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1、湖南理工学院外语学院英语专业本科学位论文写作规范(由英语专业毕业论文撰写规范修订)Instructions for The Preparation of BA Theses湖南理工学院外语学院2014年10月第一章 前言英语专业学士学位申请人必须认真阅读本规范,保证自己的论文在文字和格式上符合规范的要求。如有违反,外语学院有权不准予该学生参加答辩。第二章 学位论文格式英语语言文学专业的学士论文一律用英语撰写,论文应由前置部分、主体和附录这三部分组成。2.1 打印规范2.1.1 纸张和打印论文打印使用标准A4 白纸的一面,一般情况下不得双面打印。打印时应留有足够的页边距,其中左边距为3.5厘米,
2、右边距为2.54厘米,上下边距各留2.54厘米,可用Microsoft Word选项单中的“文件页面设置页边距”命令设置页面。段落对齐方式在节标题部分都必须使用左对齐(left alignment),不得使用两端对齐,也不得使用自动断词设置。正文部分使用两端对齐,全文必须统一。表格中的数字和文字视情况使用左对齐或居中(单词之间空白不得超过一格)。论文打印页上除了使用页码以外不得出现有页眉或页脚。2.1.2 字体(Type)论文全文,包括致谢、摘要、目次页、论文正文以及参考文献等各部分的文字都应该字型(font)一致,字体大小一致,英文使用Times New Roman 12 pt,中文部分使用
3、宋体小四号(即12 pt)。章节的标题使用Arial 加粗。每一段落的首行都应缩进5格或1个制表符(TAB)的距离。段落的首行缩进不得出现不一致现象。正文部分行距应为1.5倍,引语段(block quotation,见2.3.2节)、参考文献著录条目均应使用单倍行距。2.1.3 页码(Pagination)论文所有的页码(包括附录的页码)都必须标注在每一页的右下角,第1页为正文第一章的第一页,由此起算。前置部分的页码应使用小写的罗马数字(即ii、iii、iv等),封面的页码略去,故从第ii页起编码。2.2 前置部分(Prefatory Matter)论文前置部分应包括封面、致谢页、摘要、目次页
4、、图表清单等。2.2.1 封面(Title Page)封面是论文的外表面,为读者提供论文的基本信息,并对论文起保护作用。学位申请人应该用中文认真填写学校印发的标准封面。(参考封面见图2.1。)论文的封二必须用英语撰写,具体格式见图2.2。论文的中英文题目都应避免使用不常用的缩略语、字符、代号等。图2.1:学位论文中文封面(供参考) 学号 湖南理工学院 毕业论文 题 目: 作 者 届 别 学 院 专 业 指导教师 职 称 完成时间 2.2: 学位论文英文封面The Self in Walt Whitmans Leaves of GrassZhang Han A Thesis Submitted
5、toCollege of Foreign Languages and Literaturein Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of Artsin English Language and LiteratureSupervised by Prof. Tang Weigen Hunan Institute of Science and TechnologyYueyang, HunanMay, 20152.2.2 致谢(Acknowledgements)致谢是论文撰写人向所有对论文撰写提供过帮助的人
6、表示感谢的机会。致谢的对象一般包括在研究工作中提出指导意见、提出建议和提供帮助的人以及其他协助完成研究工作、提供便利条件或者允许使用其出版物或书面资料的组织或个人。致谢结尾处应签上(或打印上)论文撰写人姓名。2.2.3 摘要(Abstract)摘要是论文内容的简要陈述,是一篇完整的、可以独立使用的短文,因而必须具有自含性,即:读者即使不阅读论文的全文也可以从摘要中获得必要的、与论文等量的信息,以便确定有无必要阅读全文。摘要一般应包括(1)研究的题目和目的;(2)研究的方法或者过程;(3)研究的发现或者成果;(4)结论。摘要不应报告论文结构。英语专业学士论文的英文摘要的长度大约为200个单词,中
7、文摘要可以在200字左右。中英文摘要均不得包含任何数学公式、表格或示意图,不得包含非公知公用而又未加解释的缩略语、字符、代号。摘要不另加注释。英文摘要的首页必须从第三行开始,以ABSTRACT 为居中标题。正文部分行距为1.5行,段落的具体格式与论文正文的格式相同,都必须用Times New Roman 12 pt。2.2.4 目次页(Table of Contents)目次页由论文的章节、附录等的序号、标题和页码组成,另页编排在摘要的后面。论文的章(一级标题)的序号应用英文数字或者罗马数字,如Chapter Three或者Chapter III。正文中二级标题(节)及二级以下标题用阿拉伯数字
8、编排序号,如3.1、3.2.2等,目次页应列出这些标题、序号、页码。章节的标题均必须与正文中的标题相一致。目次间的行距为1.5行,但同一目次换行时应为单倍行距。每一章序号和标题的字体用Arial黑体12 pt,其余的序号和标题用Times New Roman 12 pt。章节必须逐级缩进,页码必须右对齐(见图2.3)。图2.3:目次页ContentsIntroduction11 Individual self in Leaves of Grass.21.1 Bodily self21.2 Spiritual self.42 American self in Leaves of Grass. .
