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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.2011经经济学家期期刊文章精精选20篇篇(考研研英语专用用,含参考考译文)1、EEducaationnSnoooty or wwhat?Octt 14tth 20004 FFrom The Econnomisst prrint edittionInvverteed snnobbeery ppreveents goodd teaacherrs gooing wherre thheyrre neeededdA ccleveer maan waants to d
2、do a goodd thiing, but the wickked ggoverrnmennt sttops him. Thaat iss thee scaandallous-sounndingg stoory oof thhe diifficcultiies eencouunterred bby Trristrram JJoness-Parrry, headd of fee-payiing WWestmminstter Schoool, one of tthe bbest in tthe ccounttry. He rretirres nnext yearr andd wannts tto
3、 heelp tteachh matths iin a statte scchooll.Wass he welccomedd witth oppen aarms? No. He was toldd, hee commplaiins, thatt he woulld neeed rretraaininng foor thhe sttate systtem. It wwas aa simmilarr stoory ffor DDavidd Wollfe, a reetireed Ammericcan pphysiics pprofeessorr whoo teaachess in a Brriti
4、ssh sttate schoool. He ssaid thiss weeek thhat tthe aauthooritiies ttold him to ssit tthe GGCSEmmathss exaam noormallly ttakenn by 16-yyear-oldss if he wwanteed too conntinuue.Thee sysstem is nnot qquitee as insaane aas thhis mmightt sugggestt. Thhe ruules thatt reqquiree staate-sschoool teeacheers
5、tto bee forrmallly quualiffied do hhave exceeptioons. The Teaccher Traiiningg Ageency insiists thatt Mr Jonees-Paarry coulld gaain hhis ttickeet inn jusst a day, by haviing aan asssesssor ffrom the statte syystemm obsservee hiss worrk att Wesstminnsterr (a requuiremment scarrcelyy lesss luudicrrous
6、thann thee suppposeed deemandd forr rettrainning). Mrr Wollfess Ameericaan PhhD woould counnt ass an equiivaleent tto thhe GCCSE mmathss passs noormallly rrequiired. So he wwouldd scrrape by aas weell. The Geneeral Teacchingg Couuncill, annotheer quuangoo, haas noow appologgisedd to Mr JJoness-Parrr
7、y ffor ggivinng hiim thhe wrrong infoormattion at ffirstt, annd thhen lleaviing hhis ffolloow-upp lettter unannswerred ffor ssix wweekss.Thee reaal sttory is tthe ggulf betwween the two kindds off schhool. Heaads llike Mr JJoness-Parrry hhire teaccherss witth goood aacadeemic creddentiials but not n
8、eceessarrily withh staate qqualiificaationns. SStatee-schhool hiriing iis clloselly reegulaated; theeir tteachhers needd to be eexperrt foorm-ffilleers aand jjargoon-wiieldeers, and are muchh lesss liikelyy to havee goood deegreees: iindeeed onnly 338% oof sttate-schoool mmathss teaacherrs haave aa
9、deggree in tthe ssubjeect; in iindeppendeent sschoools, 63% do.So itss nott surrprissing thatt priivatee-schhool teaccherss thiink eeven the mostt nomminall barrrierrs too theeir tteachhing in sstatee schhoolss aree offfensiive aand ssillyy. Thhe otther sidee resspondds inn kinnd: tteachhing unioons
10、 tthis weekk saiid snnidelly thhat MMr Joones-Parrry miight be ggood at tteachhing advaancedd matths tto weell-bbehavved bbrighht kiids, but woulld noot neecesssarilly knnow hhow tto teeach simpple ssums to rrowdyy, diim onnes. Perhhaps. Butt manny sttate-schoool pparennts ddespeerateely sseekiing b
11、betteer maaths teacchingg forr theeir cchilddren mighht coonsidder tthat riskk ratther smalll.2、Paarentts annd chhildrrenFammily valuuesSepp 30tth 20004 FFrom The Econnomisst prrint edittionRicch kiids hhave litttle ttime for theiir ellderlly paarentts. TThe iingraatituude!WHYY wass Kinng Leear ttre
12、atted sso crruellly byy hiss dauughteers? Untiil reecenttly, mostt of the answwers havee comme frrom sschollars withh scaant kknowlledgee of econnomicc theeory. Forrtunaatelyy, Joohn EErmissch, an EEssexx ecoonomiist, is wworkiing tto reemedyy thiis deeficiiencyy. Hiis reesearrch pprovees whhat mman
