-/Russia俄罗斯Oil and gas industry石油和天然气工业RosneftJSC, MoscowGazpromneft JSC, MoscowLukoil-Permnefteorgsintez Ltd, PermLukoil Overseas Holding Ltd, MoscowLukoil Perm Ltd., PermLukoil Volgogradneftepererabotka Ltd, VolgogradTNK Nyagan JSC, NyaganTNK Nizhnevartovsk JSC, NizhnevartovskTomskneftekhim Ltd, TomskTatneft JSC, AlmetievskTrans neft AK, MoscowArcticgas JSC, Novi UrengoiTomskgazprom JSC, TomskYamburggazdobycha Ltd, Novi UrengoiVolgogas JSC, Nizhny NovgorodSevergazprom Ltd, UkhtaUraltransgas Ltd, EkaterinburgLentransgas Ltd, Saint PetersburgBurgas Ltd, Moscow;Urengoigazprom Ltd, Novi UrengoiNoyabrskneftegaz JSC, NoyabrskAngara Petrochemical Company JSC, AngarskSurgutneftegaz JSC, SurgutSakhaneftegaz JSC NNGK, YakutskLenaneftegaz JSC, LenskNK Severneft Ltd, MoscowSamaraneftegaz JSC, SamaraTomskneft-Service Lts, SterzhevoiTomskneft JSC, SterzhevoiVostsibneftegaz JSC, ZhigulyovskLokosovskiy GPK, LangepasPermneftegazpererabotka Ltd, PermAstrakhan gazprom Ltd, AstrakhanOrenbug gazprom Ltd, OrenburgSurgutgazprom Ltd, SurgutRyazan NPK JSC, RyazanOrsknefteorgsintez JSC, OrskKrasnoleninskiy NPZ Ltd, OrenburgLukoil-UktaneftepererabotkaJSC, UkhtaSaratovorgsintez JSC, SaratovNizhnekamskneftekhimJSC, NizhnekamskTAIF NK JSC, KazanKazanorgsintez JSC, KazanStrezhevskoi NPZ JSC, StrezhevoiUfimskiy NPZ JSC, UfaSalavatnefteorgsintez JSC, SalavatAlliance NPK, MoscowKhabarovskiy NPZ JSC, KhabarovskStroineft JSC, MoscowStavrolen Ltd, BudenovskMetanol JSC, TomskNaftan JSC, NovopolotskUfaorgsintez JSC, UfaUfaneftekhim JSC, UfaNovo-Ufimskiy NPZ, UfaSyzranskiy NPZ JSC, SyzranEnergy能源Pechorskaya GRES, PechoraIrkutskenergo JSC, IrkutskTatenergo JSC, KazanEvrotsement group JSC, MoscowUzbekistan乌兹别克斯坦Oil and gas industryBukharskiy NPZ, BukharaFerganskiy NPZ, FerganaMubarekskiy GPZ, MubarekShurtanskiy GHK, ShurtanKazakhstan哈萨克斯坦Oil and gas industryKASPIY NEFT JSC, AktauAmangeldy Gas JSC, TarazKAZNEFTEKHIM Company, AlmatyCorporation Kazmunaigaz, Embamunaigaz, AktauTurgai Petrolium, KyzylordaKOR Oil Company, AktauKarchaganak Petroleum Operating, KarchganakEnergyKazatomprom JSC, AlmatyEuroasian Energy Company JSC, AksuFerrokhrom JSC, division of AKTURBO, AktobeALMATY POWER CONSOLIDATED, AlmatyAES-Ekibastuz Ltd Aksaiskaya GRES, AksuAES-Ekibastuz Ltd Ekibastuzskaya GRES-1, EkibastuzUkraine乌克兰Oil and gas industryUkrtatnafta JSC, KremenchugLvovgazdobycha, LvovKarpat neftekhim Ltd, KalushLinik JSC, LisichanskRussia: Far East Federal District(俄罗斯:远东联邦区)- ROSNEFT-Sakhalinmorneftegaz, Oil&Gas Production Company- Sakhalin I- Sakhalin II- Gazprom dobycha shelf, Sakhalin 3- Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobucha Oil&Gas Production Company- Irkutsk Oil Company- Yakutsk Fuel and Energy Company- SIBNEFT-Noyabrskneftegaz Oil&Gas Production Company, Anadyr- ROSNEFT-Komsomolsky Oil Refinery- Khabarovsk Oil Refinery- Daltransgaz Gas Transportation Company- Formula-DV Gas Mixure Production Company- Kamgold Mining Company- Bureiskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant- Primorenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Vladivostok District Heating Plant 2- Municipal Boiler House, Bolshoi Kamen- Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association- Progress Arsenev Aviation Company- Khabarovsk II Locomotive Depot- Ruzhino Locomotive Depot- Tynda Locomotive Depot- Sakhalin Shipping Company- Okeanrybflot Fishing Company- Roswood Ship Repair&Service Company- Soyuz-Remont Ship Repair&Service Company- Nakhodka Ship Repair Plant- Petropavlovski Diary- RASCONA Service Company- VIRA Engineering Company- Chukotka Communal Services, Anadyr- Center