#+中国饮食文化特色,然而不同的文化背景,有着不同的饮食观念和饮食习俗,最终形成不同的饮食文化。中国饮食文化的历史源远流长,博大精深。它经历了几千年的历史发展,已成为中国传统文化的一个重要组成部分,在长期的发展、演变和积累过程中,中国人从饮食结构、食物制作、食物器具、营养保健和饮食审美等方面,逐渐形成了自己独特的饮食民俗,最终创造了具有独特风味的中国饮食文化,成为世界饮食文化宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠。西方的一些国家汇集着各国的移民,深受各国饮食文化的影响,博采众长,并结合自已的饮食习惯,形成精巧专维、自成体系的饮食文明。中西方文化之间的差异造就了中西饮食文化的差异,这种差异主要来自中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学。一、饮食结构我国历史悠久,地域辽阔,地理环境多样,气候条件丰富,动植物品类繁多,这都为我国的饮食提供了坚实的物质基础。我们的祖先们在漫长的生活实践中,不断选育和创造了丰富多样的食物资源,使得我国的食物来源异常广博。从先秦开始,中国人的膳食结构就是以粮、豆、蔬、果、谷类等植物性食料为基础,主、副食界线分明。主食是五谷,副食是蔬菜,外加少量的肉食。据武林旧事记载的一次盛宴便列举菜肴有200多道,其中,以猪、鸭、鱼、虾等物经烤、煮等诸多工艺制作成的有41道,有42道果品和蜜饯,有20道多类蔬菜,有29道各类鱼干,有17种饮料,还有59道点心等。所涉及的食物种类繁多,天上地下水生陆长和各种生物几乎无所不食,形成了令人眼花缭乱的饮食构成。可见,在南宋时期中国的饮食文化趋于成熟。据调查,中国人吃的菜蔬有600多种,比西方多六倍。实际上,在中国人的菜肴里,素菜是平常食品。我国的主食以稻米和小麦为主,另外小米、玉米、麦荞、土豆、红薯和各种苕类也占有一席之地。除了米线之外,各种面食,如馒头、面条、油条以及各种粥类、饼类和变化万千的小吃类使得人们的餐桌丰富多彩。西方人秉承着游牧民族、航海民族的文化血统,以渔猎、养殖为主,以采集、种植为辅,荤食较多,吃、穿、用都取之于动物,连西药都是从动物身上取料炼制而成的。比较注意动物蛋白质和脂肪的摄取,饮食结构上,也以动物类菜品居多,主要是牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉、羊肉和鱼等。因此肉食在饮食中比例一直很高,到了近代,种植业比重增加,但是肉食在饮食中的比例仍然要比中国人的高。二、食物制作中国传统菜肴对于烹调方法极为讲究,常见的方法有:煮、蒸、烧、炖、烤、烹、煎、炒、炸、烩、爆、溜、卤、扒、酥、焖、拌等。而且长期以来,由于物产和风俗的差异,各地的饮食习惯和品味爱好迥然不同,源远流长的烹调技术经过历代人民的创造,形成了丰富多彩的地方菜系,如闽菜、川菜、粤菜、京菜、鲁菜、苏菜、湘菜、徽菜、沪菜、鄂菜、辽菜、豫菜等。各菜系在制作方法上更是各有特色:如湖北菜的煨、滑,京菜的涮、烤等,更有四川菜以味多、味广、味厚、味道多变而著称,素有一菜一格,百菜百味的佳话。中国饮食之所以有其独特的魅力,关键就在于它的口味精美。而美味的产生,主要在于五味调和。同时,追求色、香、味、形、艺的有机统一。在色的配制上,以辅助的色彩来衬托、突出、点缀和适应主料,形成菜肴色彩的均匀柔和、主次分明、浓淡相宜、相映成趣、和谐悦目。在口味的配合上,强调香气,突出主味,并辅佐调料,使之增香增味。在形的配制上,注重造型艺术,运用点缀、嵌酿等手法,融雕刻和菜肴于一体,形成和谐美观的造型。中国饮食将色,形,香,味,滋,养六者融于一体,使人们得到了视觉,触觉,味觉的综合享受,构成了以美味为核心,以养身为目的的中国烹饪特色。它选料谨慎,刀工精细,造型逼真,色彩鲜艳,拼配巧妙,有着无可争辩的历史地位。西方饮食,牛排都只有一种味道,无艺术可言。作为菜肴,鸡就是鸡,牛排就是牛排,纵然有搭配,那也是在盘中进行的,一盘法式羊排,一边放土豆泥,旁倚羊排,另一边配煮青豆,加几片番茄便成。色彩上对比鲜明,但在滋味上各种原料互不相干、调和,各是各的味,简单明了。相比西方饮食,中华美食文化奇树一帜,食花美天下。三、食物器皿饮食用具的多样性也是中国饮食文化的一大特色。特别用竹筷进食,运用自如,经济方便,被欧美人士赞为是艺术的创造。中国饮食用具从用途上来分,有豆、罐、鬲、杯、盆、碗、盒、瓮、壶、甑、盘等等;从材料上来分,有陶制品、瓷制品、金属制品和竹木制品等等;随着生产力的提高和人类生活水平的不断进步,饮食用具在材料、质量、形态等诸方面都发生了新的变化。从隋唐开始,已大量使用了金银等贵金属所制的饮食用具,在民间,陶瓷用具大量使用,到了唐宋时期,中国瓷器享誉海外。直到现代,陶瓷食具美不胜收,灿烂辉煌,成为中国饮食文化中的一个亮点和特色西方人多用金属刀叉,以及各种杯、盘、盅、碟,其餐具的种类,很是单调。四、营养保健以谷物为主,注重饮食保健。就是以谷物为主,肉少粮多,辅以菜蔬,这就是典型的饭菜结构。其中饭是主食,而菜则是为了下饭,即助饭下咽。中国人很注重饮食的营养保健,主张营养成份合理搭配,平衡饮食,通过调配食用五谷、五果、五畜、五菜等气味、功用各不相同的食品,以达到阴阳平衡、脏腑协调、补精益气、养身健体的目的。早在春秋战国时期,孔子就提出了食不厌精,脍不厌细的饮食观,同时还概括了十条不食以及注重卫生,遵守时节,讲究营养,有节制不过量的科学饮食法则。西方人也注重饮食科学,讲究食物制作严格按科学规范行事,要求调料的添加量精确到克,烹调时间精确到秒,把厨房弄得像个化学实验室,而牛排的味道从纽约到旧金山别无二致。五、饮食审美中国饮食在不断的发展中形成了十美风格:讲究味、色、香、质、形、序、器、适、境、趣的和谐统一。中国饮食文化特色中国的烹饪,不仅技术精湛,而且讲究菜肴的美感,注意食物的色、香、味、形、器的协调一致。对菜肴美感的表现是多方面的,无论是个红萝卜,还是一个白菜心,都可以雕出各种造型,独树一帜,达到色、香、味、形、美的和谐统一,给人以精神和物质高度统一的特殊享受。而对于西方人来说,饮食大约只是一种必需的生理活动,对于其中美的追求,却忽略了。中西方饮食文化差异是明显的,而且各有长处。随着经济全球化及信息交换的加快,中西饮食文化将在碰撞中融合,在融合中互补。现在中国人的餐桌上正在加大肉类和奶类食品的比重;同样,西餐也开始向中餐的色、香、味、意、形的境界发展,中西餐饮文化将在交流中共同发展,人们将会享受到更美味、更快捷、更营养的食品。 中国传统饮食文化中的中医哲学思想【摘 要】中国传统饮食文化受中医哲学思想影响颇深,其中阴阳学说、五行学说、病因学说等对其影响尤为明显,这些哲学思想成为人们的择食标准,也为后来的饮食养生提供了重要的理论依据。由阴阳五行学说引出的调理阴阳、谨和五味、三因制宜等养生观,由病因学说导出未病先防、调理脾胃的养生理论等为养生界做出了重大贡献。