《导游业务应变能力50个问题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《导游业务应变能力50个问题.docx(20页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、导游业务应变能力50个问题 1、由于客观原因,旅游团要提前离开某地。地陪导游员应做好哪些工作? 1尽量抓紧时间,将计划的参观游览安排完成。假设有困难,地陪应有应变计划,突出本地最具代表性。最具特色的旅游景点,使旅游者对本地旅游景观有一个根本的了解;2向旅行社报告与饭店车队联系,与时办理退房、退餐。退车事宜。3与时通知下一站,做好变更接待计划安排。Try best to complete the original schedule, if should be shifted, highlight the locals most representative and unique sites, l
2、et the tourists have a brief understanding of locals sitesReport the agency and contact with coach, deal with the cancellation of housing, meal and coachNotify the next stage, change the schedule2、地陪导游员应如何防止漏接事件发生,1认真阅读接待计划,对旅游团抵达的日期、时间和接站地点等要亲自核实清楚;2核实交通工具到达的准确时间。3提前半小时到达接站地点,等候团队的到来。Read the sched
3、ule carefully, confirm the reaching date, time and venue of the tourist groupConfirm the exact reach time of the transportationWait the group at the stop half an hour in advance3、地陪按计划和预定时间到机场接一个日本旅游团,可是没有接到这个团。你做为地陪应如何处理1立即与旅行社联系,查明原因;2如果推迟时间不长,地陪可留在机场等候。3如果推迟时间较长,地陪应按旅行处的安排、重新落实接待事宜。Contact the ag
4、ency and find out the troubleLocal guide wait at the airport if the delay is in a short timeLocal guide should rearrange the schedule by the agency if the delay is long4、如果发生了错接事故,应如何办理?如果错接发生在同一家旅行社接待的两个旅行团时,经旅行社同意,地配可不再交换旅游团,但全陪应交换旅游团,并向游客致歉,如果错接的是另一家旅行社的团时,地陪和全陪应立即向旅行社汇报,设法尽快交换旅游团,并向旅游者说明情况并致歉。If
5、 these two groups are accommodated by same agency, local guides can continue their jobs without exchanging under the agencys permission, while national guides are notIf these two groups are accommodated by different agencies, local guides and national guides should report the agency and try their be
6、st to exchange the groups and explain and apologize to the tourists5、何谓误机事故?应怎样处理?由于某种原因或旅行社工作失误造成旅行团没有按原定班次离开本地区而导致暂时性的滞留叫误机。游客乘近班次离开本站或者采取包机和其他交通工具前往下一站。Since some causes or agencys mistake, the tourists group did not leave as original schedule and the group stays temporary. The tourists take the
7、nearest flight or charter flight or other means of transportation to next city.6、如何防止误机事故发生?1地陪和全陪应提前做好离站交通票据的落实工作,核对并确认日期、班次、时间。目的地等。带团期间要随时与旅行社联系,询问班次有无变化;2临行前,不安排旅游团到围广、地域复杂的景点参观游览,不安排团队到热闹的地方购物或自由活动;3安排充裕的时间去机场,保证旅游团按规定时间到达离站地点,按时登机。离开本站Local guide and national guide should confirm the transport
8、ation tickets in advance, including date, number, time and destination etc. Contact the agency during the tour for asking the change of the flightsDo not arrange the group to visit the sites with vast space and complicated situation, and do not arrange the group for shopping or free activities befor
9、e the leavingKeep enough time for the group to the airport, confirm the group leave at original time7、你带一新加坡教育界旅游团。突然团员女士跑过来对你说,她的护照丧失,你做地陪如何处理?1抚慰女士,请其仔细回忆可能丧失地点,积极协助寻找,2确认丧失后,办理手续如下:A根据女士申请,由旅行社出具证明;B持证明到当地公安机关报失,由公安机关出具证明;C持公安机关证明和女士照片到新加坡驻华使、领馆补办新护照;D领到新护照后再到我国公安机关办理签证明手续;3费用由女士自理Console Lady Li
