《拜总统和第一夫人的2020年纳税申报表.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《拜总统和第一夫人的2020年纳税申报表.docx(35页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、1040Department of the Treasofy Intwnal Revenue Service(99)U.S. Individual Income Tax Return2020oMB No 58 -U87sSingle 闵 Msd. Checking u bOX bela will not change your tax of refund口_|Xj SpouseCity, town, or post office. If you have a roreign address, also complete spaces below.StateZUP codeForeign cou
2、ntry nameForeign province/state/countyForeign postal coOeNoSomeone can claim:Filing StatusCheck only one box.If you checked the MFS box, enter the name of your spouse. If you cn eked the HOH or QW box, enter the childs narre it the qualifying persor is beiafe Januafy Z* 195Dependents Tsee instructio
3、ns):If more than tour dependents. sae inscr. and checkf11 First dmeLaSi nalllezJFocizg security numboeU Relationship to youIS blind(4) if qualifier for (see instructiong e*illOrelter*eeAttach2aSch. B ifrequired.4aSaStandard炉aDeducoon for -w Sine or MarriedNng separately.91Married filingjointly oraQu
4、alifyinqhwidovier),oW4.800ce Head f1 1hguwhold.JL JL418.650-L2G if ya cheukedany box unoer1gStandeed4 ADeduction,1 4eea inaaructions.1 sgWages, salaries, tips, etc. AttacTax-exempt interestQualified dividendsIRA distributionsPensions and annuitiesSocial security benefOs3s4a6s260.2336a53.925.h Fog(s)
5、 W2., ?as/rn. 1.b Taxabl8 if)tefeStb Ordinary dividendsb Taxable a riountb Taxable amountb Taxable amount Capital gain pr (loss). Attach Schedule D if required. If not required, check hereCEher income frpm Schedule 1, line 9Add linee 1,2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7, and 8. Thi9 i6 your total incomeAdjustmen
6、ts to incarne:From Schedule 1, Fine 21Charitable contributions if you take the standard deduction. See instr.10a10bAdd linee 10a and 10b. These are yOUE total adjustmente to income Subtract line 10c from line 9. This is yOUE EtdJusted gross income Standard deduction or itemized deduotlons (from Sche
7、dule A) Qualified business income deduction. Attach Form 8995 or Form 8995-A Add fines 12 and 13Taxable income. Subtract line 14 from line 11.If zaro or tess. enterLHA Far Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions.013921 q211201BIDEN JR.z JOSEPH$,1wab4b6b
8、6b780212,681.5,930.252, 035.45 , 836.90,854.607,336.607, 336.g 057.121456. 057.16551.279.Form 1040 go2oj2020 Income from PassthroughsGJACOPPA CORP 工.DNUMBER:TYPE: SCORPORATIONACTIVITYINFORMATION:GIACOPPACORPTRADE OR BUSINESSMATERIAL PARTICIPATIONORDINARY INCOME (LOSS)90,854.TOTAL NONPASSIVE INCOME (
9、LOSS)90,854.0?E02 34-G1-20BIDEN JR .,JOSEPHSCHEDULE H(Form 1D40)DaparTment of tha Treasury Internal Revenue Service (99)Name of employerHousehold Employment Taxes(Foi Social Security, Medicare, W*hheld Income, and Federal Unemployment (FU7A) TSX6S)Attach to Form 1040, 1040-SR, 1040-NR, 1040-SS, or 1
10、041.A Go to for instructions and the latest information.OMB No. 1545-00742020AttachmentSequonce 画 +Social securitv numberEmployer identification numberJOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T, BIDENCalendar year taxpayers having no household employees in 2020 dont have to complete this form for 2020.A Did you p
11、sy any one househokJ employee cash wsges of $2,200 or more in 2020t (If any household employee was your spouse, your child under age 21, your parent, or anyone under age 1B, eee the line A instructions before you answer this question.)Yes. Skip linec B and C snd go to line 1 a.No. Go to line B.B Did
12、 you withhDId federal income tax during 20g0 fqr any household employeefYea. Skip line C and go to line 7.! I No. Go to line C.C Did you pay total cash wages of $1,000 or more in any calendar quarter of 2019 or 2020 to all household employeee?(Doni count cash wages paid in 2019 or 2010 to your spou6
13、e, your child under aga 21, or your parent.)No. Stop. Dont life this schedule, Yes. Skip lines 1a-9 and go to line 10.Part ISocial Security, Medicare, and FederalTaxes1 a b2a bTotal cash wages subject to social security taxQualified sick and family wages included online 1 aSocial security tax. Multi
14、ply line 1a by 12.4% (0.124)Employer share of social security tax pn qualified sick and family leava wages. Multiply line 1 b by6.2A (0.062) 1a1b678aTotal social security tax. Subtract line 2b from line 2aTotal cash wages subject to Medicare taxMedicare tax. Multiply line 3 by 2.996 (0.029).Total ca
15、sh wages subject to Additional Medicare Tax withholdingAdditional Medicare Tax withholding. Multiply line 5 by 0.99f (0.009)Federal income tax withheld, if anyTotal social security, Medicare, and federal income taxes. Add /inee 2c, 4,6, and 7 Nonrefundabte portion of credit for qualified sick and fa
16、mily leave wages from Worksheet 3Total social security, Medicare, and federal income taxes after nonrefundabe credit. Subtract line Bbfrom line 8aMaximum amount of the employer share of social security tax that can be deferred (see instructions)Refundable portion of credit for qualified sick and fam
17、ily leave wages from Worksheet 3Qualified sick leave wagesQualified health plan expenses allocable to qualified sick leave wages.Qualified family leave wages Qualified health plan expenses allocable to qualified family teave wages 2a11,811.2b2c11,811.42,762.67ea1 4,5 73 .8b8c14, 573.8d5.906.Be8f8g8h
18、8iDid you pay total cash wages of $1,000 pr more in any calendar quarter Of 2019 OF 2020 to all household employees?(Dont count cash wages paid in 2019 or 2020 to your spouse, your child under age 21, or your parent.)No. Stop, Include the amount from line 8c above on Schedule Z (Form 1040, line 7a.
