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自考 综合 英语 历年 翻译 汇总 精心 整编
- 02年04月(有答案) 91.我们靠什么才能实现自己的目标? What do we depend on to achieve our goal? 92.班上所有同学都把老师看作朋友。 All the students in the class regard/look upon their teacher as their friend. 93.桑兰梦想有一天能再站起来。 Sanglan dreams that some day she will be able to get to her feet/stand up again. 94.我们应该永远记住为祖国做出贡献的人们。 We should always remember those who have mad contributions to our country. 95.母亲走进房间时,小男孩假装忙着做作业。 The boy pretend to doing his homework when his mother walked into the room. 96.学校和家长都应教育孩子如何应对困难和失败。 Both schools and parents should teach children how to deal with difficulties and face failures. 97.既然他已经为自己的所作所为道歉了,我们就应该原谅他。 Now that he has apologized for what he did, we should forgive him. 98.他们拒绝做任何会使祖国蒙受耻辱的事情。 They refuse to do anything that may bring the shame on their motherland. 99.他一上午都花在为邻居修理自行车上。 He spent the whole morning repairing bicycles for his neighbour 100.我们正在开会,一个陌生人突然闯了进来。 We were having a meeting when a stranger burst into the room. 04年04月(有答案) 91.中国人大多喜欢乘火车而不是乘汽车旅行。 Most Chinese like traveling by train rather than by bus. 92.在中国,能被北大或清华录取是很荣耀的事。 In China it is a great honor to be enrolled in Beijing or Qinghua University. 93.作为记者,他不仅会说英语,而且会说法语和德语。 As a reporter, he speaks not only English but also French and German. 94.香烟给烟草公司带来巨额利润,但是它对人们的健康非常有害。 Cigarettes bring tobacco companies huge profits, but they are very harm to people’s health. 95.学生应该明白参加社会活动对他们的成长具有重要意义。 Students should know that take part in social activities is very important to their growth. 96.孩子们盼望春节的到来,他们可以呆在家里,玩电脑游戏。 The children are looking forward to the Chinese New Year, when they can stay at home and play computer games. 97.自从施行新的城市规划以来,附近又盖起了一些新的建筑物。 A few new buildings have been put up in the neighborhood since the new city planning program was started. 98.国家的经济每况愈下,Tom发现越来越难以养家了。 As the country economy is going from bad to worse, Tom finds it hard to provide for his family. 99.刚才给我们做关于计算机科学报告的人在一家大公司工作。 The man who gave us a talk on computer science works in a big company. 100.在对外关系中,中国奉行国家无论大小,都应该平等的原则。 In dealing with foreign relations, China follows the principle that all nations are equal whether they are big or small. 05年04月(有答案) 91.这所大学正在努力实现自己的目标。 The university is trying to achieve its goal. 92.越来越多的人开始认识到污染的危害。 More and more people beginning to realize the danger of pollution. 93.我刚刚要去上班,突然电话铃响了。 I was about to go to work when the telephone rang. 94.学生们好像没把教材当回事。 It seems that the students didn’t take the textbook seriously. 95.姐妹俩虽然长得像,但在很多方面都不一样。 The two sisters look alike, but they are different from each other in many ways. 96.我本想自己做这事,可是很多人都来帮忙了。 I meant to do 97.故事中那男孩与女孩一见钟情。 In the story the boy fell in love with the girl the first time they met/when they mea each other for the fist time. 98.电子邮件是与朋友交流的一种很好的方式。 Email is a very good way of communicating with your friends. 99.那个年轻人编造过去的经历,以便能够得到那份工作。 The young man made up stories about his past so that he could get the job. 100.他们针对如何提高自己的语言技能提出了这些问题。 They aimed these questions at how they should improve their language skills./These questions were aimed at how they should improve their language skills. 05年10月(有答案) 91.食品短缺极大地困扰着这个地区。 The area suffered greatly from lack of food. 92.玛丽搬到了市中心的一套公寓,那儿购物更方便。 Mary moved into a flat/ an apartment in the center of city, where it is more convenient to go shopping. 93.即使杰克不在这儿,他也会通过电子邮件与你保持联系。 Even if Jack is not here, he will keep/stay/get be in touch with you by email. 94.如果我负责这个项目,我就会更好地使用现有的资金。 If I were in charge of the project, I will make better use of the money available. 95.那些病人在医院受到了良好的照顾,他们感到很高兴。 The patients feel very happy that they have been taken/were taken good care of in the hospital. 