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1、- 国际金融专业术语注解-第 32 页 国际金融专业术语注解【世贸人才网:国际贸易商务人才门户 更新时间: 2006-02-28 】 【打印】【关闭】Notes On Financial Expressions-A(1)金融专业术语注解 英文词汇 中文释义 详细注解 a basket of currencies “一篮子”货币 又称为“一篮子”货币或合成货币,由各国货币所组成的一个大的货币篮子。每种货币在“货币篮子”里所占比例,是按照各国在世界贸易中所占比重来确定的。这种合成货币一般不能直接用于国际贸易和非贸易支付。如“欧洲货币单位”、“特别提款权”等都是合成货币。 ABA transit n
2、umber 美国银行家协会交换号码 分配给一家金融机构例如一家银行的编号,该编号在美国支票右上角的支票分区号码上方注明。 Abandonment 弃权 1. 指资产所有权人自动放弃其权利。例如:选择权的买方在选择权利期间结束时,不予以执行交易特定资产的权利,而任其权利作废。股票持有人于除权除息日之前,将持股出售而无法享有发行公司所分配股息等。 2.To choose not to exercise or sell an option. Abandonment occurs when the option is out of the money on the expiration date. 3
3、.To voluntarily relinquish the rights of property ownership, usually real estate. abandonment option 放弃选择权 The option to close out an investment prior to the fulfillment of the original conditions for termination. abatement 减少 减免 冲销 1. 减免:指对一项税收的减免。 2. 冲销:指一项临时性收益从成本中冲销。 3.A reduction in or reprieve
4、 from a tax, debt or any other payment obligation. An abatement is sometimes included in a contract, for example abatement of rent in the event that a building is destroyed by fire, flood or other accident. ABC agreement ABC 协议 1. 证券商以员工名义取得纽约证券交易会员席位,而与该员工之间约定公司权益的协议。由于只有以个人身份才能取得纽约证券交易所会员席位,证券商通常以
5、该公司员工挂名,而由公司支付购买席位的费用。 2.An agreement between a brokerage firm and an employee detailing the rights of the firm when it purchases an NYSE if he/she leaves but must buy another seat for an individual named by the firm; B) sell the seat but return the proceeds to the firm; or C) transfer the seat to a
6、nother employee of the firm. abeyance 暂时无效 The suspension of a title to real estate while lawful ownership is being determined. Ability to borrow 借款能力 指机构或个人再增加债务的能力。借款能力与借款人的偿债能力有关,借款人的信用程度愈佳。偿债能力愈佳,其再行举借债务的能力也愈高。 Ability to pay 支付能力 1. 对于借款人而言,指的是如期偿还本息的能力。在税务上,支付能力则作为税率制定之参考因素,如所得税之累进税率。 2.A borr
7、owers ability to meet his/her current and future debt obligations. ability to service debt 偿债能力 指企业有足够的流动资金或现金,能够偿还到期的债务。 abnormal return 非常规收益 不能单从市场运动规律中预测的股票报酬。累积的非常规报酬是围绕信息的公告或发布的一段时间总的非常规报酬。 aboriginal cost 原始成本 指资产所有者的实际支出款项,不包括资产取得后发生的成本调整或折旧等。 Above full carry market 超过持有成本市场 指不同到期月份的期货和约价格差
8、距,超过该期间总持有成本的市场型态。例如 6 月燕麦现货价格为每吨 1000 元、 9 月份燕麦期货价格为每吨 1100 元;若持有燕麦现货期间 3 个月的持有成本为 80 元,则 9 月份交割的燕麦期货价格应是 1080 元,低于燕麦期货的市场价格,即形成超过持有成本市场。这种市场的产生来自于投资人预期燕麦即将缺货,或因投资人过度投机所致。 Above par value 超过面值 1. 指发行股票、债券等有价证券时,以高于该证券面值( face value; par value )之价格发售。 2.Having a current price above face value. This
9、would generally be the case if the coupon paid on the bond exceeds the discount rate applicable, or if market interest rates fall after the bond is bought. If the bondholder had bought at a price above par, then he/she will suffer a capital loss upon maturity since the bond will only be redeemed at
10、face value. 参考: par, at par, below par above the line(item) 线上(项目)税前的收入和支出 在编制国际收支平衡表、资产负债表和利润表时的习惯划分法。 1. 在编制国际收支平衡表中,线上(项目),又称自主性交易( autonomous transaction) 或事前交易( ex-ante), 是经常账户( current account) 、资本和金融账户( capital and financial account) 各项目的统称。 2. 在资产负债表中,线上的应收票据项目是指应列为流动资产的应收票据。 3. 在利润表中是指计算毛利时