of Standardization and Metrology, KhabarovskRussia: Siberian Federal District(俄罗斯:西伯利亚联邦区)- Tomskneft Oil Production Company- Vankorneft Oil Production Company- Verkhnechonsknefttgaz Oil Production Company- Terneftegaz Oil&Gas Exploration&Production Company- Karpatskoe Drilling Administration- Rus Imperial Group- SIBNEFT-Omsk Oil Refinery- Strezhevskoi Oil Refinery- Achinsk Oil Refinery- Angarsk Petrochemical Company- Anzherskaya Oil&Gas Company- Severnyi Kuzbass Oil Refinery- Yaiski Oil Refinery- Vostoknefteprovod Oil Transportation Company- Dalnefteprovod Oil Transportation Company- Transsibnefteprovod Oil Transportation Company- Tsentrsibnefteprovod Oil Transportation Company- Sibtransnefteprodukt Petroleum Product Transportation Company- Tomsk Petrochemical Works- Tomskgazprom Gas Production Company- SN-Gazdobycha Gas Production Company, Ust-Silginskoe Gas Condensate Field- Bovanenkovo Gas Field- Bratskekogaz Gas Production Company- Arcticgas Gas Production Company- Tomsktransgaz Gas Transportation Company- Novosibirskregiongaz Gas Distribution Company- NOVATEK-Purovsk Condensate Processing Plant- YAMAL LNG Gas Production and Liquification Company- Georesurs, Krasnoyarskgazgeofizika Production Affiliate- Novosibirsk Design Bureau for Geophysics Instrumentation- Angarsk Polymer Plant- Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Works- Sayanskkhimprom Chemical Works- Usoliekhimprom Chemical Works- Usolie Sibirskii Silikon Chemical Plant- Omsktyre Plant- Progress Omsk Scirntific&Production Plant- Siberian Chemical Works- KOKS Coke Chemical Plant- Raspadskaya Enrichment Factory- Chernigovskaya-Koksovaya Enrichment Factory- Mezhdurechenskaya Enrichment Factory- Krasnoyarsk Synthetic Rubber Plant- Polyom (Omsk Polypropylene Plant)- Norilsk Mining&Metallurgy Company- Kuznetsk Metallurgy Works- Bratsk Aluminium Plant- Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Plant- Sayansk Aluminium Plant- Irkutsksk Aluminium Plant- Novokuznetsk Aluminium Plant- Achinsk Alumina Plant- SGMK-Ferrosplavy Ferro Alloy Plant- Evrazruda Mining Holding- Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metal Plant- ALROSA Diamond Company- Yakutugol Coal Mining Holding Company- Pokrovskiy Mine Gold Mining Company- Polyus Zoloto Gold Mining Company, Krasnoyarsk Business Unit- Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union- Zheleznogorsk Mining and Chemical Works- Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant- Electrochemical Plant, Zelenogorsk- Viluyiskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant III- Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant- Boguchanskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant- SIBEKO Power Production and Distribution Company- Angarsk Energy System Administration- Irkutskskenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Yakutskskenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Taimyrenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Biiskenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Kuzbassenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Norilskenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Norilsk-Taimyr Power Production and Distribution Company- Chitaenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Territorial Generating Company #11, Tomsk Affiliate- Omskenergo Power Production Company- KraMZEnergo Power Production Company- SUEK (Siberian Coal Energy Company), Kemerovo Region- Ulan-Ude District Heating Plant 1- Gusinoozerskaya Thermal Power Plant- kemerovskaya Thermal Power Plant- Krasnoyarsk Enterprise of Backbone