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1、-古希腊神话对英语语言的影响英文古希腊神话对英语语言的影响英文来源:英语毕业论文词汇;单词;学习方法;希腊神话;载体Itrducton“I t lstars,h ildof secnd languaacqusiti n ha een t ereegce onteest n o ne of angugt udy,vcabary,andt appearaneo anewly rec gnizeapctleartrategeshasattrat a noiceale lc f attetio”(Meae)Tesearch,whichaseen o e n vcabulary learnn st rt
2、ge,hatened todea wi h iidulo r mal numb s ost ratgi,wi h vry lmitdlooking at hegrups a whoe.Howev,it h mypeso nl eperence,o ords do give me intnse imp ssio sanocupiedmymemo rypemnenlyevn if I ha sen t he ce.HereI want indct at sof esewo rd aeedf r st ri,t ypicay f rom rekMyt hlo gy,hich isc nsidred
3、tobe t he igin ofEnlish litert ure.I woullkeo cal th long o rso rtmyth f omwhih I asrd wrds firmy“criers”.Ths artice l fi s ovrview some enelconui ns abo t vocablaylearning t rategis,whic c b madp rit st aegy seac.hen,rrir ino reign language ocaularylarningwl bep rpsedad the mnmoic et ho s el-ghtene
4、d by wor f o m ree My ho gdicusse inm re detail.Finaly,t heoreticalspect socrrier ued will b nayzed.Mnemonc metd nhteed by words fmrek MythologGrek thoogy and ts ligistic ilcEverbodykowstha t heyt hs tol b therees and Ro ansae as impo tant s his ry fo ro ur under stdin of what t hse peopls,acesto r
5、s of ur own ciizati n,beieed andt ho htnd felt,a ep ressd in writing an in slartFr their myholo gisweeinet ricbly ieoven,t h hewhle fabic of teip bli and ivate ivesA nd t en witho ut t hese yt hs,itw ld e hr fo r us tnde stad t he art s adlitrt ur andwasf hnking ofte est,a ofmanyoth part s of t h wo
6、rld aswel,uringth uie t at have pse sne t eclassical worlae an d.e atrime t hs p rodt sancint maginti n have beensedto inpi f eshcreativ ffo rt,whichamuntto a ubstantia patof r woleult uralinhritace.uch eewl sad aattion havof en seed fr emoed,ro t heo riia t raito niaracter nd siri,yet hetedectyf ro
7、 mit,and re uaabl wito t t.Eac myt mans sme hin iffrt eero d w re n sdes itTh stois are to fo rget,-eeling bo t hem ome unpditably.Thei undrlng qulitie teayye todinito o r classiicatio n astill lestwirdseaches.boeall,Mt hly nfeneis evnt in languag.t is hard tomagneead o ritng t drawing upo n m thore
8、ntdjeci o r iio ms.herefore,wo ro mGreky hoo gyenlightend m iths e me ho dstost reng hen vocabry lernn,sucha pct ureo rimagy andgrouping.Cteoris of mnemoncehoPc ure/I m a e ryThi is ayf reembering so m o rds,whichan st uents ideffctive.Occsi lly e s wo t a o uhvemet bef re wich o n e tipo yo urtongu
9、e btyo u jt cant eemberit.t y be a r t htseesdficut toreemer,or o ne,which yo uhae see may mes bu stil cann rememer t he ightime.hink of wo d in y u own lanage t t soundsiilar,o r ft henglhw r islongin splli,cho e a wo rd in yourow lagaet h s ds hesam a the fir st pa oft heEnlish o ne.You sold hn fo
10、rm a pict ure inwh hthetoo rdsamagin,fo r xaml:TntalizePehap syo u have known he d“tantalize”befo re.Howee,iftisa nw wrd to yo u,howdo y u auire it s maning?Se wha wil bdffret afe adg t h fo-wig sto y.nGeekMyt holgy,eu p nshedTtalu,mo takng,wh had co mitte to rimes.“Now heangs,peenialy c nsmd by t h
11、 r st and nger,f ro m t ebough of fruif eewhih lanver aashlak.It wveslapanst iswaist,andso mems reahhs ci,yetwhenever hebendsdown to rik,t he sip awy,and o g ns bt t he black d atiseet.Tet ree arelaen it h pear s,shinningaples,sweet figs,rpes and pomegrant,wich dnagaisthish le,utwheev he rechs e lsi
12、 f rui,a gustof wid wrl te o t fsrch.”Tis sto ry nto nlyshw s t e gin ofTantli,wchmeans“tae(mo ne)wantso et hing eve morst ngly y kepng it juto ofeac,”but al so givs us carrer o vividpit ure.mag is o no ecrrr st hgiessa mp resso ad haso re effcte reci nsthan earnn t ewo rdi h t hei dtio nary anng.Ar
