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1、中国文化通览最终成绩 (10% 出勤 + 10% 课堂表现 + 80% 期末)Presentation:Chinese culture comparative culture (foreign culture) 一、 授课内容1.主题: 第一章:古代中国概况 The basic national conditions of ancient China a) 地理环境和经济结构The geographical surroundings and the economic structure of the Chinese cultureb) 中国文化的历史发展The historical devel
2、opment of the Chinese culture c) 中国人的传统世界观、价值观和思维模式The traditional worldview, values and mode of thinking of the Chinese people d) 以儒、道两家为基干的古代思想文化The ancient Chinese thought 第二章:Chinese Historical tales, myths, fables and legends a) 历史故事Chinese historical tales b) 神话Myths c) 寓言Fables d)民间传说 Folklor
3、es 第三章:中国文化名人 Eminent personnel in the history of the Chinese culture a) 古代文化名人Eminent personnel in the ancient times b)近现代文化名人Eminent personnel in the modern times 第四章:中国名篇名著 famous Chinese literary works a) 中国文化名著Masterpieces b)中国文化名篇Well-known literary pieces第五章 :中国文化瑰宝 Gems of the Chinese Cultur
4、e a)四书五经The Four Books and The Five Classics b)京剧与地方戏曲 Beijing Opera and local operas c)中国书画 Chinese painting and calligraphy d)生活中的文化符号 Cultural tokens in daily life 第六章:中国民间艺术与竞技 Folk arts and sports a)民间工艺 Folk handicraft b)民间游艺 Folk performance and Entertainment c)民间竞技 Folk sports 第七章 :中国风土人情 Ch
5、inese folk cultures a) 饮食文化The dietetic culture b) 酒文化The wine culture c) 茶文化The tea culture d) 姓氏文化The name culture e) 节日文化The festival culture第八章 :中国地理文化 Chinese geographical culture a) 古城古迹Ancient cities and historical sites b) 景点景观Famous scenic spots c) 名山Famous Mountains d)河流湖泊 Famous rivers an
6、d lakes 第九章 :中国建筑与园林 Chinese architecture and gardening a) 传统建筑风格Ancient architectural styles b)著名传统建筑 Famous ancient constructions c) 园林及其特色Chinese gardening Translate the following expressions:1. 四大发明 2. 儒家文化 3. 青藏高原(平原 盆地 群岛 半岛) 4. 亚热带 温带 5. 降水量 6.义勇军进行曲 7. 兵马俑 8. 四大古典名著 9. 四大菜系 10. 麻将 1. The com
7、pass, gunpowder, the art of paper-making and the movable type printing 2.Confucianism 3. Archipelagoes peninsulas 4. Subtropical temperate zones 5 Precipitation 6.March of the Volunteers 7. The terra cotta armies and horses8. 西游记Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 三国演义The Romance of the Thre
8、e Kingdoms 红楼梦A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 水浒传 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 9. Four major groups of Chinese Cuisine (homework) 10. Mahjong中国文化通览Chapter One The Basic National Conditions of Ancient China (第一章 古代中国概况)Chapter Two Chinese Historical Tales , Myths, Fables and
9、Legends (第二章 中国历史故事、神话、寓言与民间传说)Chapter Three Eminent Personnel in the History of Chinese Culture ( 第三章 中国文化名人)Chapter Four Famous Chinese Literary Works.(第四章 中国名言名篇)Chapter Five Gems of Chinese Culture.(第五章 中国文化瑰宝)Chapter Six Folk Arts and Sports .(第六章 中国民间艺术与竞技)Chapter Seven Chinese Folk Cultures.(
10、第七章 中国风土人情)Chapter Eight Chinese Geographical Culture.(第八章 中国地理文化)Chapter Nine Chinese Architecture and Gardening (第九章 中国建筑与园林)第一章:a) 地理环境和经济结构The geographical surroundings and the economic structure of the Chinese cultureb) 中国文化的历史发展The historical development of the Chinese culture c) 中国人的传统世界观、价值观
11、和思维模式The traditional worldview, values and mode of thinking of the Chinese people d) 以儒、道两家为基干的古代思想文化The ancient Chinese thoughtSection 1 The Geographical Surroundings and the Economic Structure of the Chinese CultureThe Chinese culture can be defined as a cultural system rich in distinct national s
12、tyle which took shape within the terrain of China. The culture includes the spiritual culture and behavioral culture as well as their materialized presentations. It is these cultural forms that typify the fundamental features of the Chinese culture. It belongs to the historical category, having unde
13、rgone 5 000-year development before it turns into todays splendid sight, both extensive and profound. To some extent the Chinese culture indicates the Chinese tradition. Meanwhile it can be relegated to the national category. After a long process of relatively independent development followed by the
14、 collision and exchange afterwards between China and foreign countries, the Chinese culture assumed unique characteristics, became an outstanding member in the brilliant global family of national cultures, and grew to be a main representative of Oriental national cultures.For anyone to understand th
15、e basic national conditions of ancient China, the Chinese culture is a must, and vice versa. The basic national conditions in China owed its formation to the development of the Chinese culture in the specific historical background and geographical surroundings. Grasping the basic national conditions