96.昨晚电视剧突然被特别新闻报导打断了。 The television show was cut off by a special news report yesterday evening. 97.我们必须保持身体健康,才能学习好、工作好。 We must keep ourselves healthy that that we can study and work well. 98.我们的主要任务是培养学生的独立工作能力。 Our main task is to develop the students’ ability to carry on independent work/to work on their own. 99.约翰北京之行的所见所闻给他留下了深刻的印象。 What John had seen and heard on his trip to Beijing left him a very deep impression. 100.他的生意做得不错,生活比以前富裕了。 His business is doing well and he is better than before./he is living a better life than before. 06年10月(有答案) 91.玛丽碰到麻烦时总是求助于她的老师。 When Mary is in trouble, she always turns to her teacher for help. 92.我坚信明年会有更多的学生报考我们学校。 I am firmly convinced that more students will apply to our university. 93.杰克说得太快,我没听懂他的话。 Jack spoke so fast that I couldn’t understand what he was saying. 94.矿井下发生的事故说明缺乏安全措施。 The accident which took place down the mine shows a lack of safety measures. 95.莉萨(Lisa)外出工作时,她妹妹总是来照顾她的孩子。 Her sister looks after her children when Lisa goes out to work. 96.他们不住在同一个镇上,只好在电话里交谈。 Since they don’t live in same town, they have to talk on the phone. 97.那位工人花了整个上午修理汽车。 The worker spent the whole morning fixing the car. 98.计划已经制定出来了并很快会付诸实施。 The plan has already been worked out and will be put into operation soon. 99.我想她会通过电子邮件与你保持联系。 I think she will keep in touch with you by e-mail. 100.那位年轻人脱下外套跳入河中抢救落水儿童。 Taking off his coat, the young man jumped into the river to save the drowning child. 07年01月(有答案) 91.有些年轻人把过多的时间和精力都用在了玩网络游戏上。 Some young people have spent too much time and energy playing online games. 92.无论做什么,我们都必须牢记这些基本规则。 Whatever we do, we must keep the rules in mind. 93.尽管我有时不同意他的看法,但我们还是好朋友。 We are good friends even though I don’t agree with his sometimes. 94.这项工作没有我想象的那么难。 This job is not as difficult as I have imagined. 95.学生们十分认真地对待这一次的活动。 The students took the activity very seriously. 96.要实现我们的目标我们必须努力解决我们面临的问题。 To achieve our goal, we must try hard to solve the problems we are faced with. 97.许多没有考上大学的人在自学。 Many people who failed to enter a university are studying on their own. 98.他在明天晚上之前完成这篇报告是不成问题的。 It is not the problem for him to complete the report before tomorrow evening. 99.我认为半夜给别人打电话是不礼貌的。 I consider it impolite to call others late at night. 100.他告诉父母他在学校得到了很好的照顾。 He told his parents that he was well looked after in the school. 07年04月(有答案) 91.做重大事情时,他很少不事先征求父母意见。 Seldom does he do anything important without asking his parents’ advice first. 92.她来电话时,我正在吃午饭。 When she called, I was taking my lunch. 93.起初我很不习惯农村的艰苦生活。 At first, I was not used to the hard life in the countryside. 94.据说这条规定仅适用于大学生。 It’s said that the rule applies to college students only. 95.我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。 I think I will have a cold drink rather than coffee. 96.仔细阅读了那部小说三遍之后,他决定动手写篇评论。 After he had read the novel carefully for three times, he decided to write a review. 97.一本好书就是能给读者带来愉悦和启迪的书。 A good book is one that brings the reader pleasure and enlightenment. 98.每逢足球比赛,杰克总是第一个来,最后一个走。 Whenever there is a football match, Jack is always the first to come and the last go leave. 99.品葡萄酒是一回事,酿(brew)葡萄酒是另一回事。 It’s one thing to taste wine but another to brew it. 100.你要是感兴趣的话,可以写信要一份免费目录(catalogue)。 If you are interested, you can send for a free copy of the catalogue. 07年10月(有答案) 91.使用电子邮件与人交流十分方便。 It is very convenient to communicate with others by E-mail. 92.他们成天无所事事,而我们却在拼命工作。 They do nothing all day long while we work really hard. 93.老实说,我丈夫不喜欢我的浓妆。 To tell the truth/Honestly, my husband doesn’t like my heavy make-up. 94.就是这个挑战吸引着约100位冬泳爱好者来参加这次比赛。 It is this challenge that attracts about 100 winter swimming lovers to take part in the contest. 