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《完形与阅读专练.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《完形与阅读专练.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、完形与阅读专练一完形与阅读专练一A.A.MyMy parentsparents andand I I likelike animals.animals.AndAnd wewe oftenoften gogo to to thethe1 1to to seesee themthem _2_2_ weekends.weekends.WeWe oftenoften _3_3_a_abusbus to to gogo therethere becausebecause mymy homehome is is4_4_far_far fromfrom thethe zoo.zoo.OfOf allall
2、thethe animals,animals,I I _ _5_5_tigers_tigers best.best.SometimesSometimes I I wantwant6 6somesome meatmeat to to7 7.8 8mymy parentsparents dondon t t letlet meme dodo it.it.SometimesSometimes I I thinkthink animalsanimals in in thethe zoozoo maymay wantwant to togogo backback to to thethe forest.
3、forest.ButBut I I alsoalso thinkthink zooszoos areare goodgood placesplaces9 9animals.animals.PeoplePeople givegive themthem1010,so so theythey re re notnothungryhungry everyevery day.day.DoDo youyou thinkthink so?so?()1.1.A.A.librarylibraryB.B.zoozooC.C.parkpark()2.2.A.A.ononB.B.in inC.C.at at()3.3
4、.A.A.bybyB.B.taketakeC.C.in in()4.4.A.A.a a kindkind of ofB.B.kindkind of ofC.C.kindskinds of of()5.5.A.A.meetmeetB.B.likelikeC.C.hopehope()6.6.A.A.givegiveB.B.givesgivesC.C.to to givegive()7.7.A.A.themthemB.B.us usC.C.youyou()8.8.A.A.SoSoB.B.AndAndC.C.ButBut()9.9.A.A.ononB.B.at atC.C.forfor()10.10.
5、A.A.waterwaterB.B.foodfoodC.C.helphelpB.B.I I m m in in LondonLondon withwith mymy friendfriend Maria.Maria.WeWe livelive herehere forfor fourfour days.days.It It waswas sunnysunny andand warmwarm yesterday,yesterday,1 11 1todaytodayit it s s windywindy andand a a littlelittle1 12 2.I I m m1 13 3tea
6、tea in in ourour hotelhotel roomroom andand MariaMaria is is shoppingshopping in in thethe street.street.WeWe re re havinghaving1 14 4in in1 15.5.ThereThere areare manymany interestinginteresting placesplaces here!here!MyMy favoritefavorite placesplaces areare thethe BritishBritish(大英大英)MuseumMuseum
7、 andand HydeHyde(海德海德)Park.Park.ThereThere 1 16 6a a lotlot of of beautifulbeautiful oldold buildings(buildings(建筑物建筑物)here.)here.WeWe areare reallyreally1 17 7lotslots of of fun.fun.I I m m lookinglooking outout of of mymy windowwindow at at thethe street.street.It It s s1 18 8hard.hard.ThereThere
8、areare a a lotlot of of carscars in in thethe street.street.TheThe1 19 9andandbusesbuses areare movingmoving slowly.slowly.TheThe peoplepeople areare walkingwalking fastfast or or running.running.EveryoneEveryone is is t takakinging anan umbrella(umbrella(雨伞雨伞).).I I2 20 0thetherainrain stopsstops s
9、oon.soon.I I wantwant to to visitvisit moremore placesplaces in in London.London.()1 11.1.A.A.andandB.B.butbutC.C.if ifD.D.thenthen()1 12.2.A.A.rainyrainyB.B.coldcoldC.C.snowysnowyD.D.warmwarm()1 13.3.A.A.drinkingdrinkingB.B.eatingeatingC.C.makingmakingD.D.cookingcooking()1 14.4.A.A.funfunB.B.terrib
10、leterribleC.C.longlongD.D.busybusy()1 15.5.A.A.BeijingBeijingB.B.ParisParisC.C.NewNew YorkYorkD.D.LondonLondon()1 16.6.A.A.is isB.B.hashasC.C.areareD.D.havehave()1 17.7.A.A.gettinggettingB.B.havinghavingC.C.enjoyingenjoyingD.D.makingmaking()1 18.8.A.A.rainingrainingB.B.snowingsnowingC.C.windywindyD.
