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1、引言的写作技巧学术论文中的引言(Introduction)是对全文内容和结构的总体勾画。引言尽管不像摘要那样有一定的篇幅限制和相对固定的格式,但在内容和结构模式上也有需要遵循的规律。本章首先介绍这些规律,然后探讨需要掌握的语言技巧。8.1 引言的内容与结构布局引言的主要任务是向读者勾勒出全文的基本内容和轮廓。它可以包括以下五项内容中的全部或其中几项:介绍某研究领域的背景、意义、发展状况、目前的水平等;对相关领域的文献进行回顾和综述,包括前人的研究成果,已经解决的问题,并适当加以评价或比较; 指出前人尚未解决的问题,留下的技术空白,也可以提出新问解这些新问题的新方法、新思路,从而引出自己研究课题
2、的动机与义; 说明自己研究课题的目的;概括论文的主要内容,或勾勒其大体轮廓。如何合理安排以上这些内容,将它们有条有理地给读者描绘清楚,并非容易之事。经验告诉我们,引言其实是全文最难写的部分。这是因为作者对有关学科领域的熟悉程度,作者的知识是渊博、还是贫乏,研究的意义何在、价值如何等问题,都在引言的字里行间得以充分体现。我们可以将引言的内容分为三到四个层次来安排(如图8.1所示)。第一层由研究背景、意义、发展状况等内容组成,其中还包括某一研究领域的文献综述;第二层提出目前尚未解决的问题或急需解决的问题,从而引出自己的研究动机与意义;第三层说明自己研究的具体目的与内容;最后是引言的结尾,可以介绍一
3、下论文的组成部分。第一层:1) Introducing the general research area including its background, importance, and present level of development2) Reviewing previous research in this area第二层: Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous research, raising a relevant question 第三层:Specifying the purpose of
4、your research第四层:1) Announcing your major findings 2) Outlining the contents of your paper 图8.1 引言的结构布局之一值得注意的是,引言中各个层次所占的篇幅可以有很大差别。这一点与摘要大不一样,摘要中的目的、方法、结果、结论四项内容各自所占的篇幅大体比例一样。而在引言中,第一个层次往往占去大部分篇幅。对研究背景和目前的研究状况进行较为详细的介绍。研究目的可能会比较简短。引言与摘要还有一点不同的是,摘要中必须把主要研究结果列出,而在引言中(如果摘要与正文一同登出)结果则可以省略不写,这是因为正文中专门有一
5、节写结果(results),不必在引言中重复。下面这段引言的例子摘自一篇关于混合电动汽车的研究论文,大部分篇幅介绍研究背景。例1A Hybrid Internal Combustion Engine/Battery Electric Passenger Car for Petroleum Displacement I. Forster and J. R. Bumby INTRODUCTION 1 The finite nature of the worlds oil resources and the general concern about automobile emissions hav
6、e prompted the adoption of energy conservation policies and emphasized the need to transfer energy demand from oil to other sources of energy, such as natural gas, coal and nuclear. 2 A transfer of energy from oil to electricity can be achieved to a limited extent in the road trans- port sector by t
7、he increased use of electric vehicle. However, such vehicles are limited in range due to the amount Of energy that can he realistically stored on-board the vehicle without affecting payload. As a consequence of this, electric vehicles must he used in situations where daily usage is well defined, for
8、 example, in urban delivery duty. Indeed, it has been in such vehicles as the urban milk delivery vehicles that electric traction drives have been traditionally applied with a great deal of success. Currently the demand is for urban electric vehicles to he developed with greater traffic compatibilit
9、y in terms of speed and range. 分析:第一层(第15段):介绍混合电动汽车的研究背景、意义、目前的发展水平,需要解决的问题等。第1段:指出混合电动汽车的研究背景。世界石油资源的有限性及人们对汽车排放问题的广泛关注使得能源转换问题尤为重要。第2段:使用电动汽车能够从某种程度上实现能源转换。但问题是电动汽车的续驶里程比内燃机车短。所以目前要解决的问题是提高电动汽车的速度和续驶里程。 3 Although urban delivery vehicle applications will help to reduce the dependence of the road
10、transport sector on petroleum-based fuels, the major part of this market requires vehicles that are not limited in range and have a performance compatible with internal combustion, i.e. engine vehicles. The use of advanced traction battery technology to overcome the range limitation of electric vehi
11、cles is one possible solution. However, this would still result in a vehicle limited in range and may in itself create additional problems. For example, due to the much greater on- board stored energy, the charging time required will be greater than at present. 4 The range limitations of the pure el
