2022年高中英语1-8册词组总结人教版 .pdf
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1、Book1 词组Unit1 合计add up 镇定下来calm down 关心挂念be concerned about 遛狗walk the dog 经历经受go through 记下放下set down 一系列的一连串的a series of 故意on purpose 对着迷grow crazy about 为了 in order to 在黄昏时刻at dusk 面对面地face to face 不再no longer 遭受患病suffer from 自从 恢复recover from 对厌烦be tired of 与相处get along with 爱上相爱fall in love wit
2、h 参加加入join in 打包pack up 对某人有好处be good to sb 让某事被做get sth done 其他人的someone else s Unit2 在中担任角色play a role in 走近,上来come up 例如 像这种such as 比从前than ever before 即使even if 以为基础be based on 利用make use of 与某人交流communicate with sb. 随时间推移over time 命令give a command 从一处到另一处from one place to another 相同的the same as
3、 标准英语standard English 因为 because of 在早期in the early days 许多,假设干a number of .的数量,号码the number of 信不信由你believe it or not 没问题no problem Unit3 梦想做某事dream of/ about doing 说服某人做某事persuade sb to do 投降屈服 让步give in 下定决心make up one s mind 关心惦记care about 喜欢喜爱be fond of 毕业于graduate from 坚持一定要做某事insist on 搭起帐篷pu
4、t up one s tent 改变主意change one s mine 迫不及待的做某事cam hardly wait to do 一方面另一方面for one thing, for another 列出清单make a list of 坚决的表情a determined look 使某人对某事感兴趣get sb interested in doing Unit4 毁坏in ruins 掘出发现dig out 分发发出气味give out 吹走blow away 为而自豪be proud of 引进,引来bring in 有时间做 have time to do 许多大量的a great
5、number of 成千上万thousands of 代替instead of 作为 出名be known as 做某事很安全be safe for (doing) sth 陷入陷在 下面be trapped in/ under 演讲比赛the speaking competition 邀请某人做某事invite sb to do sth Unit5 积极从事be active in 丧失勇气或信心lose heart 失业out of work 使充气,爆炸blow up 当权,上台come to power 乐于做某事be willing to do sth 在方面给某人建议advise
6、sb on sth 阻止某人做某事stop sb from doing 事实上as a matter of fact 把投入监狱putin prison 被判处 be sentenced to 实现 的梦想realize one s dream of doing/ to do sth 设立,建立set up 反对同作斗争fight against 相信信任信仰believe in 充当,担任work as 用和平方式in a peaceful way Book2 词组Unit1 作为回报in return 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - -
7、-第 1 页,共 8 页处于交战状态at war 少于less than 寻找in search for 属于belong to 值得做某事be worth doing 而不是rather than 用装饰装修be decorate with 充当担任serve as 拆开take apart 看重器重think highly of .的入口the entrance to 世界的奇迹the wonders of the world 与某人争论某事debate with sb about sth 毫无疑问withou doubt 风格奇特的be of the fancy style 处理do w
8、ith/ deal with Unit2 代表stand for 参加take part in 与某人竞争compete with/against 自愿做某事volunteer to do sth 每四年every four years 掌管负责in charge of 准许做某事admit doing 用代替replace with 也,又as well (as) 一个接一个one after another 值得做理应做deserve doing/ to be done 与某人达成协议make a bargain 身体锻炼physical exercise 拾起顺便接送学会 pick up
9、 手拉手hand in hand 一组一套a set of 在古代in ancient times 到达既定标准reach the agreed standard 在中起重要作用play an important role in 为了 荣誉for the honour of 与结婚marry sb Unit3 1.共有共用in common 2.依.看,据 .认为in one s opinion 3.从.时起from on4.结果as a result 5.和分享 . share with. 6.自从那时from then on 7.和.交流communicate with 8.人类human
10、 race 9.集合,聚集get together 10. 在.的帮助下with the help of 11. 看守监视watch out 12. 人工智能artificial intelligence 13. 单独单独by oneself 14. 走过过去流逝go by 15. 在某种程度上in a way 16. 弥补补足整理make up 17. 毕竟after all 18. 处理安排对付deal with 19. 如此 以至于so that Unit4 灭绝,绝种die out 建立set up 和平地安详地in peace 在危险中in danger 穿上衣服get dresse
11、d 突然笑起来burst into laughter 松了一口气in relief 按照根据according to 保护 .使不受protectfrom 拍照take photos 注意pay attention to 形成come into being 以至于,结果so that 对有影响have an effect on 担忧烦恼be concerned about 结果as a result 渴望做到long to do 不知所措at a loss Unit5 梦见,梦想dream of 戏弄play jokes on 打碎分裂break up 分类sort out 最重要首要abov
