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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.中华人民共共和国合同同法Contrract Law of tthe PPeoplles Repuublicc of Chinna总则第一章章一般规规定第二章章合同的的订立第三章章合同的的效力第四章章合同的的履行第五章章合同的的变更和转转让第六章章合同的的权利义务务终止第七章章违约责责任第八章章其他规规定分则第九章章买卖合合同第十章章供用电电、水、气气、热力合合同第十一一章赠与与合同第十二二章借款款合同第十三三章租赁赁合同第十四四章融资资租赁合同同第十五五章承
2、揽揽合同第十六六章建设设工程合同同第十七七章运输输合同第十八八章技术术合同第十九九章保管管合同第二十十章仓储储合同第二十十一章委委托合同第二十十二章行行纪合同第二十十三章居居间合同附则总则Gennerall Proovisiions第一章一一般规定CChaptter 11 Gennerall Proovisiions第一条条【立法法目的】为为了保护合合同当事人人的合法权权益,维护护社会经济济秩序,促促进社会主主义现代化化建设,制制定本法。Articcle 11 Thiis Laaw iss enaactedd in ordeer too prootectt thee lawwful righh
3、ts aand iinterrestss of the conttractting partties, to mainntainn soccial and econnomicc ordder, and to ppromoote tthe pproceess oof soociallist modeernizzatioon. 第二条【合合同定义】本本法所称合合同是平等等主体的自自然人、法法人、其他他组织之间间设立、变变更、终止止民事权利利义务关系系的协议。婚姻、收养、监监护等有关关身份关系系的协议,适适用其他法法律的规定定。Articcle 22 A ccontrract in tthis La
4、w refeers tto ann agrreemeent aamongg natturall perrsonss, leegal perssons or ootherr orgganizzatioons aas eqqual partties for the estaablisshmennt, mmodifficattion of aa rellatioonshiip innvolvving the civiil riightss andd oblligattionss of suchh enttitiees. Agreeementts cooncerrningg perrsonaal re
5、elatiionshhips suchh as marrriagee,adooptioon, gguarddiansship, etcc.shaall bbe goovernned bby thhe prrovissionss in otheer laaws. 第三条【平平等原则】合合同当事人人的法律地地位平等,一一方不得将将自己的意意志强加给给另一方。Articcle 33 Conntracctingg parrtiess shaall hhave equaal leegal stattus, and no ppartyy mayy imppose its willl on the othe
6、er paarty. 第四条【合合同自由原原则】当事事人依法享享有自愿订订立合同的的权利,任任何单位和和个人不得得非法干预预。Articcle 44 Thee parrtiess havve thhe riight to llawfuully enteer innto aa conntracct off theeir oown ffree willl in accoordannce wwith the law, andd no unitt or indiividuual mmay iilleggallyy intterfeere tthereewithh.第五条【公公平原则】当当事人应当当遵循
7、公平平原则确定定各方的权权利和义务务。Articcle 55 Thee parrtiess shaall aadherre too thee priincipple oof faairneess iin deecidiing ttheirr resspecttive righhts aand oobliggatioons.第六条【诚诚实信用原原则】当事事人行使权权利、履行行义务应当当遵循诚实实信用原则则。Articcle 66 Thee parrtiess shaall oobserrve tthe pprincciplee of honeesty and goodd faiith iin e
8、xxerciisingg theeir rrightts annd peerforrmingg theeir oobliggatioons.第七条【遵遵纪守法原原则】当事事人订立、履行合同同,应当遵遵守法律、行政法规规,尊重社社会公德,不不得扰乱社社会经济秩秩序,损害害社会公共共利益。Articcle 77 In conccludiing aand pperfoorminng a conttractt, thhe paartiees shhall compply wwith the lawss andd admminisstrattive reguulatiions, resspectt so
9、ccial ethiics, and shalll noot diisruppt thhe soociall andd ecoonomiic orrder or iimpaiir thhe puublicc intteressts.第八条【依依合同履行行义务原则则】依法成成立的合同同,对当事事人具有法法律约束力力。当事人人应当按照照约定履行行自己的义义务,不得得擅自变更更或者解除除合同。依法成立的的合同,受受法律保护护。Articcle 88 A llawfuully estaablisshed conttractt shaall bbe leegallly biindinng onn the
10、e parrtiess theeretoo, eaach oof whhom sshalll perrformm itss ownn oblligattionss in accoordannce wwith the termms off thee conntracct, aand nno paarty shalll unnilatterallly mmodiffy orr terrminaate tthe ccontrract.The ccontrract estaablisshed accoordinng too laww is prottecteed byy laww.第二章合合同的订立立
11、Chappter 2 Cooncluusionn of Conttractts第九条【订订立合同的的能力】当当事人订立立合同,应应当具有相相应的民事事权利能力力和民事行行为能力。当事人人依法可以以委托代理理人订立合合同。Articcle 99 In enteeringg intto a conttractt, thhe paartiees shhall havee appproprriatee cappacitties for civiil riightss andd civvil aacts.A parrty mmay aappoiint aan aggent to eenterr intt
12、o a conttractt on its behaalf iin acccorddancee witth thhe laaw.第十条【合合同的形式式】当事人人订立合同同,有书面面形式、口口头形式和和其他形式式。法律、行政政法规规定定采用书面面形式的,应应当采用书书面形式。当事人约约定采用书书面形式的的,应当采采用书面形形式。Articcle 110 Thhe paartiees maay usse wrritteen, ooral or ootherr forrms iin ennteriing iinto a coontraact.A conntracct shhall be iin wr