12、ectric vehicle can be overcome by using a hybrid i.c. engine/electric drive which incorporates both an i.c. engine and an electric traction system. Al- though such a vehicle can be designed to meet a number of objectives, it has been argued that a vehicle which seeks to remove the range limitation o
13、f the electric vehicle while substituting a substantial amount of petroleum fuel by electrical energy is the vehicle most worth pursuing. With the emphasis of the vehicle design on the electric drive train, the intention may be to operate in an all-electric mode under urban conditions and to use the
14、 i.c. engine for long-distance motorway driving. The hybrid mode could then he used for extending urban range and/or improving vehicle accelerative performance on accelerator kick-down.5 The concept of a hybrid electric vehicle capable of substituting petroleum fuel is not new, 第3段:市场要求电动汽车的续驶里程及工作性
15、能与内燃机汽车媲美,但是,即使先进电池可以提高电动汽车的续驶里程,但还会有一些问题不能解决。 第4段:续驶里程可以通过使用混合电动汽车来提高。混合电动汽车上既装有内燃机,又装有电动驱动系统,在必要时使用其中一种系统。第5段:回顾并评述前人关于混合电动汽车Bosch and Volkswagen having built vehicles in the 1970s. More recently, the advent of the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development and Demonstration Programme in th
16、e United States of America initiated the design and construction of a Near Term Hybrid Vehicle (NTHV) with the principal aim of substituting petroleum fuel by wall plug electricity. 6 As part of the NTHV programme, a large number of conceptual studies were conducted but on vehicles aimed at the Amer
17、ican passenger car market. In this paper optimization studies were conducted, but now on a vehicle suitable for the European medium-sized passenger car market. Such optimization studies are important as, with two sources of traction power available, the way in which they are controlled, and their re
18、lative sizing, is fundamental to the way the vehicle performs.7 Before examining in detail the optimum control strategy for the drive train, Section 2 defines the hybrid arrangement under study. A description of the optimization process using an appropriate cost function is then presented in Section
19、 3 followed by a method of translating the resulting control structure into a sub-optimum algorithm capable of being implemented in real time. Using the optimum control structure the effect of component ratings on the vehicles performance is evaluated in Section 4, while Section 5 discusses the prac
20、tical implementation of an overall vehicle control algorithm. Finally, in Section 6, an indication of the vehicles potential for substituting petroleum fuel by electricity is given.的研究成果。第二层(第6段第1句话):指出前人研究的范围具有局限性。关于混合电动汽车的研究只针对美国市场。针对欧洲市场的研究还是空白。第三层(In this paper)本文的研究目的及意义:对欧洲中型客车市场进行优化研究。第四层为第7段
21、:本文的组成部分及各部分的主要内容。比较简短的论文,引言也可以相对比较简短。为了缩短篇幅,可以用一两句话简单介绍一下某研究领域的重要性、意义或需要解决的问题等。接着对文献进行回顾。然后介绍自己的研究动机、目的和主要内容。至于研究方法、研究结果及论文的组成部分则可以完全省略,如图82所示。第一层: Introducing the importance of the research area and reviewing previous Research第二层: Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous researc
22、h, raising a relevant question .第三层: Specifying the purpose of your research.图8.2 引言的结构布局模式之二例2Forest Decline and Tree Mortality in a Southeastern Ohio Oak(橡树) -Hickory( 山核桃树) ForestGRETCHEN M. WALTERS AND BRIAN C. MCCARTRY INTRODUCTION1 Forest decline results from a reduction in growth and vigor an
23、d may be accompanied by widespread mortality of trees over a relatively large geographic area. There has been a considerable increase in the reporting of forest decline throughout the hardwood forest of eastern North America and thus possible cause for concern. The source of decline is often much mo
