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1、-/城市交通拼组玩具设计以广州为例摘要 如今的玩具业已经进入了前所未有的鼎盛时期,儿童的早期益智教育也受到越来越多家长的重视与关注,对于益智玩具来说就具有更高的要求与更新的意义。因此,儿童益智玩具的设计研究就具备理论与现实的必要性。现在中国市场上益智玩具已经发展多年,数量众多,种类也比较齐全,但缺乏创新。特别地在互动方面,现在的玩具产品还是比较缺失的,很多玩具都是小孩一个人玩的,很少有小孩能与小朋友或者父母一起互动的玩具。而,5-7岁的宝宝是最需要父母引导或者能有自己的小伙伴一起玩的,这样他们获得的乐趣将远远大于自己一个人玩耍的乐趣,在培养小孩对事物了解或者性格等方面也能有更好的帮助。城市交通
2、拼组玩具就是一款以互动为主题创新设计的益智玩具。它以广州交通为背景,在家长或者伙伴的陪同下一起搭建城市道路,极具互动性和可以玩性。它能搭建各种广州道路组合,能给孩子了解广州的交通道路,标志建筑等等。在组拼玩具时培养孩子的选择判断能力提高孩子的逻辑思维,在父母陪伴玩耍的过程中提高孩子对广州的了解和熟知一定的交通规则知识等。给宝宝的发展带来各方面的锻炼和提高。关键词: 益智玩具;城市交通;拼组;创新设计Assembledtoy designbased on the example of GuangzhoucitytrafficAbstractNowdays,the toy industry has
3、 entered a period of prosperity hitherto unknown, early childhood education has been more and more concerned parents, has a higher request and update for educational toys significance, therefore, the design of childrens educational toys have the necessity of theory and reality. In China market toy p
4、roducts have been developed for many years, a huge number, type is relatively complete, but the lack of innovation. Especially in terms of interaction, now is lack of toy products, many toys are the child to play alone, few can interact with children or parents of the toy. But, 5-7 years old baby is
5、 to guide or to have their own small partners to play the parents most in need, so they get the fun will be far greater than the one of fun, culture can also better in terms of knowledge or character training. City traffic assembled toy is a subject of innovation design with interactive educational
6、toys. The traffic in Guangzhou as the background, accompanied by parents or partner with building city road, very interactive and can play sex. It can build a variety of Guangzhou road combination, can give a child to understand the Guangzhou Road, building etc. In the assembling toys childrens judg
7、ment ability to improve childrens logical thinking, in the process of parents of children play to improve the understanding of Guangzhou and are familiar with some knowledge of traffic regulations. Give the baby brought about by the development of all aspects of the training and improve. The toy ind
8、ustry has entered a period of prosperity hitherto unknown, early childhood education has been more and more concerned parents, has a higher request and update for educational toys significance, therefore, the design of childrens educational toys have the necessity of theory and reality. In China mar
9、ket toy products have been developed for many years, a huge number, type is relatively complete, but the lack of innovation. Especially in terms of interaction, now is lack of toy products, many toys are the child to play alone, few can interact with children or parents of the toy. But, 5-7 years ol
10、d baby is to guide or to have their own small partners to play the parents most in need, so they get the fun will be far greater than the one of fun, culture can also better in terms of knowledge or character training. City traffic assembled toy is a subject of innovation design with interactive edu
