《2022年2022年垃圾沼气发电 .pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年2022年垃圾沼气发电 .pdf(3页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、垃圾沼气发电Flex Energy在中国城市未来的发展进程中,将可能遇到两大发展难题,一是城市发展对能源需求量剧增,城市能源供应紧缺;二是城市人口不断增加,城市规模扩大,每天将产生大量垃圾,城市垃圾的处理或成为困扰城市发展的难题。随着我国经济的发展和科技的进步,我国城市垃圾处理能力不断提高,利用城市垃圾生成沼气并加以利用, 则成为全球发展低碳经济背景下的有益尝试。这不仅能够解决城市垃圾处理难的问题, 同时生成的沼气也缓解了城市能源供应紧张的问题,实现了经济效益和社会效益的最大化。利用城市垃圾生成沼气再加以利用的方法则比较可取。一是可以利用垃圾填埋场反应生成的沼气, 二是可以建设专门的垃圾沼气池
2、,通过发酵技术处理生成沼气。利用垃圾生成的沼气在经过净化、 加压等工艺处理后,既可以用来发电并入电网,也可以通过管道输送到千家万户用作居民燃气以及用作工业燃料、车用燃料; 生成沼气后的沼气渣则可运送到堆肥厂制成有机肥料。 利用城市垃圾沼气,不仅可以实现环境净化的功效,还能有效利用能源,实现节能减排的目的,优化城市能源消费结构,提高城市资源循环利用率。国家已经在 “ 十二五 ” 能源发展规划中明确提出要大力发展城市垃圾沼气等非常规天然气,这将极大促进城市垃圾沼气的开发利用;为了提高能源利用效率,还可将城市垃圾沼气发电与分布式能源项目建设相结合,在天然气供应紧张的城市采用沼气作为分布式能源站的燃料
3、。沼气发电还可以减排二氧化碳,一年能够减排15 万吨以上。FlexEnergy在该领域有25 年经验,引领该技术世界水平。该技术特点是:一、它利用太阳能和沼气发电余热给发酵液加温。二、利用沼气循环压力机给容器内的发酵液搅拌及加快液料提升的速度。三、利用仿生物菌床加快厌氧速度。四、利用沼气压力将渣液分离。五、利用物理、化学相结合的方法对沼气进行脱硫脱水。六、利用物理等先进的方法将泥沙与有机物分离,使带有大量泥土、砂石的垃圾等废弃有机物可大量用于沼气化发电。该技术为沼气工程的推广发展提供了一个新途径,它可使大量的垃圾、秸秆、粪便、污水等污染物变废为宝,它可使我国北方地区沼气工程可长年运行。由于垃圾
4、中含有大量的有机物,垃圾降解过程中,在生物的作用下产生大量沼气。垃圾场沼气资源丰富,因此,在厌氧过程中消耗了约70%的有机物,剩余有机物可作高效有机肥或燃料(同煤、气混燃) 。开发利用垃圾沼气资源,发展循环经济,即可减少对环境的污染,又可提高垃圾场的经济效益。利用沼气发电,利国利己,一举多得。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 3 页 - - - - - - - - - 垃圾沼气化处理的方法是:先将运来的垃圾进行机械和人工分检,分检后的垃圾再进入精分检池内进行
5、砂石和泥土分离,分检后的大量有机物经酸化发酵,多级厌氧,发酵产生沼气,沼气净化后用于发电, 发电余热和浮飘物燃烧后给厌氧间加温,这样可实现中恒温厌氧发酵,大大提高降解速度,减短滞留期。沼渣可用于作高效有机肥或燃料,砂、石及泥土可作建筑原料等。研究证明,消耗1kgCOD 可产生甲烷0.35m3,粗略估算每千克垃圾可产生沼气0.35m3,根据垃圾总量可以粗略的算出产生沼气的总量。垃圾沼气(发电)化处理,一举多得。目前,国际环境污染加剧,能源需求矛盾突出,这两大问题都制约了世界经济的发展和和平。我国能源紧缺已成为经济发展的瓶颈子,国家出台了可再生能源法 ,大力鼓励开发利用可再生能源。利用垃圾生产沼气
6、来发电,即处理了垃圾,又获得了能源。且经济收益可观,利国利己,前景广阔。Biogas can provide a clean, easily controlled source of renewable energy from organic waste materials for a small labour input, replacing firewoood or fossil fuels (which are becoming more expensive as supply falls behind demand). During the conversion process pat
7、hogen levels are reduced and plant nutrients made more readily available, so better crops can be grown while existing resources are conserved. Since small scale units can be relatively simple to build and operate biogas should be used directly if possible (for cooking, heating, lighting and absorpti
8、on refrigeration), since both electricity generation and compression of gas (for storage or use in vehicles) use large amounts of energy for a small output of useful energy. This concept is suited to distributed systems where waste is treated near the source, and sludge is also reused locally, to mi
9、nimise transport and initial capital cost compared to a centralised system. As the distributed system will need a support network biogas contributes to the triple bottom line; benefiting the environment, reducing costs and contributing to the social structure. Basic Biogas provides some introductory
10、 material, the Safety page provides some important information, Science Fair Projects and the Poly Digester pages give ideas about smaller projects and Anaerobic Digestion gives a bit more detail and information about larger projects. The use of biogas is increasing rapidly rapidly today for a numbe
11、r of reasons: 1. Fuel costs have been rising steadily for a number of years and the taxation burden increases as well, leading to a double load of the user to bear. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 3 页 - - - - - - - - - 2. Attempts are now being m
12、ade to improve the use of renewable energy sources. 3. The gas produced, mainly methane, is one of the major causes of the greenhouse effect. 4. The production is possible in small scale sites, obviating the need to supply energy to outlying areas. 5. Even a very basic construction using mostly used
13、 materials will produce gas if a few simple design rules are followed. FlexEnergy, a clean tech business with the breakthrough solution to generate clean energy from harmful greenhouse gases with near zero emissions, was named a winner in the Anaheim Center for New Energy Technologies (AC-NET)s Clea
14、n Tech Business Plan Competition. FlexEnergy was honored for a business plan and technology that includes the development of the FlexPowerstation, which converts low-pressure weak fuel into electricity with almost no emissions. This modular turnkey system enables the generation of clean energy while
15、 solving a major environmental challenge through the elimination of greenhouse gases the seepage or flaring of dilute methane from landfills, digesters, coalmines, and other industrial sites. FlexEnergy is committed to providing platforms to utilize existing, unconventional energy sources to create
16、new, sustainable solutions. Flex technology has taken one of the worlds largest sources of greenhouse gases and transformed it into an energy source for the clean generation of electricity, offering energy recovery where it was previously impossible. Three hundred million tons of methane seep into t
17、he atmosphere each year, most too dilute for current technology to destroy. The FlexPowerstation converts gases with low concentration of methane to clean, renewable energy. Unlike other technologies, the FlexPowerstation creates electricity with near zero NOx or CO emissions, providing a breakthrough solution for landfills, coalmines and manufacturers needing to stay ahead of emissions regulations. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 3 页 - - - - - - - - -