Grids- Heating Grids, Zelenogorsk- Boiler & Heating Grids, Mezhdurechensk- Teplo Utility ompany, Mezhdurechensk- Enrgokompaniya Utility ompany, Belovo- Rosnaladka Service & Commissioning Company- Sibkotes Service & Commissioning Company- Sibgeoservis Exploration & Service Company- Bratsk Pulp and Cardboard Plant- Ust-Ilimsk Pulp Mill- Lesosibirsk Timber Works #1- Tomlesdrev Timber Works- Novosibirsk Canned Meat Plant- Norilsk Brewery- Amalgamated Breweries, Omsk Affiliate- Design and Technological Institute for Computers- Novokuznetsk Mine Construction Administration No.6- Omskkrovlya Roofing Works- Severovostokelektromontazh Engineering Company- Schlumberger Technological Company- FESTO Process Control Company- Tornado Modular Systems Engineering Company- EPAC-Servis Engineering and Service Company- Mir Research&Production Company- Tomsk Electronic Co. Research&Production Company- Geotekhnologiya Service Company- Tetran Service Company- Sinetic Process Control Company- ASI Engineering Center- Information Satellite Systems Reshetnev Company- Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute (SibNIA) named after S.A.Chaplygin- Institute of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Siberian Federal University- Tomsk Industrial&Classical Colledge- Zabaikalskaya Railroad, Chita Affiliate- Kaluga Remputmash (track machinery and repair) Plant, East-Siberia Affiliate- Novokuznetsk City Administration- Housing and Communal Services, Uzhur- Omsk-Test Center of Certification and Expertise- VNIIFTRI National Metrologi Lab, East Siberia Affiliate- Center of Standardization and Metrology, Novokuznetsk- Center of Standardization and Metrology, Tomsk- Center of Standardization and Metrology, Irkutsk- Center of Standardization and Metrology, KrasnoyarskRussia: Urals Federal District(俄罗斯:乌拉尔联邦区)- LUKOIL-Kogalymneftegaz Oil Production Company- LUKOIL-Langepasneftegaz Oil Production Company- LUKOIL-Uraineftegaz Oil Production Company- Yurkharovneftegaz Oil Production Company- Yuganskneftegaz Oil Production Company- Surgutneftegaz Oil Production Company- Nizhnevartovskneftegaz Oil Production Company- Samotlorneftegaz Oil Production Company- Tyumenneftegaz Oil Production Company- Vaneganneft Oil Production Company- TNK-Nyagan Oil Production Company- TNK-Uvat Oil Production Company- Gazpromneft - Khantos Oil Production Company- RITEK-Khantymansiiskneft Oil Production Company- NOVATEK-Tarkosaleneftegaz Oil Production Company- ROSNEFT-Purneftegaz Oil Production Company- SIBNEFT-Noyabrskneftegaz Oil Production Company- SIBNEFT-Noyabrskneftegazgeologiya Oil Production&Exploration Company- SIBNEFT-Noyabrskneftegazgeofizika Oil Exploration Company- Yamal-Petroservice Oil Exploration Company- Yamalpromgeofizika Oil&Gas Exploration Company- RUSSNEFT, Archneftegazgeologiya Oil Production&Exploration Company- RUSSNEFT, Zapadno-Malobalykskoe Oil Production Company- RUSSNEFT, Aki-Otyr Oil Production Company- Vareganneftegaz Oil Production Company- SLAVNEFT-Megionneftegaz Oil Production Company- Chernogorneft Oil Production Company- Chernogorskoe Oil Production JV- Geoilbent Oil Production Joint Venture- Salym Petroleum Development N.V.