11、所必须计入的项目。 absolute advantage 绝对优势 The name for the ability of one entity to engage in more efficient production than another entity. Assuming equal inputs, the entity with an absolute advantage will have a greater output. absolute endorsement 无条件背书 指债务人无偿还能力的情况,其含义是债务人不能立即偿还债务,并且在任何情况下都不能全数偿还债权人。 ab
12、solute priority rule 绝对优先权条款 The idea that creditors claims take precedence over shareholders claims in the event of a liquidation or reorganization. shareholders are compensated only after debtors have been fully paid off. Absorbed 吸收 1. 公司将成本以费用形态自行吸纳,而不转嫁给消费者。 2. 被购并者所收购的公司。 3. 和产品生产无直接从属关系的间接制造成
13、本。 4. 编制财务报表时,被性质相近的账户合并的账户,报表使用者无法自报表上知悉明细。又称为吸收账户( absorption account )或从属账户( adjunct acount ) 5. 指新发行的证券已由承销商销售完毕。 6.Treated as an expense, rather than passing the cost on to customers. 7. A business that is merged into an another company due to acquisition. 8.In the equities market, the process
14、of trading securities without affecting the market price. Notes On Financial Expressions-A(2)金融专业术语注解 英语词汇 中文释义 详细注解 absorption approach 吸收论 国际收支吸收分析法的简称,是詹姆士 . 爱德华 . 米德( James Edward Meade) 和亚历山大( S.S.Alexander) 于 1952 年在凯恩斯的国民收入方程式的基础上提出来的一种分析方法。 absorption rate 吸收比率 The rate at which properties a
15、re able to be leased or sold in a given area. abstract of title 产权契约摘要 A set of documents which record the ownership through time of a property. abusive tax shelter 违规避税 A tax shelter which the IRS feels is being used to claim illegal deductions, such as inflating the value of acquired property abov
16、e its market value. Abusive trading practice 违规交易操作 泛指证券或期货交易违反交易所制定的规则;例如内线交易。 Academic arbitrage 理论套利 指投资人利用相同证券或商品,在不同市场上价格的差异,买高卖低赚取利润,而投资人并不须要实际投入资金就可完成该套利交易。 accelerated amortization 加速摊销 以快与正常水平的速度摊销成本,由此可减少税收。同样,通过特殊规定可以加速债务的还款日期。 accelerated benefits 加速受益 In some life insurance policies, be
17、nefits available before death, in such events as long-term, catastrophic or terminal illness. This benefit first became available when companies offering viatical settlements purchased the life insurance policies of terminally ill individuals from the insurance companies which issued the policies. A
18、fter extracting a portion of the value of the policy for costs and profits, these companies offered the remainder of the death benefit to terminally ill policy holders. Insurance companies have different rules about how much money can be extracted and how close to death the holder must be to receive
19、 benefits early. The remainder of the value of the policy, minus interest charges, is awarded to the beneficiaries upon the death of the holder. also called living benefits. Accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS) 加速成本回收制 1. 根据 1986 年美国的赋税改革法案( TAX REFORM ACT OF 1986 ),对于一些符合规定的资产,提列折旧时可以加速折旧方式处理,因而
