《电大中央广播电视大学第一学期花卉栽培技术期末复习重点考试试题及参考答案小抄.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《电大中央广播电视大学第一学期花卉栽培技术期末复习重点考试试题及参考答案小抄.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、电大中央广播电视大学第一学期花卉栽培技术期末复习重点考试试题及参考答案小抄试卷代号:2711 中心广播电视高校2013-2014学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试 花卉栽培技术 试题 一、填空(每空2分,共28分) 1培育独本菊,要在-(时间),选取健壮母株自地下部分萌发-进行扦插。2香石竹的应用是以一-一为主,也可用于布置_。3杜鹃类可以采纳播种、嫁接、_、_等方法繁殖。4兰科花卉通常分为地生兰、-和_三大类。5蕨类植物一般采纳一- ,或-方法繁殖。6草坪草的繁殖有一-和-两种方法。7通常草坪长到-cm就应当修剪。草坪每年应施肥_次。二、单选题(每题2分,共32分) 1一串红形成高脚苗是因为
2、( )。A养分面积小,光照不足 B夜间温度低,白天光照强 C水分不足,光照强 D施肥过多,浇水过少 2荷花属于( )。A浮叶植物 B挺水植物C漂移植物 D沉水植物 3瓜叶菊的花为( )。A唇形花 B高脚碟状 C四周为舌状花 D管状漏斗形 4鹤望兰的花序为( )。A穗状花序 B圆锥花序C花单生 D总苞舟状 5一品红属于( )。A直立灌木 B落叶小乔木 C多年生草本 D一二年生草本 6以下说明牡丹的花的是( )。A花单生叶腋 B花冠钟状 C花单生枝顶 D23朵簇生 7关于兰科植物,正确的是( )。A为单子叶植物 B一二年生草本 C仅分布在热带 D多生活在腐烂的植物体上 8关于附生兰,错误的是( )
3、。A多分布于热带亚热带 B大部分根系袒露在空气中 C生长在树干、岩石上 D多生活在腐烂的植物体上 9令箭荷花属于( )。A睡莲科 B仙人掌科C千屈菜科 D莎草科 10关于鸟巢蕨,错误的是( )。A.多年生常绿植物 B常绿附生性植物 C叶片辐射状丛生 D23回羽状复叶 11棕榈类植物多( )。A雌雄同株或异株,佛焰花序 B扦插或分株繁殖 C耐旱耐寒,抗逆性强 D总状花序,花淡黄色 12下列关于棕榈类植物的叙述,错误的是( )。A一般寿命较长,病虫害少 B叶掌状或羽状分裂,多具长柄 C喜高温高湿环境 D以偏碱性土壤为宜 13欣赏凤梨可以采纳的繁殖方法为( )。A嫁接 B扦插C分割吸芽法 D压条 1
4、4草坪建坪成败的关键在于( )。A选择适合当地气候、土壤条件的草坪草种 B确定适合的播种方法 C进行土壤改良D坪床的打算 15草坪浇灌的时间,一般在( )。A晚上 B中午C早晨 D傍晚 16一般的草坪刈割,每年进行( )。A1次 B2次 C45次 D100次以上 三、简答题(每题8分,共16分) 1如何为大花君子兰配制养分土? 2仙客来苗期如何管理? 四、问答题(每题12分,共24分) 1请从种苗来源、土壤、栽培方式、密度、水分、施肥、植株管理等几方面介绍切花菊的栽培技术。2简要说明瓜叶菊的栽培管理。 试卷代号:2711 中心广播电视高校2013-2014学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试 花
5、卉栽培技术 试题答案及评分标准 (供参考) 一、填空(每空2分,共28分) 1秋末冬初 脚芽 2切花 花坛3压条 扦插4附生兰 腐生兰 5分株 孢子 6种子繁殖 养分繁殖7.6 2 二、单选题(每题2分,共32分) 1A 2B 3C 4D 5A 6C 7.A 8.D 9.B10.D 11.A 12.D13C 14A 15C 16C 三、简答题(每题8分,共16分) 1答:可依据君子兰的不同生长期,配制合适的培育土(2分)。一年生苗培育土用马粪、腐叶土、河沙根据5:4:1的比例混合(2分);三年生苗培育土为腐叶土、泥炭土、河沙按4:5:1的比例混合(2分)。成龄君子兰培育土可酌情增加马粪的比例(
6、1分)。应留意,培育土配制好后应进行消毒(1分)。 2答:当播种苗长出一片真叶时,进行第一次分苗(2分)。当幼苗具有34片真叶时,移人10cm盆中,以后随着植株增大,再换较大盆。换盆时间最迟不行超过6月份。假如苗小,可使其留在小盆中越夏(3分)。幼苗要遮荫,并常常松土、除草、浇水、施肥(3分)。四、问答题(每题12分,共24分) 1答:大规模生产切花菊,种苗主要来自扦插苗,其次为组织培育和分株繁殖苗。(1分)土壤应选排水良好的肥沃沙质壤土。最佳的栽培方式为高畦滴灌栽培法。(2分) 定植密度以栽培季节和切花需求而定,冬季温室生产,植株宜稀植,每株34枝切花的单头菊比每株一枝的独本菊要稀。(1分)
7、 土壤水分管理,以保持土壤潮湿为宜。一般小苗定植后浇一次定根水,以后34天再浇两遍水。小苗成活后适当控水蹲苗。23周后,每隔12天视天气、土壤状况浇灌。(2分)施肥以基肥1/3,追肥2/3为宜,基肥常用农家肥。追肥结合灌水,施入腐熟的饼肥水和鸡粪稀等。若施用化肥,可按等量氮磷钾配成1:100的浓度施入。(2分) 扦插生根苗定植2周后、45片真叶时,进行第一次摘心,用镊子轻轻将顶端生长点摘去,不久会同时萌发34个匀称一样的新侧芽,待其长至56片叶时,每芽留23片叶进行其次次摘心。全部侧芽全部萌发,进行选芽定干,去弱留强,去细留壮,选取粗瘦长短匀称一样的作为切花枝,一般保留46支让其生长开花。多余
8、不整齐的脚芽、侧芽刚好清除。(4分)2答:瓜叶菊从播种到开花,需移植34次。真叶23片时,进行第一次移苗(分苗);约30天后,真叶抽出56片时,进行其次次移苗(上盆);当根系充溢盆内时,进行第三次移植,即定植。(4分) 瓜叶菊的花芽分化必需在短日照下进行,而长日照促进花蕾发育能提前开花。花芽分化前两周限制浇水,既可限制植株高度又能促使花芽分化。在花芽分化已经完成的状况下,增加光照可使其提前开花。(4分) 瓜叶菊不耐燥热,应在荫棚越夏,并向地面撒水和向叶面喷水降温。瓜叶菊的趋光性很强,单面温室和室内放置时要留意转盆。(4分) 请您删除一下内容,O(_)O感谢!2015年中心电大期末复习考试小抄大
9、全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄After earning his spurs in the kitchens of The Westin, The Sheraton, Sens on the Bund, and a sprinkling of other top-notch venues, Simpson Lu fi nally got the chance to become his own boss in November 2010. Sort of. The Shanghai-born chef might not actually own California Pizza