- Khantymansiiskneftegazgeologiya Oil Production&Exploration Company- Tymenpromgeofizika Oil&Gas Exploration Company- Surgutgazgeofizika Gas Exploration Company- Kogalymneftegeofizika Oil&Gas Service Company- Geoline Oil&Gas Service Company- Geo Time Oil&Gas Service Company- Geoblock Oil&Gas Service Company- Geofizservis Oil&Gas Service Company- Tyumengeospektr Oil&Gas Service Company- Antipinski Oil Refinery- Sibnefteprovod Oil Transportation Company- Sibneftegaz Gas Production Company , Beregovoe Gas Field- LUKOIL-Western Siberia, Nakhodkinskoe Gas Field- Rospan International Gas Production Company- Achimgaz Gas Production Company- YarGeo Oil&Gas Exploration&Production Company- Novourengoiski Gas-Chemical Works- Severneftegazprom Oil&Gas Production Company- Norilskgazprom Gas Production Company- Urengoigazprom Gas Production Company- Northgas Gas Condensate Production Company- Yamburggazprom Gas Production Company- Nadymgazprom Gas Production Company- Noyabrskgazdobycha Gas Production Company- Purgaz Gas Production Company- Severgazgeofizika Gas Exploration Company- Tyumenregiongaz Gas Supply&Distribution Company- Sibneftegazpererabotka Gas Transportation Division- Sibgaztrans Gas Transportation Company- Globalgaz Gas Transportation Company- Surgutgazprom Gas Transportation and Processing Company- Tyumentransgaz Gas Transportation Company- Gazprom PkHG, Sovkhoznoe Underground Gas Storage Administration- Vostokorgenergogaz Gas Service&Engineering Company- Gazservis Gas Service&Engineering Company- Gas Condensate Stabilization Plant- Surgut Gas Processing Plant- Krasnoleninsk Gas Processing Plant- Lokosovski Gas Processing Plant- Gubkin Gas Processing Plant- SIBURTuymenGaz, Yuzhno-Balykski Gas Processing Plant- SIBURTuymenGaz, Muravlenkovski Gas Processing Plant- SIBURTuymenGaz, Yuzhno-Priobskii Gas Processing Plant- SIBURTuymenGaz, Vwngapurovski Gas Processing Plant- Yugra-GPS (Sample Gas Mixture Plant)- Tyumen SIBUR-Neftekhim Petrochemical Plant- Tobolsk-Neftekhim Petrochemical Works- Tobolsk-Polymer Petrochemical Works- Uralkhimplast Chemical Plant- Perm Powder Mill- Novouralsk Electrochemical Works- Uralsk Electrochemical Works- Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgy Plant- Nizhnetagilski Metallurgy Works- Western Siberian Metallurgy Works- Magnitogorsk Metallurgy Works- Sevuralboksitruda Bauxite Mining Plant- Uralski Aluminium Plant- Verkhnesaldinskoe Metallurgy Production Association- Ashinsk Metallurgy Plant- Sredneuralski Metallurgy Works- Nizhneserginsk Metae-Metallurgy Plant- Uralski Plant of Precision Alloys- Gaiski Ore Mining and Enrichment Works- Vysokogorski Ore Mining and Enrichment Works- Vanadium Kachkanar Ore Mining and Processing Works- Sredneuralski Smeltery- Uralelektromed Copper Electrometallurgy Plant- VIS-Steel Metallurgy Plant- Western Siberia Backbone Grids- Salekhardenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Tyumenenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Chelyabenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Fortum (Territory Generationg Company 10)- Sverdlovenergo Power Production and Distribution Company- Reftinskaya Thermal Power Plant- Serov Power Thermal Power Plant- Perm Thermal Power Plant- Surgut Thermal Power Plant I- Surgut Thermal Power Plant 2, E.ON Russia Affiliate- Nyagan Thermal Power Plant, Fortum Affiliate- Nizhnevartovsk Thermal Power Plant- Heating Grids Company, Nizhnevartovsk- CityHeating Grids Company, Novouralsk- Surgut City Heating Grids Municipal Company- Langepas Boilers and Heating Grids Operation Municipal Company- Prikame New City Infrastructure Municipal Company- Kanashevskaya Managing Company, Chelyabinsk- Tyumenenergonaladka Engineering&Service Company- Ekaterinburgenergonaladka Engineering&Service Company
- 资源描述:
Oil and gas industry石油和天然气工业
"Rosneft"JSC, Moscow
"Gazpromneft" JSC, Moscow
"Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez Ltd", Perm
"Lukoil Overseas Holding Ltd, Moscow
"Lukoil – Perm Ltd.", Perm
"Lukoil – Volgogradneftepererabotka" Ltd, Volgograd
