recommended practice on application, Care,and use of wire rope for petroleum & natural gas industry service分流器系统设备及作业推荐作法:Recommended practice for diverter systems equipment and operations游梁式抽油机的安装与润滑:Installation and lubrication of beam pumping units端盖、联结件和旋转接头规范:Specification on end closures,connectors and swivels油气田消防站建设规范:The construction specification for fire station of oil and natural gas field石油设施电气设备安装区域一级、0区、1区和2区区域划分推荐作法:Recommended practice for classification of locations for electrical installations at petroleum facilities classified as class 1,zone 0, zone 1,and zone 2天然气处理厂保护环境的推荐作法:Natural gas processing plant recommended practices for protection of the environment常压与低压储罐通风的推荐作法:Recommended practice venting atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks密度测井刻度器校准方法:The transformation method of density logging calibrator石油钻井业常用专业词汇-中英对照A氨基三乙酸(NTA) | aminotriacetic acid 胺基 | amino 铵基 | ammonium 安全地层 | safe formation 安全试破 | safe destruction 安全钻井 | safe drilling 坳陷 | down warping region 螯合 | chelation 凹陷 | sag 凹陷地层 | subsidence formation 奥陶系 | Ordovician system API模拟法 | API recommened methodB多靶点 | multiple target point 白沥青 | white asphalt 白油 | mineral oil 白云母 | white mica 半透膜 | semipermeable membrane 包被絮凝剂 | flocculant 包被 | envelop 包被抑制性 | encapsulating ability 饱和度 | saturation饱和度剖面图 | profile map of degree of saturation 饱和盐水 | saturated salt water 背斜 | anticlinal 钡 | barium 苯环 | benzene ring 苯酚 | phenyl hydroxide本质区别 | essential difference 泵压过高 | overhigh pumping pressure 比表面积 | specific surface area 比吸水量 | specific absorption 比重瓶法 | density bottle method 避免 | avoid 蓖麻油 | ricinus oil 边界摩擦 | boundary friction 扁藻(浮游植物) | algae 变化趋势 | variation trend 标准化 | standardization 标准粘度测量 | standard visicosity measure 表面粗糙度 | roughness of the surface 表面电位 | surface electric potential 表面活性剂 | surfactant ,surface active agent 表面能 | interface energy 表面粘度 | surface viscosity 表面抛光 | sample surfaceAibbs表面弹性 | Aibbs surface elasticity 表面张力 | surface tension 表明 | verify /reveal 表皮系数(S) | skin coefficient 憋钻 | bit bouncing 宾汉方程 | bingham equation丙三醇 | glycerine 丙烯情 | acrylonitrile 丙烯酸 | acrylic acid 丙烯酸盐 | acrylate 丙烯酰胺 | acrylamide 薄而韧的泥饼 | thin,plastic and compacted mud-cake | 薄片 | flake 薄弱地层 | weak formation 泊松比 | poissons ratio剥离 | peel off 补救 | remediation 不分散泥浆 | nondispersed mud 不干扰地质录井 | play no role in geological logging 不均质储层 | heterogeneous reservoir 不均匀 | uneven 不可逆 | irreversible 不同程度 | inordinately 部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(PHPA) | partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide C参数优选 | parametric optimization 残酸 | reacted acid 残余饱和度 | residual staturation残渣 | gel residue , solid residue测量 | measure 侧链 | side chain 侧钻水平井 | sidetrack horizontal well层间 | interlayer 层间距 | the distance between the two crystal layer, layer distance层理 | bedding 层流 | layer flow 差减法 | minusing 尝试 | trial 柴油 | diesel oil 长连缔合物 | long chain associated matter 操作方法 | operation method 超伸井 | high deep well超深预探井 | ultradeep prospecting well 超声波 | ultrasonography 超高密度泥浆 | extremely high density mud 超细碳酸钙 | super-fine calcium carbonate 产层 | production/pay