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1、毕业生家长中英文发言稿毕业生家长中英文发言稿(一)尊敬的各位领导、各位老师、各位家长亲爱的同学们:大家下午好!Dear leaders, teachers and parents,Dear students,Ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon!我是中德合作会展经济与管理专业本科毕业生陆焱彬的父亲陆明。作为一名家长代表,能够出席今天的毕业典礼,跟大家一起分享心中的喜悦,我感到很荣幸,很激动,很自豪!Im Lu Ming. Myson, Lu Yanbin, is a graduate student of IEMS program.As are present
2、ative of the parents, I feel greatly honored and proud to take part inthe grand graduation ceremony and to be standing here to share our happiness!在这庄严与喜庆的时刻,请允许我代表所有的家长,向辛勤育人、无私奉献的中德双方学校领导和老师们致以最崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢,感谢你们对孩子的辛勤培育和无私奉献,感谢你们帮助孩子们起航新的人生征程;At this solemn and festive moment, Id like to, on behalf
3、 of all the parents here, express my highest respects, honors and heart-felt thanks to all the hard-working and selfless leaders and teachers both in German and Chinese universities. Thank you for your cultivation and guidance for our children during the past four years with which they can start a n
4、ew life journey now.同时也向所有即将毕业的同学们表示最热烈的祝贺和由衷的祝福,祝贺你们历经四年寒窗苦读,终于学业有成。In the meantime,Im also willing to express my sincere congratulations and best wishes to all the students. You have successfully finished your study here with your hardwork. Congratulations again!还记得四年前,儿子收到录取通知书时我们全家人的那份喜悦与激动。不仅是因
5、为儿子即将入读这座沪上名校,更是因为我也曾在上海对外贸易学院攻读国际工商管理硕士课程,贸大也是我的母校。I still remember the happiest and most exciting moment when my son received the letter of admission four years ago, not only because my son would study here, one of the most famous universities in Shanghai, but also because I had studied internatio
6、nal MBA program here too. SUIBE is also my alma mater.作为时刻关注学校发展的万千家长之一,作为贸大的校友之一,我们欣喜地看到,学校以及IEMS项目几年来不断汇聚各类优质资源,在师资队伍、课程设置、培养模式等多方面开拓创新,专业课为中德双方老师全英语授课,这也让同学们开拓眼界,具有国际化视野,为同学们的成长进步创造了良好的学习条件和成长环境。As one of the parents concerning the development of the university, we are really glad that the univer
7、sity and IEMS program are constantly converging resources of goodquality. With the exploration and innovation in such aspects as teaching staff,curriculum settings and cultivating mode, the university has provided favorable studying conditions and growth environment where the children have spent fou
8、r years there studying happily and diligently. Specialized courses are taught in English by both German and Chinese teachers, which have equipped the students with international horizons.眨眼间,同学们愉快而勤奋的四年已经过去,一个个从稚嫩走向成熟,从懵懂变得睿智。我相信,在上海对外经贸大学四年的学习生活将永久铭刻在同学们的心中。我相信,这四年的学习历程会促使着他们去奋斗、去拼搏,用卓越成就回报老师、报答母校。
9、We are glad to see our children have grown up, from immature to mature, from ingenuous towise. Their study and life in this university will be carved in their hearts,which may bee a driving force for them to strive and to end eavor. They will reward the teachers and the university with their outstan
10、ding achievements.亲爱的同学们,我作为一个父亲,一个校友,一个学长,我想代表所有家长对你们说:今天的毕业典礼,意味着四年大学生活的结束,更意味着你们人生新阶段的开始,走出一个有围墙的大学,步入一个没有围墙的社会大学。Dear classmates,here, as a father, an alumnus, a senior, on behalf of all the parents, I want to tell you that the graduation ceremony today not only means the end of your life in uni
11、versity, but also means the start of your new life stage. You have gone out of the university with enclosure and you have stepped into a social university without any enclosure.在生活工作前行的道路中,不只是鲜花和掌声,也充满着曲折与艰辛,有成功的喜悦,也有失败的痛苦。希望你们在今后的生活工作学习中,能够像过去四年一样,彼此扶持、共促进步,也依然能常葆求学心态,以他人为师、以社会为师,在不断的学习中升华自己,用知识和才华
12、开创新的生活,实现自己的人生价值。You should know clearly that in your life forward, there are not only flowers and applauses,but also hardships and setbacks. You may enjoy the pleasure of success, and you may also experience the pain of failure. I hope you could help each other and promote your steps, as you had be
13、en doing in the past four years. I also hope you could keep learning learning from others and learning from the society.Im sure you will improve yourselves and make a new life with knowledge and your talents to realize your life value.最后,我代表所有的家长,祝愿上海对外经贸大学桃李芬芳,蒸蒸日上;祝愿中德合作会展经济与管理专业人才辈出,越办越好;祝愿各位老师身体
14、健康,工作顺利;祝愿同学们扬帆起航,前程似锦!谢谢大家!Finally,please allow me to give my best wishes to Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. Wish IEMS program be a cradle of brilliant talents. Wish all the teachers good health and wish everything go well with your work. Wish all the students every suc
15、cess and a brighter future!Thank you! Thank you all!毕业生家长中英文发言稿(二)尊敬的各位老师、敬爱的各位家长,亲爱的同学们:大家下午好!Good afternoon, dear teachers, leaders, parents and my lovely classmates.我是来自会展1202班的李海薇,今天我非常荣幸能作为会展经济与管理专业2021级全体毕业生的代表在这个具有特殊意义的典礼上发言。Im Li Haiwei from IEMS class 2. Today, its absolutely a great honor
16、for me todeliver this speech on such a meaningful ceremony here, as the representative of all our IEMS 2021 graduates.首先,请允许我代表全体毕业生对长期以来关心与帮助我们成长的领导、老师表示最诚挚的感谢与敬意,正是有的教诲与指导,才有了我们这四年精彩的学习生活。同时,我想代表全体毕业生对每一位家长表示感恩,无论您今天是否在场,正是有了你们做我们坚实的后盾,才有了我们这四年无忧无虑的校园生活。Firstof all, please allow me, on behalf of a
17、ll our graduates, to express the sincerestgratitude and respect to every professor, teacher and faculty leader who alwayspay close attention to our development as well as give us helping hands wheneverwe need. Because of your cultivation and instruction, we got our wonderful collegelife in these fou
18、r years. At the same time, I want to show gratitude to all ofour parents whether you are present today or not, also on behalf of allgraduates. Only with your most solid support, we could experience our four-year fortable cus life here in SUIBE.时光匆匆,转眼四载。Howtime flies! Its now the forth summer that w
19、e spent together.2021年9月1日的骄阳,在记忆中格外清晰。四年前的那一天或许是许多同学一生中最后一次成为新生的日子。来自五湖四海的我们带着各自对过去的留念和对未来的憧憬来到向往已久的大学,初见面时的生涩,军训汇操时的团结,班级活动时的热络,大一的我们就这样默默地在时间的催化下走近彼此。见证着母校由上海对外贸易学院更名为上海对外经贸大学,进入大二的我们褪去了些许稚嫩,开始为自己的未来寻找合适的路,而面对着越来越多来自学业与社会的双重压力,我们的素质与能力也在无形中不断提升。第三年的我们愈发地紧张与忙碌起来,而眼神中却满是坚定,不再迷茫,走在追求未来的路上,我们初尝人生的酸甜苦
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- 毕业生 家长 中英文 发言稿