重要 新生儿脐静脉置管_经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管相关性心包积液_心脏填塞的临床分析.docx
《重要 新生儿脐静脉置管_经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管相关性心包积液_心脏填塞的临床分析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重要 新生儿脐静脉置管_经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管相关性心包积液_心脏填塞的临床分析.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、中华新生儿科杂志 2019 年 11 月第 34 卷第 6 期 Chin J Neonatol, November 2019, VoL34, No. 6 409 循环系统疾病研究新生儿脐静脉置管/经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管相关性心包积液/心脏填塞的临床分析李媛I康华2张姣3何平李雪瑞冯彪4周熙惠I|西安交通大学第一附属医院新生儿科710061 ;2陕西省人民医院新生儿科,西安710068;3宝鸡市妇幼保健院新生儿科721000;4陕西中医药大学第二附属医院新生儿科,咸阳712000 ;5西安市北方医院新生儿科710043李媛和康华对本文有同等贡献通信作者:周熙惠,Email: zhouxih
2、mail. xjtu. edu. cn【摘要】目的探讨新生儿脐静脉置管/经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管(umbilical venouscatheter/peripherally inserted central catheter, UVC/PICC )相关性心包积液/心脏填塞(pericardialeffusion/cardiac tamponade , PC.E/CT)的临床表现、影像学特点、治疗及预后。方法 选取2017年1月至2018年12月陕西省5家医院新生儿重症监护病房收治的发生UVC/PICC相关性PCE/CT患儿临床资料.对其临床表现、影像学检查结果、治疗及预后情况进行回顾性分析。
3、结果5家医院2年期间共留置UVC/PICC 693例.导管留置期间经超声心动图确诊发生PCE 7例(1.0%),其中有5例合并C T(0. 7% )。早产儿6例.足月儿1例;胎龄(32. 6 3. 8 )周;出生体重1 550 ( 1 200.3 960) g。UVC/PIC C置管时间为生后14 h(l 19 h).发生PCE/CT症状时间为置管后69 h(13 -104 h)。主要表现为呼吸暂停/呼吸窘迫7例、发纽7氧饱和度下降至0. 85以下7例、心动过速3例、心动过缓/心搏骤停5例。发生PCE/CT症状时6例有UVC/PICC尖端异位,其中4例胸部X线片显示UVC尖端位于T6 T7,1
4、例尖端位于T12, 1例超声心动图回报PICC在右心房;.例导管尖端位置正常,位于T8。5例拔除UVC/PICC行心包穿刺引流积液后治愈,1例拔除UVC未行心包穿刺治愈,:!例行心包穿刺,外拔UVC至下腔静脉继续输液5 h后死亡。结论 尖端异位是导致UVC/PICC相关性PCE/CT的主要原因。UVC/PICC留置期间若出现突然的、无法解释的呼吸暂停/呼吸窘迫、发纽7血氧饱和度下降、心动过速/心动过缓/心搏骤停等临床表现.应立即行超声心动图检查,及时拔除导管、行心包穿刺引流可能挽救PCE/CT患儿生命。【关键词】导管插入术,中心静脉;脐静脉;导管.留置;心包积液;心脏填塞DOI :10. 37
5、60/ema. j. issn. 2096-2932. 2019. 06. 002Clinical analysis of umbilical venous catheters/peripherally inserted central catheters associatedpericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade in neonatesLi Yuan1, Kang Hua? , Zhang Jiao3 , He Ping4 , Li Xuerui5 , Feng Biao4 , Zhou Xihui11 Department of Neonato
6、logy, First Affiliated Hospital of XV an Jiaotong University, Xi an 710061, China ;2 Department of Neonatology, Shaanxi Provincial People * s Hospital, Xi * an 710068 , China ; 3 Department ofNeonatology, Maternity and Children Health Hospital of Baoji City, Baoji 721000, China ; 4 Department ofNeon
7、atology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang 712000,China ; 5 Department of Neonatology, Xi an North Hospital, Xi an 710043, ChinaLi Yuan and Kang Hua are contributed equally to the articleCorresponding author: Zhou Xihui, Email: zhouxih mail. xjtu. edu
8、. cnAbstract Objective To study the clinical manifestations, imaging features, treatment andoutcome of umbilical venous catheters/peripherally inserted central venous catheters ( UVC/PICC )associated pericardial effusion ( PCE) and cardiac tamponade ( CT) in neonates. Method Clinical data ofcases wi
9、th UVC/PICC associated PCE/CT that were found in neonatal intensive care unit of five hospitals inShanxi province from January 2017 to December 2018 were extracted and retrospectively reviewed. ResultIn total, there were 632 cases received UVC/PICC insertions in 5 hosp让als. 7 cases of which were ide
10、ntifiedas PCE ( 1. 0% ) on echocardiography during the period of catheter indwelling, among which 5 cases sufferedfrom PCE complicated CT (0.7% ). 7 cases with PCE included 6 premature infants and 1 full term infantswith mean gestational age (32. 6 3.8) weeks and mean birth weight 1 550 (1 200, 3 96