zone 产层亏空 | reservoir voidage 产量 | production ,output 沉淀 | precipitation沉降 | subside 沉降速度 | settling rate沉砂 | sand setting 衬套 | sleeve程序 | program 成对水平井 | paired parallel horizontal wells成分 | ingredient 成胶剂 | gelatinizing agent 成膜树脂 | film-forming resin 成岩性差 | poor diagenetic grade 承压 | bearing pressure 承压低 | lower pressure resistance承压能力 | loading capacity 尺寸 | dimension 斥力 | repulsion除硫效果 | sulfur limitation effect 除硫剂 | sulfur elimination 除砂器 | desander 触变性 | thixotropy触变剂 | thixotropic agent 垂沉 | sag 垂直井 | vertical well 充气钻井液 | aerated drilling fluid 磁化 | magnetization次生有机阳离子聚合物 | secondary organic cationic polymer 冲砂 | sand removal 冲蚀 | flush 冲刷 | washing out 冲洗 | clean 冲洗效率 | cleaning efficiency 冲洗液 | washing fluid 从角度 | from the standpoint of丛式井 | cluster well稠化剂 | gelling agent 稠油区 | viscous oil area 稠油藏 | high oil reservoir 初步分析 | preliminary analysis 初始稠度 | initial consistency 初始粘度 | initial viscosity 初探 | primary investigation 处理剂 | additive ,treating-agent 粗分散泥浆 | coarse dispersed mud 粗泡沫堵漏工艺 | coarse-foam plugging technology 促凝剂 | accelerating agent 醋酸 | acetate 醋酸钠 | sodium acetate 窜流 | fluid channeling 脆裂 | embrittlement crack 脆性 | brittle/crisp ,fragility 催化剂 | accelerant , catalyst 萃取剂 | extracting agent D达西定律 | Darcys equation 大段水层 | thick aqueous formation 大分子氢键络合作用 | polycomplexation of hydrogen bond 大灰量 | mass slurry 大井斜角 | high deviation angle 大块岩样 | big rock sample大块钻屑 | massive drilling cuttings大类 | genera 大理石 | marble 大砾石层 | large gravel bed大量分析 | quantitative analysis 大排量洗井 | high flow rate washover 大排量循环 | high flow rate circulation 大位移定向井 | extended-reach directional well 大斜度钻井 | big inclination/angle drilling 大直径井眼 | large hole 代表性岩心 | representive core sample 单宁酸 | tannate 单体 | monomer 单相关分析法 | analyzing method of single correlation 单相关系数加权 | coefficient weighted method of single correlation 单轴抗压强度 | uniaxial compressive strength 氮 | nitrogen N-羟甲剂胺 | N-hydroxymethyl amine 淡水 | fresh water 单向压力暂堵剂 | unidirectional pressure temporary plugging additive 导向螺杆钻具 | stearable assemly 导向器 | guider 等温曲线 | isothermal curve低毒油基 | low toxicity oil based 低返速 | low return-velocity 低固相泥浆 | low solid drilling fluid 低级醛 | low-grade aldehyde 低粘土相泥浆 | low clay content drilling fluid 狄塞尔堵漏剂 | diacel plugging agent 滴定 | titration底水丰富 | basal water abundance 底水油藏井 | bottom water reservoir well第二界面 | second contact surface 缔合物 | associated matter地层 | formation 地层出液量 | formation fluid production 地层破碎 | straturn breaking地层倾角大 | higher formation clination地层水 | formation water地层损害 | formation damage 地面岩心压汞 | surface core mercury injection test 地下水 | groundwater , subsurface water 地应力 | ground stress地质 | geology 地质构造 | geologic structure淀粉 | starch电测 | electronic logging 电导率 | electric conductivity 电荷 | electricity电化学法 | electrochemistry method 电解质 | electrolyte 电镜分析 | electronic microscope photos 电位 | potential fall 电位 | zeta potential 电性 | electric property电泳法 | electrophoresis method 电子探针 | electron spectrum 调查 | census 顶替过程 | displacing operation定量设计 | quantitative design 定向井 | direction well 定子 | stator 冻胶 | gel 动静弹性模量 | dynamic and static elasticity modulus 动力稳定性 | settling stability 动力学 | kinetics 动态滤失 | dynamic filtration动切力 | yield value 动塑比 | ratio of dynamic shear force/yield value to plastic viscosity 堵漏 | plugging 堵塞 | seal 堵塞比(DR) | damage ratio 堵塞物 | bulkhead 堵水 | water shutoff 毒性大 | high toxicity毒性污染环境 | toxicity ruins the environment短过渡 | short transition time 短纤维 | brief fiber 断层发育 | mature fault 断裂带 | faulted zone 对策 | countermeasure 多产层 | multilayered reservoir 多分支侧钻井 | multi-lateral sidetracking well多功能添加剂 | multifunction additive 多孔介质 | porons medium多目标定向井 | multi-target directional well多相稳态胶体悬浮体系 | polynomial gel suspension system 多元醇 | polyatomic alcohol 多元非线性回归 | multielement non-linesr regression 多元统计 | multivariate statistics 惰性材料 | inert material 惰性润滑剂 | inert lubricant E二次沉淀 | secondary precipitation 二叠系 | Permian system 二甲胺 | dimethylamine 二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵 | dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride 二价阳离子 | bivalent ion 二开 | second section 二氧化碳(CO2) carbon dioxide 二元共聚物 | binary polymerF发气剂 | gas-development 发展趋势 | development tendency 反排解堵 | plug removal by reverse flow 范氏力 | van der waals force 范氏粘度计 | fann viscosimeter 返回 | go back to 方便钻井液复合粉 | convenient mud compound powder方程 | equation 芳香烃 | aromatic group 防窜水泥 | anti-fluid-channeling cement 防腐 | anti-corrosion防卡 | pipe-sticking prevention ,anti-sticking防漏失 | lost circulation prevention 防气窜 | anti-fluid-channeling 防塌机理 | mechanism of anti-caving防塌剂 | anti-caving/collapse agent , clay stabilizer 防止 | preventfrom纺织 | textile 放空不返 | loss of bit load with loss return 放射性示踪剂 | radioactive tracer tritium 非均质 | nonhomogeneity 非离子 | nonionic 非牛顿流体 | non-newtonian fluid 非渗透性 | impervious 废泥浆 | mud disposal 沸石 | zeolite 分布 | distribution 分段固井技术 | stage cementing technology 分光度法 | spectrophotometer 分类 | division分散 | dispersion 分散剂 | dispersant 分散介质 | dispersion medium 分析 | analysis 分形理论 | fractal theory 分形几何 | fractal geometry分子 | molecules分子间能量交换 | energy exchange between molecules 分子量 | molecular weight 分子链 | molecular chain分子形态 | shape of molecular chain 粉尘 | dust 粉煤灰 | fly ash 粉末 | powder 粉砂质 | aleuritic texture酚羟基的邻位或对位氢 | p-or o-hydrogen atom of phenolic group 封闭剂 | sealing agent 封闭稳定 | good isolation 封堵 | formation sealing 封堵剂 | formation sealant 封固段 | interval isolation 扶正器 | centralizer 氟硼酸 | borofluorhydric 浮力效应 | effect of buoyancy 孵化速度 | incubation 浮游植物 | floating vegetation 复合 | combine复合离子 | multifunctional ionic 复合离子聚合物 | amphiprotic/amphoteric polymers , 复合金属两性离子聚合物 | composite metal zwitterionic polymer复合聚合物泥浆 | compound-polymer mud复配方案 | compositional formulation 复杂地层 | complex formation, troublesome region ,trick formation 复杂度 | complex rate复杂时效 | outage time 复杂情况 | down-hole troublesome condition腐蚀 | corrosion 腐蚀电位 | corrosion potential 腐蚀速率 | corrosion rate 腐殖酸 | humate ,humic acid 腐殖酸钾(KHm) | potassium humic 辅料 | auxiliary material 负 | negative | 负压钻井 | underbalanced drilling 符合 | accord with符合率 | coincidence | rate 副产品 | by-product 附加密度 | addition mud density G改善泥饼质量 | improvement of mud cake 改性 | modification改性淀粉 | modified starch 改性沥青 | modified asphalt 改造 | refomation钙 | calcium钙矾石 | ettringite 