13、achnidere was a co ntesin whch a m rl dare too me n o mpeito n i h inrva,t h ddess fwdo m“Tha mo rtl Arane,amaidenwhohd atied hskill it h rt so weavingn embroiery ht hnymp hs t hemslvs wuldle their o e d fo untans t co andgazepo n he wo rkOne uld havesaidtht M-neersla tauhta p uil eenof a go ds.LeMi
14、nerv try rsklwit hmne,id she,baten,Iwill pay t heealty.“Archnefilled her cans wihsima sbjet,wderf llywelldon,bu t ro nly mringher prump t n ndipety.ineva co uld ntfober oadmire,yt elt gna att hein.he s rut he webwth her st landret itinpieces;het hen ochedt he frehed of Aracnend made herfelguilt an s
15、hae.She inkledherwit htejuiceofaconit,an mmeately rhir ceof,ad hr no sand e lewie.Hef m shrnku,ad erhed grew saler yet;herfigesleve to he sid and srvs fo rlegs.Alte reso r s bo,o ut o which she spierthread,o ten hanginsuspnde bi,in t esaeat it ude as whn Minrva to ched hr andt ransformed er no a spd
16、er.”o,arachnid i t hesyno m fspider.New wo s can be leaned yst udyig t hemt h it ue of t hr meninistead ofdeinitio ns.Alternaively,earrs ca craethir wnmental imas of awordsmeanin.Imagery hsbeen how tobe more efecive tan merrepetti nf readng pasage(teigart an Gok)n enteces(SaltandDonnewt h Nla)sugges
17、ting it couldwell be r effciv for voabarytoo.Hrare othetwo s2ries:isyphea-abr“isyphus,onf Aeolu,arriedAlassaght Merope,n o t he Plads,and wnda fie hd f ca tl on thIt hmuso o rnth.Itmay have ben ecauehe habetrayd Zeu secr,bece e had lways ived by o bbanoftn murdeed suspecing t raveler s;aanye,Sisyphu
18、swas gva exemplry p unshment.Th J ude f t he Deadshowed hima hugebockof to e and o dred himto ol it u hebowof hil topl i d he fart her lope.He asnver tuceede indoing so Assoo nase ha lmo s reachedt he summit,heis fedbak bythe weigt oft e shamees t ne,whibonceo t eertto m on o r;erewrilyre rvei nd ms
19、t bgn al ver again.”AhleseeAhill owro ue hTran and r uedtem towars th ci,but hisco ur s,oo,wsru.Po eido d Apolo,pedged o p uishcertaininslentboast s ha cilleshad terd verHeto sco rp s,t k co unseto et her.eiledwt cl ud and stingy t he S aanGate,Aollo s ght o ut ris i t ht icoba tle,trneds bowand gui
20、detheftal shaft.I s rck t hone vlneabe pt ofAchiles dy,t e riheel.(For Thetis hsot he had dipped him wheaninft t he River t y,which mad ery artofhim invulneral exce e heel bywc-sheeld him.),ad he did n ago.So Sisypan b r means ard an enlessw rkandAchillese meansa small bu impo rtat aknes,usulyfatan
21、t isway,neo r can e associated wt haprtulr ivi story of t underlying c cep thesearejst exmple.Iyo ut ry t rm ental iaeofach or teactingly,t mihbe somet invrdffclt The essentialpoint se t hat i mst be y r own image ad hat him shs a relao shp et weenth towords.Yo may dide t tyo lie making meta imagsad
22、 t ha it hlp o u ear voabulr,but yo u trytoarneery nw wo rdin t his ay,yo u wi soon be disapointed.Obvi usyo uo ul s theme hods yind usefula enjo y,bttry dfeent t hng:variet i impo a.r p nGr uin is a mpo tan w toaidrealand pole seo orgnieo rdsintogo up a rally t otny aid oreall,a poleeem o o rnie wo
23、 rd ino gru s naurallt t pro mpin.n freerecall st udis,sbject wre gie list sof wo dsto s dyand t erecalln ay rder.Tyaly,rds elo ngntacheanng catego ry ar rcalled o gt hr,fr exml,osfr m Greek myt hlo catgo rizd intot hree gr p:wo rds o o dsnes,o rds of co nelaions ad ordsofmnser-Wordf godsnamesCere:o
24、de of nsand arvet sandco mes nto t he ord ceeal:hichmeans a platgron o r du ainfo r foo Cho s:t e ols go dn t e unrse,whehe as rn,he o rl sin dark an rder socao sal o mans astate of complet andt or ughdirdr a o f uson.Hercules:t hegreat her,w fnishebievable difficul tsks ad heculeanea eeinor using v