"TNK Nyagan" JSC, Nyagan
"TNK Nizhnevartovsk" JSC, Nizhnevartovsk
"Tomskneftekhim" Ltd, Tomsk
"Tatneft" JSC, Almetievsk
"Trans neft" AK, Moscow
"Arcticgas" JSC, Novi Urengoi
"Tomskgazprom" JSC, Tomsk
"Yamburggazdobycha" Ltd, Novi Urengoi
"Volgogas" JSC, Nizhny Novgorod
"Severgazprom" Ltd, Ukhta
"Uraltransgas" Ltd, Ekaterinburg
"Lentransgas" Ltd, Saint Petersburg
"Burgas" Ltd, Moscow;
"Urengoigazprom" Ltd, Novi Urengoi
"Noyabrskneftegaz" JSC, Noyabrsk
"Angara Petrochemical Company" JSC, Angarsk
"Surgutneftegaz" JSC, Surgut
"Sakhaneftegaz" JSC NNGK, Yakutsk
"Lenaneftegaz" JSC, Lensk
NK "Severneft" Ltd, Moscow
"Samaraneftegaz" JSC, Samara
"Tomskneft-Service" Lts, Sterzhevoi
"Tomskneft" JSC, Sterzhevoi
Vostsibneftegaz JSC, Zhigulyovsk
Lokosovskiy GPK, Langepas
Permneftegazpererabotka Ltd, Perm
"Astrakhan gazprom" Ltd, Astrakhan
"Orenbug gazprom" Ltd, Orenburg
"Surgutgazprom" Ltd, Surgut
"Ryazan NPK" JSC, Ryazan
"Orsknefteorgsintez" JSC, Orsk
"Krasnoleninskiy NPZ" Ltd, Orenburg
"Lukoil-Uktaneftepererabotka"JSC, Ukhta
Saratovorgsintez JSC, Saratov
"Nizhnekamskneftekhim"JSC, Nizhnekamsk
"Kazanorgsintez" JSC, Kazan
"Strezhevskoi NPZ" JSC, Strezhevoi
Ufimskiy NPZ JSC, Ufa
Salavatnefteorgsintez JSC, Salavat
Alliance NPK, Moscow
Khabarovskiy NPZ JSC, Khabarovsk
"Stroineft" JSC, Moscow
"Stavrolen" Ltd, Budenovsk
Metanol JSC, Tomsk
Naftan JSC, Novopolotsk
"Ufaorgsintez" JSC, Ufa
"Ufaneftekhim" JSC, Ufa
"Novo-Ufimskiy NPZ", Ufa
"Syzranskiy NPZ" JSC, Syzran
Pechorskaya GRES, Pechora
Irkutskenergo JSC, Irkutsk
Tatenergo JSC, Kazan
Evrotsement group JSC, Moscow
Oil and gas industry
Bukharskiy NPZ, Bukhara
Ferganskiy NPZ, Fergana
Mubarekskiy GPZ, Mubarek
Shurtanskiy GHK, Shurtan
Oil and gas industry
Amangeldy Gas JSC, Taraz
KAZNEFTEKHIM Company, Almaty
Corporation Kazmunaigaz, Embamunaigaz, Aktau
Turgai Petrolium, Kyzylorda
KOR Oil Company, Aktau
Karchaganak Petroleum Operating, Karchganak
Kazatomprom JSC, Almaty
Euroasian Energy Company JSC, Aksu
Ferrokhrom JSC, division of AKTURBO, Aktobe
AES-Ekibastuz Ltd Aksaiskaya GRES, Aksu
AES-Ekibastuz Ltd Ekibastuzskaya GRES-1, Ekibastuz
Oil and gas industry
Ukrtatnafta JSC, Kremenchug
Lvovgazdobycha, Lvov
Karpat neftekhim Ltd, Kalush
Linik JSC, Lisichansk
Russia: Far East Federal District
- ROSNEFT-Sakhalinmorneftegaz, Oil&Gas Production Company
- Sakhalin I
- Sakhalin II
- Gazprom dobycha shelf, Sakhalin 3
- "Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobucha" Oil&Gas Production Company
- Irkutsk Oil Company
- Yakutsk Fuel and Energy Company
- "SIBNEFT-Noyabrskneftegaz" Oil&Gas Production Company, Anadyr
- ROSNEFT-Komsomolsky Oil Refinery
- Khabarovsk Oil Refinery
- "Daltransgaz" Gas Transportation Company
- "Formula-DV" Gas Mixure Production Company
- "Kamgold" Mining Company
- Bureiskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant
- "Primorenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- Vladivostok District Heating Plant 2
- Municipal Boiler House, Bolshoi Kamen
- Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association
- "Progress" Arsenev Aviation Company
- "Khabarovsk II" Locomotive Depot
- "Ruzhino" Locomotive Depot
- "Tynda" Locomotive Depot
- Sakhalin Shipping Company
- "Okeanrybflot" Fishing Company
- "Roswood" Ship Repair&Service Company
- "Soyuz-Remont" Ship Repair&Service Company
- Nakhodka Ship Repair Plant
- Petropavlovski Diary
- RASCONA Service Company
- VIRA Engineering Company
- Chukotka Communal Services, Anadyr
- Center of Standardization and Metrology, Khabarovsk
Russia: Siberian Federal District
- "Tomskneft" Oil Production Company
- "Vankorneft" Oil Production Company
