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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载中学英语 课堂 “ 五步教学法”邯郸市其次十五中学 英语组【模式流程】互动沟通, 热身导入听力练习, 初步感知诵读课文,以读促知才能提升,学以致用情感升华,启发心智【步骤 1】互动沟通,热身导入通过自由对话、 角色表演、 歌曲或嬉戏竞赛等形式创设英语环境,以巩固以往教学单元或新近学过的英语话题为主(尽量与新课内容有内在的联系);以复习上一节课语言学问点为基础并进行拓展,同时渗透与新课相关的语言信息,并为新课的导入做好铺垫; 在这个过程中, 大多数同学都会有机会回答疑题、参加表演、嬉戏或竞赛,老师应以勉励、夸奖为主对同学的应答予
2、以确定和补充,并同时通过启示性的话语或肢体语言导入新课文中的重点单词和课文话题内容;【步骤 2】听力练习,初步感知通过听力练习帮忙同学初步感知文本内容,并通过听力材料的示范, 订正学生的发音; 在听力训练之前, 带领同学先有针对性地阅读题目,找出题目中的关键内容,先对听力的整体范畴做出一个大致的明白,然后带着问题去听材料, 并预备纸笔做好适当记录,从而达到以听促读,以读练听的目的;【步骤 3】诵读课文,以读促知通过“ 自主默读 -感知文本大意;小组合读-互助规范订正发音;全班齐读把握文章细节”三种不同的形式, 完成对文本内容由浅到深的懂得过程;在读的过程中完成任务型阅读、 课文改编的填空练习和
3、课文细节分析和学问才能提升等练习; 不同形式的练习逐步的提高练习的难度和对文章懂得的深度,引导学生加深对文章细节的把握和文本意境的分析懂得;本环节学习形式多样, 有组内争论、组间的互问互答、小组展现、老师点拨答疑解惑等;这些环节的设置遵循 学习规律,引导同学逐步深化地把握学问,实现教学任务;【步骤 4】才能提升,学以致用名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载在同学对语篇有了深化懂得之后,老师将教学目标整合并落实到一个或多个详细的活动任务中, 借助任务对同学进行才能拓展训练;可以依据课文内容组织表演、演讲
4、或辩论等活动,让同学在语言实践中体验乐趣、感受胜利;也可以适时的增加一个课外的文本阅读,通过课堂把握的学问才能, 以小组学习的方式共同完成生疏文本的阅读, 并通过阅读扩展学问, 把握阅读技巧, 提高阅读才能;此环节中要求老师供应的课外文本阅读内容应当和课内阅读相关,并且是在基础 阅读上的提高和学问宽度的拓展; 仍可以将所学的语言学问应用于相关话题的写 作,使同学知道如何表达,看到话题有话可说,转变以往单纯的写作练习,使学 生可以使用规范的语言, 描写所看所听, 表达心中的所思所感; 老师仍应依据教 材内容或学问点, 细心设计小练习题组, 进行当堂巩固练习, 每次小练习题的量 应掩盖本节课涉及到
5、的学问重难点,学问面要广,做到面面俱到,没有遗漏;【步骤 5】情感升华,启发心智在初步达成学问目标后, 老师应当关注同学的情感体验和价值观;在读、写 中同学最大限度的占有感性材料, 老师通过最终的环节引导同学将感性的熟识上 升至理性的懂得;感悟人生,启发心智,实现整个课堂学问与情感的统一;总之,中学英语课堂教学模式要兼顾对同学进行学问探究和素养养成两方面 的训练;教无定法,贵要得法,课堂教学,学为主体,教为主导;老师要敏捷运 用,要针对教材内容,结合本班实际,因人而异,因课程而异,因同学而异,选用各环节详细操作中的正确途径实施教学;只要是能激发同学学习的爱好、 提高同学学习的积极性、 有助于同
6、学思维才能的培育、 有利于所学学问的把握和运用 的教学方法, 都会提高学习效率, 当然也定能构建欢乐和谐的高效课堂;我们仍 会在教学实践过程中不断对此“ 五步教学法” 进行补充、调整和完善,使其成为 适合我校的课堂模式;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载“ 五步教学法” 教案撰稿人:白永娜名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 教材学问教学设计理念Teaching Concepts 学习必备欢迎下载Unit 8 Save 课题L
7、esson 44 课型新授课所在教材八年级下册Environment 八单元Our World 位置Clubs 版本:冀教版在英语教学中,要落实新课程标准,环绕三维教学观,整合进展同学语言技能,语言学问,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识五个方面的素养,并培育同学综合语言运用才能;在本课的教 学设计中,表达了以同学为主体的原就,运用任务型教学途径,在教学中加强对同学听力、阅 读、写作技能的训练,突出交际语言运用才能,正视个体差异,提倡探究式学习和合作学习;本单元以环境爱护为话题,从我们的生活对环境的影响进行探讨,勉励同学节省能源,减教材分析 少铺张,对废品进行分类回收再利用;通过几个循序渐进的活动和
8、任务的设计,引导同学在完Analysis of 成任务的同时学习语言;本单元仍要学习如何谈论缘由,结果和目的,并把握“it” 的用法;Teaching 本课展现了环保俱乐部的各种环保活动,为本单元话题供应信息,既含有语言内容又为本Materials 单元的学问扩展和语言综合运用奠定基础;且内容贴近同学实际生活,可提高同学学习爱好和用英语表达自己的意愿;学情分析 Analysis of Students 教学目标 Teaching Objectives 教学策略 Teaching Methods 学法指导 Learning Strategies 八年级同学对本单元话题感爱好,已通过43 课的学习
9、明白我们环境现状,树立环境爱护的意识,但在环保举措的口语表达上会有困难;要求老师在培育同学提高信息收集和处理才能的 同时,设计活动供应用英语交际的机会;同时,听力、阅读、写作策略的指导仍要贯穿整节课;语言学问 Knowledge Objectives 1. 把握词汇: least, pollute, waste, shut, throw away, shut down. 2. 目标语言 :Turn off the television and shut down the computer when you are not using them. Let s work together to m
10、ake it clean. It s a good way to reduce packaging.语言技能 Ability Objective 1、听:能听懂关于环境问题的谈话和描述;2、 读:运用简洁阅读策略来猎取信息并进行简洁处理;3、 说:就环保话题表达自己观点,参加争论;4、 写:能写出有意义的句子表达自己观点;情感态度 Emotion and Attitude 1、培育同学学英语的爱好、信心和士气,敢于用英语表达自己的思想;2、明白环境的污染问题,增强环保意识,培育责任感;1、情形教学法(借助多媒体,增加直观性、趣味性,调动同学的积极性、主动性;)2、任务型教学 (老师依据特定的语