20、这类资产的折旧提列年限得以短于其耐用年限,并于资产使用初期可以享有较高的节税利益。 2.Accelerated Cost Recovery System. Depreciation methods applied to limited partnership assets placed in service in 1986 or before. Replaced by the less-favorable Modified ACRS. Accelerated Depreciation 加速折旧 1. 以比直线折旧法更快的速度注销固定资产的成本。资产使用年限后期的高维修费用被早期的税收好处所抵消
21、,由此使得该资产所产生的现金流更为平稳。企业可以通过这种方式得到税收好处。加速折旧法优化了资本支出,促进了企业的发展。 2.A depreciation method which allows faster write-offs than the straight line method. These methods provide a greater tax shield effect than straight line depreciation, and so companies with large tax burdens might like to use accelerated d
22、epreciation methods, even if it reduces the income shown on financial statement. Accelerated depreciation methods are popular for writing-off equipment that might be replaced before the end of its useful life since the equipment might be obsolete (e.g. computers). One example of an accelerated depre
23、ciation method is the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS). acceleration 加速到期 由于债务人或合约一方的违约,债务比事先约定的期限提前到期或是衍生性交易因而中止的现象。加速到期也可能由信用等级的下降或其他原因引起。 acceleration clause 加速偿还条款 1. 指债务契约上所记载的一种条款,该条款指明当债务人发生无法按期支付本息的情况下,债务人的未到期债务自动到期,应立即偿还。 2 该条款是说,如果债务人无法偿还利息、本金或支付沉淀成本,或者丧失偿付能力,或者无力承担抵押财产的税收
24、负担,那么该抵押合同未偿付的余额或其他相关合同将被视为到期。 3.A provision that allows a lender to demand payment of the total outstanding balance or demand additional collateral under certain circumstances, such as failure to make payments, bankruptcy, nonpayment of taxes on mortgaged property, or the breaking of loan covenants
25、. acceleration theory 加速理论 消费水平的变动将导致购买力和生产水平的更大变动。这被视为造成某种形式通货膨胀的推动力。 Acceptance 承兑 1. 在远期汇票上签署,正式确认按时支付汇票金额之责任,称之为承兑。签署人即为承兑人。承兑人若为一般工商企业,该承兑汇票称为商业承兑汇票( trade acceptance bill ) , 若承兑人为银行,该汇票称为银行承兑汇票( banker s acceptance )。 2.The contractual agreement entered into when the drawee of a time draft wr
26、ites accepted on the document and specifies a payment date. The drawee, thereby known as the acceptor, is responsible for making the payment at maturity. acceptance bank 承兑银行 保证汇票付款责任的银行。 Acceptance bill 承兑汇票 经工商企业或银行承兑,确认如期支付之汇票。一般而言,银行承兑汇票之信用程度较商业承兑汇票为佳,在货币市场发达的国家,银行承兑汇票可于公开市场转让贴现,是一种较为普遍的短期融资工具。
27、acceptance credit 承兑信用安排 国际贸易融资的信用安排之一。银行可允许客户发出汇票让银行承兑,然后在市场转让贴现来获得资金。开证行或指定的付款行收到符合信用证条款规定的单据时,并不立即付款,只有在承兑人承兑后,并且在汇票到期时才履行付款义务。根据承兑人的不同,承兑信用证可分为:( 1 )银行承兑信用证。( 2 )商号承兑信用证。 Acceptance fee 承兑费 银行对汇票进行承兑时,所收取的手续费。 acceptance market 承兑市场 货币市场的一部分。汇票经纪人等用贴现的办法对承兑过的汇票进行买卖。 Acceptance risk 承兑风险 远期汇票的持票人
28、向受票人要求付款承兑时,遭到受票人拒绝的风险。 Notes On Financial Expressions-A(3)金融专业术语注解 英语词汇 中文释义 详细注解 Accepted date 接受日期 指商业交易的远期汇票的承兑日期;或证券经纪商接受客户交易委托的日期 accepting/acceptance house 承兑商行 又称承兑所,指办理汇票承兑、接受汇票融通资金或对他人开出的汇票进行背书的金融机构。承兑商行以英国最为发达,在 18 世纪末就已出现,主要通过承兑汇票业务为工商业、贸易进行融资。承兑商行通常只收取手续费而不垫付资金,经过承兑商行承兑或背书的汇票可以按市场上最低的贴现
29、率办理贴现。 20 世纪 70 年代后,承兑商行的业务范围不断扩大,目前也可从事组织新证券的发行与认购新发行的证券、外汇买卖等金融业务。 accidental death benefit 人寿保险的以外死亡双重赔偿条款 A life insurance policy provision that calls for an additional payment, usually equal to the face amount of the insurance, in the event of accidental death. also called double indemnity. acc