【关键词】中国传统饮食文化;阴阳五行;饮食养生观Abstract Chinese traditional food culture deeply influenced by the philosophy of Chinese medicine, including the doctrine of yin and yang, the five elements theory, etiology and so its impact is particularly evident, these philosophical thought become people choose food standards, but also for the later provides an important dietary regimen theoretical basis. The yin and yang theory of yin and yang leads conditioning, move and punch, third, etc. due to health system should concept derived from the etiology not disease prevention, spleen and stomach health theory as the health sector has made a significant contribution.Key words traditional Chinese culinary culture; yin and yang; diet regimen Outlook中国传统饮食文化是中华民族几千年智慧的结晶,是中国民族文化积淀的成果,其中蕴含大量的哲学思想,尤其是中医理论中的哲学思想,如“五行学说”中,“五味”对“五谷”膳食结构起决定性作用,成为人们的择食关键。“医食同源”巧妙地将饮食与用药结合在一起,既可以填饱肚子又可以防治疾病,堪称中国一绝。中医哲学思想对中国传统饮食文化的影响是不容忽视的,这些传统文化中的瑰宝,就像一个挖不完的金库,值得我们深究。1 中国传统饮食文化所体现的中医哲学思想1.1 阴阳学说素问至真要大论:“谨察阴阳而调之,以平为期”。可见调理阴阳是饮食中重要的一部分。中医认为,任何事物包括人的生理病理机能都可以分为阴、阳两种属性, 阴是指具有滋养,濡润、抑制、凝聚等作用的物质及其机能属性;阳是指具有温煦、兴奋、推动、气化等作用的物质及其机能属性。1在中医阴阳学说的指导下形成了因人、因时、因地择食的饮食观。1.1.1因人择食阴阳学说将人的体质分为偏阳质、偏阴质、阴阳平和质三种类型;将食物划分为温热、寒凉和平性三种类型。“视其寒温盛衰而调之” (灵枢经水)告诉我们:饮食因先辨其体质再决定吃什么食物调理。偏阳者应少食温热性食物,而宜食寒凉和平性食物,否则将会导致阳亢及伤阴;偏阴者应少食寒凉食物,而食平性和温热性食物,否则就会导致阴盛阳衰。阳虚者宜多食温补之品;阴虚者宜多食甘润生津的食物。1.1.2因时择食“朝食三片姜,胜过人参汤”、 “冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不劳医生开药方”体现了阴阳学说中“因时制宜”的观点。日出、春夏属阳,日落、秋冬属阴,人体饮食需与外界环境相适应,所以春夏、早上宜食温热食物,如生姜;秋冬、下午宜食寒凉、滋润食物,如萝卜。1.1.3因地择食自然环境的不同使我国传统饮食文化呈现出复杂的地域差异,阴阳学说中“山南为阳,山北为阴”,我国南方属阳,北方属阴,南北的气候差异决定了南米北面的饮食结构,各地人们的口味也因气候差异而有所不同,四川、湖南一带湿气重,因而喜食辣;北方气候干燥,容易出汗,喜食润燥食物。由此说明,饮食与地理位置的关系是非常密切的。Chinese diet culture, different cultural background, however, have different diet idea and diet custom, and finally form the different diet culture.Chinas food culture has a long history, extensive and profound. Through the development history of several thousand years, it has become an important part of Chinese traditional culture, in the long-term development, evolution and accumulation process, Chinese people from the diet structure, food production, food utensils, nutrition, health care and diet aesthetic aspects and so on, gradually formed its own unique food folk, eventually created the unique flavor of the Chinese food culture, become a shining pearl in the world food culture. Some western countries together with national immigration, is under the influence of national food culture, eclecticism, and combined with their own eating habits, formed exquisite specially uygur, from the system the diet civilization.The difference between Chinese and western culture has created differences between Chinese and western diet culture, these differences mainly comes from Chinese and western different way of thinking and philosophy.One, diet structureOur country has a long history, vast territory, diverse geographical environment, climate conditions, rich animal and plant category is various, all of this for our countrys diet provides a solid material foundation. Our ancestors in the long life practice, constantly breeding and created a rich variety of food resources, makes the food source anomaly broad of our country. Starting from the pre-qin period, the Chinese peoples diet structure is in grain, beans, vegetables, fruit, cereals and other plant food, on the basis of the main, fusi boundaries clear. Staple food is corn, and side dishes are vegetables, plus a small amount of meat. According to the wulin old story recorded a feast of dishes listed more than 200, among them, in pigs, ducks, fish, shrimp and other objects made by baking, cooking, and many other technology of 41, 42 fruit and