钙膨润土钠化 | sodium modified calcium betonite | 干混拌技术 | mixing technology 干扰 | interfere with 甘油 | glycerol 锆 | zirconium 高分子 | higher molecular weight高分子聚合物 | macromoleclar polymer | 高分子絮凝剂 | polymer flocculant高负荷 | high load 高级脂肪醇树脂 | higher fatty alcohol高价金属阳离子 | high valent cationic 高角度微裂缝 | high angle micro-fracture 高矿化度地层水 | highly mineralized formation brines 高岭土 | kaolinite 高炉矿渣(BFS) | blast furnace slag高密度钻井液 | high density drilling fluid高难度 | high challenge 高粘度清扫液 | viscous sweeping fluid 高砂比 | high sand ratio 高温静置 | quiescence in high temperature 高温泥浆 | high-temperature mud 高吸水量树脂 | absorbent resin 高温高压流变仪 | HTHP rheometer 高效润滑剂 | super lubricant 高压盐水层 | high pressured slatwater layer膏岩层 | gypsolyte 膏质泥岩 | creaming mudstone 膏状磺化沥青 | paste sulphonated asphalt 隔离冲洗液 | spacer/flushing fluid 隔离膜 | isolating membrane 各向异性 | anisotropy工程 | engineering 共聚 | copolymerization 共聚物 | copolymer共聚物类降粘剂 | copolymer thinner 狗腿 | dogleg 构造裂缝 | structural fracture 固化 | solidification 固化剂 | hardener , curing agent 固井技术 | cementing technology 固体团块 | solid cake 固相 | solid phase 固相含量 | solid concentration 固相颗粒 | solid particles固相颗粒侵入 | solid invasion固相控制技术 | solid control technology固相损害 | damage of particles 固液分离技术 | centrifugal separation method 胍胶 | guargum 瓜尔胶 | guar 挂片失重法 | weight loss method | 关掉电机 | turn off the power 光谱 | spectroscopy硅 | silicone 硅粉 | silica powder 硅氟 | fluosilicic 硅铝比 | ratio of silicate to aluminium 硅酸钠 | sodium silicate 硅酸盐 | silicate 滚轮失重法 | roller weight loss method 国内外
- 关 键 词:
- 资源描述:
石油化工英语词汇 - 2 -
石油行业标准---中英对照 - 4 -
石油钻井业常用专业词汇---中英对照 - 5 -
常用化工产品英文缩写 - 41 -
石化工业 - 73 -
石油公司 - 75 -
原油价格 - 77 -
油藏工程引论(I) - 79 -
油藏工程引论(II) - 81 -
国际石油区块合同词汇(中英文) - 83 -
日语词汇:石油/天然ガス用語 - 86 -
gate valve闸阀
globe valve截止阀;球心阀
angle valve角接阀
plug cock旋塞
free ball valve自由式球阀
fixed ball valve固定式球阀
angle lift check valve角接式升降止逆阀
diaphragm valve隔膜阀
butterfly valve蝶阀
tilting-disk check valve斜盘式止逆阀
swing check valve旋启式止逆阀
vartical lift check valve直立升降式止逆阀
wedge gate楔形闸板
globe type disc球心形阀盘
oil field 油田
wildcat 盲目开掘的油井
percussive drilling 冲击钻探
rotary drilling 旋转钻探
offshore drilling 海底钻探
well 井,油井
derrick 井架
Christmas tree 采油树
crown block 定滑轮
travelling block 动滑轮
drill pipe, drill stem 钻杆
drill bit 钻头
roller bit 牙轮钻头
diamond bit 钻石钻头
swivel 泥浆喷嘴
turntable, rotary table 轮盘
pumping station 泵站
sampling 取样
sample 样品,样本
core sample 矿样
storage tank 储油罐
pipeline 油管
pipe laying 输油管线
oil tanker 油轮
tank car, tanker (铁路)罐车,槽车
tank truck, tanker (汽车)运油罐车,油罐车
refining 炼油
refinery 炼油厂
cracking 裂化
separation 分离
fractionating tower 分馏塔
fractional distillation 分馏
distillation column 分裂蒸馏塔
polymerizing, polymerization 聚合
reforming 重整
purification 净化
hydrocarbon 烃,碳氢化合物
crude oil, crude 原油
petrol 汽油(美作:gasoline)
LPG, liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气
LNG, liquefied natural gas 液化天然气
octane number 辛烷数,辛烷值
vaseline 凡士林
paraffin 石蜡
kerosene, karaffin oil 煤油
gas oil 柴油
lubricating oil 润滑油
asphalt 沥青
benzene 苯
fuel 燃料
natural gas 天然气
olefin 烯烃
high-grade petrol, high-octane petrol 高级汽油,高辛烷值汽油
plastic 塑料
埋地钢质管道直流排流保护技术标准:Standard of D.C.drainage protection for buried steel pipelines