16、 promises an indispensable channel to the Chinese culture. The following is an introduction of the Chinese culture from the perspectives of the geographical surroundings, economic structure, and historical development and traits.The Geographical Surroundings地理环境中国是一个疆域辽阔、人口众多的多民族的统一国家。它立国的地理环境对中国文化的
19、段历史时期内,成为中华古代文明的主要发祥地和根据地。农业文明给予中国文化的形成和发展以决定性的影响,是构成中国文化不同于西方文化的基本点。China is a unitary multinational country with a vast territory and a large population. The geographical surroundings play a vital role in the formation and development of the Chinese culture. Situated in the continent of East Asia,
20、 China is located in relatively enclosed geographical surroundings. In the north stretches the vast desert and prairie; in the west, the vast expanse of Gobi and desert and Qinghai-Tibet plateau; in the southwest, Yunnan-Guizhou mountainous region and boundless tropical rain forests; in the east and
21、 southeast, the ocean. The relatively enclosed geographical surroundings provided exceptional natural advantages for the ancient Chinese culture to develop independently, for a fairly long period free from the impact of foreign cultures, especially those powerful ones. These facilitated the Chinese
22、culture to evolve into a stable and independent system with distinctive regional features.Since the terrain of China is high in the west and low in the east, several long rivers running from west to east are distributed evenly to form the valleys of Liaohe River, Yellow River, Yangtze River and Pear
23、l River. The large rivers and their tributaries facilitate the agricultural development and transportation as well as the growth of regional cultures. Chinese cultural system is an organic unity with multi-elements. Different styles of regional cultures enrich the connotation of the Chinese culture.
24、 Meanwhile, conflicts among different regional cultures came into being between various nationalities as well as regional regimes, due to the difference in geographical surroundings and the regional cultures arising therefrom. The general trend, however, is cultural fusion and political unity.With t
25、he territory in the temperate and subtropical zones, the natural resources such as light, heat, water and soil are fit for the development of agricultural economy. Especially in the Yellow River Valley and the Yangtze River Valley, farming is the major economic mode. Ancient Chinese civilization is
26、of agricultural nature, which is an early-maturing type of human civilization. Hence, Chinas ancient civilization originated mainly in the Yellow River Valley and the Yangtze River Valley. Agricultural civilization developed early in the Yellow River Valley. People here enjoy seasonal climate of tem
27、perate zone. Besides, the thick and fertile layer of loess, and the water resources provided by the river and its tributaries also contribute to its development. For quite a long period, the Yellow River Valley has been the major birthplace and base of the ancient civilization. Agricultural civiliza
28、tion plays a decisive role in forming and promoting the Chinese culture, which constitutes its fundamental differences from Western culture.第二节 中国文化的历史发展中国已有5 000年的文明发展史,中国文化是世界最古老的文化之一,而且是世界上唯一的长期延续没有中断的文化。中国文化之所以具有如此强大的生命力,主要由其本身所固有的内在结构和基本素质所决定。中国文化的结构是“多元一体”的,“多元”是指它早期由多种文化融合而成,后来又接纳了各少数民族文化,且对外
29、来文化具有极强的包容性,从而形成了一种“多元”文化兼容并包的格局;“一体”指多元文化熔铸为一个整体,形成了有着共同的价值观念和鲜明特色的中华民族文化。中国文化“多元一体”的结构造就了它自信宽容的素质,中国文化以我为主,不断吸收外来文化,在吐故纳新中获得了生命的活力。面临当今世界的挑战,饱经风霜的中国文化从容应对,在自我改造和改造世界中展示自己的文化魅力,并永葆青春。 Section 2 The Historical Development of the Chinese Culture China has a 5 000-year history of the development of ci
30、vilization. The Chinese culture is one of the most ancient cultures in the world, and the only one that has lasted for thousands of years without suspension. The strong vitality could be attributed to its innate structure and essential quality. The structure of the Chinese culture is typical of inte
31、grated pluralism. “Pluralism” refers to the fact that the Chinese culture is a blending of so many different cultures and it displays strong tolerance to embrace the cultures of ethnic groups and those from extraneous places. “Integrated” means various cultures melt into a unity, forming a distinctl
32、y Chinese culture with common values. The integrated pluralism has developed a self-confident magnanimity so that the Chinese culture, which gives priority to itself, can absorb foreign cultures constantly, thereby getting revitalized in the process of discarding the old and embracing the new. Throu