9、62.1 Freedom.62.2 Egalitarianism.72.3 Democracy.93 Universal self in Leaves of Grass.93.1 Love for life.93.2 Love for nature.11Conclusion.12Works cited.14Acknowledgments.152.2.5 图表清单(Lists of Tables and Figures)论文如果有两幅以上的表格,则可列表格清单(List of Tables),如果有两幅以上的示意图,则可列示意图清单(List of Tables and Figures)。图、表
10、清单均应置于目次页之后。如果图表总数不超过六幅,可以列入同一份清单(List of Tables and Figures),但清单中图、表应分别排列,如果总数超过六幅,则表和图应分列清单,各自单独成页。图表清单中用阿拉伯数字按图表在论文中出现先后顺序编号,如Table 4.1、Figure 6.2等。清单中每一份图表都应列出序号、题目和页码。页码必须右对齐(可用Microsoft Word选项单中“格式制表位”的指令设置)。2.3 主体部分(Text)2.3.1 文献引用(Citation)文献引用注明出处反映了论文作者对所涉领域的把握和治学的态度。引用的规范按专业方向的不同一般分为MLA(t
11、he Modern Language Association)和APA(the American Psychological Association)两类,区别在于次序、大小写、缩写、标点等细节上。学位论文撰写人应该根据MLA或APA的要求,格式上做到前后一致。(详见第三章:文献引证。)引文出处应使用括号夹注的方法(一般不使用脚注或者尾注)。任何直接引语都必须标明页码,以便读者查找。在正文中,括号夹注是引文出现的小句的一部分,因而必须放在句末的标点以内,不得放在句外,但也不得放在引文的引号以内(见图2.4)。图2.4:括号夹注在正文中的使用方法正确:Her idea is further co
12、nfirmed that “people think her odd and that nobody loves and admires her” (Fountain 33). 错误:Her idea is further confirmed that “people think her odd and that nobody loves and admires her.” (Fountain 33) Her idea is further confirmed that “people think her odd and that nobody loves and admires her (F
13、ountain 33).”2.3.2 引语(Quotations)引文必须准确,必须用方括号(square brackets“ ”)和省略号(ellipses“”)标明更动原文的地方,(详见3.1.8节)。短于三行的或者短于一句的引语应该写入正文,并且用双引号标明。单引号只允许用来标注引语中的引语,否则不得使用(见图2.5)。无论引自书本还是引自访谈对象,引语不得使用斜体或粗体来表示。图2.5:正确使用双引号和单引号正确:Researchers claim that the “question of indefiniteness does not arise for non-referenti
14、al noun phrase” (Li & Thompson, 1981: 129). 错误:Researchers claim that the question of indefiniteness does not arise for non-referential noun phrase (Li & Thompson, 1981: 129). 在任何情况下(即使引语仅仅只有一个单词),句末、小句末的句号和逗号都必须放在引号之内,冒号(“:”)和分号(“;”)都必须放在引号之外,而如果引文是一疑问句则问号应放在引号之内,否则问号(“?”)应放在引号之外(见图2.6)。三行或三行以上,或者虽
15、然短于三行、但含一句以上的引语应该另起一行,作为独立的引语段(block quotation)。引语段可以用单倍行距,但其首行和末行应与正文空1.5行。图2.6:双引号与其它标点的位置正确:A silver dome concealed the robots “brain.”正确:Hakuta (1976) found two types of error in the subjects article usage and he termed them “error of omission” and “error of commission.” 正确:Where does Whitman sp
16、eak of “the meaning of poems”?错误:A silver dome concealed the robots “brain”.错误:Hakuta (1976) found two types of error in the subjects article usage and he termed them “error of omission” and “error of commission”.错误:Where does Whitman speak of “the meaning of poems?”引语段左右两边均应较正文缩进5格或1个制表符(TAB)的距离。如果
17、引语段原为一自然段,则其首行应进一步缩进4至5格或1个制表符的距离。引语段的段首和段尾不得使用引号。引语段的字体必须与正文相同,使用Times New Roman/宋体 12 pt,不得有所更改。正文中的中文引文应提供英文译文。如:Confucius was quoted in The Analects as saying, “学而时习之,不亦乐乎” (“Learning with frequent reviewing, what a pleasure this is”)! 2.3.3 图表(Tables, Figures, Charts, and Illustrations)图、表必须有序号