13、ritteen foorm iif thhe laaws oor addminiistraativee reggulattionss so provvide. A ccontrract shalll bee conncludded iin wrritteen foorm iif thhe paartiees soo agrree.第十一条【书面形形式】书面面形式是指指合同书、信件和数数据电文(包包括电报、电传、传传真、电子子数据交换换和电子邮邮件)等可可以有形地地表现所载载内容的形形式。Articcle 111 WWrittten fform reffers to aa forrm suuch
14、 aas a writtten conttracttual agreeemennt, lletteer, eelecttroniic daata ttext(inclludinng a teleegramm, teelex, faxx, ellectrronicc datta exxchannge aand ee-maiil)thhat ccan ttangiibly exprress the conttentss conntainned tthereein.第十二条【合同内内容】合同同的内容由由当事人约约定,一般般包括以下下条款:(一)当当事人的名名称或者姓姓名和住所所;(二)标标的;(三)
15、数数量;(四)质质量;(五)价价款或者报报酬;(六)履履行期限、地点和方方式;(七)违违约责任;(八)解解决争议的的方法。当事人可以以参照各类类合同的示示范文本订订立合同。Articcle 112 Thhe coontennts oof a conttractt shaall bbe aggreedd upoon byy thee parrtiess, annd shhall geneerallly coontaiin thhe foollowwing clauuses:(1) ttitlees orr nammes aand ddomicciless of the partties;(2)
16、ssubjeect mmatteer;(3) qquanttity;(4) qqualiity;(5) ppricee or remuuneraationn;(6) ttime limiit, pplacee andd metthod of pperfoormannce;(7) lliabiilityy forr breeach of ccontrract; andd(8) mmethood too setttle dispputess.The ppartiies mmay cconcllude a coontraact bby reefereence to aa moddel ttext o
17、f eeach kindd of conttractt.第十三条【订立合合同方式】当当事人订立立合同,采采取要约、承诺方式式。Articcle 113 Thhe paartiees shhall conccludee a ccontrract in tthe fform of aan offfer and an aaccepptancce.第十四条【要约】要要约是希望望和他人订订立合同的的意思表示示,该意思思表示应当当符合下列列规定:(一)内内容具体确确定;(二)表明明经受要约约人承诺,要要约人即受受该意思表表示约束。Articcle 114 Ann offfer iis ann exppre
18、sssion of aan inntentt to enteer innto aa conntracct wiith aanothher ppersoon. SSuch exprressiion oof inntentt shaall ccomplly wiith tthe ffolloowingg:(1) iits cconteents shalll bee speecifiic annd deefiniite;(2) iit inndicaates thatt thee offferorr willl bee bouund bby thhe exxpresssionn of inteent
19、 iin caase oof acccepttancee by the offeeree.第十五条【要约邀邀请】要约约邀请是希希望他人向向自己发出出要约的意意思表示。寄送的价价目表、拍拍卖公告、招标公告告、招股说说明书、商商业广告等等为要约邀邀请。商业广告的的内容符合合要约规定定的,视为为要约。Articcle 115 Ann invvitattion for offeer iss an exprressiion oof ann inttent to iinvitte otther partties to mmake offeers tthereeto. Mailled ppricee lis
20、sts, publlic nnoticces oof auuctioon annd teenderr, prrospeectusses aand ccommeerciaal addverttisemmentss, ettc. aare iinvittatioons ffor oofferr.Wheree thee conntentts off a ccommeerciaal addverttisemment meett thee reqquireementts foor ann offfer, it sshalll be regaardedd as an oofferr.第十六条【要约的的生效
21、】要要约到达受受要约人时时生效。采用数据电电文形式订订立合同,收收件人指定定特定系统统接收数据据电文的,该该数据电文文进入该特特定系统的的时间,视视为到达时时间;未指指定特定系系统的,该该数据电文文进入收件件人的任何何系统的首首次时间,视视为到达时时间。Articcle 116 Ann offfer bbecommes eeffecctivee wheen itt reaachess thee offfereee.If a coontraact iis cooncluuded throough dataa-tellex, and a reecipiient desiignattes aa sp
22、eecifiic syystemm to receeive the datee-tellex, the timee wheen thhe daata-ttelexx entters suchh speecifiic syystemm shaall bbe thhe tiime oof arrrivaal; iif noo speecifiic syystemm is appoointeed, tthe ttime whenn thee datta-teelex firsst ennterss anyy of the reciipiennts systtems shalll bee reggar
23、deed ass thee timme off arrrivall.第十七条【要约的的撤回】要要约可以撤撤回。撤回回要约的通通知应当在在要约到达达受要约人人之前或者者与要约同同时到达受受要约人。Articcle 117 Ann offfer mmay bbe wiithdrrawn. Thee witthdraawal notiice sshalll reaach tthe oofferree bbeforre orr at the samee timme whhen tthe oofferr arrrivess.第十八条【要约的的撤销】要要约可以撤撤销。撤销销要约的通通知应当在在受要约人人发
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- 合同法 中英文 对照 efmu