11、言目标,给出详细的可操作的任务,让同学通过体验、实践、参加、合作与沟通,达到把握语言的目的;)1、 探究型自主学习与小组合作学习相结合;2、 总结所学语言材料中的语言规律并加以运用;教学重点Teaching 1.目标语言的把握;Important 2.语言技能的提高;Points 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载教学难点Teaching 1. 不定式表目的的用法;Difficult 2. 能用英语就环境问题表述自己观点,提出更多环保措施;Points 帮助资源 Teaching Aids 多媒体课
12、件、听力材料、图片等本节课将采纳多种评判方式,以激发同学学习爱好,提高课堂效率:教学评判设计 Teaching Assessment 1、口头夸奖;当同学表现杰出或勇于挑战时,老师准时口头评判, 如:Well done. Excellent. Great. Wonderful. Fantastic. 2、积分嘉奖;依据问题的不同难度设定不同分值,回答上来的同学会得相应的分,四人小组中的组长记录成员的得分情形,每节课、每周分别总结,选出“ 课堂风采之星”;3、小组评判;对小组合作学习结果的展现由组间互评,选出优胜组;教学步骤 Teaching Procedures 设计意图第一步:互动沟通,热身
13、导入 3 minutes T: Look at the pictures. This is our beautiful world. But now it is hurt. What should we do. What would you do when you see somebody throwing garbage on the groundpeople waste too much food a leaky toilet too many cars pollute the air. Discuss 通过环境对比的图片、 环保with your group mates. 活动图片的展现
14、引起同学Look at more pictures. These are some people in an environment club. What are they 对环保活动的争论, 激发他doing. What do the club members do. 们对环保俱乐部的爱好;此Students show their ideas with words or sentences. For example: pick up garbage, 环节起到激趣和初步感知waste bottles, protect the environment, etc. 话题的目的;T: Lets s
15、ee what else we can learn about having Environment Clubs from todays lesson. 其次步:听力练习,初步感知(5 mins)T: Listen to the lesson and tick the activities mentioned. ()No-garbage lunches 听力练习帮忙同学初步感()No smoking in public 知文本内容, 并通过听力材()No-car days 料的示范,订正同学的发()Save electricity 音;听力的学法指导引导学()Save water 生逐步把握听
16、力练习的做()No-garbage school yard 题技巧;Check out the answers together. Learning Tips: Close your books. Listen carefully and take some notes. 第三步:诵读课文,以读促知(15 mins).自读,完成阅读任务;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载T: To get more information, read the text by yourselves and finis
17、h the following exercises. 依据中考要求, 对语篇内容1. On a no-car day, everybody can come to school in a car. 设计不同形式的阅读题,培2. The class _ gets a prize for no-garbage lunches. 养同学快速猎取并处理信3. What do environment clubs encourage students to do at lunch. 息的才能; 与此同时, 同学_ 独立完成学习任务的才能4. How to reduce packaging. 也得到训练和提
18、高;_ 5. 翻译句子:Turn off the lights when you leave a room. _ The students read the text and finish the exercises, then discuss the answers with group mates. Learning Tips: Discuss the answers in groups, ask the teacher for help if necessary. .齐读,解决疑难词句;1. Read the text in groups. Pay attention to your p
19、ronunciation. 小组齐读, 订正发音, 把握 文本大意; 生生协作, 解决齐读课文,留意发音 读课文过程中遇到的问题;2. Can you read these words and tell their meanings. 试读单词,当堂检测 waste, least, pollute, shut, reduce, reusable, skip, packaging, leaky, litre, sink, 小组内互问互答规范问答 electricity 形式, 明确答案; 以同学的 Ask some students to read these new words. Then r
20、ead them together. 角度切入语言点的学习,使 3. Find out difficult words or sentences. Ask and answer in groups. And then between 学问的传授更符合同学的 groups. 组内问答 组间问答 学情;Learning Tips: Ask your group mates for help if you cannot pronounce a word. 小组间的相互质疑和补充.老师点拨 ,规范巩固 T: We should pay attention to the usage of these w
21、ords and phrases. 最大限度的调动同学学习 的积极性和主动性; 并能通1. throw away 扔掉,丢弃I never throw anything away. 过这些问答进一步熟识文v. 铺张They have wasted a lot of money. 本内容,为下一步的学习奠2. waste adj. 铺张的Dont throw the waste paper about. 定良好的基础;n. 废物 A lot of waste from the factory goes into the river. 3. shut down 完全关闭;停下 The restau