钢制管道及储罐腐蚀评价标准 埋地钢质管道外腐蚀直接评价:Standard of steel pipeline and tank corrosion assessment steel pipeline external corrosion direct assessment
钢质储罐罐底外壁阴极保护技术标准:Standard of external surface cathodic protection for bottom for steel storage tank
天然气地面设施抗硫化物应力开裂和抗应力腐蚀开裂的金属材料要求:Metallic material requirements-Resistance to sulfide stress cracking and stress corrosion cracking for gas surface equipment
石油钻采设备用气动元件:Pneumatic components for petroleum drilling and production equipment
抽油杆:Sucker Rods
石油天然气工业用柴油机:The diesel engine for the petroleum and natrual gas industry
钻井液循环管汇:Drilling fluid recurrence manifold
钻井工程术语:Vocabulary of well drilling engineering
岩心分析方法:Practices for core analysis
空心抽油杆:Hollow sucker rods
单螺杆抽油泵地面驱动装置:PC Pump Drive Heads
石油钻采设备可靠性、维修性预计方法:The reliability, maintainability prediction on equipment of oil field drilling and production
司钻安全技术考核规则:Assessment rules of safety technlogy for driller
独立井口装置规范:Specification for independent wellhead equipment
石油钻机用柴油机偶合器机组:Diesel hydraulic coupling set for oil drilling rig
油田用V带规范:Specification for Oil-Field V-Belt
石油天然气工业用钢丝绳的选用和维护的推荐作法:Recommended practice on application, Care,and use of wire rope for petroleum & natural gas industry service
分流器系统设备及作业推荐作法:Recommended practice for diverter systems equipment and operations
游梁式抽油机的安装与润滑:Installation and lubrication of beam pumping units
端盖、联结件和旋转接头规范:Specification on end closures,connectors and swivels
油气田消防站建设规范:The construction specification for fire station of oil and natural gas field
石油设施电气设备安装区域一级、0区、1区和2区区域划分推荐作法:Recommended practice for classification of locations for electrical installations at petroleum facilities classified as class 1,zone 0, zone 1,and zone 2
天然气处理厂保护环境的推荐作法:Natural gas processing plant recommended practices for protection of the environment
常压与低压储罐通风的推荐作法:Recommended practice venting atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks
密度测井刻度器校准方法:The transformation method of density logging calibrator
氨基三乙酸(NTA) || aminotriacetic acid
胺基 || amino
铵基 || ammonium
安全地层 || safe formation
安全试破 || safe destruction
安全钻井 || safe drilling
坳陷 || down warping region
螯合 || chelation
凹陷 || sag
凹陷地层 || subsidence formation
奥陶系 || Ordovician system
API模拟法 || API recommened method
多靶点 || multiple target point
白沥青 || white asphalt
白油 || mineral oil
白云母 || white mica
半透膜 || semipermeable membrane
包被絮凝剂 || flocculant
包被 || envelop
包被抑制性 || encapsulating ability
饱和度 || saturation
饱和度剖面图 || profile map of degree of saturation
饱和盐水 || saturated salt water
背斜 || anticlinal
钡 || barium
苯环 || benzene ring
苯酚 || phenyl hydroxide
本质区别 || essential difference
泵压过高 || overhigh pumping pressure
比表面积 || specific surface area
比吸水量 || specific absorption
比重瓶法 || density bottle method
避免 || avoid
蓖麻油 || ricinus oil
边界摩擦 || boundary friction
扁藻(浮游植物) || algae
变化趋势 || variation trend
标准化 || standardization
标准粘度测量 || standard visicosity measure
表面粗糙度 || roughness of the surface
表面电位 || surface electric potential
表面活性剂 || surfactant ,surface active agent
表面能 || interface energy
表面粘度 || surface viscosity
表面抛光 || sample surface
Aibbs表面弹性 || Aibbs surface elasticity
表面张力 || surface tension
