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《优秀资料(2021-2022年收藏)小学均衡发展汇报材料.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《优秀资料(2021-2022年收藏)小学均衡发展汇报材料.doc(14页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、小学均衡发展汇报材料黔西县莲城街道办事处金龙小学 义务教育基本均衡汇报材料 2015年3月1日 Wang Guozhen once said: since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships . Since we have chosen to do the party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adher
2、e to adhere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a let party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people. In accordance with the requirements of the municipal Party committee, today we called the c
3、itys production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the recent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problem rectification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 accident, central,
4、provincial and municipal leaders attach great importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly establish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and ear
5、nestly safeguard the peoples life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for production safety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsibility. Not 黔西县莲城街道办事处金龙小学教育基本均衡发展汇报材料 一、学校基本情况
6、: 黔两县莲城街道办事处金龙小学位于黔两县城南6.5千米处,建于2002年8月。学校占地面积9477平方米,有教学楼、综合教学楼一幢,校舍建筑而积1484平方米。现有义务教育小学教学班6个,附属学前班2个,本学年有义务教育小学阶段学生275人,学前班95人,有专任教师17人。科学和数学教学仪器、音体美设备达到二类配备标准。 我校认真贯彻执行上级有关教育的法律法规、方针政策,努力规范办学行为,努力提高办学条件,遵循教育规律,优化学校管理,不断更新教育观念,全面实施素质教育,面向全体学生,努力提高教育质量。近年来,我校积极加强领导,增加投入,创设条件,树立社会、家庭和学校相结合的大教育观念,进一步
7、巩固“初步均衡”成果,不断推进义务教育均衡发展,义务教育水平得到了很大提高。 二、义务教育均衡发展达标情况: (一)学校设置与班额方面 学校共有小学教学班6个,学生总数275人,学前班2个,学生95人,平均班额46人。学校校园占地面积9477平方米,人均25.6平方米。平均班额基本达标。 (二)校舍建设方面 校舍建筑面积1484平方米,人均校舍建筑面积4.04平方米。其中教学及辅助用房916平方米,行政办公用房91平方米,生活用房284平方米,其它用房193平方米。学生设有行政办公室、教师办公室、科学实验室、实验器材保管室、实验准备室、图书阅览室、音体美器材保管室、校园广播室、文印档案室、留守
8、儿童之家、心理咨询辅导室、计算机多媒体教室等,专用教室能基本满足教育教学需要,专用教室办学条件基本达标。 学校有200平方米学生食堂一个,食堂已取得食品卫生许可证,食堂从业人员已取得健康证和从业培训合格证,食堂管理制度健全,操作规范,达到相关要求,基本满足营养改善计划的实施需要。 学校拥有84平方米防滑厕所一个,人均厕所建筑使用面积0.23平方米。 (三)设备设施和场地方面 1.学校设有48平方米图书阅览室1间,现拥有图书7582册,杂志报刊及教学工具书等700多册,生均图书20.54册,年生均图书借阅8.4人次,Wang Guozhen once said: since the choice
9、 The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships . Since we have chosen to do the party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere to adhere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation
10、of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a let party heart, people are satisfied with the public servants of the people. In accordance with the requirements of the municipal Party committee, today we called the citys production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the r
11、ecent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problem rectification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach great importance to repeatedly made instructions
12、, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should firmly establish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and earnestly safeguard the peoples life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the
13、responsibility system for production safety, effectively so that the party and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsibility. Not 图书借阅率达到有关要求。 2.学校设有48平方米仪器保管室和实验准备室1个,48平方米小学科学实验室1个,实验仪器原总价值3.6万元,基本满足小学阶段实验教学需要。实验仪器台账清楚,管理规范,仪器使用及时登记,实验教学有效开展,科学课严格按课标执