candied fruit, there are more than 20 vegetables, there are 29 kinds of dried fish, there are 17 kinds of drinks, and 59, snacks, etc. Variety of food, aquatic Liu Changhe various biological almost everything in heaven and earth, formed the dazzling diet composition. Visible, in the southern song dynasty period of Chinas food culture tend to be more mature. According to the survey, Chinese people eat the plants of the more than 600, six times more than in the west. In fact, in the Chinese dishes, vegetarian dishes are common food. Chinas staple food is given priority to with rice and wheat, millet and other corn, wheat, potatoes, sweet potatoes and a variety of shao class also has its place. Besides rice noodle, all kinds of pasta, such as steamed bread, noodles, Fried dough sticks and a variety of porridge, cake and ever-changing snacks class makes people table rich and colorful.Westerners adhering to the nomads, sailing nations cultural heritage, give priority to with fishing and hunting, breeding, to collect, planting is complementary, non-vegetarian food more, eat, wear, use took to the animals, even the western medicine taking refining from animals. More attention to animal protein and fat intake, diet, and in the majority with animal food, mainly beef, chicken, pork, mutton, fish and so on. So has been very high proportion of meat in the diet, in modern times, planting proportion increase, but the proportion of meat in the diet still is higher than the Chinese.Second, the food productionChinese traditional dishes for cooking method is very exquisite, common methods include: burn, stewed, baked, boiled, steamed, cooked, Fried, Fried, Fried, stewed, blasting, slip, halide, steak, crisp, stewing, mix, etc. And for a long time, because of the difference of products and customs, and taste the hobby is very different eating customs throughout the country, has a long history of cooking through ages peoples creation, has formed rich and colorful regional cuisines, such as fujian cuisine, sichuan cuisine, cantonese cuisine, in Beijing cuisine, shandong cuisine, jiangsu cuisine and the hunan cuisine, huizhou, Shanghai, hubei, liaoning, prepared food, etc. Cuisines on the producing method is each have distinguishing feature each, such as hubei cuisine simmer, slippery, rinse, baking, etc in Beijing cuisine, sichuan cuisine is more to taste, flavor, taste thick, more tastes, known as a dish, the dishes of the subway.The Chinese diet has its unique charm, the key is that it tastes fine. And delicious produce, mainly lies in the five reconcile. At the same time, the pursuit of color, aroma, taste and shape, the organic integration of art. On the preparation of the color, the colour of to assist to foil, outstanding, ornament and adapt to the main ingredient, form the uniform soft dish colour, priorities and shading, set each other off becomes an interest, harmonious and pleasing to the eye. On the taste of cooperate, aroma, mainly focus on main flavour, and assisted the dressings, add sweet flavor. In the form of preparation, pay attention to plastic arts, use the ornament, embedded technique, such as sculpture and dishes to be in harmony an organic whole, forming a harmonious and beautiful shape. Chinese food color, shape, fragrance, taste, zi, raise