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1、He Ha/io BecTM ce6a HaflMeHHO,No need to act arrogantMbl He 3HaeM, BOCnMTaHbl JIM 3TH JlKDflM flOJlKHblM o6pa3OM, Educate if these people proper waybo3HMkhbt He/iOBKajA nay3a - ocTaBbTe 6e3 BHHMaHkia, there will be an awkward pause - leave it unattended,CKO/lbKO 71 eT OHM B TKDpbMe?How many years ar
2、e they in prison?HMKOrfla M3 TKDpbMbl He BblXOflMJlM?never from prison been released?HesaqeM cnpa山ZBdTb, ecjin 3HaeTe OTBeT.No need to ask if you know the answer.3a BOflOM CXOflMFor water goO6paTHo Bbi ero He nycTMTe.Go Back you him no let/o/ixHbi saiuMLiJiaTb npecTon.must defend the throne.Mbi flon
3、KHbi noroBopMTb o/ihm.We must talk alone.3y6bi y Hee homtm Bee ue/ibie.Her teeth are almost all intact.OHa b Bac cpa3y BHK)6miacb, KaK tojibko Bac yBH/jena.She fell in love with you at once simply saw you.Bbi MOxeTe BepHyTbca b jikdGom momcht.You can return at any time. 11 57Ckojibko hz MO/iMCb, roc
4、noflb He npocTMT.No matter how much you pray, the Lord will not forgive.MGM npMXOflMTCJI xepTBOBaTb paziMnpoi4BeiaHUJi BaiiJMX no/iflaHHbix m rocyziapcTBa. what you have to sacrifice for prosperity of your subjects and state.nycKau e/iyT c Hann! let them come with us!3TH zio6pbie npeKpacHbie jifoah
5、ee BO3aB只t!These kind beautiful people will lead it!Mbl C BaMM B KOpOTKOe BpeMfl OKaKeMC 3flecbwe will be here in a short timeBparki MeMTaroT Hac yhhmtoxhtb,Enemies dream of destroying usFlo3ToMy O He访 HMKTO He BCnOMMHaeT,Thafs why no one remembers her.OflHaxflbi 只 BMflen nTmiy!Once I saw a bird!3To
6、 6bmo caMoe npeKpacHoe, mto a BM/ieji!It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!Baine BenMMecTBO, BaM M3BecTH0 o npuiKase yMepTBMTbTaMHoro y3HHkh b cnynae nonbiTKM ero ocbo60MqeHi/m?Your Majesty, are you aware of the order to kill a secret prisoner in case of an attempt to free him?ByAyT yKas
7、aHM HacneT zianbHeMLueM yqacTM TaMHoro y3HMKa?Will there be instructions about the further fate of the secret prisoner?只,KaK BMflMTe, zio cmx nop He 3aMyKeM.As you can see, I am still unmarried.Tora Bbi MeHi yTetubTe.then comfort me.只 paspeniaKD BaM He tonbko noziyMaTb.I allow you not only to think.
8、BnepBbie oueHMBajo jiK)6oBHMKa no npocb6e ero MaTepui.For the first time I evaluate a lover at the request of his mother. 27 01C MecTa He cflBMHycb.I will not move from my place.只 6bi Bac nouenoBan,I would kiss youHe Mory npojiBii只Tb MyBCTBa.I cant show feelings./lKD6me MeHii xoTb caMyto ManocTb?Do
9、you love me even a little?MHe HyKHbi TonbKO Bbi. He Mory 6e3 Bac.I need only you. I cant live without you.He 0CTaBJi5iMTe Menm hm Ha MMHyTy.Dont leave me for a minute.rioroa 3TMM neTOM b Ha山mx Kpaax ctomt xopotuaa.The weather this summer in our area is good.He 3acTaB/i5iMTe npuMeH只Tb cmiy.do not for
10、ce the use of force.只 He pa36nparocb bI dont understand people.He Bepro CBoeMy cnacTbK).I dont believe my luck.CepAqe M3 rpyM pBeTC只 Heart from chest bursts只 cefiMac yMpy ot CMacTbq.Im now. dying of happinessBnepe/M y Hac MHoro CMacTiiMBbix flHeM.ahead of us. We have many happy days 45 15Bbl 3aHJlM
11、CaMyK) OTBeTCTBeHHyK) ZlOJIXHOCTb B Poccmm. you have taken the most responsible position in Russia.4to6bl HOLua 6bma 6onee JierKOM, to make the burden be more lighter,KaKue eno Ba Gnaro/iapHOCTM a ycnbiujy?what words of gratitude will I hear?MeH5i BonHyeT .qoroBop c FlpyccMeM.Im concerned about the treaty with Prussia.OH CaM o6b8BHT HaM BO3MOKHOCTb CO3flaHMJ1 BOeHHOTO COK)3d.he himself announced to us the possibility of creating a military alliance.Tora (PpMflpMX yziapMT HaM b cnMHy.then Friedrich will stab us in the back.Bbi noxaneeTe o cbocm npeflarenbCTBe.You will regret your betrayal.