14、行,演示实验、分组实验正常开展,实验完成率达100%。 3.学校设有计算机教室一间,学校拥有教学用电脑24台,机生比为1:15.41。但是学校没有开通“班班通”,使教师现代化教学手段的运用受到了一定的限制。此项办学条件目前尚未达标。 4.学校有多媒体教室1间,设备正常,基本满足教学需要,学校校园网络尚未建成,目前学校只能以3G无线流量卡进行网上办公,严重制约学校的工作效率。 5.学校校园绿化面积2300平方米,占校园占地面积的将近三分之一。校园运动场地面积为2520平方米,生均运动场地面积6.81平方米,办学指标达标。学校目前拥有200米环形跑道一条,标准篮球运动场一个,并且有单双杠、乒乓球台
15、、羽毛球架等体育设施,篮球、羽毛球、乒乓球、排球、跳绳等体育用品齐全,基本满足体育教学和阳光体育活动要求。 6.目前有24平方米音体美器材保管室1个,音体美器材总价值1.5万元,基本能满足教学需要。 (四)师资配置方面 1.目前我校有专任教师17人,根据学生数计算,师生比为1:21.7 ,超过义务教育均衡师资配备1:22。 2.教师年龄结构合理,老中青数量适中。分析学历结构,专任教师中,本科及以上学历5人,专科学历10人,中专及同等学历2人,学历合格率100%,高一级学历教师占专任教师比例的88.2%。分析职称结构,专任教师中,中级职称8人,初级职称9人,教师总体素质达到相关任职要求。 3.教
16、师工资按时足额发放,学校对教师教学工作的绩效考核制度基本完善,评价措施得当,评价标准民主制定,评价过程公开透明、公平公正,绩效工资考核分配合理,按时发放。 (五)普及程度和教学质量: l、2014学年年初小学在校学生数275人,其中一年级新入学人数41人,适龄儿童入学率达100%。辍学学生数O人,辍学率为0%。 2、学校管辖范围内的龙潭社区适龄儿童总数66人,无三类残疾人员,Wang Guozhen once said: since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships . Since we
17、have chosen to do the party members and cadres, it is necessary to let faith flag flutter in the hearts of the highest position, always adhere to adhere to, tenacity, clank of the steel frame and sincere feelings, interpretation of the advanced, shine, and strive to do a let party heart, people are
18、satisfied with the public servants of the people. In accordance with the requirements of the municipal Party committee, today we called the citys production safety responsibility collective interviews, mainly is informed of the recent safety Hawthorn check found many hidden dangers of accidents, to
19、further reinforce the responsibility, grasp the problem rectification work. After the occurrence of the Tianjin Port 8.12 accident, central, provincial and municipal leaders attach great importance to repeatedly made instructions, requirements of Party committees and governments at all levels should
20、 firmly establish the concept of safe development, adhere to the interests of the people first, always put safety in the first place, and earnestly safeguard the peoples life and property safety. We must resolutely implement the responsibility system for production safety, effectively so that the pa
21、rty and government with responsibility, a pair of responsibility, dereliction of duty responsibility. Not 正常适龄儿童入学人数66人,适龄儿童小学入学率100%;适龄少年55人,已初中毕业16人,正常适龄少年入学人数39人,适龄少年初中入学率100%。 3、我校上学年初小学毕业班学牛数38人,本学年初小学毕业班升入初中就读数38人,毕业生毕业率和升学率均达到100%,本学年初毕业年级在校学生数38人,小学六年巩固率达100%。 4、实验教学中,教师能完成所有的演示实验和分组实验,学生能完成
22、全部的分组实验,实验开出率达100%,实验完成率达100%。 三、主要工作开展情况: (一)领导高度重视,教育均衡发展扎实有效。 在黔西县委政府以及教育局、中心校等上级教育手管部门的正确领导下,我校把教育初步均衡发展工作放在学校工作的首位,根据有关文件要求,学校成立了以樊家贵校长为组长、副校长蔡俊为副组长、教务处、思政处、总务处以及教研组为成员的“教育基本均衡发展”工作领导小组,分工明确,并有专人负责具体实施,这充分体现了学校对此项工作重要性的认识,学校组织落实,人员安排到位,保障措施得力。在此期问,上级领导多次到我校检查指导,为我校的教育初步均衡发展工作提出了要求,理清思路,改进了工作方法,
23、提高了我们的工作成效。 (二)坚持依法治校、强化安全管理。 1、我校认真学习并落实国家对教育发展的相关规定,严格按照义务教育法、未成年人保护法的相火要求,依法保障适龄儿童按时接受义务教育阶段的学习,依法治校、依法治教。 2、把安全工作当做学校工作的第一要务,加强组织领导,健全安全管理制度,层层落实责任,中心校、学校、班级、教师、家长层层签订安全甘标管理责任书,明确和落实符白的责任与义务,齐抓共管,强化安全教育,重视安全防范,形成安伞管理艮效机制。学校定期开展防震、交通、消防、防汛、防雷击、防传染病、防食物中毒、反邪教警示、禁毒等安全教育活动,充分利用专题讲座、校园广播、黑板报、宣传专栏、图片展
24、板等教学资源对学生进行安全常识培训,定期开展应急疏散演练;在硬件设施方而,学校定期开展安全排查,及时发现和处理安全隐患,把安全事故消火在萌芽之前,切实做到让学牛“高高兴兴上学来、平平安安回家去”,让家长放心,让社会放心。 (三)着力德育管理 创新校园文化。 Wang Guozhen once said: since the choice The distance, then considers only the trials and hardships . Since we have chosen to do the party members and cadres, it is necess
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- 优秀 资料 2021 2022 收藏 小学 均衡 发展 汇报 材料