24、re difficult to pinpoint and is frequently the result of multiple stresses including ozone, atmospheric pollution, climatic extremes, and pests.分析:第一层(第13段):提出森林资源减少和树木死亡这一值得关注的问题,以及有关这一问题的研究状况。第1段:共三句话,提出问题并简单介绍造成这一问题的几种因素。 2 The condition of eastern hardwood species and ecosystems of the United St
25、ates has been summarized by Weiss and Rizzo (1987) and Millers et al. (1989). One of the more prominent examples of large scale species decline in northeastern North America is the sugar maple (糖槭树). Observed patterns of decline stimulated the creation of the North American Sugar Maple Decline Proje
26、ct, a joint endeavor between the United States and Canada, to monitor the changing conditions in sugar maples (Hertel and MeKinney- McNeal 1991 ). Concurrently, the Forest Response Program was created to examine the effects of and ozone on forest health and productivity. Since then, numerous studies
27、 have been completed and many regions are establishing long-term forest health surveys to better monitor changes occurring in the eastern forest (Loncks 1992). 3Througout the eastern United States, large scale compositional changes have been observed in forests dominated by oak and hickory (Christen
28、sen 1977, Lorimer 1984, McCarthy et al. 1987, Pallardy et al. 1988). Many of these changes are believed to be successional in nature and appear to be linked to regeneration problems (Lorimer 1993). Failure of the oaks to regenerate has been tied to a variety of factors including competition (e. g.,
29、shade intolerance), altered disturbance regimes (e.g., fire), wildlife populations (e.g., insects, deer), and a variety of influences over the past century ( Lorimer 1993). Certainly, increased stress or decline in the oaks would adversely affect tree reproduction (Marion 1991). 第2段:回顾并评述该领域的研究与发展过程
30、。以糖槭树作为例子,说明树种的减少所引起的关注以及对该问题的研究项目等。第3段:关于美国东部地区森林结构的观察研究状况。以橡树和山核桃树为主的森林在结构上发生了变化。原因是多种多样的。橡树与山核桃树的减少会对树木的再生长造成不良影响。4 In Ohio, there have been few specific reports in the literature of oak and hickory decline (Millers et al. 1989). Regionally, oak mortality has been linked to a variety of causes in
31、cluding drought, insects, and diseases. Hickory mortality has usually been associated with insect outbreaks (e.g., hickory bark beetle and gypsy moth) (Millers et al. 1989). Hanson et al. (1976) noted oak mortality and decline associated with drought and insects throughout a multi-state region of th
32、e midwest, including Ohio. McCarthy (1995) documented 50% hickory mortality, associated with insects, in a ten year study of forest dynamics in two hardwood areas in southeastern Ohio forest. The lack of decline reports for oak-hickory vegetation in Ohio may simply be because the forest is essential
33、ly healthy. Alternatively, decline symptoms may be present but not reported due to a shortage of studies explicitly designed to evaluate decline in certain forest types.5 The purpose of this study was to conduct a preliminary forest health study of a representative oak-hickory forest of southeastern
34、 Ohio. A decline index was employed to categorize present symptoms and predict future dynamics while mortality was used as an indicator of past decline and its resultant effects on present forest dynamics. 第二层(第4段):指出研究的空白。关于俄亥俄州橡树与山核桃树减少与死亡的研究报告却很少见。第三层(第5段):说明本研究项目的目的。为了填补上述空白,本文对俄亥俄州东南部地区的橡树与山核桃树