10、, let her recall the missing belongings place, assist her to find the missing objectAfter confirming it is missing, follow the procedures as: a. the agency makes the testimony by Lady Lis application; b. report the local police station with the agencys testimony, then the police makes the testimony;
11、 c. go to the embassy or consulate of Singapore for the new passport with Lady Lis photo; d. go to the Chinese police administration for the new visa with the new passportThe expenses incurred are on Lady Li8、一名法国游客在我国旅游期间所带财物被盗。导游应如何处理?1确认被盗后,应立即报告旅行社,公安机关和保险公司,协助查找线索,力争破案;2假设找不回被盗物品,导游应协助失主持旅行社出具的
12、证明到当地公安机关开具失窃证明书,以便回国出关查验或保险公司索赔;3抚慰失主,缓解他的不快情绪。Report the agency after confirming be stoned, call the police and the insurance corporation to assist find the clues and try the best to solve the caseIf the missing objects cant be found, tour guide shouldassist the owner of lost property to police fo
13、r losing testimony with the testimony by the agency, facilitate the processing of customs on the way back home and insurance corporations claimsConsole the tourist, relieve his unpleasant emotions9、在千山旅行创览中发现有一名游客走失,你作为地陪应如何处理?1了解情况,讯速寻找。一般情况下是由全陪和领队带人分道去寻找,地陪带着其他游客继续游览;2向千山风景区和当地公安派出所报告,请求援助;3向旅行社报
14、告,必要时向公安机关报案;4与饭店联系。询问走失者是否已回到下塌饭店;5假设是未找到旅游团可按计划时往返住地,导游可与领队、全陪商量留下两个人继续寻找,待找到后可搭乘其它车辆返回宾馆;6做好善后工作,找到走失者后,导游要问清走失原因。如属于导游责任,地陪应向走失者抱歉,责任在走失者,应对其抚慰,提醒以后注意。Get the information, search the tourist instantly. Under regular situation, national guide and leader with relatives search the tourist respectiv
15、ely, local guide continue the tour for the rest touristsReport the Qianshan Scenic and local police station for helpReport the agency, and report the police if necessaryContact the hotel for asking whether the lost tourist in it or notIf the tourists cant be found, the rests return to the hotel and
16、leave two persons to continue the searching, and return to the hotel after the appearance of the touristDeal with the remedial work, tour guide should clear the reason why the tourist lost. If because of guide duty, local guide should apologize to the tourist; if tourists duty, he should be consoled
17、 and the tour guide should remind him in the future.10、你作为一名地陪应如何防止游客走失?1多做提醒工作,让游客记住接待社的名称、旅游车车号、标志、下榻饭店名称,最好戴上店徽或社徽。团体游览时,提醒大家不要走散,自由活动时,不要走得太远,不要太晚回饭店,不要去热闹拥挤秩序乱的地方;2做好各项安排的预报。地陪要报告一天的行程。上下午游览点与吃中、晚餐的餐厅名称、地址、到景点后在景区景点示意图前,地陪应讲清旅游路线,所需时间。旅行车停车地点、强调集合时间和地点;3导游员从始至终要与旅游者在一起。并经常清点人数; 4地陪、全陪和领队要密切配合,全
18、陪、领队应主动负责断后工作;5导游员要以高超的导游技巧和丰富的讲解容吸引旅游者。Make more reminds and let the tourists remember the agencys name, coachs number and logo, hotels name, telephone number and with the hotel or agencys badge for best. Remind the group to keep together during the groups sightseeing, and at the occasion of free a
19、ctivities, remind the tourists shouldnt walk too far, too late back the hotel and go to crowd or order in chaos placesTell the tourists the arrangement. Local guide should tell the tourists the sites for visiting, the venues and name of restaurants for meals. Local guide should illustrate the tour r
