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1、22年银行招聘考试考试真题及详解6辑22年银行招聘考试考试真题及详解6辑 第1辑“人的认识能力是无限的,张某是人,因此,张某的认识能力是无限的。”以下哪项逻辑错误与上述推理的错误最为相似?( )A.人是宇宙间最宝贵的,我是人,因此,我是宇宙间最宝贵的B.人贵有自知之明,你没有自知之明,因此你不是人C.干部应起带头作用,我不是干部,所以我不应起带头作用D.干部应为人民服务,我是干部,所以我应为人民服务答案:A解析:题干犯了四概念的错误,也是三段论中最常见的错误。三段论中的三个概念,在其分别重复出现的两次中,必须所指的是同一个对象,违反这条规则就会犯四概念的错误。本题题干推理的错误是由于作为中项的
2、概念“人”未保持同一而引起的,在大前提中的“人”是泛指人 类,而小前提中的“人”是具体的。A项错因与题干相同。资料:Italys next government, a coalition between the populistFive Star Movement and the far-right Northern League, is giving investors plenty to worry about. Leaked plans, hastily abandoned, suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask the Eur
3、opean Central Bank to forgive 250bn($292bn) of Italian debt. But less attention has been paid to what it might mean for Italian banks, and in particular for their biggest burden: non-performing loans(NPLs). Over 185bn of NPLs were outstanding at the end of 2022, the most for any country in the Europ
4、ean Union. (1)By comparison with Greece where NPLs are 45% of loans, Italy looks manageable with just 11.1%. And it has made progress: in late 2022 NPLs were 16.8% of loans. But any wild policy lurches would put that progress in question. The clean-up of banks books has relied on openness to foreign
5、 investors. Huge volumes of NPLs(37bn in 2022 and over 47bn in 2022, according to Deloitte, a consultancy) have been sold by banks, often to specialist American hedge funds like Cerberus Capital Management or Fortress. (2)These so-called vulture funds may find life harder under the new government. G
6、iven the importance of being able to repossess the collateral for secured loans, NPL investors have been taken aback by a proposal to prevent any action against a debtor without the involvement of a court. This would run counter to efforts to increase the use of out-of-court settlement for collatera
7、l across the EU. (3)The future of GACS, a scheme for providing an Italian government guarantee to the senior tranches of NPL securitisations (with the EUs blessing), is also in question. Despite a slow start in 2022, it has come to play a large role. An NPL sale last year by UniCredit, a large bank,
8、 worthl7.7bn, was subject to the scheme. Another 38bn-worh of Italian NPL deals in progress will be too, according to Debtwire, a news service. But investors now worry that GACS will not be renewed once it expires失效 in September, contrary to previous plans. (4)European regulators have made a concert
9、ed effort to deal with NPLs. In March the European Commission proposed laws to make cross-border operations easier for debt (5)Markets have deepened in tandem. As well as the specialist funds doing large deals,more options for trading NPLs have emerged. One example is Debitos, a trading platform tha
10、t started in Germany and that allows investors to trade in NPLs from 11 European countries, including Italy and Greece. Most of its sales are between 50m and 200m and interest often comes from local investors, says Timur Peters, its founderfor example, from individuals who buy propertybacked NPLs as
11、 a way to acquire those properties. (6) A liquid pan-European market in NPLs ought to prevent banks bad loans from accumulating and threatening their stability, as during the most recent crisis. But Italy would, because of its sheer size, be the largest source of such loans for the foreseeable futur
12、e. And any market with real doubts about the largest supplier is almost certain to be a stunted one. (7)When hearing the leaked plans, NPL investors felt _.A.uneasyB.awkwardC.furiousD.indifferent答案:A解析:本题考查的是细节理解。 leaked plans,investors第1自然段Italys next government, a coalition between the populist Fi