表明 || verify /reveal
表皮系数(S) || skin coefficient
憋钻 || bit bouncing
宾汉方程 || bingham equation
丙三醇 || glycerine
丙烯情 || acrylonitrile
丙烯酸 || acrylic acid
丙烯酸盐 || acrylate
丙烯酰胺 || acrylamide
薄而韧的泥饼 || thin,plastic and compacted mud-cake ||
薄片 || flake
薄弱地层 || weak formation
泊松比 || poisson’s ratio
剥离 || peel off
补救 || remediation
不分散泥浆 || nondispersed mud
不干扰地质录井 || play no role in geological logging
不均质储层 || heterogeneous reservoir
不均匀 || uneven
不可逆 || irreversible
不同程度 || inordinately
部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(PHPA) || partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide
参数优选 || parametric optimization
残酸 || reacted acid
残余饱和度 || residual staturation
残渣 || gel residue , solid residue
测量 || measure
侧链 || side chain
侧钻水平井 || sidetrack horizontal well
层间 || interlayer
层间距 || the distance between the two crystal layer, layer distance
层理 || bedding
层流 || layer flow
差减法 || minusing
尝试 || trial
柴油 || diesel oil
长连缔合物 || long chain associated matter
操作方法 || operation method
超伸井 || high deep well
超深预探井 || ultradeep prospecting well
超声波 || ultrasonography
超高密度泥浆 || extremely high density mud
超细碳酸钙 || super-fine calcium carbonate
产层 || production/pay zone
产层亏空 || reservoir voidage
产量 || production ,output
沉淀 || precipitation
沉降 || subside
沉降速度 || settling rate
沉砂 || sand setting
衬套 || sleeve
程序 || program
成对水平井 || paired parallel horizontal wells
成分 || ingredient
成胶剂 || gelatinizing agent
成膜树脂 || film-forming resin
成岩性差 || poor diagenetic grade
承压 || bearing pressure
承压低 || lower pressure resistance
承压能力 || loading capacity
尺寸 || dimension
斥力 || repulsion
除硫效果 || sulfur limitation effect
除硫剂 || sulfur elimination
除砂器 || desander
触变性 || thixotropy
触变剂 || thixotropic agent
垂沉 || sag
垂直井 || vertical well
充气钻井液 || aerated drilling fluid
磁化 || magnetization
次生有机阳离子聚合物 || secondary organic cationic polymer
冲砂 || sand removal
冲蚀 || flush
冲刷 || washing out
冲洗 || clean
冲洗效率 || cleaning efficiency
冲洗液 || washing fluid
从…角度 || from the standpoint of
丛式井 || cluster well
稠化剂 || gelling agent
稠油区 || viscous oil area
稠油藏 || high oil reservoir
初步分析 || preliminary analysis
初始稠度 || initial consistency
初始粘度 || initial viscosity
初探 || primary investigation
处理剂 || additive ,treating-agent
粗分散泥浆 || coarse dispersed mud
粗泡沫堵漏工艺 || coarse-foam plugging technology
促凝剂 || accelerating agent
醋酸 || acetate
醋酸钠 || sodium acetate
窜流 || fluid channeling
脆裂 || embrittlement crack
脆性 || brittle/crisp ,fragility
催化剂 || accelerant , catalyst
萃取剂 || extracting agent
达西定律 || Darcy’s equation
大段水层 || thick aqueous formation
大分子氢键络合作用 || polycomplexation of hydrogen bond
大灰量 || mass slurry
大井斜角 || high deviation angle
大块岩样 || big rock sample
大块钻屑 || massive drilling cuttings
大类 || genera
大理石 || marble
大砾石层 || large gravel bed
大量分析 || quantitative analysis
大排量洗井 || high flow rate washover
大排量循环 || high flow rate circulation
大位移定向井 || extended-reach directional well
大斜度钻井 || big inclination/angle drilling
大直径井眼 || large hole
代表性岩心 || representive core sample
单宁酸 || tannate
单体 || monomer
单相关分析法 || analyzing method of single correlation
单相关系数加权 || coefficient weighted method of single correlation