20、oute and duration before the map of the site and underline the time and place for congregation.Tour guide should accompany the tourists from beginning to the end and count the person frequentlyLocal guide, national guide and leader should coordinate closely, and national guide and leader are in char
21、ge of the rear jobGuide should attract the tourist with superb guide technique and rich presentation11、旅游者患一般疾病,地陪应如何处理?1劝其与早就医。并多休息、必要时陪他去医院;2关心病情,安排好患者的用餐;3禁止导游擅自给患者用药4说明看病的费用自理。Advice the tourist to go to see doctor immediately and rest, accompany him in necessaryCare the illness and arrange the
22、meals for the sickUsing medicine for the sick is forbiddenExpenses incurred are on the tourist12、旅游者患重病,导游应如何处理?1导游应采取果断措施,请领队或其亲属陪同,立即送往医院抢救,通知旅行社派人协助。地陪继续随团旅游;2在抢救过程中,领队或患者亲属应在场,如家属不到,一切按驻华使、领馆的书面意见处理,导游应不时去医院看望。慰问;3患者转危为安但需住院治疗时,导游应帮助办理别离签证、延期签证、交通票据别离以与出院、回国手续;4有关诊断、抢救、治疗的书面材料,导游应复印带回旅行社存档;5患者住院
23、、治疗费用自理,未享受到的综合效劳费按规定退还本人,患者亲属在华费用自理。Tour guide should let leader or relatives accompany the sick to hospital immediately and report the agency for help, local guide continue the tour with the rest touristsDuring the processing of first-aid, leader or relatives should be on the spot, if relatives ar
24、e absent, deal with according to the written proposals by embassy or consulate, tour guide should visit the sick frequentlyThe sick should be treated in the hospital, tour guide should assist to deal with the visa of separation, visa of extension, separation of transportation tickets, check out serv
25、ice and procedures of backing homeAll documents about consultation, first-aid and treatment, tour guide should copy and bring back to agencyAll expenses incurred are on the tourist, refund the comprehensive fee as regulation13、有一位外国籍旅游者死于卫生间,地陪应如何处理?如果不能确定是遇害还是因病已死或休克、假死、导游员应按以下步骤处理:1立即拨打120,实施紧急抢救;
26、2拨打110报警,保护好现场;3立即通知旅行社并通过旅行社报告外事部门公安机关、保险公司、并应报该国驻华使、领馆有关负责人到达现场;4导游员应稳定其他旅游者的情绪,继续做好接待工作;5如需解剖、火化,应由死者亲属或使领馆官员或领队签字后进展;6死者遗物应理出清单,一式两份遗物由亲属、领队带回;7无论是遗体火化,遗体灵柩运回,都应经我方防疫机关检疫后,发给出境许可证出境;8抢救过程中的文字记录。抢救报告、死亡证明书、灵枢骨灰运输出境许可证等应有主治医师和有关部门签章后复印交给死者亲属、领队和旅行社保存;9写出事故报告,存档。Call 120 for ambulanceCall 110 for p
27、oliceReport the agency, and agency report the foreign affairs department of police, insurance company, embassy and consulateStabilize the rest tourists mood, continue the work of accommodationNeed signature of relatives, leader or embassy and consulate officials under the situation of anatomy and cr
28、emationVictims belongings should be shortlisted in two for relatives and leaderNo matter the cremation or body, out from China needs quarantine by Chinese disease control authorityDocuments with the signatures of doctor and concerned department during the processing of first-aid, including first-aid
29、 report, death certificate, permission of outbound for body or ashes should copy to relatives, leader and agency Write and save the accident report14、有一位英国传教士在我国旅游期间散发宣传品,你作为一名地陪应如何面对此事?1一定要予以劝阻,并向他指出不经我国团体邀请和允许不得在我国境散发宣传品;2不听劝阻并有明显破坏活动者应迅速报告公安机关处理。Must dissuade and point the activities without Chin