13、y pareents havee lonng suuspecctedthatt inccreassed wwealtth gooes aalongg witth fiiliall inggratiitudee. TTopicc senntencceUsiing ddata fromm thee Briitishh Houusehoold PPanell Surrvey, Mr Ermiisch showws thhat aaffluuent pareents are sligghtlyy morre liikelyy to suppply ooffsppringg witth mooney a
14、nd helpp witth chhild-rearring thann pooor paarentts. BBut ssucceess sseemss to havee preeciseely tthe ooppossite effeect oon chhildrren. The meree posssesssion of aa uniiverssity degrree mmakess chiildreen 200% leess llikelly too phoone ttheirr mottherss reggularrly, and moree thaan 500% leess llik
15、elly too payy theem a visiit.Thiis iss puzzzlinng beecausse seelf-iinterresteed chhildrren mmightt be expeectedd to behaave iin prrecissely the oppoositee wayy. Moost wwealtthy ppeoplle arre deescennded fromm weaalthyy parrentss, whhich meanns thhey hhave a loot off pattrimoony tto loose bby cuuttin
16、ng baack oon thhe faawninng. “Nothhing willl comme off notthingg,” aas a pre-retiiremeent aand sstilll sanne Kiing LLear put it wwhen his younngestt dauughteer daared to wwithhhold her affeectioons.So why are richh kidds suuch bbratss? Thhere are two likeely eexplaanatiions. Thee firrst iis thhat, a
17、s ttheirr inccome risees, tthe mmargiinal costt of provvidinng seervicces ggoes up. It ssimplly issnt wortth thheir whille too hellp wiith tthe sshoppping, parrticuularlly siince afflluencce teends to iincreease disttancees beetweeen paarentts annd chhildrren. And, sinnce ppersoonal conttact corrrel
18、attes wwith teleephonne coontacct, tthey are lesss likkely to pphonee, tooo. OOut oof siight, outt of mindd.Anootherr ansswer comees frrom aan obbscurre brranchh of econnomiccs knnown as sstrattegicc beqquestt theeory. Thiis prrediccts tthat chilldrenn willl prrovidde onnly eenouggh seervicces tto e
19、nnsuree theey geet a reassonabble ssharee of the inheeritaance. Butt thaat pooint is rreachhed ssooneer byy thoose wwho hhave onlyy onee sibblingg rivval, or nnone at aall. Weallthieer faamiliies, whicch teend tto bee smaallerr, siimplyy faiil too enssure the optiimum amouunt oof coompettitioon.Givv
20、en tthesee iroon laaws, whatt aree parrentss suppposeed too do? Goood reesultts miight be aachieeved by hhavinng moore cchilddren, or exprressiing aa suddden inteerestt in the locaal caats homee. Buut Mrr Ermmischh is not optiimisttic. “Thee onlly thhing theyy cann do is ffolloow thheir chilldrenn a
21、roound,” hee sayys. AAnd ddontt makke Kiing LLears miistakke byy hanndingg oveer thhe caash ffirstt.3、TThe iinterrnetAliive aand kkickiing SSep 223rd 20044 Froom Thhe Ecconommist prinnt edditioonCommpetiitionn stiill eexistts onn thee webbJUSST whhen yyou tthougght yyou kknew the web, aloong ccome n
22、ew comppetittors to kkeep thinngs iinterrestiing. On SSepteemberr 15tth, aa neww seaarch engiine ccalleed Am wass unvveileed byy Amaazon, thee giaant iinterrnet retaailerr. Itt reppackaages Googgless seaarch resuults, butt witth ussefull tweeaks. Seaarchees noot onnly ccall up wwebsiites and imagges
23、 oon thhe saame ppage, butt othher rreferrencees, ssuch as AAmazoons bookk seaarch, thee Intterneet Moovie Dataabasee, annd enncycllopaeedia and dicttionaary rreferrencees. MMoreoover, it keepps trrack of uuserss seearchh hisstoriiesaan immporttant innoovatiion aas seearchh beccomess morre peersonna
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- XXXX 经济学家 期刊 文章 精选 20 bdje