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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - i ng planM. odule. FourS. andst. orms in AsiaTeach. i ng Aims: 1. Knowl . edge and Skill .a.t . b. eheng. c.d.Imp, pay more atten. of but + infin. i tive. .e.To grasp. the usage. of . tion to the usage2.Emoti. on and Value. sa. Enabl. e the stude . nts to talk about . the ca
2、use. and influ . ence of sands . torms. ,and the ways to solve. the probl . em in order . to incre . ase their . sense. of prote . cting. the envir . onmen . t.b. To encou. rage the Ss to talk about . the damag. e cause. d by sands. t orm and their . own feeli . ngs about. it. 3. Cross . -cultu. ral
3、 aware.ness: a. sta the envir . onmen . t al prote. ction. of the whole. world. and stren. gthen. their . ness of envir . onmen . t prote. ction. .4. Chara . cter-build . i ng: a. To their . confi. dence. of prote . cting. the envir . onmen . t we are livin . g in. b. nt:t al .b. Impro. ve the stude
4、 . nts t . . ge. c.i ng the gener . al idea of the passaTeach. i ng Metho. d:a.Task-based.yb.ach Teach. i ng Time: Five ds: d 1 vocab . ulary. and Writi . ngSpeak. i ng 1 Perio. d 2 Readi. ng and Perio. d 3 Gramm. ar 1 Infin . i tive. Liste . ning and Vocab . ulary.Perio. d 4 Gramm. ar 2 but + infin
5、 . i tive.Every. day sh Perio. d 5 Cultu . ral corne .r Speak. i ng 2 Writi . ngTeach. i ng Proce. dures. :名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 12 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Perio. d 1 Step 1. ng up Look at the ete the sente . nces using. the corre . ct form of these . words. Then answe.r the follo . wing que
6、st . i ons. blow bury frigh . tenin. g last sands . torm There. has been a _ . _. It _ . for ten hours . and was very _ . _. The wind _ . _the. sand high aroun . dthe house. s, and some cars were almos . t compl. etely. _. _by the sand. Sugge. sted answe. rs: t orm 2. has been blowi . ng / has laste
7、 . d3. frigh . tenin. g 4. was blowi . ng 5. burie . dQ1. What is a sands . torm. Q2. What s the weath . er like when a sands . t orm occur. s.Q3. What s the bad influ . ence of a sands . torm. Sugge. sted answe. rs: Q1. asgly with dust and sand. Q2. i ght; w. Q3. cars slow down and have to turn on
8、hea diffi. cult for us to breat. he dange . rous to go out or drive.Step 2 Furth . er under. stand. i ng Work in pairs. . Discu. ss the follo. wing state . ments. and decid. e wheth. er it is true or false. . .1.Sands. torms. begin. in deser . t areas. .2.t s are creat. ed by clima . te chang. es. 3
9、.t s are also creat. ed becau. se peopl. e cut down trees. and dig up grass4.from Asia have blown. acros. s the Pacif . i c Ocean. to Ameri. ca. 5.Sands. torms. cant be preve . nted. 6.The inlan . d regio . n has more sands . torms. than the one near the sea. Sugge. sted answe. rs: 1,2,3,4,6 T 5, F
10、Step 3 st orm. elf. Q1. Q2. Sugge. sted answe. rs: Q1. clima . te chang. es; trees . cut down; ;t ion; and so on. Q2: This is an open quest . i on. Step 4 Speak . i ng 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -Work in pairs. . Suppo. se there. has been a bad sands . t orm in your city. A: You are a repor. ter. You inter.
11、 view a man who has cycle . d to work in the sands. torm. Befor . e you do the inter. view, write . down the quest. i ons you want to ask. B: You felt frigh. t ened. but you put on a mask and cycle. dto work in the sands. torm. Tell the repor第 2 页,共 12 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - .ter how you feel abo
12、ut. the sands. t orm. Descr. i be how thing . s looke. d in the sands. torm. Homew . ork: 1. Memor. i ze the new words . relat . ed to sands . torms. .2. Previ. ew the passa. ge of Sands . torms. in Asia. Perio. d 2 Step 1 Pre-readi. ng. and answe. r the follo. wing quest . i ons. a. Look at the pho
13、to1. ble r e. 2. What is happe . ning. 3. What is the cycli . st weari . ng and why. 4. What do you think . ned to traff . i c in this situa . t ion. Why. 5. What do you think . exper. ts advis . e peopl. e to do in this situa . tion. Sugge. sted answe. rs: 1. st dust t orm 2. ng. es. 3.4.care. 5. t
14、 ion. b. Predi . catio. nl e nin each part. Step 2 While . -readi. nga. Skimm. i ng and scann. i ng Read the passa . ge quick. ly and f r word. Part 1Para1 . d_. _. _Part 2Para2 . -5 c_ ._ d_ . _ S_. _ i_ . _ s_ . _ Part 3Para.6 m_ . _ Sugge. sted answe. rs: Part 1 disas . t er Part 2 Sands . t orm
15、cause . descr. i ptio. n influ . ence sugge. stion. sPart 3 measu . res b. Detai. l ed Readi. ng1Read the passa . ge caref. ully and answe . r the follo . wing quest . i on. .n. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 12 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - l e tell us. .t ly. Why. t orm. 7 .Sugge. sted answe. rs: 1. Sand
16、s. torms. are stron . g, dry winds . that carry . sand. 2. Centr. al Asia, North . Ameri. ca, Centr . al Afric . a and Austr . alia. 3. It is dange . rous to go out when a sands . torm occur. s.4. Yes. North . west China. .5. Incre. ased. As a resul . t of deser . t ific . ation. .6. Becau. se the t
17、hick . dust makes. it diffi . cult to see. 7. Plant. more trees . .2 Read the passa . ge caref . ully and then fill in the chart . with suita . ble words. .Parts. Conte. nt Detai. l s1 t er 2 nCause.influ . ence sugge. stion.3 measu. res Sugge. sted answe. rsParts.Conte. nt t er Detai. l s1 it 2 nse
18、e the sun Cause.,up dig influ . ence sugge. stion.Stay at home, wear a mask 名师归纳总结 3 measu. res Plant. trees.第 4 页,共 12 页Step 3 Post-readi. nga. F . Scien. tists. have tried . many ways to deal with sands. torms.Land becom. es deser. t only becau . se peopl. e cut down trees. and dig up .The Chine.
19、se Centr. al West Stati. on can not forec. ast sands. torm befor. e- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - The deser. t is 25o away to the west of Beiji. ng. So there . is no need to take some measu. res. South. west China. is part of the sands Sugge. sted answe. rs: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F . t orm c
20、ente. r in Centr . al Asia. b. i mnces _._. _. _. _. _ l ia_. _. _. _. _. _.ased _. _. _. _. _. _.ng up g _. _. _. _. _. _ se _. _. _. _. _. _._. _. _. _. _. _Sugge. sted answe. rs:1. preve . nt you from seein . g the sun 2. he exper. i ence. d a terri . ble sands . t orm 3. becau. se of deser . tif
21、ic . ation.4. cause. deser. ts and sands.torms. to incre . ase 5. the drive . rs see 6. preve. nt the t comin. g neare. rStep 4 langu . age expla. natio. ns1 mass adj. 大规模的 a mass campa. ign 大规模.的战争n. 团 , 块, 堆s /hot air a mass of =masse . s of 很多 , 大量the masse. s 群众2 be caugh . t in 被困于 , 遇到i c jam.
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