2022年2022年国际专利许可合同英文版 .pdf
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1、第 1 页 共 24 页国际专利许可合同英文版国际专利许可合同英文版专利实施许可合同备案工作是国家知识产权局为了切实保护专利权,规范交易行为,促进专利实施而对专利实施许可进行管理的一种行政手段。今天我为大家准备的是英文版的国际专利许可合同。具体内容如下,仅供参考阅读,希望能帮助到大家!patent liense ontrat(国际专利许可合同)on trat no:onlusion date:onlusion plae:index artile 1 defininitions artile 9 guarantees and laims artile 2 sope of the ontrat a
2、rtile 10onfidentialit artile 3 prie of the ontrat artile 11infringements artile 4 onditions of pament artile 12 taxes andduties artife 5 tehnial servie and training artile 13 foremajeure artile 6 tehnial doumentation artile 14 arbitration artile 7 verifiation and aeptane artile 15 app1iable la artil
3、e 8 tehnial improvement artile 16 duration appendixes 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 24 页 -第 2 页 共 24 页appendis 1 name,ontent of patent douments and appliation of the patents appendix 2 models,speifiations and tehnial lndies of the ontrat produt appendix 3 the starting date and ounting methods of ro
4、alt appendix 4 the ontent and method of liensor s auditing appendix 5 training of part a s personnel appendix 6 tehnial servie or speialist send b part b appendix 7 verifiation and aeptane of the ontrat produt this ontrat made_ on_ da of_,b and be-teen _,organized and existing under the las of the p
5、eople s republi of hina.ith rehistered offie at of the first part and _,organized and existing under the las of _,ith its prinipal offie at_.itnessth hereas the patent right hih said in the ontrat os oned b part b.hereas part b has the right and agreed to grant part a the rights to use,manufa-ture a
6、nd sell the ontrat produts of the ppatented tehnolog;名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 24 页 -第 3 页 共 24 页hereas part a hope to use the patented tehnolog of part b to manufature and sell theontrat produts;both parties authorized representatives,through friendl negotiation,have agree to en-ter into this
7、ontrat under the ertms as stipulated belo;artide 1 definitions for the purpose of this ontrat,the folloing terms have the folloing meanings;1.1.patented tehnolog means those letters patent,and appliations therefor presentl oned or hereafter aquired b part b andor hih part bhas or ma have the rigt to
8、 ontrol or grant liense thereof during the term hereof in an or all ountries of the orld and hih are appliable to or ma be used in the manufature of otrat produts.1.ontrat produts mians the produts desribed in appendis2 annexed hereto,名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 24 页 -第 4 页 共 24 页to-gether ith al
9、l improvements and modifiations thereof or developments ith respet there-to.1.3.patt a means_.or his legal representative,agent and inhetitor to thepropert of the pan.1.4.part b means_,or his legal representative,agent and inheritor,to the propert of the pan.1.5.the ontraet fator means the plae hih
10、part part a manufatures the ontrat produts.that is_.1.6.spare pmenas replaement parts for ontrat produts or for an part there-of.1.7.ponents means those ponents and parts of ontrut produets hih par-t b has agreed or ma from time to time agree in riting to permit part a to manufature or sell.1.名师资料总结
11、-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 4 页,共 24 页 -第 5 页 共 24 页8.tehnial douments meane engineering,manufaturing and originating inforna-tion relatiog to the manufature and serviing of ontrat produts,inluding draings,blueprints,design sheets,material speifiations,photographs,photostats and general da-ta,and designs and
12、 peifiations relating to manufaturing ontrat produdts,tools and fix-tures,but inludes,hoever,onl suh information as is available to part b and appliable to the operations of part a under this ontrat hih detaile as per appendis 1 to the on-trat.1.9 net selling prie menans remaining amount of invoie v
13、alue of the ontratprod-uts,after dedution of pakahing,installation and freight harges,trade and disount,mission,insurane and taxes and duties.if an,diretl appliable to the prddut.1.l0 the date of ing into effet of the ontrat means the date of raifiation ofthe ontrat b the managing onstruture of the
14、parties or b the petent authorities ofboth parties,hihever es later.artile2 sope of the ontrat 1.part a agrees to aquire from part b and part b agrees to transfer to part athe patented tehnolog for ontrat produts.suh patented tehnolog shall be in exataordane ith the tehnologof part b s latest produt
15、s.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 5 页,共 24 页 -第 6 页 共 24 页2 part b grants part a the non-exlusive right to design and manufatureontratproduts in hina and to markdt the said produts in hina and abroad.3 part b shall be responsible to provide part a ith douments relevant to thesaidpaptents and ith speial fit
16、tings of the samplemahine their onrete details and shedule ofdelivar being set out in appendix 2 to the ontrat.4 the ontrat does not over the patented tehnolog for the parts from other oun-tres.but part b shall provide part a ith the speimens and the teinal speifiations and the name of the manufatur
17、ers of the parts.5 part b shall be responsible for the training of part a s tehnil personnel in part b s relevant failities and also do its best to enable part a s tehnial personnel to masterthe patented tehnplog of the aforesaid ontrat produt shall be aluated in terms ofnet selling prie after the o
18、ntrat produts are sold in this ear,the ontrat produts hih not sold shall not be inluded.3.4 the report of the selling quantit,net selling amount of the ontrat produts androalt hih should be paid in last ear shall be submitted to part b in ritten form b part a ithin 10 das after the date of settling
19、aounts to roalt.the speifi methods hih alulatenet selling amountand roalt are detailed in appendix 3 to the ontrat.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 6 页,共 24 页 -第 7 页 共 24 页3.5 the ontrat produts sold b part a pursuant to the patent liense herein granted shall be deemed to have been sold hen paid for.3.6 if
20、the ontrat produts are returned or alloanes made thereon after the roalt thereon has been paid part a shall be entitled to take ppropriate erdit for suhoverpa-mentagainst roalties thereafter aruing.3.7 if part b demand to audit the aounts of part a,it shall notie part a ithin l0das after reeiving th
21、e ritten notie of part a in aordane ith artile 3.4 of the ontrat.the speeifi ontent and proedure of auditing aounts are detailed in appendix 4 tothe ontrat.artile 4 ouditions of pament 4.1 roalt stipulated in setion 3 to the ontrat shall be effeted b part a toart bthrough the bank_das after part a h
22、as reeived thefol-loing douments hihare provided b part b and found them in onfoumit ith the stipulations of thontrat.a.four opies of the statement on alulation of the roalt;b.four opies of the merial invoie;.to opies of the sight draft.4.3 part a shall have the right to dedut from an of the above m
23、entioned pament the ppenalties andor pensations hih part b shall pa in aordane ith the 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 7 页,共 24 页 -第 8 页 共 24 页stipulations ofthe ontrat.artiie 5 tehnial servie and training 5.1 tehnigl servie 5.1.l during the validit period of the ontrat,part b shall send a speialist to par
24、tas fator to explain the draings and tehnial douments and to provide teehnial servise indesigning.manufaturing,adjustment,inspetion and maintenane of the ontrated pro-duet so to eheble part a to use,as fast as possible,home materials and ra ponents ithout affeeting the properties of the produts so m
25、anufatured.5.1.2 part b shall tie send it s speialists to part a s fator to provlde tehnialservie for a total of 30 orking das man.5.l.3 the first tehnial servie sha1l start in the sixth month after the ontrat esinto effet.part b shall send a speialist to part a s fator to providetehnial servie for
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- 2022年2022年国际专利许可合同英文版 2022 国际 专利 许可 合同 英文