《优秀学生赴日留学申请书.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《优秀学生赴日留学申请书.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、优秀学生赴日留学申请书如果没有找到您想要的内容,点击申请书专题观察更多优秀学生赴日留学申请书范文Dear-From an early age I have been fascinated by the workings of life. The human body is a remarkable machine with many diverse systems producing an organism that could never be artificially reproduced. My love of science is just one of my reasons for
2、choosing medicine. I enjoy a challenge particularly towards a rewarding objective and although medicine is a tough career it can be enormously gratifying, highlighted by the doctors I have spoken to during my experience and on a personal level.To further my insight into the medical field I participa
3、ted in a work shadowing week at a GP surgery. I gained a valuable understanding of the workings of the surgery, with opportunities to observe and speak to the doctors regarding a medical career. I arranged another placement week myself at a local hospital, which was a superb opportunity to observe m
4、edicine from another point of view. I observed the ward rounds, an MRI scan, a skin biopsy and an endosocpy clinic all which I found interesting. I spent the most time with the haematology team, responsible for patients with diseases such as Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia (CML), haematology being one
5、 of my interests it was captivating that I could see the specialty from a more complex side than the AS biology course. For example I was able to understand how the level of platelets affects blood clotting. Throughout the week I expanded my confidence and communication skills through speaking to pa
6、tients and doctors. Although I enjoyed the week it was at times extremely heart-rending, I was able to get close to many of the terminally ill patients helping and caring for them where I could, getting them tea or just talking and empathising with them to build their spirits. I volunteered at a loc
7、al home for the elderly which was very rewarding as I built my caring skills, helping residents by making them tea or playing cards with them. At school I took part in a paired reading scheme for 6 months where I was able to help young children to read, speaking and listening to them to help their E
8、nglish. All my experience has made me more determined to accomplish my ambition to be a doctor.My love of science and aspiration for a medical career is reflected in my A-Level choices where good time management, self motivated study skills and ability to cope with stress and pressure are essential.
9、 Biology and chemistry have helped me further my interest and develop my analytical skills, maths helps my problem solving skills helping me to work logically and ICT gives me a valuable insight into the rapidly developing technological world where computers are crucial. I believe all the qualities
10、I have developed through my courses are essential for any good doctor. I have participated in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme which enabled me to achieve a first aid certificate including cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. I also enhanced my inter-personal, communication and team building ab