six into an organic whole, make people get visual, touch, taste of comprehensive enjoyment, constitutes the taste as the core, for the purpose of raise the Chinese cooking characteristics. Its material carefully, knife work fine, modelling is vivid, colorful, clever, blended with indisputable historical status.Western food, steak is only a kind of flavor, no art to speak of. As dishes, chicken is chicken, steak is steak, even if have a match, it is in the plate, a plate of French lamb chops, put mashed potatoes, lean on lamb chops, on the other side with boiled green beans, add a few slices tomatoes into. Comparative and bright color, but with irrelevant, all kinds of raw materials on a taste, is our different flavour, simple and clear.Compared with the western diet, signs of Chinese food culture, tree flower beauty all over the world.Three, food utensilsThe diversity of eating utensils is also one of the features of Chinese food culture. Special use chopstick to eat, with ease, economy is convenient, is the European and American people acclaimed art creation. Chinese food utensils points from the purpose, with beans, cans, by li, cup, basin, bowl, box, urn, pot, retort, plate, etc. Divide up from material, ceramic products, ceramic products, metal products and wood products, etc. With the improvement of productivity and continuous improvement of living standards, human eating utensils in the aspects of material, quality and form of new changes have taken place. Starting from the sui and tang dynasties, has made heavy use of eating utensils, made of precious metals such as gold and silver in the folk, ceramic utensils used in great quantities, to the tang and song dynasties, Chinese porcelain enjoys a good reputation overseas. Until modern times, tableware of pottery and porcelain, bright, become a bright spot in the Chinese diet culture and the characteristics of westerners use metal knife and fork, and a variety of cup, dish, bowl, dish, the kinds of tableware, is very boring.Four, nutrition, health careGive priority to with grain, pay attention to diet health care. Is given priority to with grain, meat food more, complementary with herbs, this is a typical meal structure. The rice is the staple food, the food is for the sake of our namely rice swallow. The Chinese are very pay attention to the nutrition of diet care, nutrition reasonable collocation, balanced diet, through the deployment of eating corn, five fruits, five livestock, five vegetables such as odour, functions of different food, in order to achieve a balance of Yin and Yang, viscera coordination, lean gas, raise body fitness. Early in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, Confucius put forward feed gastronomes, enjoys incomparable fine diet view, also summarizes the ten not food and pay attention to health, comply with the time, pay attention to nutrition, temperate of scientific diet rules.Westerners also notice food science, pay attention to food production in strict accordance with the scientific and standardized, spices to add quantity of accurate to g, cooking time accurate to seconds, make the kitchen like a chemistry lab, and the taste of steak from New York to San Francisco.Five, the diet aestheticChinese food is constantly developing