- "Verkhnechonsknefttgaz" Oil Production Company
- "Terneftegaz" Oil&Gas Exploration&Production Company
- Karpatskoe Drilling Administration
- Rus Imperial Group
- SIBNEFT-Omsk Oil Refinery
- Strezhevskoi Oil Refinery
- Achinsk Oil Refinery
- Angarsk Petrochemical Company
- Anzherskaya Oil&Gas Company
- "Severnyi Kuzbass" Oil Refinery
- Yaiski Oil Refinery
- "Vostoknefteprovod" Oil Transportation Company
- "Dalnefteprovod" Oil Transportation Company
- "Transsibnefteprovod" Oil Transportation Company
- "Tsentrsibnefteprovod" Oil Transportation Company
- "Sibtransnefteprodukt" Petroleum Product Transportation Company
- Tomsk Petrochemical Works
- "Tomskgazprom" Gas Production Company
- "SN-Gazdobycha" Gas Production Company, Ust-Silginskoe Gas Condensate Field
- Bovanenkovo Gas Field
- "Bratskekogaz" Gas Production Company
- "Arcticgas" Gas Production Company
- "Tomsktransgaz" Gas Transportation Company
- "Novosibirskregiongaz" Gas Distribution Company
- NOVATEK-Purovsk Condensate Processing Plant
- YAMAL LNG Gas Production and Liquification Company
- "Georesurs", "Krasnoyarskgazgeofizika" Production Affiliate
- Novosibirsk Design Bureau for Geophysics Instrumentation
- Angarsk Polymer Plant
- Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Works
- "Sayanskkhimprom" Chemical Works
- "Usoliekhimprom" Chemical Works
- "Usolie Sibirskii Silikon" Chemical Plant
- "Omsktyre" Plant
- "Progress" Omsk Scirntific&Production Plant
- Siberian Chemical Works
- "KOKS" Coke Chemical Plant
- "Raspadskaya" Enrichment Factory
- "Chernigovskaya-Koksovaya" Enrichment Factory
- "Mezhdurechenskaya" Enrichment Factory
- Krasnoyarsk Synthetic Rubber Plant
- Polyom (Omsk Polypropylene Plant)
- Norilsk Mining&Metallurgy Company
- Kuznetsk Metallurgy Works
- Bratsk Aluminium Plant
- Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Plant
- Sayansk Aluminium Plant
- Irkutsksk Aluminium Plant
- Novokuznetsk Aluminium Plant
- Achinsk Alumina Plant
- "SGMK-Ferrosplavy" Ferro Alloy Plant
- "Evrazruda" Mining Holding
- Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metal Plant
- ALROSA Diamond Company
- "Yakutugol" Coal Mining Holding Company
- "Pokrovskiy Mine" Gold Mining Company
- "Polyus Zoloto" Gold Mining Company, Krasnoyarsk Business Unit
- Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union
- Zheleznogorsk Mining and Chemical Works
- Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant
- "Electrochemical Plant", Zelenogorsk
- Viluyiskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant III
- Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Boguchanskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant
- "SIBEKO" Power Production and Distribution Company
- Angarsk Energy System Administration
- "Irkutskskenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- "Yakutskskenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- "Taimyrenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- "Biiskenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- "Kuzbassenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- "Norilskenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- "Norilsk-Taimyr" Power Production and Distribution Company
- "Chitaenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- Territorial Generating Company #11, Tomsk Affiliate
- "Omskenergo" Power Production Company
- "KraMZEnergo" Power Production Company
- SUEK (Siberian Coal Energy Company), Kemerovo Region
- Ulan-Ude District Heating Plant 1
- Gusinoozerskaya Thermal Power Plant
- kemerovskaya Thermal Power Plant
- Krasnoyarsk Enterprise of Backbone Grids