35、的健康状况进行初步研究。 可见,引言一般分为三到四个层次。每个层次都有各自的任务与目的。而在语言上也有各自的特点,掌握这些特点会使写作过程化难为易。下面将对引言各层次的写作特点和技巧分别加以介绍。 8.2 如何写引言的开头 引言开头(即第一层)最主要目的是告诉读者论文所涉及的研究领域及其意义是什么,研究要解决什么问题,目前状况或水平如何。也就是说,开头要回答如下问题:l What is the subject of the research?l What is the importance of this subject?l How is the research going at prese
36、nt?l In what way is it important, interesting, and worth studying?l What problem does the research solve?下面列举几段例子,以说明引言开头如何开门见山点明研究主题,回答以上问题。例3 Purple loosestrife (紫千曲菜) is a wetland plant which invaded North America in the early 1800s. It is well established in the United States and Canada with ser
37、ious infestations in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence regions.研究主题是purple loosestrife。这种植物之所以值得研究,是因为它严重侵扰了五大湖区及圣劳伦斯地区。例4 Forecast of the tracks of hurricanes (飓风)have improved steadily over the past three decades, owing to a combination of better observations and much improved numerical models. The
38、se improvements, along with advances in warning systems and preparedness for emergencies, have brought about a significant decline in loss of life. 研究主题是 forecast of the tracks of hurricanes(对飓风轨道的预测)。这一领域取得了进步,意义是大大减少人员伤亡损失。例5 Environmental indicators(环境指数)attempt to accurately describe environment
39、al conditions and make available scientifically valid information on environmental trends研究主题是environmental indicators。环境指数的意义是能够精确地描述环境状况,并能够提供关于环境倾向的科学、有效的信息。例6 Acoustic problem occur extensively in long spaces. For example, in road or rail tunnels noise pollution is a serious problem, and in unde
40、rground stations poor speech intelligibility of public address systems can cause misunderstanding of vital instructions during an emergency.研究主题是acoustic problem of longs paces(长空间的声学问题),例如,公路与铁路隧道上的噪声污染就是一个严重的问题。地铁站的广播系统语言清晰度差,造成在紧急状态下信息误解,因此,这个问题值得研究解决。通过分析例3到例6,还可以发现如下特点。首先,关键词往往出现在第一句话,回答What is
41、 the research area? 这个问题,迅速将主题告诉读者,避免转弯抹角,影响信息传递。然后简单介绍该研究领域的意义。 第二,引言开头句子的谓语动词或者是一般现在时态,或者是现在完成时态。这是因为这些动词所描述的是某研究领域的现状,而不是过去的情况。 引言的开头常用句型还有: 句型1:研究主题+谓语动词be 例7 aFuel cell(燃料电池)is a technology for the clean and efficient conversion from chemical energy in fossil fuels to electricity b. Spot weldin
42、g (点焊) is the most widely used joining method in the automobile manufacturing industry. c. Accurate prediction of springback (回弹预测) for sheet metal forming process is vital to the design of tools used in automotive sheet stamping operations. 句型2: 研究主题+ has become a. Semiconductor based industry (基于半
43、导体的工业)has be come the largest industry for the USA and it has influenced every other industry and every aspect of human life. b. The battery technology has become increasingly popular in automotive industry. c. Forest decline has become a favorite topic for environmental studies. a. Synthetic polyme
44、rs (聚合物) are widely used in contact with biological systems in applications such as medicine, biotechnology, food processing and natural water environment. b. Air pollution has been extensively studied in recent years.c. The causes of glaucoma have been widely investigated recently. d. The importanc
45、e of safe driving is now well established. 句型4: Recently, there has been growing interest in / concern about + 研究主题例10 a. Recently, there has been growing concern about waste-water biosolid, the residual organic matter produced during waste water treatment. b. In the 1990s there has been growing interest in the development of electric vehicles in response to the public demand for cleaner air. 句型5: Recently there have / has been extensive / increasing /numerous publications / literature / reporting on + 研究领域例11 a. Ther