formed the perfect style: exquisite taste, color, aroma and quality, shape, sequence, apparatus, the harmony of fitness, habitat, boring. Chinese diet culture characteristics of Chinese cooking, not only skilled, but also pay attention to the aesthetic feeling of dishes, pay attention to food color, aroma, taste and shape, is coordinated. The performance of the aesthetic feeling of dishes are various, no matter is a carrot, or a cabbage heart, can be carved out all sorts of modelling, unique, color, aroma, taste and shape, beautiful harmony, give a person with spiritual and material highly unified special enjoyment.For the westerners, diet is just about a necessary physical activity, for the pursuit of beauty, but ignored.Chinese and western food culture differences are obvious, and each has strengths. With the speeding up of economic globalization and information exchange, the fusion between Chinese and western food culture will be in the collision, complement each other in the fusion. Now the Chinese dinner table are increasing the proportion of meat and dairy foods; Similarly, western food also began to Chinese food color, aroma, taste, meaning and shape of the state of development, Chinese and western food culture will in communication common development, people will enjoy a delicious, faster and more nutritious food.Chinese traditional diet culture of Chinese medicine philosophy【 pick to 】 the traditional Chinese dietetic culture influenced by the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine, the theory of Yin and Yang, five elements theory, the influence of the theory, causes the philosophy become people choose the food standard, also for later diet regimen provides an important theoreti
- 资源描述:
【摘 要】中国传统饮食文化受中医哲学思想影响颇深,其中阴阳学说、五行学说、病因学说等对其影响尤为明显,这些哲学思想成为人们的择食标准,也为后来的饮食养生提供了重要的理论依据。由阴阳五行学说引出的调理阴阳、谨和五味、三因制宜等养生观,由病因学说导出未病先防、调理脾胃的养生理论等为养生界做出了重大贡献。
Abstract Chinese traditional food culture deeply influenced by the philosophy of Chinese medicine, including the doctrine of yin and yang, the five elements theory, etiology and so its impact is particularly evident, these philosophical thought become people choose food standards, but also for the later provides an important dietary regimen theoretical basis. The yin and yang theory of yin and yang leads conditioning, move and punch, third, etc. due to health system should concept derived from the etiology not disease prevention, spleen and stomach health theory as the health sector has made a significant contribution.
Key words traditional Chinese culinary culture; yin and yang; diet regimen Outlook
1 中国传统饮食文化所体现的中医哲学思想
1.1 阴阳学说
《素问至真要大论》:“谨察阴阳而调之,以平为期”。可见调理阴阳是饮食中重要的一部分。中医认为,任何事物包括人的生理病理机能都可以分为阴、阳两种属性, 阴是指具有滋养,濡润、抑制、凝聚等作用的物质及其机能属性;阳是指具有温煦、兴奋、推动、气化等作用的物质及其机能属性。[1]在中医阴阳学说的指导下形成了因人、因时、因地择食的饮食观。
阴阳学说将人的体质分为偏阳质、偏阴质、阴阳平和质三种类型;将食物划分为温热、寒凉和平性三种类型。“视其寒温盛衰而调之” (《灵枢经水》)告诉我们:饮食因先辨其体质再决定吃什么食物调理。偏阳者应少食温热性食物,而宜食寒凉和平性食物,否则将会导致阳亢及伤阴;偏阴者应少食寒凉食物,而食平性和温热性食物,否则就会导致阴盛阳衰。阳虚者宜多食温补之品;阴虚者宜多食甘润生津的食物。
“朝食三片姜,胜过人参汤”、 “冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不劳医生开药方”体现了阴阳学说中“因时制宜”的观点。日出、春夏属阳,日落、秋冬属阴,人体饮食需与外界环境相适应,所以春夏、早上宜食温热食物,如生姜;秋冬、下午宜食寒凉、滋润食物,如萝卜。
Chinese diet culture, different cultural background, however, have different diet idea and diet custom, and finally form the different diet culture.