13、ve Star Movement and the far-right Northern League, is giving investors plenty to worry about. Leaked plans, hastily abandoned, suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask the European Central Bank to forgive 250bn($292bn) of Italian debt. 民粹主义的五星运动和极右翼北方联盟组成的意大利下一届政府,正让投资者忧心忡忡。匆忙放弃的泄露计划表明它可能想要
14、离开欧元区或要求欧洲央行免除2500亿欧元(合2920亿美元)的意大利债务。题目意为“当听到泄露的计划时,NPL投资者感到?”选项A意为“心神不安的”,选项B意为“迟钝的”,选项C意为“暴怒的”,选项D意为“漠不关心的”。根据主题句原文为“worry about”,故可知投资者是担心的,忧虑的。20世纪60年代以前,世界各国普遍注重防洪的工程措施,即通过修建大堤、水库等水利设施对洪水进行控制。但在60年代以后,世界各国在防洪规划中越来越重视非工程措施的运用,即通过洪水预警、灾情评估、洪灾保险等多种手段,结合各种工程措施从而尽可能减少洪灾对人类经济、环境和社会发展的影响。这段文字主要谈的是:(
15、)A世界各国防洪理念的转变 B世界各国控制洪水的新途径C单纯重视防洪工程不能有效控制洪水 D非工程措施逐渐成为防洪规划的主导答案:A解析:题干分为两个部分,“20世纪60年代以前”,“60年代之后”,这两部分的叙述具有明显比较的意思,也即阐述防洪理念转变的过程。世界贸易组织的最终目标是实现( )。A.世界贸易标准化B.各国利益均等化C.世界贸易自由化D.世界贸易稳定化答案:C解析:甲为上厕所,将不满1岁的女儿放在外边靠着篱色站立,刚进入厕所,就听到女儿的哭声,急忙出来,发现女儿倒地,疑是站在女儿身边的4岁男孩乙所为。甲一手扶起自己的女儿, 一手用力推乙,导致乙倒地,头部刚好碰在一块石头上,流出
16、鲜血,并一动不动。甲认为乙可能死了,就将其抱进一个山洞,用稻草盖好,正要出山洞,发现稻草动了一下,以为乙没死,于是拾起一块石头猛砸乙的头部,之后用一块磨盘压在乙的身上后离去。案发后,经法医鉴定,甲在用石头砸乙之前,乙已经死亡。依此情况,甲的行为构成何罪?( )A.过失致人死亡罪B.过失致人死亡罪与故意杀人罪(既遂)数罪C.过失致人死亡罪与故意杀人罪(未遂)数罪D.故意杀人罪答案:C解析:甲过失致乙死亡,成立过失致人死亡罪,又发现稻草动了一下,以为乙没死,即产生杀人的故意,于是拾起一块石头猛砸乙的头部,构成故意杀人罪的对象不能犯的未遂。诸如NBA、GDP这样的缩写词已成为汉语语言表达的一部分,偶
17、然蹦出几个。不代表汉语表达已经被_,只是我们在寻找一种更_、准确的表达方式而已。填入划横线部分最恰当的是()。A.侵蚀 简练B.干扰 时髦C.破坏 简洁D.同化 通俗答案:A解析:“NBA”、“GDP”这样的字母词相比于“美国职业篮球联赛”、“国内生产总值”这样的表达方式更简单明了,第二空填“简练”或“简洁”更能表达字母词的这一特征,排除B、D。第一空中,“侵蚀”与“破坏”都有使变坏的意思,但“侵蚀”更侧重逐渐变坏的过程。句中说的是外来语言对汉语表达的影响用“侵蚀”更贴切。本题答案为A。短期市场利率能够反映市场资金供求状况,且变动灵活,因此,通常将其作为中央银行货币政策的()。A.最终目标B.
18、中间目标C.传统工具D.特殊工具答案:B解析:22年银行招聘考试考试真题及详解6辑 第2辑现代医学研究发现,苦瓜中存在一种具有明显抗癌作用的活性蛋白质,这种活性蛋白质能够_人体内免疫系统的防御功能,_免疫细胞的活性,清除体内的有害物质。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A. 唤醒 提升B. 刺激 巩固C. 激发 增强D. 调动 加大答案:C解析:这是一道典型的实词辨析题。第一个空,免疫系统本身就具有防御功能,不需要再“唤醒”了;“调动”功能显然不合适;“刺激”与“激发”意思相近,指使事物起积极的变化,放在这里是合适的。第二个空,作为活性的动词,只有“提升”和“增强”比较合适,均有提高的意思
19、。综合两个空,选C。霸王条款:一些经营者针对消费者单方面制定的逃避法定义务、减免自身责任的不平等的 格式合同、通知、声明和店堂公告或者行业惯例等。下列属于霸王条款的是( )。a.无业青年王某等三人强行占据菜场停车场,并声称:要停车必须缴费十元b.个体户洪某恶狠狠地威胁街对面同样经营大米批发生意的赵某:“以后你要是敢比我 早开门,我砸了你的店”c.某商场举行店庆时在电子广告牌上写明:全场火爆,满四百减一百五;请勿拥挤,排队 入场;1. 4米以下儿童人场必须有家长陪同d.某服装店玻璃窗上写着:打折期间售出商品概不退换答案:D解析:由定义,霸王条款是经营者针对消费者单方面制定的不平等条款,目的是 逃
20、避法定义务、减免自身责任。d项“商品概不退换”显然是在逃避法定义务。财务会计部在做完年底的经营绩效考评后,发现在考评绩优的支行中,华东地区的支行数量多于西南地区。据此,有同事推断,诺鑫银行东部地区的经营绩效优于西部。那么,以下哪项最能削弱该同事的推理?( )A.西南地区的不良贷款率远低于华东地区B.华东地区支行的销售净利润远高于西南地区C.华东地区经济比西南地区繁荣D.西南地区的支行数量远低于华东地区答案:D解析: 在Exce1中一张工作表可以单独以文件形式存入磁盘。() 答案:错解析:Exce1以工作簿的形式进行保存。 发展市场经济,必须建立以市场形成价格为主体的价格形成机制,这主要是因为(
21、)。A.市场形成价格是保证价格等于价值,实行等价交换的唯一途径B.市场形成价格才能促进竞争,有效反对垄断C.市场形成价格才能保证价格反映价值和供求关系D.市场形成价格才能保证商品交换正常进行 答案:C解析:发展市场经济,必须建立以市场形成价格为主体的价格形成机制,原因是只有市场形成价格才能保证价格反映价值和供求的关系引导资源合理流动。文具店的笔记本最近搞活动:凡是一次性购买笔记本超过10本的,超出部分按零售价的8折收费,不超过10本的部分按零售价收费。已知小明买15本笔记本花了70元,买18本需要( )元。A.85B.82C.81D.80答案:B解析:设零售价为x,则10x+5X0.8x= 7
22、0, 解得x=5,则打八折是5X0.8=4元,则买18本需要10X5+8X4=82元,B选项正确,A、C. D选项错误。故本题应选B.资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia,
23、 and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the banks president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the pro
24、ject areas.The road in Tajikistan is just three miles long, but it will help clear traffic congestion on an important trading route near the capital, Dushanbe. A $100 million loan to Pakistan is for 40 miles of highway in Punjab Province that would complete the last section of national artery, the M
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