18、和题目,并置于图表正上方。题目应简短确切,一般不超过一行。图、表均必须有自明性,即做到使不阅读正文的读者也能够理解图或表的意思。图表中出现的符号、标记、代码、缩略词等,都必须附注于图下或表下(即使用“Notes:”)。图表不得宽于或高于正文,不得跨页。如果确实因为表格太长必须跨页,必须在前一页表格的底部加上“Continued on the next page”,在后一页表格的顶部加上“Continued”。图表序号、题目及注解的文字一般使用单倍行距,字体可以根据需要调整大小。2.4 附录部分(Postscriptural Matter)2.4.1 参考文献所有正文中引用的文献都必须按MLA或
19、者APA的要求,著录在Works Cited或者References之下,在正文最后一章结束后另页开始。文献著录必须按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列,不得以正文中出现的先后编码排序,不得使用阿拉伯数字。每一条目中的各项内容都必须按MLA或者APA规定的次序和格式编排,(详见3.2节“参考文献著录的格式”)。参考文献的字体与正文相同,条目间距为1.5行,条目内换行用单倍行距。2.4.2 附录(Appendices)附录是论文主体的补充部分,编排在参考文献后面。编入附录的材料一般有助于读者了解正文内容,但又因篇幅过大、数据琐碎等原因,编入正文会有损于正文编排的条理性或逻辑性。附录与正文连续编页码。每一附录
20、均须另页起头,均须有序号(如Appendix I、 Appendix II等)和名称。附录的序号、名称和页码都必须包括在目次页里。第三章 文献引证参考文献引用的规范应该按专业方向的不同选择使用MLA(the Modern Language Association)或者APA(the American Psychological Association),一般偏重人文学科的(文学方向)应用MLA,偏重自然学科的(语言学方向)应用APA。3.1 正文中的引证学位论文引用别人的观点、方法、言论必须注明出处,注明出处时应该使用括号夹注的方法,一般不使用脚注或者尾注。3.1.1 引用整篇文献的观点引用整
21、篇文献(即全书或全文)观点时有两种情况,一种是作者的姓氏在正文中没有出现,如:MLA:Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (Taylor).APA:Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiratio
22、n for writing (Taylor, 1990).另一种情况是作者的姓氏已在正文同一句中出现,按MLA的规范不需要使用括号夹注,如:MLA:Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing.而按APA的规范则没有必要在括号夹注中重复作者的姓,如:APA:Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte
23、were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (1990).如果作者的姓氏和文献出版年份均已在正文同一句中出现,按APA的规范不需使用括号夹注,如:APA:In a 1990 article, Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of
24、inspiration for writing.在论文中引用中文著作或者期刊,括号夹注中只需用汉语拼音标明作者的姓氏,不得使用汉字,如:MLA:(Zhu 12) APA:(Zhang, 2005) 3.1.2 引用文献中具体观点或文字引用文献中某一具体观点或文字时必须注明该观点或者该段文字出现的页码,没有页码是文献引用不规范的表现。例如:MLA:Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC (Marcuse 197).Monas
25、teries in medieval Europe were not short of speculations about Greek inventions (Marcuse 190-203).APA:Emily Bronte “expressed increasing hostility for the world of human relationships, whether sexual or social” (Taylor, 1988, p. 11).Newmark (1988, pp. 39-40) notes three characteristically expressive
26、 text-types: (a) serious imaginative literature (e.g. lyrical poetry); (b) authoritative statements (political speeches and documents, statutes and legal documents, philosophical and academic works by acknowledged authorities); (c) autobiography, essays, personal correspondence (when these are perso
27、nal effusions).注意在这些例子中引文超过一页时的页码标记方法:MLA的规范是(Marcuse 190-203),而 APA的规范是(1988, pp. 39-40)。假若作者的姓氏已在正文同一句中出现,则不需要在括号夹注中重复,如:MLA:Ancient writers, according to Marcuse, attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC (197).APA:Taylor writes that Emily Bronte “