单轴抗压强度 || uniaxial compressive strength
氮 || nitrogen
N-羟甲剂胺 || N-hydroxymethyl amine
淡水 || fresh water
单向压力暂堵剂 || unidirectional pressure temporary plugging additive
导向螺杆钻具 || stearable assemly
导向器 || guider
等温曲线 || isothermal curve
低毒油基 || low toxicity oil based
低返速 || low return-velocity
低固相泥浆 || low solid drilling fluid
低级醛 || low-grade aldehyde
低粘土相泥浆 || low clay content drilling fluid
狄塞尔堵漏剂 || diacel plugging agent
滴定 || titration
底水丰富 || basal water abundance
底水油藏井 || bottom water reservoir well
第二界面 || second contact surface
缔合物 || associated matter
地层 || formation
地层出液量 || formation fluid production
地层破碎 || straturn breaking
地层倾角大 || higher formation clination
地层水 || formation water
地层损害 || formation damage
地面岩心压汞 || surface core mercury injection test
地下水 || groundwater , subsurface water
地应力 || ground stress
地质 || geology
地质构造 || geologic structure
淀粉 || starch
电测 || electronic logging
电导率 || electric conductivity
电荷 || electricity
电化学法 || electrochemistry method
电解质 || electrolyte
电镜分析 || electronic microscope photos
电位 || potential fall
ξ电位 || zeta potential
电性 || electric property
电泳法 || electrophoresis method
电子探针 || electron spectrum
调查 || census
顶替过程 || displacing operation
定量设计 || quantitative design
定向井 || direction well
定子 || stator
冻胶 || gel
动静弹性模量 || dynamic and static elasticity modulus
动力稳定性 || settling stability
动力学 || kinetics
动态滤失 || dynamic filtration
动切力 || yield value
动塑比 || ratio of dynamic shear force/yield value to plastic viscosity
堵漏 || plugging
堵塞 || seal
堵塞比(DR) || damage ratio
堵塞物 || bulkhead
堵水 || water shutoff
毒性大 || high toxicity
毒性污染环境 || toxicity ruins the environment
短过渡 || short transition time
短纤维 || brief fiber
断层发育 || mature fault
断裂带 || faulted zone
对策 || countermeasure
多产层 || multilayered reservoir
多分支侧钻井 || multi-lateral sidetracking well
多功能添加剂 || multifunction additive
多孔介质 || porons medium
多目标定向井 || multi-target directional well
多相稳态胶体悬浮体系 || polynomial gel suspension system
多元醇 || polyatomic alcohol
多元非线性回归 || multielement non-linesr regression
多元统计 || multivariate statistics
惰性材料 || inert material
惰性润滑剂 || inert lubricant
二次沉淀 || secondary precipitation
二叠系 || Permian system
二甲胺 || dimethylamine
二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵 || dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride
二价阳离子 || bivalent ion
二开 || second section
二氧化碳(CO2) carbon dioxide
二元共聚物 || binary polymer
发气剂 || gas-development
发展趋势 || development tendency
反排解堵 || plug removal by reverse flow
范氏力 || van der waals force
范氏粘度计 || fann viscosimeter
返回 || go back to
方便钻井液复合粉 || convenient mud compound powder
方程 || equation
芳香烃 || aromatic group
防窜水泥 || anti-fluid-channeling cement
防腐 || anti-corrosion
防卡 || pipe-sticking prevention ,anti-sticking
防漏失 || lost circulation prevention
防气窜 || anti-fluid-channeling
防塌机理 || mechanism of anti-caving
防塌剂 || anti-caving/collapse agent , clay stabilizer
防止 || prevent…from
纺织 || textile
放空不返 || loss of bit load with loss return
放射性示踪剂 || radioactive tracer tritium
非均质 || nonhomogeneity
非离子 || nonionic
非牛顿流体 || non-newtonian fluid
非渗透性 || impervious
废泥浆 || mud disposal
沸石 || zeolite
