《4.4 多图环境 (14)R语言与金融数据分析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《4.4 多图环境 (14)R语言与金融数据分析.pdf(3页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、1. #4.3 图形工具 2. #4.3.1 高级散点图 3. setwd(E:R CLASS第四章code(chapter4)) 4. FinRatio - read.csv(financial ratio.csv, header= T,stringsAsFactors=F, 5. na.strings= ) 6. FinRatio$Debt.to.Assets.Ratio - as.numeric(FinRatio$Debt.to.Assets.Ratio, 7. na.rm=T) 8. FinRatio$ROA. - as.numeric(FinRatio$ROA.,na.rm=T) 9
2、. #1)多组散点图,分为 st 和非 st 上市公司 10. FinRatio$group - as.factor(FinRatio$group) 11. plot(FinRatio$Debt.to.Assets.Ratio,FinRatio$ROA., 12. pch=as.numeric(FinRatio$group),col=as.numeric(FinRatio$group), 13. xlim=c(0,120),ylim=c(0,50) 14. 15. #只取出前 100 家上市公司 16. FinRatio$a-runif(2780,min=0,max=1) 17. m -Fin
3、Ratioorder(FinRatio,6), 18. plot(m$Debt.to.Assets.Ratio1:100,m$ROA.1:100,pch=as.integer(m$group) 19. 20. 21. #2) 多变量散点图 22. head(FinRatio) 23. plot(FinRatio,1:4) 24. 25. #3) 不同因子水平的散点图 26. #基本用法: 27. #coplot(xy|f) 28. 29. coplot(m$ROA.1:100 m$Debt.to.Assets.Ratio1:100|m$group1:100) 30. 31. #4) 散点图+回
4、归线 32. #基本用法: 33. #a - lm(yx) 34. #plot(yx) 35. #abline(a) 36. 37. a - lm(m$ROA.1:100m$Debt.to.Assets.Ratio1:100) 38. plot(m$ROA.1:100m$Debt.to.Assets.Ratio1:100) 39. abline(a) 40. 41. 42. #5)散点图+平滑线 43. #基本用法: 44. #plot(x,y) 45. #lines(lowess(x,y) loess() 46. 47. plot(m$Debt.to.Assets.Ratio1:100,m$
5、ROA.1:100) 48. lines(lowess(m$Debt.to.Assets.Ratio1:100,m$ROA.1:100) 49. 50. #4.3.2 直方图 51. #1)简单直方图 52. library(quantmod) 53. mt-getDividends(600519.ss) 54. hist(mt,col=blue) 55. 56. #2)直方图+概率密度线 57. lkqindex - read.csv(Li Keqiang index.csv,header =T ) 58. 59. hist(lkqindex$Li.Keqiang.index,breaks=
6、15,freq = F )#必须要 freq=F 或者写成 prob=T 60. lines(density(lkqindex$Li.Keqiang.index) 61. 62. hist(lkqindex$Li.Keqiang.index,breaks=15,prob = T ) 63. lines(density(lkqindex$Li.Keqiang.index),col = red) 64. #3)离散型直方图 65. #rbinom(n,size,prob) 66. x - rbinom(1000,100,0.5)#随机产生 1000 个服从 B(100,0.5)分布的数 67. p
7、lot(table(x),ylab=Frequency) 68. 69. plot(table(x)/length(x),ylab=Relative Frequency) 70. 71. #4.3.3 饼图 72. #1) 简单饼图 73. opar-par(no.readonly = TRUE) 74. par(mfrow=c(2,2) 75. 76. GDP_2014 - c(58331.6, 271392.4, 306738.7) 77. names - c(Primary Sector,Secondary Sector, Tertiary Sector) 78. 79. pie(GDP
8、_2014, labels=names, main= Ordinary Pie Chart) 80. 81. percentage - round(GDP_2014 / sum(GDP_2014)*100) 82. names_new - paste(names, , percentage, %, sep= ) 83. pie(GDP_2014, labels=names_new, 84. main=Pie Chart with Percentages) 85. 86. percentage - round(GDP_2014 / sum(GDP_2014)*100) 87. names_new
9、 - paste(names, , percentage, %, sep= ) 88. pie(GDP_2014, labels=names_new,col=rainbow(6),clockwise=TRUE, 89. main=Pie Chart with Percentages) 90. 91. #2)3D 饼图 92. library(plotrix) 93. pie3D(GDP_2014, labels=names_new,col=rainbow(6),explode=0.1, 94. main=3D Pie Chart,labelcex=0.8) 95. par(opar) 96.
10、#3)扇形饼图 97. library(plotrix) 98. GDP_2014 - c(58331.6, 271392.4, 306738.7) 99. names - c(Primary Sector,Secondary Sector, Tertiary Sector) 100. fan.plot(GDP_2014, labels=names, main = Fan Plot,radius=0.4, 101. label.radius=0.5) 102. 103. #4.3.4 条形图 104. GDP - read.csv(GDP09-14.csv,header=T) 105. #将货
11、币形式的数据改为数值型 106. GDP$primary - as.numeric(gsub(, , GDP$primary) 107. GDP$secondary - as.numeric(gsub(, , GDP$secondary) 108. GDP$tertiary - as.numeric(gsub(, , GDP$tertiary) 109. 110. GDP.m - as.matrix(GDP2:4) 111. rownames(GDP.m) - GDP,1 112. GDP.m 113. 114. barplot(GDP.m6,main=2014 China GDP: Divided by Three Sectors) 115. 116. barplot(GDP.m,beside=TRUE,horiz=TRUE,legend=TRUE,cex.names=0.8, 117. xlim=c(0,400000), 118. main=2009-2014 China GDP: Divided by Three Sectors) 119. #条形图 120. barplot(t(GDP.m),legend=TRUE, 121. main=2009-2014 China GDP: Divided by Three Sectors)