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1、汉译英:驻立陶宛大使申知非在立陶宛论坛网发表署名文章中国政 府在新疆的反恐行动不容被妖魔化位于中国西北边陲的新疆,是中国五个少数民族自治区 之一,这是一个美丽富饶的地方,但也曾经是宗教极端主义 和暴力恐怖主义严重泛滥的地方。新疆不能成为恐怖主义的乐土。20世纪90年代以来, 境内外三股势力(民族分裂势力、宗教极端势力、暴力恐 怖势力)筹划并组织实施了数千起爆炸、暗杀、投毒、纵火、 袭击、骚乱、暴乱等系列暴力恐怖事件,累计造成大量无辜 群众罹难,数百名公安民警殉职,财产损失无法估算。2009 年7月5日,境内外东突势力里应外合,组织筹划实施 了震惊中外的乌鲁木齐市打砸抢烧严重暴力犯罪事件,数千
2、名恐怖分子在市区多处同时行动,疯狂杀害群众,袭击政府 机关、公安武警、居民住所、商店、公共交通设施等。暴恐 分子叫嚣要反对突厥民族以外的一切民族,消灭异教 徒,肆意践踏新疆各族群众的生命权、健康权、财产权和 knowledge and vocational skills. Based on local job demand, training programs including making of garments, footwear and hats, food processing, assembly of electronic products, typesetting and pri
3、nting, cosmetology and hairdressing, e-business, and other courses are provided. Human right, customs and habits of various ethnic groups and their beliefs in diet and daily life are respected and protected. Most trainees are therefore better suited to social development and modern life, able to ear
4、n a living and even run their own businesses, so as to shake off the influence and control of terrorism and extremism.China s counterterrorism never targets any specific ethnic group or religion. Terrorism and extremism go against human civilization and are the common enemy of the international comm
5、unity.China strikes at all sorts of terrorism and extremism, but never targets any specific ethnic group or religion. Xinjiang is home to 13 ethnic groups, 6 major religions and more than 24 million citizens. The Uyghurs account for about 48 percent of the entire population and the Hans about 37 per
6、cent. The people of all Xinjiang1 s ethnic groups enjoy the same status and the same rights, and must fulfill the same obligations in accordance with the law. Their political rights as citizens are fully protected. Ethnic minorities enjoy freedom of religious belief. In Xinjiang, there are around 10
7、 Muslim ethnic groups, 24,400 mosques, 29,000 clerical personnel and 8 religious colleges. On average 530 Muslims share one mosque, at a leading place globally. Normal religious activities are protected in accordance with law.The stability, prosperity and development thatXinjiang enjoys today is the
8、 best answer to those whohave doubts about Xinjiangz s counterterrorismefforts. China7 s strike at terrorism and extremism has created a stable environment and favorable conditions for economic and social development of Xinjiang and the improvement of people s livelihood. Since the launch of China s
9、 reform and opening-up drive in 1978, Xinjiang7 s GDP has soared 294 times from RMB3.9 billion to 1.15 trillion in 2018; Its per-capital GDP has grown 153 times from RMB313 to RMB48Q00 in the same period. The per-capital disposable income of urban residents has risen 102 times from RMB319 to RMB3276
10、4, and that of rural residents has risen 100 times from RMB119 to RMB11975. There has been a growing trend to pursue modern scientific and technological knowledge and etiquette. The dissemination of religious extremism is resisted consciously. People of all ethnic groups have astronger sense of fulf
11、illment, happiness and security.All these contribute to degradation of the soil breeding terrorism and religious extremism.Xinjiang has started to enjoy the dividend of effective counterterrorism efforts with its economy steadily growing, people7 s livelihood improving, and overall progress being ma
