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1、-护理专业英语考试-第 4 页护理多采用WHO对健康的定义:“健康不仅是没有疾病或虚弱,它是一种生理、心理、社会适应的完全良好状态。”Nurses agree the definition from WHO, that is “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.疾病是健康连续过程的中断,通过机体各部分、器官和系统的异常和紊乱表现出来Disease is an interruption in the
2、continuous process of health, manifested by abnormalities or disturbance in the structure and function of body parts, organs or systems.健康促进是一个促使更好的控制和改善其健康状况的过程,其主要目的在于挖掘健康潜力,维持身体的平衡。Positive health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their own health, a
3、imed primarily at improving health potential and maintaining health balance.护理程序是组织护理活动的一种方法,包括脑力和体力的活动The nursing process is a method for organizing nursing actions involving both intellectual and physical activities.护理程度具有系统性,要求护士具备解决问题、批判性思维、决策制定的能力,以及识别病人健康状况的基本的护理知识。The n2ursing process is a sy
4、stematic process and requires problem solving, critical thinking and decision-making , and a substantial knowledge basis to identify the status of client.护理诊断是陈述护士确立的并有能力解决的有关病人现存的或潜在的健康问题Nursing diagnosis is a statement of an actual or potential health problem that a nurse is licensed and competent
5、 to treat.病人的健康状况会随着时间的变化而有所变化。所以护理计划和护理措施也必须进行相应的调整The clients health status may change with time. So it is necessary to revise the nursing plan and nursing intervention accordingly.健康的定义既包含了健康定性的方面有包含了其定量的方面;即健康既可以用数字测量,又可用生活满意度、希望、个人和社会目标等因素进行测量This definition of health is both qualitative and qu
6、antitative; health is measured both in numbers and by factors such as satisfaction with life, hope, and personal and social goals.健康教育是一个集知识、心理和社会各方面因素为一体的过程,通过一系列的活动,以提高人们做出有利于个人、家庭和社区健康有关活动的决策能力。Health education is a holistic process with intellectual, psychological, and social dimensions relating
7、 to activities that increase the abilities of people to make informed decisions that affect their personal, family, and community well-being.健康教育的目的是实现许多健康目标,包括个体及家庭的发展、康复、知情同意、应对和自我护理。The purposes of health education are to reach a number of health goals, including individual and family development
8、, rehabilitation, informed consent, coping, and self-care.康复是一个动态过程,它有计划地适应生活方式的改变,是对疾病或外伤事故所致的意外改变的反应Rehabilitation is a dynamic process of adaptive change in lifestyle in response to unplanned change imposed on the individual by disease or traumatic incident.影响压力源强度的因素有:压力源本身的强度、压力源的持续时间、个体应对压力的经验
9、、个体对压力源重要性的感知,已经十分还存在其他的压力。Factors affecting the impact of stressor are its magnitude or strength, its duration, the persons prior experience with the stressor, the perceived significance to the individual, and the presence of additional stressor.循环负荷过重Circulatory overload输血液制品需要做血型测定和交叉配血Administra
10、tion of blood products need typing and cross-matching由于成分血只向受血者提供需要的血液成分,这就使得较少的献血者能够满足更多人的需求,同时降低受血者由于输血引起的并发症,如血液传染性疾病和循环负荷过重Because blood products give the only needed elements to the recipient, this practice makes it possible to provide more needs with fewer donations and to decrease the risk of
11、 complication, such as blood carried disease and circulatory overload, to the recipient.呼吸机是用来供给病人氧气并帮助病人呼出二氧化碳的The ventilator is used to supply oxygen and help the patient to exhale carbon dioxide.插管 Intubate intubation CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 除非病人气道的开放性受到威胁(需要立即进行吸痰外),吸痰前请仔细评估病人Carefully
12、 assess the patient before you proceed with suctioning unless the patency of the patients airway is threatened.心脏骤停是指心输出量的突然中止,如果循环和氧供得到迅速恢复,这一过程是可逆的。Cardiac arrest is the sudden loss of cardiac output, which is potentially reversible with prompt restoration of circulation and oxygen delivery.严格的说,基
13、础生命支持是正对心脏急症实施抢救的第一步,包括识别心脏骤停,救治呼吸以及胸部按压。Strictly defined, basic life support is the initial phase of emergency cardiac care, including recognition of cardiac arrest, delivery of rescue breathing (ventilation), and chest compressions (circulation)高级生命支持包括基本生命支持,心电图监测,心率的确认,通过插管、除颤和药物治疗而恢复血液动力学的稳定。Ad
14、vanced cardiac life support including BLS, ECG monitoring, rhythm identification, and restoration hemodynamic stability through intubation, defibrillation, and pharmacologic therapy.请注意他的病情变化,并密切观察他的意识、生命体征、中心静脉压和尿量的变化Please pay attention to the changes of his conditions, and keep close observation
15、of his consciousness, vital signs, CVP, and urine output.疼痛引起的恐惧和焦虑会降低个人的疼痛阈值和忍耐力,从而降低他/她应对疼痛的能力。Fear and anxiety about pain decrease an individuals threshold and tolerance for pain, which reduces his/her ability to cope with the pain.了解病人对疼痛刺激的反应可帮助护士更好的评价病人的疼痛程度,制定出有效的护理策略来减轻病人的疼痛An awareness of t
16、he clients usual response to painful stimuli enables the nurse to better evaluate the level of pain and facilitates the development of effective strategies to minimize the pain experience.对于遭受极度疼痛的临终病人来说,不必太担心药物的成瘾。我们难以证明鼓励病人在临终时还要忍耐疼痛的态度是正确的。There should be less fear of addiction in terminal ill cl
17、ients in excruciating pain. It is difficult to justify an attitude that encourages living with unbearable pain while dying.高血压是指以持续性的收缩压140mmHg,和舒张压90mmHg为特点的临床综合征Hypertension refers to a condition characterized by systolic arterial pressure of 140mmHg or higher, or diastolic arterial pressure of 90
18、mmHg or greater, or both.糖尿病是由多种病因引起、以慢性高血糖为特征的代谢紊乱Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and caused by various pathogeny.糖尿病是一种慢性疾病,目前不能治愈,但能控制Diabetes is a chronic disease. Right now, it cant be cured, but it can be controlled.你应该多了解糖尿病的有关知识,定期进行尿检,坚持饮食疗法,
19、按时服药,进行有规律的体育锻炼You should learn as much as you can about diabetes, have your urine tested regularly, stick to your diet, take your medicine on time, and have some regular exercise.如果出现皮肤感染、四肢疼痛、视力问题、肢端温度和颜色的改变、频繁的低血糖发生或长期的恶心和呕吐,应该及时就医。You should see the doctor if you have skin infection, pain of ext
20、remities, visual problems, change in color or temperature of the skin in extremities, frequent episodes of hypoglycemia, or prolonged nausea and vomiting.某些病人可能面临性交方式的改变、高位感染传播、个人应对无效、不依从,以及由于缺乏疾病的传播、治疗及预防知识而带来的治疗管理无效等问题。Some of them might face altered sexuality patterns, high risk for infection tra
21、nsmission, ineffective individual coping, noncompliance, and high risk for ineffective management of therapeutic regimen, related to insufficient knowledge of modes of transmission, treatment, and prevention.性传播疾病是通过与感染者发生无保护措施的性行为传播的。与他人握手、拥抱或共用杯子不会传染上性传播疾病。STDs are transmitted through having unprotected sex with an infected partner. One wont contract an STD from holding hands, hugging, or sharing a glass with others.