30、ese religious regiments invitation and permission for emitting publications in China are forbiddenCall the police under the condition of sabotage regardless the caution15、你带旅游团在回程途中遭遇车祸,局部游客受伤,地陪应如何处理?1立即抢救伤员,由全陪或领队陪同送往就近医院;2与时报警,严格保护现场;3报告旅行社,并通知有关单位上级主管部门、外事部门等负责人和保险公司赶赴现场处理;4做好团其他游客的安抚工作,组织他们继续观参
31、游览;5最好与领队联署写出事故书面报告。Rescue the injuries, national guide or leader accompany the injuries to hospitalCall the police and protect the spotReport the agency, and inform the concern persons from upper administration, foreign affair department and insurance to the spotConsole the rest tourists and organi
32、ze them to continue the tourWrite the report with leader16、在你带团游览过程中,如果发生坏人抢劫旅游者,对他们行凶时,地陪应怎样去做?1导游员要挺身而出,保护旅游者的人身、财产平安;2立即报警、报告旅行社、派人支援3安定旅游者情绪,继续参观游览;4协助有关部门做好善后工作,并应力争做好防工作;5写出事故报告。Tour guide protect the tourists both in physical and propertyCall police, report agency and ask for helpStabilize th
33、e tourists mood, continue the tourAssist for Remedial work with concern departments, and try the best to protect the touristsWrite the accident report17、旅游团中局部旅客因食用了海产品出现呕吐腹泄、乏力、昏迷病症。导游员应如何处理?如何预防?这是食物中毒产生的急性肠炎病症,如果抢救不与时,将会有生命危险。导游员应该:1立即设法摧吐,并让患者多喝水以加速排泄,缓解毒性;2立即将患者送往医院抢救治疗,请医生开具诊断证明;3立即报告旅行社并追究供餐单
34、位的责任。预防方法是:A定点餐厅就餐。B告诉游客不要在小摊上购置食物。C 假设餐厅提供的食物不卫生,应要求餐厅负责人出面抱歉。This is the intestinal inflammation caused by food poisoning, there will be life-threatening if not being treated in a short time, tour guide should deal with as follows:1. Help the tourist to vomit, and let him drink more water for excr
35、etion and relief of poison2. Send the sick to hospital, and let the doctor make diagnosis testimony3. Report the agency and account the duty of the restaurantWays to prevention: a. have diner in designated restaurant b. persuade the tourists not to buy food from stalls c. let restaurants person in c
36、harge apologize to the tourist in case of offering dirty food18、用餐前2小时,有四位游客向你提出将中餐换成西餐,应如何处理?按照惯例。如果在用餐前3小时提自换餐导游就尽量与餐厅联系,给予满足;按有关规定办理。在接近用餐时提出换餐,导游一般不应承受要求,但应做好解释工作。如果游客们坚持换餐;可以告诉他们根据规定,西餐费用自理,中餐费用不退。As convention, before 3 hours of the diner, the proposal can be accepted. Before the diner in a sh
37、ort time, the proposal cant be accepted. Tour guide should explain the reason. If the tourists insist to change meals, tour guide should tell the tourist that west foods expense is on them and the expense of Chinese food will not be refunded19、有一位日本旅游者在乘国际航班来华途中丧失了行,导游员应该如何处理?1导游员应详细了解情况,协助查找线索,帮助他解
38、决因丧失行而造成的生活不便;2如找不回行,应旅行社出具证明,到有关部门去办理索赔手续。Tour guide should learn the details, assist to search clues, help him to solve the problem caused by missing baggageIf the baggage can be found, tour guide should help the tourist to claim with the testimony by the agency20、旅游者要求调换房间,地陪应如何处理?首先应问清是什么原因要求调房,