12、e all 由于过失by mistake 对.说老实话be honest with 大约or so 偶然by chance 坚持stick to 取笑make fun of 不超过not more than 逐渐形成get to form 以.为基础be based on 对.认真be serious about Book3 Unit1 Phrases 发生take place 纪念in memory of 带领某人去leadto . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页盛装,打扮,装饰dress up 诈骗,开玩笑p
13、lay a trick on sb. 因感激某人be grateful to sb. For sth 期望,期待,盼望look forward to 好似as if/ though 日夜,昼夜day and night 和着音乐跳舞dance to the music 覆盖be covered with 玩得开心have fun with sb. 出现出场turn up 守信用,履行诺言keep one s word 和结婚be/get married to 动身去某地set off for 提醒某人某事remind sb. of to do为感到自豪be proud of 用装饰decora
14、te. with因某事而钦佩某人admire sb. for sth Unit 2 Phrases 对厌倦be tired of 侥幸做成 get away with 说谎tell lies 摆脱,除去get rid of 谋生earn one s living 欠债in debt 关心,在乎care about 窥探spy on 怒视glare at 从事某方面的研究do research on sth. 保持苗条stay slim 向某人许诺make a promise to sb. 防止做某事avoid doing sth. 变成turn into 进行锻炼take exercise 一
15、包糖果a packet of sweet 扔掉throw away 大量的钱a large amount of money 从中受益benefit from/ by 减价,砍倒cut down 把和联合起来combinewith Unit3 Phrases 打赌make a bet 熟悉某人know sb. well 事实上,实际上as a matter of fact 盯着看stare at 解释,说明account for 领某人出去,进来show sb. out/ in 写下某人点的菜take one s order 注意give attention to 惹麻烦,陷入困境get int
16、o trouble 允许某人做某事permit sb. to do 朝前走,前进,往下说go ahead 偶然地,意外地by accident 放弃give up 说实话to be honest 关心,计较,在乎care about 衣衫褴褛in rags 关于至于,就 而言as for 因表彰某人honour sb. for sth. Unit 4 Phrases 阻止preventfrom 及时in time 依靠depend on 变得高兴,振奋起来cheer up 既然now that 爆发break out 冷却cool down 与不同be different from 靠近get
17、 close to 联合成为combine into 下蛋lay eggs 在外表on one s surface 从逃跑escape from 也,还有 as well as 把变成,译成putinto 把看做think of as时间过去go by Unit 5 Phrases 去旅行go on a trip 定居平静下来settle down 有的天赋have a gift for 在远处in the distance 而不是rather than 合计为figure out 经历,通过go through 在黎明时at dawn 不到五天in less than five days 远
18、到as far as 在面积上in size 和某人进餐have dinner with 向往,梦见dream of 动身去某处leave for 眺望look over 记笔记make notes 靠近海岸线on the coast 用较小的字母in smaller letters 采取行动take measure Book4 M4Unit1 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页Words Phrases 对感兴趣concern oneself with 决心做be determined to do 就某市与某人辩论
19、argue with sb. Over/ about sth. 为.做准备be intended for 鼓励某人做某事inspire sb. To do sth 引起某人的注意catch one s eye 查阅,参考,谈到refer to 偶然遇见come across 把 处死刑putto death 与 交流communicate with 说服某人做某事argue sb. Into doing sth. 被送到be delivered to 轻视,看不起look down upon 对进行研究do research on 计算出,想出work out 仅次于,赶不上second to
20、 涌上心头,涌入脑海crowd in 继续,坚持carry on 离开,起程,出发move off 碰巧,凑巧by chance 尊敬某人have/show respect for Book 4 Unit 2 Phrases 毕业于 graduate from 寻找,搜寻search for 多亏,由于thanks to 摆脱除去ridof 对感到满意be satisfied with 过的生活lead a life 而不是rather than 计较,在意care about 希望得到,渴望wish for 怀有 的希望with the hope of 导致,造成lead to 没有 免除f
21、ree from 年复一年year after year 装备,配备be equipped with 沉思,想得出神be lost in thought 盛产,富含be rich in 担忧,关心be concerned about 坚持做某事insist on 献身于 专心于devote to 逐渐增强,建立开发 build up M4Unit3 Phrases 对满足be content with 穷的,缺少badly off 挑出区分出pick out 切断断绝cut off 主演担任主角star in 寻找in search for 被绊住be caught in 情况更差worse
22、off 全世界throughout the world 以为背景be set in 去野营go camping 开某人的玩笑play jokes on sb. 嘲笑取笑make fun of 作为 而被铭记be remembered as 在露天,在户外in the open air 直到现在up to now 有时候at times 对挑剔be particular about sth. M4Unit4 Phrases 把某人介绍给 introduce sb to 舒适快乐自由自在at ease 保卫 以免defend against 总的来说通常in general 背对背弃turn on
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- 2022年高中英语1-8册词组总结人教版 2022 年高 英语 词组 总结 人教版