Chinas food culture has a long history, extensive and profound. Through the development history of several thousand years, it has become an important part of Chinese traditional culture, in the long-term development, evolution and accumulation process, Chinese people from the diet structure, food production, food utensils, nutrition, health care and diet aesthetic aspects and so on, gradually formed its own unique food folk, eventually created the unique flavor of the Chinese food culture, become a shining pearl in the world food culture. Some western countries together with national immigration, is under the influence of national food culture, eclecticism, and combined with their own eating habits, formed exquisite specially uygur, from the system the diet civilization.
The difference between Chinese and western culture has created differences between Chinese and western diet culture, these differences mainly comes from Chinese and western different way of thinking and philosophy.
One, diet structure
Our country has a long history, vast territory, diverse geographical environment, climate conditions, rich animal and plant category is various, all of this for our countrys diet provides a solid material foundation. Our ancestors in the long life practice, constantly breeding and created a rich variety of food resources, makes the food source anomaly broad of our country. Starting from the pre-qin period, the Chinese peoples diet structure is in grain, beans, vegetables, fruit, cereals and other plant food, on the basis of the main, fusi boundaries clear. Staple food is corn, and side dishes are vegetables, plus a small amount of meat. According to the wulin old story recorded a feast of dishes listed more than 200, among them, in pigs, ducks, fish, shrimp and other objects made by baking, cooking, and many other technology of 41, 42 fruit and candied fruit, there are more than 20 vegetables, there are 29 kinds of dried fish, there are 17 kinds of drinks, and 59, snacks, etc. Variety of food, aquatic Liu Changhe various biological almost everything in heaven and earth, formed the dazzling diet composition. Visible, in the southern song dynasty period of Chinas food culture tend to be more mature. According to the survey, Chinese people eat the plants of the more than 600, six times more than in the west. In fact, in the Chinese dishes, vegetarian dishes are common food. Chinas staple food is given priority to with rice and wheat, millet and other corn, wheat, potatoes, sweet potatoes and a variety of shao class also has its place. Besides rice noodle, all kinds of pasta, such as steamed bread, noodles, Fried dough sticks and a variety of porridge, cake and ever-changing snacks class makes people table rich and colorful.
Westerners adhering to the nomads, sailing nations cultural heritage, give priority to with fishing and hunting, breeding, to collect, planting is complementary, non-vegetarian food more, eat, wear, use took to the animals, even the western medicine taking refining from animals. More attention to animal protein and fat intake, diet, and in the majority with animal food, mainly beef, chicken, pork, mutton, fish and so on. So has been very high proportion of meat in the diet, in modern times, planting proportion increase, but the proportion of meat in the diet still is higher than the Chinese.
Second, the food production
Chinese traditional dishes for cooking method is very exquisite, common methods include: burn, stewed, baked, boiled, steamed, cooked, Fried, Fried, Fried, stewed, blasting, slip, halide, steak, crisp, stewing, mix, etc. And for a long time, because of the difference of products and customs, and taste the hobby is very different eating customs throughout the country, has a long history of cooking through ages peoples creation, has formed rich and colorful regional cuisines, such as fujian cuisine, sichuan cuisine, cantonese cuisine, in Beijing cuisine, shandong cuisine, jiangsu cuisine and the hunan cuisine, huizhou, Shanghai, hubei, liaoning, prepared food, etc. Cuisines on the producing method is each have distinguishing feature each, such as hubei cuisine simmer, slippery, rinse, baking, etc in Beijing cuisine, sichuan cuisine is more to taste, flavor, taste thick, more tastes, known as a dish, the dishes of the subway.