22、rant shut down last year. 4. Little- less-least 少量的 -更少的 -最少的 老师在同学讲授的基础上This cake has very little taste. I use less water. 对本课重要的学问结构进At last the young man got the least gold. 行系统的点拨、规范和强5. Let s work together to make it clean. 调;I stayed there to see what would happen. I went to the bookstore to b
23、uy a book. T: Look at these sentences and tell the usage of “to do” . Ss:不定式表目的名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载T: Can you finish the following exercises. 1.I got up earlier _ catch the first bus. stand. t under2.Yesterday we went shopping _ some food. Learning Tips:
24、Take notes. Ask questions if you don第四步:才能提升,学以致用20 mins .Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words.5mins waste least shut pollute通过讲后的练习调动同学及1. The soap factory _ the drinking water in this area. 参加课堂练习的积极性,2. Students should not _ paper. 时的练习补充使同学在学3. He who talks the most knows the _
25、. 中用,在用中学;4. I couldnt _ the widow because it was stuck. 5. _ learn English, he went to America. A. Learning B. To learn C. Learn D. Learned 6. My English teacher often encourages us English aloud. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read 7. much, garbage, how, do, lunch, away, you, throw, after 连词成句
26、_. 8. reduce, is, way, it, good, a, to, packaging 连词成句 _. . Fill in the blanks and try to retell with the key words. 5mins 课后的复述课文, 通过老师No-garbage In North America, many students _ environment clubs. 给出复述线索一方面降低They work together to _ and _ the environment. 了练习的难度, 同时通过此How much garbage do you _ aft
27、er lunch. Schools _ 种形式的练习进一步挖掘lunches students _ their lunches in _ bags and dishes. 了文本内容; 锤炼同学运用No-car days On a no-car day, _ comes to school in a car. _ the 目标语言的表达才能;students _ the teachers. Cars _ the air. Bring_ It s a good way _ packagi ng. _Shopping bags _ water A leaky toilet can _ 20 to
28、40 liters of water. Students _ leaky toilets and sinks. Save _ _ the lights when you leave a room. _ the 由课文语言的学习转移到computer when you dont use them.Show Time 10 mins 实际的应用, 制作海报这项T: Suppose your schools environment club wants to make a poster about littering 任务引导同学发散性思维,and recycling. Can you make o
29、ne. Here are some examples. You can cooperate with your 协作提出更好的环保建议group mates and try to make one. 并以海报的形式进行展现,引起更多人留意;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载The students cooperate with group mates and make posters in groups. Seven minutes later, they share their works. 第五
30、步:情感升华,启发心智2 mins s work together 文本中争论了环保俱乐部T: All of you are so great because you give us so many suggestions. Let的环保措施, 通过本课学习to make our world beautiful. So remember: 任务的完成,引发同学思Stop pollution. 考,号召人人参加环保,重Stop breaking. 现我们漂亮的家园;Protect the earth. Make our world beautiful again. 作业 1. Finish th
31、e exercises of Lesson 44. Homework 2. Better your ideas for the poster. 板书设计 Lesson 44: Environment Clubs Blackboard Designing 1. throw away 扔掉,丢弃 I never throw anything away. The sofa is too old. Lets throw it away. 2. waste v. 铺张They have wasted a lot of money. adj. 铺张的Dont throw the waste paper about. n. 废物A lot of waste from the factory goes into the river. 3. shut down 完全关闭;停下 The restaurant shut down last year. This cake has very little taste. 4. Little- less-least 少量的 -更少的 -最少的 I use less water. At last the young man got the least gold. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页