11、ilities, valuable skills for any medical occupation, as I witnessed during my experience. For 2 years I have volunteered at a local vet hospital observing and helping out 2 hours per week communicating with the public in a different environment. I enjoy reading, mainly factual books to expand my gen
12、eral knowledge. To relax, I enjoy sports including football, and cricket for which I was captain of the school team and my local team for the past 3 years improving my leadership skills. I also recently rekindled my childhood passion for golf, another pastime I enjoy even if it is a little expensive
13、!I am a self motivated, determined individual and I look forward to the social and academic challenges of university. I am aware of the demands of a medical career but my commitment and desire to become a doctor has only been strengthened through my experience and work in a voluntary capacity.Yours
14、sincerely,日本留学生如何换汇1 .关于开户去任何银行只要带上1日元以上就可以申请开户。需要的手续 有自己的身份证明书(可以是健康保险证,汽车驾照和外国人登陆证 等)和印章。手续很简单,只要和任何一个银行的担当说一下,就会 得到一张新规口座申请书。把该填写的都写上,交给窗口服务人员稍 等一会儿之后就可以得到一本新的存折了。这里要说明的一点是,日本和中国不一样,不是当天给银行卡 的。当天交给你的只有存折,银行卡要1周以后才会给寄到家里。因 为银行卡是要另外专门做给你的,还要印上名字。所以很花时间。2 .关于用银行帐户支付公共料金和经受工资一般来说只要填写一些手续就可以用自己的帐户来交水电
15、费等 公共费用了。这里用的是交字,但是实际上是每个月签约的地方直接 自己从银行里扣取。所以要定期确认自己的银行帐户的金额。工资也 是一样,这里就不多介绍了。3 .关于汇钱时间一般来说早上9点到下午2点为止的汇款会在当天到账,但是 如果要是2点之后的话就要拖到第2个工作日了。所以赶急的钱一定 要注意不要太晚汇出。4 .关于经受国内的汇款大家可能会用帐户收国内来的汇款。一般来说没有什么特殊的 手续,要注意的汇款到账之后银行会给你寄一个汇款清单和证明书。这个之后有可能做为你的资金来源的证明交给入管局的,所以要好好 保存。日本留学生活经验一、衣在日本买衣服是特别廉价的,就算是买的衣服也贵不了多少。 在
16、平常日本人穿衣也是比拟随意的,但是到了正式的场所也会要穿上 西装,女生一般都是穿裙装,你可以去日本的市场上买一件二手的西 装,看起来是特别新,价格也是要比新的廉价。女生可以买一套和服, 体验一下日本的文化,和服在日本还是比拟贵的,和服很少会穿,你 想买的话只需要买一套就可以了。日本的夏天还是比拟潮湿的,要传 一些透气性比拟好的夏装,冬天的寒风比拟刺骨,要穿很厚的羽绒服 之外,保暖的内衣也是必不可少的。二、食学生主要是在学校里面的食堂餐厅吃饭,如果你吃不习惯日本 的料理,在日本也有很多的中国美食,但是在日本吃中国的饭菜要比 在国内吃贵。在日本打折的食材很多,尤其是在晚上可以买到半价的 食物,很多
17、的学生都会选在晚上的八、九点来超市购买,并不是说这 个食物快过期了,而是快过了食物的食用期,所以才会卖出半价,买 了食材你就可以自己去做饭了,这还是一种比拟实惠的饮食。三、住对于刚到日本就要租房子的学生来说,找房子是一件比拟困难 的事情,因为很难判断日本的房子是否是好的,你可以请你的朋友或者是同校的学生帮你一起找。日本的学校只有打局部的公立学校会提 供宿舍,而私立学校很少有宿舍给到学生的,学校的宿舍一般会在晚 上的十点就会锁门,这一点还是比价平安的,但是对于在外兼职的学 生就不是很方便了。在日本租房除了要交房租费还要交保证金以及手 续费,你在签租房合约的时候一定要看清合同的内容,你的合同内容
18、都是用日文写的,如果你的日语不是很好,你可以请懂日文的朋友帮 你确认一下这份合同有没有问题。四、行日本的很多交通工具都是对学生有优惠价的,你可以买月票在 这个月内可以不限次数乘坐。你也可以买一辆自行车,但是骑自行车 还是有很多的规定的,要去办理防盗登记,在日本骑自行车是靠左行 驶的。日本留学生常见住宿方式一、学生宿舍日本留学宿舍是解决住宿问题的方法。然而,日本学校没有像 中国那样的宿舍。这些宿舍是为迎接新生而准备的。其中一些可以通 过抽签的方式供学生使用。学生宿舍通常是一人一间,或两人一间。 厕所和厨房是公共的,宿舍是分开的。条件又好又廉价,但由于数量 有限,只有少数人能得到。如果我们能得到日
19、本留学生宿舍,日本留 学生活,去日本留学需要考什么当然,我们是特别幸运的。尤其是那 些经济条件不太好的学生,住宿舍可以省下不少房租。二、学生会学生会大厅是专门为学生开设的。这些学生会配备了各种日常 生活家具。此外,还有一些管理员在里面呆了 24小时,很平安。此 外,许多学生会还提供早餐和晚餐服务,为许多不擅长烹饪的学生提 供了极大的便利。最重要的是,学生会大厅里不仅有外国学生,还有 日本学生。你可以在这个大家庭里互相交流,这对日语的推广也很有 帮助。三、留学生公寓与中国一样,日本大学也有留学生宿舍,由地方政府专门为留 学生设立。与租房相比,留学生的房价特别廉价。然而,日本留学生 活,去日本留学需要考什么并不是每个人都能住在海外学生的房子里。 由于名额有限,政府每年都会出面抽签。虽然配额有限,我们还是试 试吧。如果我们拿到了呢?四、出租房虽然外出租房需要承当很多费用,但选择外出租房的留学生还 是不少。一方面,由于日本学生宿舍数量有限,另一方面,在外面租 房比拟自由干净,工作和休息时间可以自己调整,不需要适应其他留 学生的生活习惯。需要提醒的是,在日本租房时,要学会比拟三套房 子,比拟每套房子的价格、交通的便利性和房子的舒适性,然后综合 考虑做出选择。但如果你找人租房的话,价格很廉价。