28、expressed increasing hostility for the world of human relationships, whether sexual or social” (1988, p. 11).3.1.3 引用多位作者写作的同一文献MLA(二至三位作者):Among intentional spoonerisms, the “punlike metathesis of distinctive features may serve to weld together words etymologically unrelated but close in their soun
29、d and meaning” (Jakobson and Waugh 304).(如果有三位作者,在括号夹注中应用逗号分隔他们的姓氏,如:(Alton, Davies, and Rice 56)。)MLA(三位以上的作者):The study was extended for two years, and only after results were reviewed by an independent panel did the researchers publish their findings (Blaine et al. 35).APA(两位作者):Research (Yamada
30、& Matsuura, 1982) reports the poor performance of advanced English learners who could use English articles correctly only in 70 percent of the cases.注意两种规范的括号夹注中分别使用“and”与“&”。APA(三至五位作者)第一次引用:According to educational psychologists, raising children is a responsibility of the entire community (Frankl
31、in, Childs, & Smith, 1995).以后的引用:To be successful, “communities must be willing to take this responsibility” (Franklin et al., 1995, p. 135).APA(五位以上的作者):Patterns of byzantine intrigue have long plagued the internal politics of community college administration in Texas (Douglas et al., 2003)3.1.4 引用
32、同样姓氏的不同作者假若两个或两个以上的作者有同样的姓氏,则括号夹注中应同时使用他们名字的首字母,如: MLA:Although some medical ethicists claim that cloning will lead to designer children (R. Miller 12), others note that the advantages for medical research outweigh this consideration (A. Miller 46).APA:Well-established SLA researchers (e.g., R. Elli
33、s, 2002) seem rather skeptical of the assertion that repetition alone explains the development of the knowledge of a second language (N. Ellis, 2002).引用中文著作或期刊时同姓作者的情况较多,应在括号夹注中使用他们名字的首字母加以区分,如: MLA:(S.R. Wang 26) (J.X. Wang 30)APA:(W.Y. Wang, 2003) (L.F. Wang, 2003, p. 213)3.1.5 引用同一作者的多篇文献按MLA规范,引
34、用同一作者的多篇文献时,在括号夹注中应加入文献标题中的关键词组,如:Lightenor has argued that computers are not useful tools for small children (“Too Soon” 38), though he has acknowledged that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development (“Hand-Eye Development” 17).或者Computers are not useful too
35、ls for small children (Lightenor, “Too Soon” 38), though he has acknowledged that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development (Lightenor, “Hand-Eye Development” 17).或者Lightenor has argued that computers are not useful tools for small children, though he has ack
36、nowledged that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development (“Too Soon” 38 and “Hand-Eye Development” 17).按APA规范,同一作者的不同文献可用出版年份来区别,如:(Zhang, 1997)(Zhang, 1999)(Zhang, 2004) 括号夹注还可以表示同一作者的多篇文献,文献按发表次序排列,如:(Zhang, 1997, 1999, 2004) 同一年份发表的文献应对年份另加字母,以示区别(正文后参考文献著
37、录中相应的条目里的年份应加同样的字母),如:(Bloom, 2003a, 2003b) 3.1.6 同时引用不同作者的多篇文献括号夹注可以包括不同作者的多篇文献,文献按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列(注意分号的使用),如:MLA:The dangers of mountain lions to humans have been well documented (Rychnovsky 40; Seidensticker 114; Williams 30).APA:Distance from health care providers, lack of transportation, lack of he