33、ghout the history, the Chinese culture has survived all kinds of ordeals and turmoil. Confronted with todays challenges, it is sure to face them calmly, revealing its fascination and keeping its youthful vigor in the process of remolding itself and transforming the world.中国古代的经济结构长达数千年的、以小农经济占主导地位的农
35、入到华夏族和汉族中去,最终还原于以汉族为主体的,以农业经济为基础的传统社会模式。中国最少已经有8 000年的农耕历史。农耕经济塑造了古代中国的基本社会面貌,在此基础上形成了与之相适应的政治制度和观念形态。古代中国的历代统治者都不约而同地实行了保护农业经济的政策,具体讲就是劝农政策和抑商政策。劝农政策是鼓励从事农耕活动。至少从西周开始,已产生了籍田制度。每年立春之日,天子、诸侯都要举行一个盛大的礼仪活动,由天子、诸侯亲自执耒耜,耕籍田,为民众做榜样,表达政府对农业生产活动的重视,以后形成惯例。此外政府还要表彰“力田”,即在农业生产中有卓越表现者。抑商政策则是惩罚压制从事工商业活动的人,从而抑制工
36、商业的发展,消除对农业经济的冲击。历代统治者的“抑商”有时是非常严厉的,其中包括不准商人衣丝绸、携剑、乘车等,甚至有没收财产的处罚。这些政策保证了农业经济在古代社会的主导地位。The Economic StructureChinese economic structure has undergone a process of change from the ancient pattern composed mainly of agriculture to that of technology in a modern industrial society. The agricultural so
37、ciety, which lasted for several thousand years, with the small-scale peasant economy in the leading position, exerted a strong influence on the development of the Chinese culture.In ancient China, the natural economic pattern went like this: farming was the major mode of production and family, the b
38、asic unit. In primitive society, three types of regional economy farming, pasturage and fishing gradually came into existence because of the discrepancies in natural geographical surroundings. After the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, some relatively stable economic zones developed: the farming zone
39、in the middle and lower valleys of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, the nomadic zone in the northern and northwestern frontiers and the fishing and hunting zone in the northeast. However, due to the early-maturing prosperity and wide dispersion, the agricultural economy always had a leading r
40、ole in ancient China. The mainstream of the ancient Chinese culture was based on the agricultural civilization. The nationalities engaged in pasturage or fishing and hunting in the north mounted large-scale offences southward many times by taking advantage of their military might, and managed to est
41、ablish their political power successively, but each time they were brought under the control of the agricultural civilization of the Central Plains. Assimilated by and integrated with the Hua Xia and Han nationalities, they reverted to the traditional social pattern with Han nationality as its main
42、body and agricultural economy as its foundation.Agriculture was fundamental to the development of ancient China. Farming, the origin of which can at least be traced back to 8 000 years ago, has been instrumental in molding the basic social outlook of ancient China. Agriculture shaped the political s
43、ystem and ideology. In ancient China, rulers of each dynasty happened to coincide in their policy of protecting agriculture, i.e. encouraging farming but limiting commerce. Incentive measures were adopted to develop farming. With the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty, emerged the system of house
44、hold land. Every year at the Beginning of Spring (first solar term) of each year, a grand ceremony would be held. The Emperor, as well as dukes and princes would plough their own household land, setting a model for the common people to follow, and conveying the message that the government attached h
45、igh importance to agriculture. Later, this became a conventional practice. The government also commended those who had scored outstanding achievements in the area of farming. In order to discourage the development of the craft and commercial sector, measures were taken to punish and restrain those h
46、andicraftsmen and businessmen. The punishments were sometimes very stern, such as forbidding businessmen to wear silk clothes, carry swords or use a chariot and even to confiscate their property. All these measures guaranteed the dominant role of agricultural economy in the ancient society.The econo
47、my of ancient China, no matter which type it took, suzerain economy, landlord economy or owner-peasant economy, judging from the nature and mode, belonged to the category of a small-scale economy. This kind of economy had the following characteristics.Firstly, the family was the basic unit. In ancient China, farming was conducted for thousands of years with each household as a productive unit. Originally each family was fairly large with a complex structure. During the three dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou, the extended families consisting of three or