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1、2014文都考研何凯文作文预料班讲义2014文都考研何凯文作文预料班讲义目 录第一部分 考研英语大作文话题类型与写作 . 2第二部分 考研英语小作文分类讲解 . 172014 考研英语作文预料班辅导讲义12014 考研英语作文预料班辅导讲义预料考试内容是一个考试辅导老师应尽的职责和义务,对于考试内容的把握其实就是这个老师对于考试命题思路的理解,更是责任心的体现。我们不把全部的渴望都寄予在预料上,因为我们始终都在努力,但是我们必需预料。多年以来,我的预料也得到了事实的检验。这份讲义从敲下第一个字起先到最终的完结,整整花了一个月的时间,每天关注各种热点,在书桌旁,在站台上,在候机厅,在列车上,在机
2、舱内写下这份尽可能详实却负担不重的讲义,为了给大家更多选择,更多欢乐,有时同一个含义给了近十种表达,在这份讲义中所提和的内容几乎涵盖了全部的可能话题。只要大家能细致背诵,稍加灵敏的运用就一定能帮到大家。所以失败只有两种:不背和背错! 只要努力了就确定会成功!当这个时代被打上喧嚣,焦虑,彷徨,迷茫,迟疑,徘徊的烙印时,考研人群注定只能和孤独为伍,与坚持为伴;我们也想去狂欢,想去放纵,想去矫情,想去放弃但是我们走到了今日,我们甚至不敢相信我们真的已经走到了复习的终点;我们不情愿信任十几天后我们将不会再回到熟悉的自习室,在安静地复习了一天后和小伙伴们一起披星戴月,拖着乏累的身体但却无比充溢地回到宿舍
3、,那碗泡面的味道会承载着这段时间,留存在我们的脑海里。我们会记得“说话,是不是”,你会记得“I have a dream”,会记得因为A 所以B,选A 不选B,汤老师精辟的思路讲解,还有那时常冒出的奇异的英文;你会记起蒋老师精彩的时政解读。但不远的将来这些都将变成并不清晰的痕迹,但是正是这岁月留下的痕迹,会在你不经意地回眸中带给你最奇异的回忆,不是去追忆一个人,一件事,而是那些属于青春的记忆碎片。在这些碎片中我们收获的志气和感动将伴我们一路向前!所以,考研这场战斗到了现在,不用害怕,不用惊惶,曼德拉曾经说过这样的一句话:It always seemsimpossible until its d
4、one. 很多事情在它被完成之前,看上去都是不行能完成的。而且,我们只是在兑现对自己青春的承诺。虽然2013 年是青春泛滥的一年,但是当“致我们终将逝去的青春”,“中国合伙人”,甚至“小时代”把那样的青春呈现在我们面前的时候我们照旧会被感动,因为我们有一样的过往,能感动我们的是那份坚持,与时空无关。KK 想和作为准探讨生的你们共享两种始终我虽不能至,却心向往之的情怀:1.为天地立心, 为生民立命, 为往圣继绝学, 为万世开太平。As Zhang Hengqu noted, “To ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth;To secure life and
5、 fortune for thepeople;To continue lost teachings for past sages;To establish peace for all future generations”.2. “有两种东西,我对它们的思索越是深厚和许久,它们在我心灵中唤起的惊异和敬畏就会日新月异,不断增长,这就是我头上的星空和心中的道德定律。”As Kant said, “Two things fill me with constantly increasing admiration and awe, the longer and moreearnestly I refle
6、ct on them: the starry heavens without and the moral law within.(Two things fill the mind withever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily reflection is occupied with them: thestarry heaven above me and the moral law within me.”)我会陪着你们走到最终,不离不弃!祝福大家2014 考研成功!何凯文2014 考研英语作文
7、预料班辅导讲义2父母和孩子之间缺乏沟通(1992 年考题类型“无形社会问题”)电视广告(1993 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)挚友的结交(1994 年考题类型“无形社会问题”)渴望工程(1995 年考题类型“有形社会话题”)健康问题(1996 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)世界性的吸烟问题(1997 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)广告不必要的承诺(1998 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)生态失衡(1999 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)商业捕鱼(2000 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)奉献爱心(2001 年考题类型“无形社会话题”)文化沟通(2002 年考题类型“无形社会话题”)温室里的花朵经不起风吹雨
8、打(2003 年考题类型“人生哲理”)终点又是新起点(2004 年考题类型“人生哲理”)养老足球赛(2005 年考题类型“无形社会问题”)青少年盲目崇拜(2006 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)自信(2007 年考题类型“人生哲理”)合作(2008 年考题类型“人生哲理”)网络的“远”与“近”(2009 年考题类型“社会现象”)文化“火锅”,既美味又养分(2010 年考题类型“社会现象”)旅游之余(2011 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)乐观和悲观(2012 年考题类型“人生哲理”)选择(2013 年英语一考题类型“人生哲理)手机订阅人数变更(2010 年英语二考题类型“有形社会话题”)国内轿车市
9、场份额变更(2011 年英语二考题类型“有形社会话题”)员工满意度调查(2012 年英语二考题类型“有形社会问题”高校生兼职2013 年英语二考题类型“有形社会话题)第一段写作方略:第一句:图画描述句第二句:图画影响句1. This picture generates a great concern among the public.这幅图画引起了公众的极大关切。2. This picture invokes the general publics interests.这幅图画引起了公众的爱好。3. This picture has triggered a heated discussion
10、on the Weibo, the most influential social media in china.这幅图画在微博上引起了热忱的探讨。(中国最有影响力的社交媒体)4. This picture has stimulated a heated discussion on the We Chat, the most influential social network, these days.最近,这幅图画在微信上引起了热忱的探讨。(中国最有影响力的社交网络)5. This picture captures the online communitys great attention
11、and abundant imagination.这幅图画引起了网络群体的关注和想象。6. People were drawn by the truth disclosed by this picture.第一部分 考研英语大作文话题类型与写作方略2014 考研作文预料班辅导讲义3人们被这幅图画所揭示的事实所吸引。第三句:图画意义句1. Simple as the picture is, the author intends to convey much more complicated and profound meaning thanwhat we may sense at the fir
