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《通用川菜烹饪术语注释.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《通用川菜烹饪术语注释.doc(19页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、_*常用川菜烹饪术语注释 常用烹饪术语注释作者:汪世容四川省是个多民族的地方,语言较为丰富,在长期的生产劳动中各民族的语言表达形成了独自特有的发音风格,特别是烹饪术语上的称谓,更是准确、独到、诙谐,充分体现了四川人的聪明与智慧。为方便全国各地的读者朋友了解川菜的制作,现在我们将常用烹饪术语作一个正确的介绍,希望能够为读者朋友们在了解川菜烹调技术的过程中,起到准确认知的作用。墩子刀工部分:打糁:肉去筋,用刀背捶茸,盛于盆内,加清水调拌均匀,合为一体,加人肉茸拌匀,再加鸡蛋清,搅拌合为一体,颜色白而发亮,加盐搅动八、九十下,然后加入清水顺时针方向搅几十下,便成糁。剞:是川菜常用刀法之一,将原料划上
4、,两头呈斜尖形,形如马耳朵状。葱颗:又称磉墩葱、葱弹子。黄葱、葱白经整理清洗净,切成长1厘米的葱颗。蒜片:大蒜去外皮,切成象指甲壳的薄片。蒜米:大蒜去外皮,用刀拍松,铡成细如米粒,作调味料用。刀口花椒:用生花椒,放于菜墩上,用刀铡碎,更能发挥麻味的性能,麻而悠长,风味最佳。炉子操作术语部分:(火巴)要求造字:音爬,是四川方言语音,指原料或菜肴已经熟透,整形不烂的程度。净锅: 指炒锅先洗净,置旺火上烧至锅心快见红时,用瓢舀人熟菜油人锅内浪匀,滗去浪油,使锅内滑利。另外舀人熟菜油人锅炒菜,称为热锅温油,以防止原料粘锅。断生:即原料通过加热至刚熟的程度。焯: 将烹饪原料,如白菜、笋尖、菠菜等,放人沸
5、水中快速微煮断生,捞出半成品。汆: 经过加工半成品和原料放人沸水内快速煮熟,或刚断生,捞出使用。煨: 有的原料本身鲜味不突出,要求菜肴鲜美可口,用鲜汤或好汤氽一次后,再在锅内爆葱油,加好汤,煮一定时间,养起来叫煨。有的原料要煨养2至3次即成。旺火: 烹制菜肴,把火力分为小火、中火与旺火,是指火力的强弱而言。小火的火力微弱,指偏火眼的火力,中火的火力次于旺火的强度,火力较分散,旺火的火力强而且集中。散子: 指肉丁、肉丝、肉片等在油锅中滑炒时,肉与肉之间分开,互不粘连的形状。 出一水: 将原料加工洗净,放人沸水内煮到一定时间,去其血腥气味,再作烹调。有的原料连续出水23次,才能去其血腥气味。清汤:
6、 用老母鸡、鸭子、猪排骨、火腿、棒子骨洗净,先进行出水,用清水烧开,打尽浮沫,再加姜、葱、绍酒,继续烧开,煮20分钟,即用鸡茸、肉茸扫一次,翻人铁顶锅内,将鸡、鸭等捞出清洗后,重新放人铁顶锅里,连同肉饼放人,置小火上(不要大开),拣尽浮油,汤清后,鲜香即成。奶汤: 用老母鸡肉、鸭肉、猪肚、猪蹄等洗净,放人沸水内氽一下,再放人清水锅内,用旺火烧开,接连几次撇去血泡,加姜、葱、绍酒等,熬至汤色洁白,浓如奶汁时,拣出姜、葱不用,捞出鸡、鸭、猪肚、猪蹄等。临用时,再用爆葱油和调味,用于白汁菜肴。扫汤: 制作清汤,将肉茸放人汤锅里,扫尽汤面油汁和浮沫。紧: 将原料加工后下锅微煮,微烫,使皮面紧缩伸展。出
7、坯: 有的加工原料在烹制过程中,须经开汤或沸水微烫晾起,称为出坯。进皮: 将原料放人油锅内微炸,刚炸至表皮略带绉纹捞出。过: 将原料放人炒瓢内,舀人沸水,汤淋上几次,叫做过。油温: 烹制菜肴时,油入锅烧的热度,分为三成热、四成热、五成热、六成热、七成热、八成热等油温热度,用于滑、熘、煎、炒、爆、炸等烹调方法。滑油: 有的菜品烹制前,人四成热油锅内,用竹筷拨散,用炒瓢捞出,滗去余油,使其质地细嫩,色泽美观。亮油: 在烹制过程中,掌握好火候和用油量,菜肴起锅人盘中,油不多也不少,从菜肴中吐出来,呈现在盘内周围。水豆粉: 选用豌豆粉、胡豆粉、玉米粉等盛于缸内,加清水发湿,又称为湿淀粉,用于码芡、勾芡