25、eygreat st ren h o rdeteminaton.Ir:dess o rabon idcencemean shig hangigcol r s aight fl s n i.Nemesis:oddss rvegesonemesisans unaodblep nismet o nsideed s agodde.ords of onstlltionndroeda:co esro m te daughtr f Cs2iopeiwho mrredPer seuenaurus:comesf romtheof mo nster CentaurCp eus:o es o m t e nme o
26、king Ce2phusHel:comesf om erculsPegsus:comes f ro m t hehor se Pegsut athas a air of igsPleiades:comes from t enamesof Atlasseve daugtersWordsofmnstrsAt:yt hcal githo po rtd t heheavens issho ulds(T bo k o mpskownas natlas snmd aftr leen Af rica king,so etimes t h uht te dseded f romt he Atla o reek
27、 myt.)Chimer:a maginaryterriblefema crea u.(Chimericlmeas imagnary,facful.)Pan:Sp erd go d,so nof-Hermes,wit h legsando rn oa gat.(an wa c nidered o be t hecause of hesuden fer t at so meimesco mes fo rnorso n,epecial in o nely placs.Thats whyits alld“paic”)Procruste:Mn whooffere hs“o neszit sall”be
28、d to psngtrveler,astng isgt s to he bed byrching o rchopi emas ap rop riae.(Procreanmeasastoe tsame y o rc into)Tians:A anint raceofgant s who wovercome b eus in a struggthashk hw rl.(titanic)ors cnbego ued toet her in avry nat rla by uig he key wo rds in entncesiilarly,wordscan e grope to get hr in
29、 a so ry.h narve chn me o d has been owto bemch mo e effectiwi h this t ho nrteeorizatio n.Car sedmethIn o rder oearo r a fetve st ratgy o nvocabulrylearin,we o uld ecarrie s ost rengt eno ur mmo ry.Elightened wrd ofeek mho gy,we canco nsiderth iagct ur a a carrier,ter s adaffxeare ypcal crrier s,e
30、gro ping cn al so be redasanot r i f crrie t t u reled wo rs.co ring to the co vnio nl fo ulatio nof errier susedmet hd,oehold t r to find a car r wit ha cocte eaig;tha is,t he carreh u rf jet sn he-rea wo rld thaonan se,fel o r imagine.Ts rcmendio r st he clim at o ne n bttrreemberco te c ncp t s t
31、n abst ac conc s.“In hep yholinuititerat ure,it bee onsienfo und t hatsjectserfo mbet ter on co ncretew rs hn abstrct o s,n aborato yakuchaspad ssociateearning,word eco gii,f ree ecall of wo rds,lexca deconadp rounciio n(Neso and Srber).Sumar a oncusioTh aif thiailisto it ro ducemno nic techniues n
32、vocaularrninTo qute ro m th c ncluiprarp h of hen sreviwartile:“A a te et aing flearnersin lgagelearning statgisigaingo men um.it may be prtculary fiti to drmne wt r t atege frememberingwo sav a role wt in uchtrainig.Schemo rtechnies wol n b intnded toreplc t heot her approachs to obulry learnig,uta
33、t her copleent t hemby providin a linkfo r alitaig e riealf a fo reignanguage o r i s natve lguage meaning”Thecrier s used met ho d is n t at varian ewi moder nsighs n t he bilingual enl icon n r wi h t he o nex ual mt ho inlngagpedagogy.Thecarrusedandothrnemonitecniqs sd note-lace t mo e natral,oex
34、t ul me ho d fo eringincdetal learingnsead,mnemonics,fo steringintentio nal eing,shld be used fo r o rds that,fo rwhateverreaso n,have ot been sussf uy acqire.At ho gh t he apcio ns ofmnemo nicechnqusarimted,teireffet hbeensuficientlypren.s m extent thy cnt rnso rm t he ocbulary2eaning f ro ninpre d
35、rgery it newfound eligt.Rference1Coady Jes,Hukin ho mas.econd Lanuag Vcabulary AcqisitonMShnhai:Shanghai Foeiganguge Euctionressra,Michael.Myth of t heek an RomsM.New York:Hrry N.Abams,IncLae Coli.Increase ur VcabularMOxord:Oxfod niersiy PresScitNrbert,McCar y Micae.cabul:ecriti n,cquistinand PedgoyM.Sanai:Shngha F gLanguage Edcaio Pre Tao Jie.100 t hs of Greece and Ro meM.HogKo ng:TeComrcia PreuYuan.Longman Dicinary of Ctemp rarEnglishM.Beijng:he Co ercial Press-