30、ommodating account 调节性账户 在国际收支中为弥补商品、劳务和资本等自发交易产生的国际收支失衡而产生的抵消账户。调节性账户记录调节性交易( accommodating transaction) 的发生。在国际收支发生逆差时,调节性交易通过包括中央银行出售黄金或外汇,减少官方储备的方式,或由中央银行向外国政府贷款,增加官方储备的方式,以弥补国际收支逆差。 accommodation 融通 中央银行在市场银根紧缩时给予商业银行的信用援助,也指商业银行之间的信用调节。 Accommodation endorser 融通担保人 指以自己的名义为他人之债务提供担保的个人或机构。一般都是
31、在期票( promissory note )或汇票 (bill of exchange) 上背书,确认保证如期兑现之责任。 Accommodation paper 融通票据 1. 指经由第三者背书作为融通担保之票据。 2.A negotiable instrument signed by a party without receiving something of value in return. Used to assist another party to secure financing. Accommodative monetary policy 宽松货币政策 1. 指中央银行视总体经
32、济状况而实行的增加货币供应量的措施。使用时机大多是市场利率过高、景气不振且通货膨胀仍处于合理水准的情况。货币供给量增加之后,金融体系的资金供给增加,有助于引导市场利率下降,降低工商企业取得资金之成本,提振民间投资意愿。 2.A central bank policy designed to stimulate economic growth by lowering short term interest rates, making money less expensive to borrow. also called loose credit or easy monetary policy.
33、opposite of tight monetary policy. Account 客户;账户 1 指委托证券经纪商从事证券交易的顾客。 2 在会计上,则为各项资产、负债、收入、费用的交易记录。 3.A record of financial transactions for an asset or individual, such as at a bank, brokerage, credit card company, or retail store. 4.More generally, an arrangement between a buyer and a seller in whi
34、ch payments are to be made in the future. account aggregation 账户汇总 An online service provided to individuals, allowing them to consolidate a range of accounts, bills, credit cards, and other financial information into one interface, in order to simplify the managing of personal finances. Account bal
35、ance 账户余额 1. 指财务报表上借贷方之净额;也可以用于其他不同性质账户,如信用卡账户、银行存款、证券交易账户等余额。 2.The amount of money in an account, equal to the net of credits and debits at that point in time for that account. also called balance. account day 交割日 结算日 股票和商品交易所确定的各成员之间结算的日子。 account executive 账户经理 1. 经纪公司职员,为客户提供咨询和执行委托。在为客户执行委托前,
36、AE 必须在全国证券交易商协会( National Association of Securities Dealers,NASD) 注册。也称为注册代理人( registered representative,RR) 或股票经纪人( stockbroker). 2.An individual who is licensed to sell securities and has the legal power of an agent, having passed the Series 7 and Series 63 examinations. Usually works for a broker
37、age licensed by the SEC, NYSE, and NASD. also called registered representative. Account reconciliation 账户调节 1. 将支票存款之公司账上余额及银行月结单之间的差额调整一致的过程。产生差异的原因多为一方未记账所造成,银行已记账而公司未记账的情况有银行代收票据、存款利息、代付款项、扣收手续费等;公司已记账而银行未记账的情况如:公司存入票据而银行未记账的在途存款、企业开立支票而持票人未向银行提示的未兑现支票。另外也可能来自公司或银行的错误所致。 2.The act of confirming t
38、hat the balance in ones checkbook matches the corresponding bank statement. Account statement 账户报表 1. 在银行业务方面,是指各种账户收支之明细及其余额的汇总。证券交易上,则是指各种交易账户在某一段期间,所有的证券交易记录。 2.A record of transactions and their effect on account balances over a specified period of time, for a given account. A bank account state