- Heating Grids, Zelenogorsk
- Boiler & Heating Grids, Mezhdurechensk
- "Teplo" Utility Сompany, Mezhdurechensk
- "Enrgokompaniya" Utility Сompany, Belovo
- "Rosnaladka" Service & Commissioning Company
- "Sibkotes" Service & Commissioning Company
- "Sibgeoservis" Exploration & Service Company
- Bratsk Pulp and Cardboard Plant
- Ust-Ilimsk Pulp Mill
- Lesosibirsk Timber Works #1
- "Tomlesdrev" Timber Works
- Novosibirsk Canned Meat Plant
- Norilsk Brewery
- Amalgamated Breweries, Omsk Affiliate
- Design and Technological Institute for Computers
- Novokuznetsk Mine Construction Administration No.6
- "Omskkrovlya" Roofing Works
- "Severovostokelektromontazh" Engineering Company
- Schlumberger Technological Company
- "FESTO" Process Control Company
- "Tornado Modular Systems" Engineering Company
- "EPAC-Servis" Engineering and Service Company
- "Mir" Research&Production Company
- "Tomsk Electronic Co." Research&Production Company
- "Geotekhnologiya" Service Company
- "Tetran" Service Company
- "Sinetic" Process Control Company
- "ASI " Engineering Center
- "Information Satellite Systems" Reshetnev Company"
- Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute (SibNIA) named after S.A.Chaplygin
- Institute of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Siberian Federal University
- Tomsk Industrial&Classical Colledge
- Zabaikalskaya Railroad, Chita Affiliate
- Kaluga "Remputmash" (track machinery and repair) Plant, East-Siberia Affiliate
- Novokuznetsk City Administration
- Housing and Communal Services, Uzhur
- "Omsk-Test" Center of Certification and Expertise
- VNIIFTRI National Metrologi Lab, East Siberia Affiliate
- Center of Standardization and Metrology, Novokuznetsk
- Center of Standardization and Metrology, Tomsk
- Center of Standardization and Metrology, Irkutsk
- Center of Standardization and Metrology, Krasnoyarsk
Russia: Urals Federal District
- "LUKOIL-Kogalymneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "LUKOIL-Langepasneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "LUKOIL-Uraineftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "Yurkharovneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "Yuganskneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "Surgutneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "Nizhnevartovskneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "Samotlorneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "Tyumenneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "Vaneganneft" Oil Production Company
- "TNK-Nyagan" Oil Production Company
- "TNK-Uvat" Oil Production Company
- "Gazpromneft - Khantos" Oil Production Company
- "RITEK-Khantymansiiskneft" Oil Production Company
- "NOVATEK-Tarkosaleneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "ROSNEFT-Purneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "SIBNEFT-Noyabrskneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "SIBNEFT-Noyabrskneftegazgeologiya" Oil Production&Exploration Company
- "SIBNEFT-Noyabrskneftegazgeofizika" Oil Exploration Company
- "Yamal-Petroservice" Oil Exploration Company
- "Yamalpromgeofizika" Oil&Gas Exploration Company
- RUSSNEFT, "Archneftegazgeologiya" Oil Production&Exploration Company
- RUSSNEFT, "Zapadno-Malobalykskoe" Oil Production Company
- RUSSNEFT, "Aki-Otyr" Oil Production Company
- "Vareganneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "SLAVNEFT-Megionneftegaz" Oil Production Company
- "Chernogorneft" Oil Production Company
- "Chernogorskoe" Oil Production JV
- "Geoilbent" Oil Production Joint Venture
- Salym Petroleum Development N.V.