95.那天早上的雾那么大,司机们都只好打开头灯缓慢行驶。 The fog that morning was so thick that the drivers had to turn on the headlights and drive slowly. 96.当了十多年教师之后,他发现自己深深依恋这个职业。 After he had worked as a teacher for more than 10 years, he found himself attached to the profession. 97.他不到三分钟就把这道题算出来了,这真让人吃惊。 It is surprising that he managed to work out the problem with less than three minutes. 98.一场大水灾把那座村庄完全毁了。 A big flood left the village completely ruined./A big flood destroyed the village completely. 99.任何情况下我们都不该做这些事。 Under no circumstances should we do such things. 100.我若还年轻就会作出完全不同的选择。 If I were young, I would make an entirely different choice. 08年01月(有答案) 91.为了不让人笑话,我尽量避免犯错误。 In order not to be laughed at by others, I try to avoid making mistakes. 92.我本以为会为他的去世感到悲哀,但是我错了。 I thought I would feel sad for his death, but I was wrong. 93.约翰面临一个困难的选择:是工作还是继续学习。 John is faced with a hard choice, to work first or to continue his study. 94.妈妈坚持让我带上雨伞,以防下雨。 Mom insisted on my taking the umbrella with me, just in case it would rain. 95.这名士兵拒绝执行他认为错误的命令。 This solder refused to carry out the orders that he thought wrong. 96.要想跟上形势,你最好经常读报。 To keep up with the current situation, you’d better read the newspaper often. 97.不是我买不起电视机,而是我觉得看电视伤眼睛。 It is not that I can’t afford a TV but that I think watching TV is harmful to my eyes. 98.第一次就成功几乎不可能。 It almost impossible to succeed for the first time. 99.直到今天她才意识到,两次婚姻留给她的只有痛苦。 It is not until today that she realized the two marriages left her nothing but pain. 100.作为一名老师,我总是鼓励学生多参加社会活动。 As a teacher, I always encourage students to take part in social activities more often. 08年04月(有答案) 据说新的方案下周公布。 It’s said that the new plan will come out next week. 杰克终于来了,但还是迟到了5分钟。 Jack came at last, but he was five minutes late. 我知道那位老人把大部分钱捐给了穷人。 I know that old man has donated most of his money to the poor. 无论他怎么努力,他也做不出这道题的答案。 No matter how he tried, he couldn’t work out the problem. 汤姆睡觉前把玩具收拾好了。 Tom put all the toys in order before he went to bed. 我在车站闲逛了一个小时,我的朋友还是没来。 I hung around the station for an hour, but my friend still didn’t turn up. 一般而言,年轻人容易接受新思想。 Generally speaking, the young are more likely to accept new thoughts. 我们必须采取行动有效处理空气污染问题。 We must take some action to deal with the problem of air pollution. 市政府承诺改进交通系统。 The city government is committed to improving the transportation system. 遭受洪水袭击地区的人民急需食品和水。 The people in the flooded area are in bad need of food and water. 08年10月(有答案) 81.据我所知,昨天他们俩都没去参加聚会。 Neither on them went to the party yesterday, as far as I know. 82.你终于学会了游泳,我太高兴了。 I’m so glad that you have learned how to swim at last. 83.我进城后一直没听到过有关他的消息。 Since I came to town, I have ever heard of him. 84.玛丽感谢我指出了她作文中的错误。 Mary thanked me for pointing out the mistakes in her composition. 85.孩子们终于安静下来开始做家庭作业了。 The children finally settled down and began to do their homework. 86.据说他的书译成了多种语言。 His book is said to have been translated into many languages. 87.汤姆很难赶上班上的同学。 Tom has trouble keeping up with the rest of the class. 88.那位年轻人非常生气,挂断了电话。 The young man was so angry that he hung up the phone. 89.如果你闯了祸,可别把责任推给我。 If you get into trouble, don’t shift the responsibility onto me. 90.我们正在考虑如何安排好这次旅行。 We are thing of how to organize the trip well. 09年01月(有答案) 81.钱很重要,但世上还有比钱重要得多的东西。 Money is important, but there is still something much more important than it. 82.请等一下,我有几个问题要问你。 I have several questions to ask you, please wait a moment. 83.他太忙了,没有时间注意这样的小事。 He is so busy that he doesn’t have time to notice such trivial things. 84.打字机已经被计算机所取代。 Typewriter has already been replaced by the computer. 85.我们正在讨论什么时候动身。 We are discussing when to leave. 86.他去美国前已经学了5年英语。 