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1、精品_精品资料_.子总结1. .业.I dont have any homew.ork today.2. 也 .I dont eithe.r .3. .视机吗? May I turn on the TV.4. .它的? How do you turn it on.5. .音调低的? How do you turn it down.6. 欢.视节目吗?.欢迎的.员.Do you like this TV show.No. I think hes a bad actor.7. 欢的节.目 什么? What is your favou.r ite show.8.欢.员?What actor do y
2、ou like best in Dinosa. ur Days.欢. 员.员欢.员.I likethe yellow. actorbetter . than the blue actor,but I likethe green actorbest.9. .员 好的.员.He think.s this actor is the best actor.10. .This is a piano. Danny is playin. g the piano.11. 什么.拉二胡.What can you play. I can play the erhu.12. 二胡.音乐.The piano, gui
3、tar. , violin . and erhu make music.13. 也 音乐. Singi.n g is music, too.14. 欢.欢.欢.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_15. .它的缘由. Thats why I play it.16. .好. Steve.n plays bette.r than Danny.17. .次 ?周三次.How often does Steven . play.Three times a week.18. 好.次.周.次.Jenny plays best.She plays once a day. thats seven t
4、imes a week.19. .音机. Lets liste.n to the radio.20. .I hear singi.n g.21. .欢迎的.手. I think hes a bad singe.r.22.播节目吧.Lets find a differ. ent radio show.23. 它24.欢音.乐吗? 的.来的.Its a piano and a violi.n.欢欢.国音乐.Do you like Wester. n music. Yes, I like it, but I like Chines.e music better. .25. .Liste.n to t
5、his.26. 什么 音机.播 国.音乐.Why is the radio playi.n g Chine.se music.27. 国.加拿大. There are many Chine.sepeop.le in Canad.a.28. .播节.目.Thank.s for findin. g this radio show.29. 什么.长耳朵? Why dont dinos.a urs have ears.30. .同的. Dinosa. urs and peop.le are diffe.r ent.31. .的.I think dinos.a urs and peop.le are t
6、he same.32. 音机.音调低.That radio is too loud. Turn it down, pleas.e.33. 音.调低. Im turnin. g it down now.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_35. 音调.高.Im going to turn it up.36. 耳.朵吗?的耳朵.Dont you have ears.No. I dont have ears.37.Li Ming, Danny and Jenny are going to the movie theatr. e to watch a movie.38. 什么.?欢.飞车.
7、What movie do you want to see. I like Drive a Fast Car.39. 么.的.周.How do you know.I saw it last Friday. .40. 学. 飞车好. 好 .Baby Goes to School . is better. than Drive a Fast Car, but Dinosa. ur Daugh.t er is thebest .41.I think Dinosa. ur Daugh.t er is too scary.42. .可怕吗.Do you feel scare.d at a scary m
8、ovie.43. .票.Jenny, Danny and Li Ming buy ticket. s for the movie.44. 大.吃 .Now she eats a big white rabbit. for lunch.45. 欢什么.? 子 来.欢欢.食.What did you like best. I liked the dinosa. ur better . than the rabbit. , but liked the snacks. best.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_47. .奶.I would like a hambur. ger, Fre
9、nch . fries and milk, please. .48. 国.同.的吗?Are Chines. e clothe . s and Wester. n clothe . s differ . ent.49. .音乐 国音.乐 同的.We know that Wester. nmusic and Chines . e music are differ. ent.50. . 的 视节目 .吗.Do you know any Wester. n TV shows.51. 它国的. 视节目.同的吗.Are they differ. ent from Chines . e TV shows.52. . There are many peop.le at the resta.urant.53. 的.?高.的 .Who sings first.A tall, thin woman.54. .大 .柔 .She can sing high.But she sings too softly. .55. 矮 胖.大.欢.迎.He is short and fat. He sings loudly. , but he is a bad singer.56. .动 . I think she sings beau.ti fully.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载