The Chinese diet has its unique charm, the key is that it tastes fine. And delicious produce, mainly lies in the five reconcile. At the same time, the pursuit of color, aroma, taste and shape, the organic integration of art. On the preparation of the color, the colour of to assist to foil, outstanding, ornament and adapt to the main ingredient, form the uniform soft dish colour, priorities and shading, set each other off becomes an interest, harmonious and pleasing to the eye. On the taste of cooperate, aroma, mainly focus on main flavour, and assisted the dressings, add sweet flavor. In the form of preparation, pay attention to plastic arts, use the ornament, embedded technique, such as sculpture and dishes to be in harmony an organic whole, forming a harmonious and beautiful shape. Chinese food color, shape, fragrance, taste, zi, raise six into an organic whole, make people get visual, touch, taste of comprehensive enjoyment, constitutes the taste as the core, for the purpose of raise the Chinese cooking characteristics. Its material carefully, knife work fine, modelling is vivid, colorful, clever, blended with indisputable historical status.
Western food, steak is only a kind of flavor, no art to speak of. As dishes, chicken is chicken, steak is steak, even if have a match, it is in the plate, a plate of French lamb chops, put mashed potatoes, lean on lamb chops, on the other side with boiled green beans, add a few slices tomatoes into. Comparative and bright color, but with irrelevant, all kinds of raw materials on a taste, is our different flavour, simple and clear.
Compared with the western diet, signs of Chinese food culture, tree flower beauty all over the world.
Three, food utensils
The diversity of eating utensils is also one of the features of Chinese food culture. Special use chopstick to eat, with ease, economy is convenient, is the European and American people acclaimed art creation. Chinese food utensils points from the purpose, with beans, cans, by li, cup, basin, bowl, box, urn, pot, retort, plate, etc. Divide up from material, ceramic products, ceramic products, metal products and wood products, etc. With the improvement of productivity and continuous improvement of living standards, human eating utensils in the aspects of material, quality and form of new changes have taken place. Starting from the sui and tang dynasties, has made heavy use of eating utensils, made of precious metals such as gold and silver in the folk, ceramic utensils used in great quantities, to the tang and song dynasties, Chinese porcelain enjoys a good reputation overseas. Until modern times, tableware of pottery and porcelain, bright, become a bright spot in the Chinese diet culture and the characteristics of westerners use metal knife and fork, and a variety of cup, dish, bowl, dish, the kinds of tableware, is very boring.
Four, nutrition, health care
Give priority to with grain, pay attention to diet health care. Is given priority to with grain, meat food more, complementary with herbs, this is a typical meal structure. The rice is the staple food, the food is for the sake of our namely rice swallow. The Chinese are very pay attention to the nutrition of diet care, nutrition reasonable collocation, balanced diet, through the deployment of eating corn, five fruits, five livestock, five vegetables such as odour, functions of different food, in order to achieve a balance of Yin and Yang, viscera coordination, lean gas, raise body fitness. Early in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, Confucius put forward feed gastronomes, enjoys incomparable fine diet view, also summarizes the ten not food and pay attention to health, comply with the time, pay attention to nutrition, temperate of scientific diet rules.
Westerners also notice food science, pay attention to food production in strict accordance with the scientific and standardized, spices to add quantity of accurate to g, cooking time accurate to seconds, make the kitchen like a chemistry lab, and the taste of steak from New York to San Francisco.
Five, the diet aesthetic
Chinese food is constantly developing formed the perfect style: exquisite taste, color, aroma and quality, shape, sequence, apparatus, the harmony of fitness, habitat, boring. Chinese diet culture characteristics of Chinese cooking, not only skilled, but also pay attention to the aesthetic feeling of dishes, pay attention to food color, aroma, taste and shape, is coordinated. The performance of the aesthetic feeling of dishes are various, no matter is a carrot, or a cabbage heart, can be carved out all sorts of modelling, unique, color, aroma, taste and shape, beautiful harmony, give a person with spiritual and material highly unified special enjoyment.
For the westerners, diet is just about a necessary physical activity, for the pursuit of beauty, but ignored.
Chinese and western food culture differences are obvious, and each has strengths. With the speeding up of economic globalization and information exchange, the fusion between Chinese and western food culture will be in the collision, complement each other in the fusion. Now the Chinese dinner table are increasing the proportion of meat and dairy foods; Similarly, western food also began to Chinese food color, aroma, taste, meaning and shape of the state of development, Chinese and western food culture will in communication common development, people will enjoy a delicious, faster and more nutritious food.
Chinese traditional diet culture of Chinese medicine philosophy
【 pick to 】 the traditional Chinese dietetic culture influenced by the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine, the theory of Yin and Yang, five elements theory, the influence of the theory, causes the philosophy become people choose the food standard, also for later diet regimen provides an important theoreti