12、st glance.虽然图画很简洁,但是作者却在传递着比我们第一眼看到的要困难很多,深刻很多的意义2. This simple picture touches a deep cord of the complex social fabric.这幅简洁的图画深深触和了困难社会结构的一环。3. The drawing truly displays a status quo that is worthy of our attention.这幅图画的确呈现了值得我们关注的现状。4. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the problem highligh
13、ted by this picture.对于图画所呈现的问题我们无法忽视。5. It is tempting to accept the picture by its simple appearance, but to neglect the profound implication that itsauthor tries to convey.读这幅图易望文生义,忽视其深刻主旨。第一种类型:当下所面对的“无形社会问题”的写作步骤:负面的绽开:适用于不好的社会问题,社会责任,传统美德,品质的缺失可能用到的主题词:1.爱国主义(Patriotism)2.努力工作(hardworking)3.勤俭
14、(plain living),4.信任科学(belief in science),5.为人民服务的意识(consciousness of serving the people),6.团结互助(solidarity and helping each other),7.恳切守信(honesty,credibility and being trustworthy),8.遵纪遵遵守法律律( observation of the law)9.中华传统美德(traditional Chinese values)勤 hardworking 俭Thrift 信 honesty, ,孝 filial piety
15、/ filial duty/filial respect礼courtesy, 忠loyalty,仁 benevolence , humanity and humaneness 爱 affection10. 现代美德(modern virtues)志愿者精神(volunteer spirit)契约精神(spirit of contact, observation of the law, abiding faith of the law)第二段的绽开:第一句:The picture does reveal that lack of credibility is in large measure d
16、etrimental not only to the personallife ,but to the further development of the whole society.第二句:In no country other than China, it has been said, is this problem more urgent and serious.或者:The past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to some policy being carried out,bringing so
17、me problems at the same time, with the above one being the foremost.或者:The past three decades have witnessed our overwhelmingly excessive emphasis on material benefits andunawareness of the importance of credibility which have been increasingly becoming indispensable to the health2014 考研作文预料班辅导讲义4of
18、 economy, the stability of polity and the pursuit of happiness.过去的三十年中,我们过分的强调物质利益,忽视了诚信的重要性,而诚信对于健康的经济,稳定的社会和对于华蜜的追求而言都是必不行少的。第三句More specifically speaking, individuals, enterprises, organizations and even the whole society fail to noticethe damaging consequences of dishonesty when undergoing the d
19、ramatic social transformation.更具体的讲,在阅历猛烈的社会转型的过程中,个人,企业,组织甚至是整个社会都没有能留意到诚信缺失带来的危害。或者这种品质对于这个国家的发展而言是重要的因素,它的缺失会不行避开的给我们造成危害。1.或者毫无疑问,这种宏大的品质铸就了这个社会的支撑结构,假如这种宝贵的财宝以任何一种方式被忽视,我们的社会都无法稳定发展。第四句和最终一句It is not hard to notice that without honesty/credibility, hardly can individuals or organizations make m
20、oney,take profits, let alone obtain wealth in the long term, especially in this fiercely competitive modern world, I argue.That will be a sorry state of affairs.我认为,不难发觉,要是没有诚信,在这样一个竞争激烈的现代社会中,从长期来看个人和组织是很难赚到钱,赚到利润的,更不必说获得财宝了。那将是一个缺憾的局面。或者:第四句和最终一句No thinking man would refuse to admit the fact that
21、the commitment to national and individual prosperityrequires a prevailing and flourishing trend of this driving force. Put it another way, were there no credibility, wewould never taste the real happiness of the success in the long run.任何一个有识之士都会承认,假如要致力于国家富强和个人华蜜,就须要诚信这种驱动力形成流行和旺盛之势。换句话讲,假如没有诚信,我们就
22、不行能真正体会到真正的华蜜和成功。这种品质是社会发展的基础,是我们不行能缺失的。或者Honesty and integrity, any perceptive observer would never hesitate to admit that, if become a generalfeature of the society, would contribute to both the well-being of individuals and a nation as a whole.任何一个有识之士都会承认,假如诚信成为这个世界的总体特征,那么将不仅对个人利益有扶植而且对整个国家也有好处
23、。换句话讲促进人类社会往正确方向前进的力气,真诚的缺失会导致前进的列车出轨,会使得这个世界陷入一篇无望的荒芜之中。1.2.3. Put another way, as a force propelling the human society forward in a virtuous direction, theabsence of the it will even cause the train of progress run off track, leaving the world in awilderness of desperation.2014 考研作文预料班辅导讲义5第三段:(超级
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