39、如果是旅行社提供的房间低于合同标准,旅行社应给予调换。确有困难调不了时,应说明原因,并提供补偿。如果是房门卫生设施、卫生条件不良应要求饭店修理和改善,如有空房给予调换;并向游客致歉。但是,游客要求往高于合同标准的客房,如有可以满足,但游客要交付原订饭店损失费和房费差价。Firstly, ask the reason for changing. If the rooms standard is lower than contract, agency should change the room. If the room cant be changed, the reason should be
40、explained with compensation. If the sanitary facilities are out of work, tour guide should call the hotel to fix and improve, if there is vacant room, can be changed to the tourist. Tour guide should apologize to the tourist for all inconveniences. However, the tourists want the room with higher sta
41、ndard than which in contract, if it is available, the need can be satisfied with extra expenses are on tourists21、有一位游客的亲人要随团活动,导游员如何处理?1需征得领队和旅游团成员的同意;2与旅行社联系,如同意可到旅行社办理入团手续。出示证件、填写表格、交纳费用。3假设是外交官员,应请示旅行社与有关部门的同意。假设是记者,一般应婉拒。经请示获准后,方可入团。Under the permission of both the leader and the touristsContac
42、t the agency, if be agreed, the tourist deal with the procedure, show ID card, fill in the form and payingIf the tourist is diplomat, the application should be agreed by the agency and concerned department. If the tourist is a journalist, the application should be refused regularly without the permi
43、ssion22、一位澳大利亚旅游者明早离境回国,他委托你将一个密封的木匣转交其亲友,你作为地陪,应如何处理?1必须问清本匣中装有何物,并请旅游者翻开。假设是贵重物品、食品等一般要婉拒;2假设是一般物品,导游又无法推脱时。应请旅游者写委托书说明物品名称、数量、当面点清、签字并留下详细地址和。收件人收到后,要写收条、签章。旅行社应将上述情况通知委托人。委托书和收条要由旅行社一并保存待查。Must clear the objects in the box, and open it by the tourists for testifying. Valuables and foods should b
44、e refusedIf the objects are ordinary and the tour guide cant refuse. The tourist should write the Power of Attorney, including the name, quantity, leaving the checkout, signature, detail address and telephone. The receiver should write the receipt with signature after getting the objects. The agency
45、 reports the principal. All documents should be kept by the agency for reference23、你带一法国高中生旅游团游览市境的凤凰山。刚刚走下“老牛背,导游发现一游客不幸摔伤,造成小腿骨折,请问你如何处理?1发生骨折,一般分伤、外伤两种情况。导游应采取现场紧急救护。方法是:止血手压法、加压包扎法、止血带法、包扎清洗伤口,包扎松紧适度、上夹板固定两端关节,防止转动骨折肢体;2与时送医院救治。保存好诊断书。医疗费用清单。以备向保险公司索赔;3报告旅行社,并写出事故报告。Fracture could be divided int
46、o two kinds: internal injuries and trauma. Tour guide should make the first-aid at the spot. The following is: stanch bleeding, bind up, fix jointsSend the injury to hospital as soon as possible, keep the diagnosis and receipt for claimsReport the agency and write the report24、一个旅游团在因飞机失事遇难。台方提出:1将遗
47、体运回或将死者土葬在大陆;2为死者举行仪式以示掉念。你作为地陪,怎样答复他们的要求?1在大陆旅游中不幸死亡的游客可在当地火化,将骨灰带回,也可以将其遗体运回;2我国实行殡葬改革,提倡火葬。因此对方要求土葬,我方可以婉言拒绝;3为了做好对台工作和从礼节上的考虑,我方可同意对方为死难者举行一次简单的仪式或追悼仪式。The victim can be transferred to Taiwan before or after cremationUnder Chinese law, soiled burial is forbidden, cremation is acceptableA simply religious and mourning ceremony can be hold for the consideration of Taiwan affairs and courtesy25、导游员发现外国旅游者与中国人有不正当交往情况时,你应该怎么办?导游人员在带团过程中,如果发现有人企图利用游华之机与个别中国人或在华外国人勾结,窃取我国和经济情报,走私贩毒、盗卖文物、贩卖黄色音像制品。卖淫嫖娼等犯罪活动,应立即汇报旅行社并通知公安机关查明罪责,严正处理。Call the police when finding the illega