- "Khantymansiiskneftegazgeologiya" Oil Production&Exploration Company
- "Tymenpromgeofizika" Oil&Gas Exploration Company
- "Surgutgazgeofizika" Gas Exploration Company
- "Kogalymneftegeofizika" Oil&Gas Service Company
- "Geoline" Oil&Gas Service Company
- "Geo Time" Oil&Gas Service Company
- "Geoblock" Oil&Gas Service Company
- "Geofizservis" Oil&Gas Service Company
- "Tyumengeospektr" Oil&Gas Service Company
- Antipinski Oil Refinery
- "Sibnefteprovod" Oil Transportation Company
- "Sibneftegaz" Gas Production Company , Beregovoe Gas Field
- "LUKOIL-Western Siberia", Nakhodkinskoe Gas Field
- "Rospan International" Gas Production Company
- "Achimgaz" Gas Production Company
- "YarGeo" Oil&Gas Exploration&Production Company
- Novourengoiski Gas-Chemical Works
- "Severneftegazprom" Oil&Gas Production Company
- "Norilskgazprom" Gas Production Company
- "Urengoigazprom" Gas Production Company
- "Northgas" Gas Condensate Production Company
- "Yamburggazprom" Gas Production Company
- "Nadymgazprom" Gas Production Company
- "Noyabrskgazdobycha" Gas Production Company
- "Purgaz" Gas Production Company
- "Severgazgeofizika" Gas Exploration Company
- "Tyumenregiongaz" Gas Supply&Distribution Company
- "Sibneftegazpererabotka" Gas Transportation Division
- "Sibgaztrans" Gas Transportation Company
- "Globalgaz" Gas Transportation Company
- "Surgutgazprom" Gas Transportation and Processing Company
- "Tyumentransgaz" Gas Transportation Company
- Gazprom PkHG, Sovkhoznoe Underground Gas Storage Administration
- "Vostokorgenergogaz" Gas Service&Engineering Company
- "Gazservis" Gas Service&Engineering Company
- Gas Condensate Stabilization Plant
- Surgut Gas Processing Plant
- Krasnoleninsk Gas Processing Plant
- Lokosovski Gas Processing Plant
- Gubkin Gas Processing Plant
- SIBURTuymenGaz, Yuzhno-Balykski Gas Processing Plant
- SIBURTuymenGaz, Muravlenkovski Gas Processing Plant
- SIBURTuymenGaz, Yuzhno-Priobskii Gas Processing Plant
- SIBURTuymenGaz, Vwngapurovski Gas Processing Plant
- Yugra-GPS (Sample Gas Mixture Plant)
- Tyumen "SIBUR-Neftekhim" Petrochemical Plant
- "Tobolsk-Neftekhim" Petrochemical Works
- "Tobolsk-Polymer" Petrochemical Works
- "Uralkhimplast" Chemical Plant
- Perm Powder Mill
- Novouralsk Electrochemical Works
- Uralsk Electrochemical Works
- Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgy Plant
- Nizhnetagilski Metallurgy Works
- Western Siberian Metallurgy Works
- Magnitogorsk Metallurgy Works
- "Sevuralboksitruda" Bauxite Mining Plant
- Uralski Aluminium Plant
- Verkhnesaldinskoe Metallurgy Production Association
- Ashinsk Metallurgy Plant
- Sredneuralski Metallurgy Works
- Nizhneserginsk Metae-Metallurgy Plant
- Uralski Plant of Precision Alloys
- Gaiski Ore Mining and Enrichment Works
- Vysokogorski Ore Mining and Enrichment Works
- "Vanadium" Kachkanar Ore Mining and Processing Works
- Sredneuralski Smeltery
- "Uralelektromed" Copper Electrometallurgy Plant
- "VIS-Steel" Metallurgy Plant
- Western Siberia Backbone Grids
- "Salekhardenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- "Tyumenenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- "Chelyabenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- "Fortum" (Territory Generationg Company 10)
- "Sverdlovenergo" Power Production and Distribution Company
- Reftinskaya Thermal Power Plant
- Serov Power Thermal Power Plant
- Perm Thermal Power Plant
- Surgut Thermal Power Plant I
- Surgut Thermal Power Plant 2, "E.ON Russia" Affiliate
- Nyagan Thermal Power Plant, "Fortum" Affiliate
- Nizhnevartovsk Thermal Power Plant
- "Heating Grids" Company, Nizhnevartovsk
- "CityHeating Grids" Company, Novouralsk
- Surgut "City Heating Grids" Municipal Company
- Langepas "Boilers and Heating Grids Operation" Municipal Company
- "Prikame New City Infrastructure" Municipal Company
- Kanashevskaya Managing Company, Chelyabinsk
- "Tyumenenergonaladka" Engineering&Service Company
- "Ekaterinburgenergonaladka" Engineering&Service Company