12、de in all respects. Tourism boomed in 2018 when the region registered more than 150 million trips by domestic and international tourists, a year-on-year growth of 40 percent. Tourists from abroad reached 24 million, a 40 percent year-on-year increase. Many people who have visited Xinjiang extol the
13、region7 s progress: Today s Xinjiang is not only beautiful but also safe and stable. No matter where they are or at what time of the day, people are no longer afraid of going out, shopping, dining and traveling.Lithuanian friends are warmly welcome to Xinjiang. By visiting Xinjiang, you will have a
14、chance to see the vastness and breath-taking scenery of Xinjiang, get to know the real situation in Xinjiang, and more importantly, share with Xinjiang people the desire for peace, the pursuit for development and the aspiration for a better life. I believe by then you will have a better understandin
15、g of and render more support to Chinese government in its efforts to strike terrorism and extremism as well as to maintain stability in Xinjiang and safeguard its people.开展权等基本人权。中国政府绝不能坐视不理,更不能允许 在新疆滋生另一个伊斯兰国。开展反恐斗争和去极端化 工作,正是中国政府切实履行职责,保障包括新疆各族人民 在内的全国人民人权和正常生产、生活,还新疆各族人民一 个宁静的生活,给予信教群众一个正常的环境。中国的
16、反恐措施不能被妖魔化。打击恐怖主义和去极端 化既是世界性问题,也是世界性难题。各国普遍认识到打击 恐怖主义不能局限于保持现行反恐的硬措施,还需要充 分结合本国和本地区的实际情况,建立预防和干预的软 手段。联合国防止暴力极端主义行动计划提出为受暴力 极端主义影响的人群提供教育机会和经济开展机遇,鼓励其 脱离暴力极端主义势力。英、法、美等国政府均出台举措, 加强对受极端思想影响的人员进行早期干预。新疆立足本地 区实际,深入开展反恐怖主义、去极端化斗争,坚持一手 抓打击、一手抓预防,既依法严厉打击暴力恐怖犯罪,又 重视开展源头治理,通过着力改善民生、加强法制宣传教育、 依法设立职业技能教育培训中心进
17、行帮扶教育等多种方式, 最大限度保障公民的基本人权免遭恐怖主义和极端主义侵 害,防止其成为恐怖主义和极端主义的另一受害者和牺牲 品。职教中心组织学员学习国家唯一的通用语言一普通话和 法律,并以就业为导向,为他们提供服装鞋帽加工、食品加 工、电子商品组装、排版印刷、电子商务等多项知识和技能 培训课程;在日常生活、饮食起居等各方面充分尊重和保护不 同民族、不同信仰学员的人权和风俗习惯,最大限度保障和 满足学员在学习、生活、娱乐等方面的诸多需求。通过学习 培训,学员们更好地适应现代社会开展,自食其力、谋生创 业,摆脱恐怖主义和宗教极端思想的影响和控制。中国反恐绝不针对特定族群和宗教。恐怖主义是人类社
18、 会的公敌,是国际社会共同打击的对象。中国坚决打击恐怖 主义和极端主义,但绝不针对特定民族和宗教。新疆汇聚13 个世居民族、6种主要宗教、2400多万人口,其中维族约占 48% ,汉族约占37%。新疆各族人民都具有同等地位,依法 享有相同权利,履行相同义务,公民的政治权利得到充分保 障。新疆少数民族享有充分的宗教信仰自由。新疆有10个 主要信仰伊斯兰教的民族,共有清真寺2.44万座,神职人 员2.9万名、宗教院校8所,平均530位穆斯林拥有一座清 真寺,位居世界前列,一切正常的宗教活动均受到法律保护。新疆的稳定、繁荣与开展是对心存疑虑的人最好的回 答。中国坚决打击恐怖主义和极端主义,为新疆经济
19、社会发 展、民生改善创造了稳定环境和有利条件。1978年至2018 年,新疆地区生产总值由39.07亿元人民币增长至1.15万 亿元,人均生产总值由313元增长至48000元,分别增长 294倍和153倍;城镇居民人均可支配收入从319元增加到 32764元农村居民人均可支配收入从119元增加到11975 元,分别增加了 102倍和100倍。追求现代科学技术知识 和文明生活方式逐渐成为新疆社会风气,宗教极端思想传播 受到抵抗,人民群众的获得感、幸福感、平安感不断提升, 进一步降解恐怖主义产生的土壤。如今,新疆经济平稳健康开展、各族群众生活不断改善、 各项事业全面进步,反恐维稳的红利初步得到释放
20、。目前, 新疆已连续2年多未发生暴力恐怖案件,包括危安案件、公 共平安事件在内的刑事案件、治安案件大幅下降,极端主义 渗透得到有效遏制,社会治安状况明显好转,人民生活安宁 祥和。2018年,新疆旅游业呈现井喷式增长,共接待 境内外游客超过L5亿人次、同比增长40% ,其中外国游客 240.32万人次、同比增长10.78%。许多到过新疆的人纷纷感慨道:现在新疆不仅很美丽,而且很平安、很稳定。无论 天山南北,还是白天黑夜,人们不再担惊受怕,可以放心地 外出、购物、聚餐、旅游。我真诚地欢迎立陶宛的朋友们有机会到新疆走走看看,亲身体验新疆之大、新疆之美,了解新疆的真实情况,体验 各国人民共通的对和平安
21、宁的期盼、对繁荣开展的追求和对 美好生活的向往,相信你们将更加理解和支持中国政府为打 击恐怖主义和极端主义、维护新疆社会稳定和人民平安所作 的努力。参考译文:The Counterterrorism Efforts of the ChineseGovernment Is Not to Be DemonizedAmbassador Shen Zhifei7 s Signed Article Publishedon the Lithuanian MediaSituated in northwest China, Xinjiang is one of the 5 autonomous regions