8、、着腻、上浆。干豆粉:选用豌豆、胡豆加工磨制,过滤、晒干的粉末,又称为全清豆粉。 蛋豆粉: 用干豆粉擀细,加入鸡蛋汁调匀而成。一般用于豆粉30克,加鸡蛋1个调制而成。蛋清豆粉: 用擀细的干豆粉15克,加鸡蛋清1个调制而成。芡汁: 根据菜肴品种不同,要求芡汁的浓度不一样,分二流芡、大二流芡、小二流芡三种。大二流芡,浓度较浓;二流芡,不清不浓;小二流芡,较清一些。勾芡: 用全清豆粉加水调成的。有些烧菜或汤菜,起锅时要勾芡收浓滋汁,起到不易散热,巴味作用。调味运用术语部分:熟菜油: 凡是饮食行业用油,事先经过炼熟后使用,决不用生菜油,以免影响菜肴质量。混合油:指熟菜油与熟猪油各半混合使用。拌味:经过
9、加工的原料,在下锅前,盛于碗内,加川盐或白酱油拌匀。有的还要用姜、葱、绍酒等拌合均匀,又称为拌味或着味。拌匀:在原料下锅前,盛于碗内,加盐、水豆粉或蛋清豆粉拌匀。有的还要加白酱油、姜、葱等拌合均匀。冰糖汁: 即糖色。用冰糖或白糖炒化,下冰糖前用少量油人锅,炒至翻红色时,掺水,使菜肴着色的作用。醪槽汁: 将糯米蒸熟,拌酒曲糙匀,人缸发酵后,浸出的汁液,作调味料用。红卤: 用五香料、汤、姜、葱、绍酒、川盐、花椒、白糖 (炒成暗色),加人心、舌、肘子、猪肉、鸡肉、鸭肉等,卤制成菜,色泽金黄。白卤: 白卤与红卤用料基本相同,只不用糖,卤制成菜,呈现原料本来颜色。复制红酱油: 白酱油5000克,红酱油2
10、500克,红糖 1500克,八角15克,桂皮10克,甘草25克,山柰3克,用小火煨约1小时即成。红油昧碟: 白酱油20克,辣椒油8克,香油3克,味精01克,共同兑成味汁,盛人味碟。姜汁味碟: 姜茸15克,醋25克,味精01克,精盐 05克,香油10克,共同兑成味汁,盛人味碟。蒜泥昧碟: 大蒜茸15克,白酱油40克,白糖05克,香油10克,味精01克,兑成味汁,盛人味碟。椒麻昧碟: 葱叶25克,花椒1克,精盐05克,共同铡成细末,加入白酱油12克,香油10克,味精01克,好汤兑成味汁,盛人味碟。葱酱昧碟: 用葱白切成长4厘米的节段,用刀将两头划成细丝,人清水漂起,待两头翻花如葱花状捞出。用甜面酱
11、 20克,白糖3克,香油10克调匀,盛人味碟,再上葱花即成。糖醋生菜: 用嫩脆鲜蔬菜洗净,切成细丝,再用白糖、食醋、川盐、香油等,应根据蔬菜用量来确定调味料多少,兑成味汁,淋在生菜丝面上即成。糯米酒: 即料酒、绍酒、黄酒,作调味料用。鲜汤: 指煮肉、熬骨头的大锅汤,没有咸味,用着烧菜、兑一般滋汁用。滋汁: 对烹制菜肴需要的滋汁,如白酱油、盐、姜、葱、蒜、绍酒、味精、鲜汤兑成的调味滋汁。姜汁: 生姜洗净,拍破春烂,用干净白布包上,挤出姜汁水,作调味料用。吃味: 在烹调过程中,加入调味料,掌味道准确,称为吃味。Note the term commonly used cooking WANG Shi
12、 Rong Sichuan is a multi-ethnic, language is rich in long-term labor in the production of all ethnic groups formed a language to express their own unique style of pronunciation, especially on cooking terms the description is accurate, unique, humorous, fully embodies the Sichuanese smart and wisdom.