He had been studying English for five years before he went to the US. 87.他无法使自己接受这一事实。 He cannot make himself accept the fact. 88.他久久凝望这张照片,回顾着过去的岁月。 He stared at that picture for a long time recalling the old days. 89.无论我如何努力,也说服不了他。 No matter how hard I have tried, I cannot persuade him. 90.我警告过他油漆还是湿的。 I have warmed him that the paint was wet. 09年04月(有答案) 81.他走得太快了,我只好跑才跟得上。 He was waling so fast that I had to run to keep up with him. 82.我们昨天没有时间详细研究这个计划。 Yesterday we didn’t have time to go into the plan at length. 83.科学家正在寻求解决这个问题的途径。 Scientists are looking for a solution to the problem. 84.尽管困难很多,他们还是提前完成了任务。 In spite of many difficulties, they completed the job ahead of time. 85.杰克向他的朋友挥手,直到火车从视线中消失了。 Jack kept waving to his friends till the train was out of sight. 86.同学们在英语上狠下功夫,人人通过了考试。 The students worked hard at their English and they all passed the exam. 87.随着时间的推移,她发现自己爱上了他。 As time went by, she found herself in love with him. 88.在我提起那次事故之前,谁也没谈及那件事。 No one spoke of the accident until I brought it. 89.不是所有的会员都出席了昨天的会议。 Not at all members turned up yesterday’s meeting. 90.既然这么多同学不能来,我们最好推迟郊游。 Since so many classmates are not able to come, we’d better postpone the outing. 09年07月(有答案) 81.我们读书时遇到新词,就要查字典。 We have to look up the dictionary when we meet new words in reading. 82.他不知道下一步该学什么。 He doesn’t know what to learn next. 83.这件外套可以使你暖和。 This coat can make you warm. 84.在那个村庄现在还有人买不起电视机。 There are still some people who can not afford television in that village. 85.他一生中第一次对老板说了“不”。 It is the first time in his life to say “No” to his boss. 86.孩子们让我把故事又讲了一遍。 The children let me tell the story again. 87.我真不喜欢看到年轻人在马路上闲逛。 I really don’t like to see the young hanging around in the street. 88.他现在听觉不好,不再去剧院看戏了。 He is hard of hearing, so he doesn’t go to theatre any longer. 89.他在成功之前经历了许许多多的困难。 He had some?? through a lot of difficulties before he succeed. 90.绝望中,他很有可能会放弃。 He is probably going to give up in despare. 09年10月(有答案) 我去书店的路上碰见一位老朋友。 I ran into an old friend of mine on my way to the bookstore. 他弟弟刚上火车,火车就开动了。 His brother had hardly got on the train when it started out. 那位年轻人正站在那儿看墙上的一幅画。 The young man was standing there, looking at the picture on the wall. 她花了约一个多小时才把这道数学题做出来。 It took her more than an hour to work out the math problem. 听说约翰的另一部小说明年就要出版。 It is said that another novel of John’s will come out next year. 玛丽在她母亲回家前把房间打扫干净了。 Mary cleaned up the rooms before her mother came home. 他小时候梦想成为一名足球明星。 He dreamt of becoming a football star when he was a child. 我想她很快就会把消息传给全班同学。 I think she’ll soon pass on the news to all her classmates. 他们设法为这项工程筹到了足够资金。 They managed to raise enough money for the project. 我们非常喜欢这座城市,想再呆一个月。 We like the city so much that we would like to stay on for another month. 10年01月(有答案) 81.既然你这么说了,就应该把你的话付诸实践。 Since you have said so, you have to put them into practice. 82.这本书非常出名,被翻译成了多种语言。 This book is very famous and it has been translated into may languages. 83.她的帮助使得我到机场时刚好赶上班机。 Her help enabled me to arrive at the airport just in time to catch my plane. 84.时间不多了,我们不能再等下去了。 Time is limited, we can’t wait any longer. 85.作为同学,你应该帮助他,而不应该嘲笑他。 As his classmate, you should help him instead of laughing at him. 86.已经两点了,她肯定已经离开家了。 It’s already two o’clock now, he must have left home already. 87.人人都知道玫瑰花代表什么。 Everyone knows what sores stand for. 88.你应该对你刚才的所作所为感到惭愧。 You should feel ashamed of what you have just done. 89.她不忍心把这个坏消息告诉她女儿。 She doesn’t have the heart to tell her daughter the bad news. 90.学生们十分明白他们学英语的目的。 The students know very well what they are learning English for. 10年04月(有答案) 81.我们必须早点出发,才能赶上去天津的首班车。 We must start out early so as to catch the first bus to
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