11、0) g. The meanage of PICC/UVC insertion was 14 h ( 1 19 h) , the mean age of PCE/CT developed was 69 h ( 13 104 h) after insertion. The most common presentations included apnea/respiratory distress (7 cases),cyanosis/desaturation (7 cases) , tachycardia (3 cases) , bradycardia/asystole (5 cases) . U
12、VC/PICC tipectopic was found in 6 cases after the symptoms of PCE emerged (4 cases at T6-T7 and 1 case at T12vertebra level on chest X-ray, and 1 case at right atrium on echocardiogram). UVC/PICC tip was normal in1 case ( tip at T7-T8 vertebra level on chest X-ray).5 cases recovered after removal of
13、 catheter,pericardiocentesis and drainage of effusion ; 1 case recovered after removal of UVC without pericardiocentesis ;1 case underwent pericardiocentesis, continued infusion for 5 h after extubated the UVC into inferior venacava, then deceased. Conclusion UVC/PICC tip ectopic is the main cause o
14、f UVC/PICC associatedPCE/CT. Immediate bedside echocardiography should be performed to any patient with UVC/PICC indwelling,who develops sudden unexplained apnea/respiratory distress, cyanosis, tachycardia/bradycardia/asystole.Timely removal of catheter and pericardiocentesis drainage may be life-sa
15、ving.Key words Catheterization, central venous; Umbilical veins; Catheters, indwelling;Pericardial effusion ; Cardiac tamponadeDOI: 10. 3760/cma. j. issn. 2096-2932. 2019. 06. 002越来越多的极低/超低出生体重早产儿在产房复苏成功后转入新生儿重症监护病房(neonatalintensive care unit, NICU )治疗,脐静脉置管/经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管(umbilical venouscatheter/p
16、eripherally inserted central catheter, UVC/PICC)的应用也越来越广泛,UVC/PICC操作简单,留置时间长,降低了外周静脉液体外渗造成组织坏死的风险,但UVC/PICC易发生相关并发症,如感染、堵管、乳糜胸、肝损伤等虽然新生儿UVC/PICC相关性心包积液/心脏填塞(pericardialeffusion/cardiac tamponade , PCE/CT )较罕见,但发生后可影响心脏舒张期血流充盈,引起严重血流动力学紊乱,甚至导致死亡。国外报道,uvc/PICC相关性PCE/CT发生率为0.76% -1.0%,合并PCE/CT后死亡率高达30%
17、 50% “峠Beardsail等报道英国5年53家NICU发生PICC合并PCE/CT 82例,有30例患儿死亡,仅10例在存活期间诊断,20例死后尸检诊断,研究显示,PICC合并PCE/CT发生率约1.8/1 000根导管,死亡率约0.7/1 000根导管。本研究收集了陕西省5家医院NICU发生的7例UVC/PICC相关性PCE/CT患儿资料,对其临床特征、治疗及预后进行分析,以提高临床应用uVC/PICC的安全性。对象和方法一、研究对象选取2017年1月至2018年12月陕西省5家医院NICU发生的UVC/PICC并发PCE/CT新生儿资料进行回顾性分析。5家医院包括西安交通大学第一附属
18、医院、陕西省人民医院、宝鸡市妇幼保健院、陕西中医药大学蝇1附属医院、西安市北方医院。入选标准:(1)UVC/PICC留置期间突然出现临床不能解释的心肺功能不全;(2)超声心动图证实心包腔出现中量到大量PCE。排除标准:(1)存在其他可以勒致P$E的疾病;(2)临床表现不支持PCE/CT 包誉VC/PICC 有关。PCE/CT诊断标准:(1)超声心动图证实心包腔出现中看到大量PCE(2) PCE患儿因突发严重心肺功能否舍行心肺复苏,且排除其他导致病情变化的因素,诊断为PCE合并CT。二、方法1-萝料收集:所有资料均由各医院固定2名人员收集,1 %录入,1名核查汇总,包括胎龄、出生体重、分娩方鼠、
19、母亲孕期并发症、入院诊断、UVC/PICC置备时龄、导管类型、尖端位置、合并PCE/CT时临床表冲、超声心动图及胸腹部X线片结果、心包穿刺抽冲液检测结果、治疗及预后等。2. UVC/PICC留置:参照实用新生儿学(第4版)UVC/PICC置管术指征、禁忌证和操作方法,UVC置管由高年资住院医师及主治医师操作,PICC置管由护片部专职的PICC小组护士操作,置管后行胸腹部)!线片或者超声心动图定位护理程序按照各家医院静脉输液治疗技术规范执行。UVC导管插入深度:脐带残端(cm) + 1.5 x出生体重(kg) +4.5(em) ;PICC置管深度宀:上肢为预穿刺点沿静脉走向至右胸锁关节+ (0.
20、 5 1. 0) cm ,下肢从穿刺点量至剑突。UVC型号110947,3-5 5Fr(法国,美德医用导管集团)/型号4185005,3.5 中华新生儿科杂志 2019 年 U 冃第 34 卷第 6 期 Chin J Neonatol, November 2019, Vol. 34, No. 6 411 .5Fi(美国,Utah Medicine Products , Inc ) ; PICC 型号PB-ABC , 1. 9F x 30 cm(中国,昊朗科技有限公司)/型号 REF VP1. 9S20-C, 1. 9F x 20 cm (美国,Medicine Components , Inc
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- 重要 新生儿脐静脉置管_经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管相关性心包积液_心脏填塞的临床分析 新生儿 静脉 经外周 穿刺 中心 相关性 心包 积液 心脏 填塞 临床 分析