39、ment lists the debits and credits that took place over the relevant time period, while a brokerage account statement lists the long positions and short positions, purchases and sales, and other transactions. accountability 问责性 中央银行必须依法向特定的其他公共机构陈述其政策和行为,并论证其合理性。 account-account dealing 对账作业 用于处理两个银行
40、彼此之间发生同业往来账款的清算,不涉及第三个银行。 accountant 会计师 One who is skilled in the practice of accounting or who is in charge of public or private accounts. An accountant is responsible for reporting financial results, whether for a company or for an individual, in accordance with government and regulatory authorit
41、y rules. Accountants opinion 会计师意见 A letter preceding a financial report, written and signed by an independent accountant, which describes the scope of the statement and presents an opinion on the quality of the data presented. also called accountants letter. accounting 会计学清算账目 The systematic record
42、ing, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions of a business. Notes On Financial Expressions-A(4)金融专业术语注解 英语词汇 中文释义 详细注解 accounting equation 会计等式 The fundamental balance sheet equation: assets = liabilities + net worth. Accounting principles board (APB) 会计准则委员会 由美国会计师协会( American Institute o
43、f Certified Public Accoutans )指派之会计团体,其主要功能是制定经济交易事项的会计原则。该团体于 1973 年已由财务会计准则委员会( Financial Accounting Standards Board ; FASB )取代。 Accounts payable 应付账款 1. 公司以赊账方式购进商品、原物料及其他交易事项所产生的应付未付款。应付账款一般于短期必须偿付,会计上列为流动负债,在财务的观点,应付账款可视为视供应商对公司的短期资金融通。 2.Money which a company owes to vendors for products and s
44、ervices purchased on credit. This item appears on the companys balance sheet as a current liability, since the expectation is that the liability will be fulfilled in less than a year. When accounts payable are paid off, it represents a negative cash flow for the company. accounts receivable aging 应收
45、账款账龄 A periodic report showing all outstanding receivable balances, broken down by customer and month due. Accounts receivable financing 应收账款融资 1. 企业将销货或营运产生之应收账款让售( factoring )以取得短期资金的一种融通方式。 2.The selling of a companys accounts receivable, at a discount, to a factor, who then assumes the risk of t
46、he account debtors and receives cash as the debtors settle their accounts. A firm that sells its accounts receivable may not be confident of its ability to collect those debts, or might think that the cost of collecting that debt is more than the discount which must be provided to the factor when of
47、 selling their receivables. also called accounts receivable financing. accounts receivable turnover 应收账款周转次数 The average duration of an account receivable, equal to total credit sales divided by accounts receivable. Accounts receivable 应收账款 公司以赊账方式销售商品、提供劳务或其他交易事项所产生的应收未收款。应收账款一般于短期内收现,列为流动资产,是公司日常营运的必要投资,也是公司对客户的短期资金融通。 accredited investor 合格投资者 The SEC designation for an individual or entity meeting any of the criteria listed below. Certain restricted offerings, limited partnerships, and angel investor networks are open only to accredited investors. opposite of nonaccredited investor. S