The outline of British literature.doc
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1、I. The outline of British literature1. The old and medieval period(5thc.-16thc.)2. The English Renaissance (16thc.)3. The Period of Revolution and Restoration (17thc.)4. The Enlightenment (18thc.)5. Romanticism (1798-1832)6. Critical Realism (19thc.)7. Modernism (20thc.) Chapter I The Old And Mediev
2、al English Literature Section I The Anglo-Saxon Period (5th century 449-1066) 1. Historical Background 1) aboriginal inhabitants: the Celts 2) the Roman Conquest of Britain: 55 B.C - 5th c. Julius Caesar Christianity 3) the Anglo-Saxon period: 449A.D. the Teutonic tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes
3、exterminate the Celts Angle-land England, Anglo-Saxon English Old English 4) late 8th century, King Alfred the Great (849A.D.-901?) fighting back the Danes. 5) 1066. Norman Conquest: William, the Duke of NormandyThe Norman Conquest ended the Anglo-Saxon period in English history.Romans Angles, Saxon
4、s Danes (克努特王国) 11thc the French2. Literature 1) two divisions: Pagan literature and Christian literature597A.D., St. Augustine 7th century, all England was Christianized 2) Literary figures: scop / gleeman / minstrel, monks Latin has left its firm mark on the early English prose and poetry. The lea
5、rning center was the monasteries and abbeys.A. Caedmon凯德门: the first Anglo-Saxon poet Paraphrase: in which he turned the stories in the Bible into verse form“Sing me something Sing me the Creation”B. Cynewulf: 西涅武夫another representative figure in Anglo-Saxon literatureC. the Venerable Bede: the most
6、 prominent of the early prose writers in Anglo-Saxon period The Ecclesiastical History of the English People英国人民宗教史 “Father of English History”D. King Alfred the Great: translated some works from Latin: The Ecclesiastical History of the English People The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle created the more natur
7、al English prose style3) The earliest form of literature: poetry, or poems and songs3. Beowulf1) the most important literary composition in Old English time2) national epic3) describing events taking place on the Continent approximately at the beginning of the 6th c.4) plot: Beowulf the teutonic her
8、o Hrothgar King of the DanesHeorot a great hallGrendel a half-human monster Grendels mother: she-monsterFiredrakeking of Geats for 50 years5) characterization:the hero Beowulf is essentially a legendary figure6) Beowulf is a mixture of paganism and Christian elementsThe story of the poem is about th
9、e life of Anglo-Saxons before they came to England, but the poem itself was written down after the conversion of the English to Christianity. 7) Most striking features in its poetical formA. alliteration: (TBp.4) e.g. of men was the mildest and most beloved, to his kin the kindest, keenest for prais
10、eB. kenning or metaphor: A conventional, poetic phrase used for, or in addition to, the usual name of a person or object.e.g.helmet bearer,hearth-companionwarriorswan-road, whale-path,seal-paththe seathe world candlethe sun C. understatement: A form of humor or irony in which something is intentiona
11、lly represented less strongly or strikingly than facts would warrant. It is an antonym of overstatement, exaggeration and hyperbole. e.g.not troublesomevery welcomeneed not praisea right to condemn.Additional Informationepic: A lengthy narrative poem in which action, characters, and language are on
12、a heroic level and style is exalted and even majestic. Major characteristics of an epic are:1) a setting remote in time and place,2) an objective, lofty, dignified style,3) a simple plot,4) a central incident (or series of incidents) dealing with legendary or traditional material5) a theme involving
13、 universal human problems6) a towering hero of great stature7) superhuman strength of body, character, or mind 8) supernatural forces entering the action.Some of the noted epics are Iliad and Odyssey by Homer; Beowulf; Dantes The Divine Comedy; Miltons Paradise Lost.Section II The Anglo-Norman Perio
14、d (1066-1500)1. Historical background: 1) Norman Conquest1066, Duke William of Normandythe feudal system of hierarchy: kingbaronsknightsthe Hundred Years War with France 1337-1453the Black Death of 1349-1350, 死亡1/3人口the peasant uprisings: 1381, Wat Tyler and John Ball.3 effects of Norman Conquest:A.