10、Kitchen (CPK) but he is in sole charge of both kitchen and frontof- house at this Sinan Mansionsstalwart. “Its certainly a responsibility to be the head chef, and then to have to manage the rest of the restaurant as well,“ the 31-year-old tells Enjoy Shanghai. “In hotels, for example, these jobs are
11、 strictly demarcated, so its a great opportunity to learn how a business operates across the board.“ It was a task that management back in sunny California evidently felt he was ready for, and a vote of confi dence from a company that, to date, has opened 250 outlets in 11 countries. And for added p
12、ressure, the Shanghai branch was also CPKs China debut. “For sure it was a big step, and unlike all their other Asia operations that are franchises, they decided to manage it directly to begin with,“ says Simpson. Two years ago a private franchisee took over the lease, but the links to CPK headquart
13、ers are still strong, with a mainland-based brand ambassador on hand to ensure the business adheres to its ethos of creating “innovative, hearth-baked pizzas“, a slice of PR blurb that Simpson insists lives up to the hype. “They are very innovative,“ he says. “The problem with most fast food places
14、is that they use the same sauce on every pizza and just change the toppings. Every one of our 16 pizza sauces is a unique recipe that has been formulated to complement the toppings perfectly.“ The largely local customer base evidently agrees and on Saturday and Sunday, at least, the place is teeming
15、. The kids-eat-for-free policy at weekends is undoubtedly a big draw, as well as is the spacious second-fl oor layout overlooked by a canopy of green from Fuxing Park over the road. The company is also focusing on increasing brand recognition and in recent years has taken part in outside events such
16、 as the regular California Week. Still, the sta are honest enough to admit that business could be better; as good, in fact, as in CPKs second outlet in the popular Kerry Parkside shopping mall in Pudong. “Sinan Mansions has really struggled to get the number of visitors that were envisaged when it f
17、irst opened, and it hasnt been easy for any of the tenants here,“ adds Simpson. “Were planning a third outlet in the city in 2015, and we will probably choose a shopping mall again because of the better foot traffic.“ The tearooms once frequented by Coco Chanel and Marcel Proust are upping sticks an
18、d coming to Shanghai, Xu Junqian visits the Parisian outpost with sweet treats. One thing the century-old Parisian tearoom Angelina has shown is that legendary fashion designer Coco Chanel not only had style and glamor but also boasted great taste in food, pastries in particular. One of the most pop
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- 电大 中央广播电视大学 第一 学期 花卉 栽培技术 期末 复习 重点 考试 试题 参考答案