19、Include the amount, if any, from line Be on Schedule 3 (Form 1040), lina 12b. If youre not required tolile Form 1040, see the line 9 instructionYes. Go to line 10.LHA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, sea the Instructions.Schedule H (Form 1D40) S02010BIDBN JR. , JOSEPHschedui。h1。4。
20、)2o?o JOSEPH 与二 DEN JR & JILL T, BIDEN Part II I Federal Un . . . . . 11 Did you pay all state unEimpfoyment conlributOFI6 fOF 20Z0 by April 15,20;21? Fiscal year fibers, see ins I yes c ecned :ca, .a .inaa arcva, coup.e e *inn A.If you checked tha box on any of the Iin99 above, skip Section A and c
21、omplete Section B.Section A14Name of the state where! you paid unemployment contributions141516241.16Section BContributions paid to your state unemployment fundTotal cash wages subjer:t to FUTA taxFUTA tax. MulliDh; Me 15 bv 0.6% (0.006). Enter the result here, skip SeGttan and qo to line 2517,755.1
22、07.(O)(b(c)(d)(A(f)NameThe w asState exfxsiense rateglaleMultiply Qgl. )Multiply col (b)ofdefined in 6F4te act)expeneriooSIby col (d)stetePromTorate17 Complete ahcolurrlns bHlow tbat apply (if you need moie space, see instructione),.(g)Subtract col.(,from col. (e)If zero or lessenter -O-.(h)Contribu
23、tionspaid to stateunamp l0tne it1819202t2223Totals Add columns (g) and (h) of line 1819Total cash wages subject to FUTA tax (see the line 15 instructions)Multiply line 20 by 8.0ss (0.00)Multiply line 20 by 5.4% (0.054) I 22Enter the smaller of line 19 or line 221B2n21I1a2514,573.(If you paid state u
24、nemployment contributions late or ypure in a credit reduction state, see instructions and check here)g4 FUTA tox Subtai*1_ lineP fmm lin 2LEnter the_result here and nd to One :25Part III Total Housat I have examined thtt6 schedule, including aocompanylng statements, and io lie ba8t of my krtowladge
25、and belief, it ia true, correct, and complete. hlo perl of my payment mqde to q skate unemploymnt fund chimed as a oeer here anc) include nn vn r +=x return fses inslruotlons)10b18ctea10b10cJ 8aLHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, we your tax return instructions.Form 8960 (2020)023121 01262112BID
26、EN OR. , eJOSEPHF(xm 96 0Net Investment Income Tax -Individuals, Estates, and TrustsName(n)JDSEPH RPart I Investment Fncome1g34aGa2020section 6013(g) electionn 1 1 1 1i n887.23887.Sd 6 and 7143,834,t9 timern S0206 z.89DELAWARE - TAXPAYERTaxable interestOrdinary dividendsAnnuities from nonqualified p
27、lansFlemal poation6, trusts, etc , , AdjLetnmnt for net income or loss denved in the ordinary course of a noncection 1411 t/adO or busiwssCombine lines 4a and 4bhlet gdn a loss from disposition of propertynet in vestmen! incometax.Adjutmznt mm dispasition of partnership interest or S corporationCombine lines galhrou gc .Changes In investwnt ircome for cenain CFCs and PFICs Other modifications to inn esc lent income Total invest(rv+nt irxx、ma Cxhtvneinza,Part II Stata Income Tax Pro-retion fo匚S020 !noome Tax Pay.istasnt9 state Mal Income.10 State income tax payme