11、cational toys. The traffic in Guangzhou as the background, accompanied by parents or partner with building city road, very interactive and can play sex. It can build a variety of Guangzhou road combination, can give a child to understand the Guangzhou Road, building etc. In the assembling toys child
12、rens judgment ability to improve childrens logical thinking, in the process of parents of children play to improve the understanding of Guangzhou and are familiar with some knowledge of traffic regulations. Give the baby brought about by the development of all aspects of the training and improve.Key
13、 words: educational toys; city traffic; combination group ;innovative design目录Abstract1目录1前言1第一章:市场调查21.1 儿童益智玩具及其分类31.2 儿童益智玩具市场现状和分析4第二章:儿童益智玩具设计原则42.1安全性52.2趣味性52.3益智性62.4互动性6第三章:儿童益智玩具设计定位63.1 使用对象73.2 色彩定位73.3 材料定位7第四章:我的设计方案74.1 方案一:多玩迷宫设计. 84.2方案二:益智重力迷宫箱设计.94.3方案三:拼组马路玩具设计.9第五章:最终方案选择.105.1
14、根据儿童年龄特点选择最终方案.105.2 最终方案的设计思路.105.3 设计过程.115.3.1 实际调查结合地图绘制草图.115.3.2 单元块设置.125.3.3 尺寸确定.145.3.4 建模及细节处理.155.4 效果图渲染.165.5 最终效果图.17第六章:产品可行性分析186.1 创新性.186.2 实用性.19致谢.19参考文献20前言随着人们生活水平的提高,家长们对孩子智力的培养的越来越重视,益智类玩具越来越受家长的欢迎,家长花在儿童身上的消费也越来越高。现在,我国很多年轻的夫妇只能生育一个孩子,他们把希望都寄托在小孩身上,希望小孩能接受更好的教育。据调查我国现有3.8亿少
15、年儿童,其中独生子女人数多达1.3亿。全球玩具销售额在2012年高达1026亿美元,增长速度惊人。亚洲市场也迅速发展,同比往年平均增长接近10%,亚洲已是世界第二大儿童玩具消费市场。同时我国玩具出口破百亿美元,比往年增加了近30%。综上所述,在中国乃至亚洲儿童益智玩具有着广阔的消费市场。设计儿童益智玩具必须遵循儿童玩具设计原则,即安全性、趣味性、益智性、互动性。还要在玩乐的同时尽可能找出儿童在不同智能方面表现不足,并针对不同儿童在各个方面的不足及不同特点,来为孩子的智力开发设计不同的产品。儿童益智玩具可以帮助家长开发儿童各方面的潜力,促进儿童的多元智力的发展。-/第一章 市场调查1.1 儿童益
16、智玩具及其分类玩具基本上是每个儿童必不可少的儿时伙伴,不同的孩子对玩具的喜爱也各有不同,所以了解玩具的分类就非常有必要了。现在市场上的儿童玩具大约可以分为以下几类:(1)声光学习机:运用现代科技与传统玩具结合的新时代益智玩具,它能实现孩子跟玩具之间的交流,儿童可以根据自己的选择,喜好等读书,遇到不懂的时候可以采用点读笔读书。这类益智玩具可以自己更新阅读内容,能让孩子学到很多的新东西。玩具结合高科技,可以让孩子边学习边玩,还能增强孩子的看图能了和听力! (2)积木玩具:积木玩具就是教育和游戏的结合。很多儿童喜欢积木玩具,是因为积木可以按照儿童自已的需要进行创造和再创造。它没有固定的玩法,没有好坏
17、之分,可以以不同的方式无数次组合起来,还可以推倒重新组合。未来,只要保留积木的特性,并要开发出积木新的功能,积木就有更好的发展。随着科技发展,积木在外观上更加流畅,结构上更加多样,功能上将更加新奇、动感。(3)智力拼装玩具:拼装玩具自身不能动,需要儿童自已动手去拼装,它们没有声光的声音和光影效果,但在玩具的造型上有自身的独特之处。玩具的造型就是拼装好的玩具,它们能吸引儿童的的兴趣,他们对自已能亲自动手拼装出小船、小汽车等生活中的物品而感到高兴。(4)遥控玩具 :属于新时代高科技含量的玩具,智能遥控汽车、跳舞特技车、爬墙车等,含有高科技的玩具,是小朋友的最爱,同时它们也受到家长们的青睐。(5)拼
18、图玩具 :一推十分杂乱的图块通过移动,能拼组成固定的、一块都不能错的美丽图案。这需要儿童具有很好的观察力和耐心才能完成。儿童很喜欢他们生活中的事物,如交通工具、动画、动物、建筑等。如果把这些做成拼图玩具,一定受到他们的欢迎(6)木制仿真玩具模型 :原木玩具是一种非常健康的玩具,木制仿真玩模型是仿生活中的事物,主要运用造型结构的优美,让人认识事物并且通过可爱的造型带给人快乐。(7)DIY系列:儿童DIY系列益智产品,对中国儿童动手能力提高有很大的促进作用,也对中国儿童的想象力和创新能力的发展有着积极的作用。1.2 儿童益智玩具市场现状和分析 1.市场容量:现阶段,我国拥有城市儿童差不多2亿,农村
19、儿童1.5亿左右。这说明我国玩具市场的容量非常大,玩具市场还有很大的发展潜力。随着经济发展人们生活水平的提高,家长们对孩子智力的培养的越来越重视,益智类玩具越来越受家长的欢迎,家长花在儿童身上的消费也越来越高。现在,我国很多年轻的夫妇只能生育一个孩子,他们把希望都寄托在小孩身上,希望小孩能接受更好的教育。 2.行业分析:儿童益智玩具有着广阔的消费市场,由于城乡收入水平的不同,在我国有着不同档次和品种的儿童益智玩具,让人们有更多的选择空间。根据调查表明,随着我国城乡居民生活水平的提高,家长将越来越重视对儿童的教育问题,家长们对孩子智力开发投入很大金钱。而益智玩具可以很好开发儿童智力,因此儿童益智
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