13、 For the convenience of readers around the country Sichuan friends understand the production, we will now commonly used for cooking a correct terminology, readers want to know my friends in Sichuan cooking techniques in the process of understanding the role played accurately. Dunzi part of the knife
14、: playing San: meat to gluten, used Daobei Strickland Rong, Sheng in the basin, plus water-mix evenly, with as one, adding Velvet拌匀meat, egg-plus, as one of mixing, color and white Shiny, salt stirred 8, 90, by adding water and then stir up dozens clockwise direction, then-San. Ji: Sichuan is one of
15、 the commonly used Daofa, will draw all kinds of raw materials knife profiling, but not all (film) off of an integrated Daofa. comb back: the hob block Daofa, rolling to the extent of some small, some cut in thin, a comb back the block. domino pieces: cutting raw materials will grow five centimeters
16、, 2.5 centimeters wide and 0.5 cm thick of the long block. litchi spent knife: first of raw materials with Ji (cut) knife Ji-denim, spacing 0.4 cm, and then ramp Ji-cross pattern is not cut, then cut to four centimeters long and three centimeters wide of the block. nail film: raw materials will cut
17、growth of 1.3 cm, 0.8 cm wide, such as nail-size sheet. Liangdao a fault: raw materials will be cut off Liangdao Yidao, making it a film clip-shaped, such as sand folder meat, brewing, such as eggplant cake Daofa. Barracuda film: known as diamond-shaped blocks, ramps box. First of raw materials cut
18、into 3.5 cm wide long film, and then stabbed oblique growth of about 3.5 cm in Lingjiao-shaped block. hob block: Cylindrical of raw materials, home cooking on the pier, holding down the left hand light of raw materials, the right hand with a knife, cutting edge Gunbian, blocks of uniform. fish gills
19、 form: raw materials will be straight with a number of parallel knife knife Ji Wen, and then cross over raw materials, with ramps of a knife blade broken into two, if the block 1.3 cm, after heating Juansu-like fish gills. Lancet shape: one end of ramp into Jianxing raw materials, like the willow pa
20、ttern shape. a book: raw materials processed into a square, with a knife by order of the size and tidy uniform thickness, a 10% pay a task like a flip of the shape. million shape: rectangular raw materials processed into tablets, thickness, length of agreement, divided into four groups, each the sam
21、e number of films, from top to bottom around the place upside down into a cross-square. ginger rice: Wash the ginger Guapi, the first cut into particles, such as broken again to a grain of rice, and seasonings for use. Fasciolopsiasis: Wash the ginger, peeled repair Founder, Xiangren cut into the sm
22、all crustaceans that thin, with a condiment. Conghua: General Xiangcong cleansing with a net, cut into pea-like big stars, used as a condiment. Ma ears onions: common yellow onions, Congbai, red pepper foam by finishing washed with a knife oblique growth of 2 cm section, two ramps were Jianxing, suc
23、h as the Ma-ear-shaped. onions stars: also known as Sang pier onions, green onions Billiard. Yellow onions, Congbai After finishing cleaning the net, cut the onions grow one centimeter stars. Suanpian: garlic to skin, cut into thin slices like that of the crustaceans. Suanmi: garlic to the jacket, a
24、 knife-shoot, to a fine as a grain of rice, and seasonings for use. knife-edge pepper: Health and pepper, or in dishes on the pier, with a knife to a broken, the better the taste of play Ma, Ma and the long, the best flavor. Furnace operation terminology: (Palestinian fire) requirements defined:-cli
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