22、 of ethnic minorities in China. It is a land that enjoys beautiful scenery and prosperity, but also used to be rampant with violent terrorism and religious extremism.Xinjiang is by no means to become the paradise for terrorism. Since the 1990s, the three evil forcesn (terrorism, extremism and separa
23、tism) in China and abroad have plotted, organized and conducted thousands of violent terrorist attacks including bombings, assassinations, poisoning, arson, assaults, unrest and riots, causing the deaths of a large number of innocent people and hundreds of police officers, as well as immeasurable pr
24、operty damage. On July 5, 2009, the East Turkistan forces inside and outside China engineered a riot in Urumqi which shocked the whole world. Thousands of terrorists attacked civilians, government organs, public security and police officers, residential houses, stores and public transportation facil
25、ities, causing 197 deaths and injuries to over 1,700, smashing and burning down 331 stores and 1,325 vehicles, and damaging many public facilities.Clamoring for opposition to all ethnic groups other than Turks77 and for the annihilation of pagans, the horrific crimes of terrorists trampled upon the
26、essential human rights of people of all ethnic groups in the region, such as their rights to life, health, property and development. Chinese government could by no means sit by idly and remain indifferent to that, and never allows another ISIS formed in Xinjiang. The fight against terrorism and extr
27、emism is exactly the responsibility that the Chinese government fulfills aimed at protecting the human right of Chinese people of all ethnic groups including those in Xinjiang.China1 s counterterrorism should not be demonized. Fighting terrorism and extremism is an issue of the world and hard nut to
28、 crack. Countries have realized that a comprehensive approach encompasses not only hard security-based counter-terrorism measures but also soft preventive steps that accord with their own conditions. Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism adopted by UN calls for providing education and economic
29、 benefits to address the underlying conditions that drive individuals to radicalize and join violent extremist groups. The governments of UK, France and US have all issued counter-terrorism strategies to underline the importance of early intervention in the cases of people under the influence of ext
30、remism.Based on its own conditions, Xinjiang has been making intensive counterterrorism and de-radicalization efforts. Upholding the principle of fighting and preventing terrorism at the same time, the autonomous region has been taking aggressive action against violent terrorist crimes, and at the s
31、ame time, addressing the problem at its source. It has been making every effort to protect the fundamental human rights of citizens from violation by terrorism and extremism as well as to prevent them from becoming victims of terrorism and extremism. Specific measures include improving public well-being, promoting knowledge of the law through education, and offering education and aid through vocational education and training centers in accordance with the law. The trainees advance from learning the country1 s common language, to learning legal