38、alth care providers, lack of information about the disease and various treatment options, poverty and social isolation due to geography are all factors which affect treatment decisions of rural clients (Brown, 2001; Sullivan, Weinert & Fulton, 1993; Weinert & Burman, 1994).3.1.7 引用非直接文献(indirect sou
39、rce)论文应尽可能避免使用非直接文献(即二级文献secondary source),但在无法找到直接文献(即一级文献primary source)的情况下,引文可以从非直接文献中析出,例如:MLA:Samuel Johnson admitted that Edmund Burke was an “extraordinary man” (qtd. in Boswell 2: 450).(注意:“qtd. in”中的字母“i”不得大写。)APA:Grayson (as cited in Murzynski & Degelman, 1996, p. 135) identified four com
40、ponents of body language that were related to judgments of vulnerability.One researcher (Grayson, as cited in Murzynski & Degelman, 1996, p. 135) identified four components of body language that were related to judgments of vulnerability.引用非直接文献以后,在正文后参考文献著录中只需列入该非直接文献的条目(即上述实例中的“Boswell”和“Murzynski
41、 & Degelman, 1996”)。3.1.8 对引语文字的更改直接引语如出现在正文中间,使用引语的句子不得违反英语语法,不得出现“句中句”。图3.1右边一栏两句句子均包含了引语,但均不合语法。图3.1:对引语文字的更改正确:So it is not like what Luthi calls “entering effortlessly into fruitful contact with distant worlds” (63). 正确:Max Luthi points out that the first apparent thing in the fairytale is that
42、 it portrays its hero as “isolated” and often as “an old child” (59). 错误:So it is not like what Luthi calls “enter effortlessly into fruitful contact with distant worlds” (63). 错误:Max Luthi points out: “The first thing that is apparent in the fairytale is that it portrays its hero as isolated. He is
43、 often an old child” (59). 为了使含直接引语的句子合乎语法,往往有必要对引语的文字作一定的更改。如果要删除引语中个别词句,可以用省略号(ellipses “”)取代删除的词句。如果要加入或者更改个别单词或者词组,则可以将需要加入或者更改的单词或词组放在方括号(square brackets “ ”)以内。无论删改还是添加字词均不得变更引语的原意。3.2 参考文献著录的格式参考文献著录在MLA规范里叫做Works Cited,在APA规范里叫做References。3.2.1 著录已出版的文章一位作者写的文章MLA:Stewart, Donald C. “What Is
44、 an English Major, and What Should It Be?” College Composition and Communication 40 (1989): 188-202.APA:Roediger, H. L. (1990). Implicit memory: A commentary. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 28, 373-380.注意:(1)在MLA规范里,作者的姓名应完整,应标明首名的全称和中间名的首字母。在APA里,作者的首名和中间名均应用首字母。(2)在MLA规范里,期刊名与期刊卷数之间不用逗号。(3)在
45、APA规范里期刊的卷数(即“28”)应用斜体表示。(4)按MLA的规范,标题第一个词和冒号后第一个词的首字母均必须大写,而其余每一个词的首字母,除冠词、介词、并列连词以及不定式符号(“to”)以外都必须大写。按APA的规范,标题第一个词和冒号后第一个词的首字母必须大写,而其余每一个词的首字母,除专有名词以外,均不需要大写。两位作者写的文章MLA:Brownell, Hiram H., and Heather H. Potter. “Inference Deficits in Right-Brain Damaged Patients.” Brain and Language 27 (1986): 310-21.APA:Tulving, E., & Schacter, D. L. (1990). Priming and human memory systems. Science, 247, 301-305.两位以上的作者写的文章MLA:Mascia-Lees, Frances E., Pat Sharpe, and