11、D.sunnysunny()1 19.9.A.A.peoplepeopleB.B.carscarsC.C.cloudscloudsD.D.womenwomen()2 20.0.A.A.thinkthinkB.B.hopehopeC.C.likelikeD D.wantwantC.C.TonyTony is is a a veryvery littlelittle boy.boy.HeHe is is threethree yearsyears old.old.H H e e cancan t t readread or or write,write,butbut he he likeslike
12、s drawingdrawing veryvery much.much.OneOne dayday hishis sister,sister,Susan,Susan,seessees himhim at at thethe desk.desk.SheShe is is a a schoolschool girl.girl.SheShe thinksthinks TonyTony is is drawingdrawing a a picture.picture.SheShe comescomesto to him,him,butbut sheshe findsfinds TonyTony isn
13、isn t t drawing.drawing.HeHe is is writingwriting onon a a piecepiece(纸张纸张)of of paper.paper.“WhatWhat areare youyou doing,doing,Tony?Tony?”asksasks Susan.Susan.“I I m m writingwriting to to mymy friend,friend,Tom,Tom,”he he answers.answers.“ButBut youyou cancan t t write.write.HowHow cancan youyou
14、writewrite to to him?him?”“Oh,Oh,it it doesndoesn t t mattermatter(没关系没关系).LikeLike me,me,TomTom cancan t t readread or or write,write,either.either.”()2121.TonyTony andand SusanSusan are_.are_.A.A.brothersbrothersB.B.sisterssistersC.C.brotherbrother andand sistersisterD.D.friendsfriends()2222.TonyT
15、ony is is _years_years old.old.A.A.3 3B.B.4 4C.C.5 5D.D.6 6()2323.Tony.Tony is_whenis_when hishis sistersister seessees him.him.A.A.singingsingingB.B.readingreadingC.C.drawingdrawingD.D.writingwriting()2424.TomTom andand TonyTony are_.are_.A.A.brothersbrothersB.B.friendsfriendsC.C.brotherbrother and
16、and sistersisterD.D.sisterssisters()2 25.Tony5.Tony cancan t_.t_.A.A.readreadB.B.writewriteC.C.speakspeakD.D.bothboth A A andand B BD.D.DearDear Dave,Dave,I I m m notnot happy.happy.ThereThere areare tootoo manymany rulesrules in in mymy home.home.It It isnisn t t fair.fair.I I havehave to to getget
17、 upup at at fivefive o o clockclock everyevery morning.morning.I Icancan t t arrivearrive latelate forfor school.school.I I havehave to to be be therethere at at eighteight o o clock.clock.I I havehave to to comecome backback homehome afterafter schoolschool becausebecause I I havehave to to dodomym
18、y homework.homework.InIn thethe eveningevening I I cancan t t watchwatch TVTV becausebecause I I havehave to to helphelp mymy mothermother makemake dinnerdinner andand washwash thethe dishes.dishes.I Ihavehave to to gogo to to bedbed beforebefore tenten o o clock.clock.OnOn weekends,weekends,I I hav
19、ehave to to staystay at at homehome onon SaturdaySaturday morning.morning.I I havehave to to cleanclean mymy roomroomandand washwash mymy clothesclothes byby eleveneleven o o clock.clock.OnOn SaturdaySaturday afternoon,afternoon,I I havehave to to gogo to to thethe childrenchildren s s palacepalace(
20、少年宫少年宫)to to learnlearnthethe piano.piano.DoDo youyou havehave lotslots of of rules?rules?AreAre theythey fairfair(公平的公平的)?YourYour friend,friend,AliceAlice()2626.WhoWho is is thethe letterletter from?from?A.A.Dave.Dave.B.B.Alice.Alice.C.C.AliceAlice s s mother.mother.()2 27 7.WhatWhat timetime does
21、does AliceAlice havehave to to getget up?up?A.A.FiveFive o o clock.clock.B.B.EightEight o o clock.clock.C.C.TenTen o o clock.clock.()2828.WhatWhat doesdoes AliceAlice havehave to to dodo onon SaturdaySaturday morning?morning?A.A.WashWash thethe dishes.dishes.B.B.WashWash herher clothes.clothes.C.C.L
22、earnLearn thethe piano.piano.()2929.WhyWhy doesdoes sheshe gogo to to thethe childrenchildren s s palace?palace?A.A.ToTo playplay football.football.B.B.ToTo learnlearn math.math.C.C.ToTo learnlearn piano.piano.()3030.WhichWhich is is thethe bestbest title(title(标题标题)forfor thethe passagepassage(段落)(
23、段落)?A.A.TheThe RulesRules in in MyMy HomeHomeB.B.TheThe RulesRules in in MyMy SchoolSchoolC.C.DonDon t t EatEat in in thethe ClassroomClassroom完形与阅读专练二完形与阅读专练二A.A.I I workwork in in a a schoolschool library.library.ThereThere areare manymany kindskinds of of1 1.in in it.it.ForFor example(example(例如例
24、如),),booksbooks2 2.English,English,science,science,history,history,musicmusic.YouYou3 3.dodo somesome readingreading or or borrow(borrow(借借)books.books.ButBut therethere areare somesome4 4.YouYou mustmust followfollow them.them.WhenWhen youyou areare readingreading in in thethe library,library,youyo
25、u havehave to to5 5.quiet.quiet.DonDon t t talktalk loudlyloudly(大声地大声地)6 6.makemake anyany noise(noise(喧喧哗哗).).YouYou7 7.listenlisten to to music,music,either(either(也也).).YouYou8 8.taketake youryour bagsbags or or wetwet umbrellasumbrellas(湿雨伞湿雨伞)intointo thethe library.library._9._9.or or drinkdr
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