分布 || distribution
分段固井技术 || stage cementing technology
分光度法 || spectrophotometer
分类 || division
分散 || dispersion
分散剂 || dispersant
分散介质 || dispersion medium
分析 || analysis
分形理论 || fractal theory
分形几何 || fractal geometry
分子 || molecules
分子间能量交换 || energy exchange between molecules
分子量 || molecular weight
分子链 || molecular chain
分子形态 || shape of molecular chain
粉尘 || dust
粉煤灰 || fly ash
粉末 || powder
粉砂质 || aleuritic texture
酚羟基的邻位或对位氢 || p-or o-hydrogen atom of phenolic group
封闭剂 || sealing agent
封闭稳定 || good isolation
封堵 || formation sealing
封堵剂 || formation sealant
封固段 || interval isolation
扶正器 || centralizer
氟硼酸 || borofluorhydric
浮力效应 || effect of buoyancy
孵化速度 || incubation
浮游植物 || floating vegetation
复合 || combine
复合离子 || multifunctional ionic
复合离子聚合物 || amphiprotic/amphoteric polymers ,
复合金属两性离子聚合物 || composite metal zwitterionic polymer
复合聚合物泥浆 || compound-polymer mud
复配方案 || compositional formulation
复杂地层 || complex formation, troublesome region ,trick formation
复杂度 || complex rate
复杂时效 || outage time
复杂情况 || down-hole troublesome condition
腐蚀 || corrosion
腐蚀电位 || corrosion potential
腐蚀速率 || corrosion rate
腐殖酸 || humate ,humic acid
腐殖酸钾(KHm) || potassium humic
辅料 || auxiliary material
负 || negative ||
负压钻井 || underbalanced drilling
符合 || accord with
符合率 || coincidence || rate
副产品 || by-product
附加密度 || addition mud density
改善泥饼质量 || improvement of mud cake
改性 || modification
改性淀粉 || modified starch
改性沥青 || modified asphalt
改造 || refomation
钙 || calcium
钙矾石 || ettringite
钙膨润土钠化 || sodium modified calcium betonite ||
干混拌技术 || mixing technology
干扰 || interfere with
甘油 || glycerol
锆 || zirconium
高分子 || higher molecular weight
高分子聚合物 || macromoleclar polymer ||
高分子絮凝剂 || polymer flocculant
高负荷 || high load
高级脂肪醇树脂 || higher fatty alcohol
高价金属阳离子 || high valent cationic
高角度微裂缝 || high angle micro-fracture
高矿化度地层水 || highly mineralized formation brines
高岭土 || kaolinite
高炉矿渣(BFS) || blast furnace slag
高密度钻井液 || high density drilling fluid
高难度 || high challenge
高粘度清扫液 || viscous sweeping fluid
高砂比 || high sand ratio
高温静置 || quiescence in high temperature
高温泥浆 || high-temperature mud
高吸水量树脂 || absorbent resin
高温高压流变仪 || HTHP rheometer
高效润滑剂 || super lubricant
高压盐水层 || high pressured slatwater layer
膏岩层 || gypsolyte
膏质泥岩 || creaming mudstone
膏状磺化沥青 || paste sulphonated asphalt
隔离冲洗液 || spacer/flushing fluid
隔离膜 || isolating membrane
各向异性 || anisotropy
工程 || engineering
共聚 || copolymerization
共聚物 || copolymer
共聚物类降粘剂 || copolymer thinner
狗腿 || dogleg
构造裂缝 || structural fracture
固化 || solidification
固化剂 || hardener , curing agent
固井技术 || cementing technology
固体团块 || solid cake
固相 || solid phase
固相含量 || solid concentration
固相颗粒 || solid particles
固相颗粒侵入 || solid invasion
固相控制技术 || solid control technology
固相损害 || damage of particles
固液分离技术 || centrifugal separation method
胍胶 || guargum
瓜尔胶 || guar
挂片失重法 || weight loss method ||
关掉电机 || turn off the power
光谱 || spectroscopy
硅 || silicone
硅粉 || silica powder
硅氟 || fluosilicic
硅铝比 || ratio of silicate to aluminium
硅酸钠 || sodium silicate
硅酸盐 || silicate
滚轮失重法 || roller weight loss method
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