15、 the bringing of Roman civilizationB. the growth of nationality, i.e. a strong centralized government.C. the new language and literature英法百年战争1337-1453第一阶段英法两国为争夺王位和土地,进行了百年的残酷战争.英王爱德华三世Edward 111 在位其间1327-1377 为了争夺法国王位引发百年战争.法国一直处于劣势,部分土地落入英人手中. 英法百年战争 第二阶段图.英国本来一直处于上风,法国就快无力还击,可是一场瘟疫把英国梦碎!这种黑死病导致大
16、量英军和国民死亡,英王再也无法顾及战争,只好于1360年跟法国签订和约,宣布放弃对法国王位的要求.英法百年战争 第三阶段1415-20.英王亨利五世Henry V 进攻法国,法军大败,被迫签下和约Treaty of Troyes,和约宣布法国沦为英法联合王国,英王亨利五世担任法国摄政王.英法百年战争第四阶段 1423-53年.英军占领法国北部,继续围攻南部重地奥尔良城.法国农家少女贞德,率领法军把奥尔良城解困,打败英军,奥尔良的胜利扭转了法国在整个战争中的危难局面.接着贞德又率军收复了许多北方领土!可惜这位女战士锋芒太露,使到宫廷贵族和法王的将军不满并加以谋害为女巫,贞德受尽酷刑之后更在城下被
17、活活烧死,当年少女贞德还未满二十岁!453年十月十九日,英军在波尔多投降,战争结束,英国占领法国的土地剩下加来一城Calais 直到1558年.从14世纪40年代至15世纪50年代,英法两国发生了旷日持久的战争,这场战争持续了一百多年(13371453年),史称百年战争。百年战争的起因是由法国王位的继承问题引起的。1328年查理四世死后,卡佩王朝家族男嗣断绝,英王爱德华三世以法王菲力普四世外孙的资格要求继承法国王位,但是,法国以萨利克法典规定女子无王位继承权为由,拒绝了爱德华三世的要求,英王心有不甘,坚持要求继承法国王位,由此以法国王位继承问题为导火线,终于引发了英法百年战争。英法两国除了王位
19、来。百年战争使法国北部的一些城市,尤其是巴黎,遭到严重损失,生产力大受破坏,人口减少、生产下降、贸易萎缩,被占领地区大片土地荒芜、粮食减产、民不聊生。1356午,在普瓦提埃战役中,法国骑兵被英王长子指挥的英国步兵击溃,法王约翰二世和大批贵族被俘。战败的消息使法国国内引起极大震动,人们对败退归来的骑士深感不满,大加责难,骑士制度从此开始衰落。 2) language: English (Middle English), French, Latinpig porkcattle beefchickens poultrycalf veal2. Literature:1) a combination o
20、f French and Anglo-Saxon elements 2) religious3) romantic tales of love and adventure, to replace the strength and somberness of the Anglo-Saxon Poetry: RomanceA. Romance(TBp.5)B. Three classes of romance:(TBp.5) “the Matter of Britain”, about the adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of the Rou
21、nd Table; “the Matter of France”,about stories concerning Emperor Charlemagne (768-814 in rule)and his peers; “the Matter of Rome”, about stories concerning Alexander the Great and so forth. C. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight(高文爵士和绿衣骑士).four cantos King Arthur the Green Knight Sir Gawainthe host and
22、 hostessa magic green girdle Features: theme: dealing with mainly the motif of loyalty, faith, courage and purity a metrical romance 韵文传奇in alliterative verse3. folk literature: William Langland: Piers the Plowman (农夫皮尔斯)从影响来说,在它出现之后不久,皮尔斯的名字就成为1381年农民起义中的富有号召力的口号,在十六世纪又成为激励宗教改革运动的力量;经过四,五百年,这首诗至今还有
23、四十七种不同的抄本存在着,可见它的流传之广。总之,这是一首比历史记载还要真实而又有历史记载所没有的浓厚的情感色彩的好诗。Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400)I. literary position 1. the most prominent literary figure in Middle English period 2. father of English poetry 3. one of the greatest narrative poets of England 4. founder of English realism 5. forerunner of hu
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- The outline of British literature