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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.引子:鉴于于现在对外外交流事例例逐渐增多多,英文合合同特别是是经济合同同的翻译愈愈显重要,若译文不不准确或不不严谨,势势必会引起起不必要的的经济纠纷纷.故今以以一英文(经济)合合同写作书书籍为蓝本本,录入一一些有益文文字,希望望大家共同同提高英文文(经济)合同的翻翻译和写作作。合同文文件是合同同双方签订订并必须遵遵守的法律律文件,因因此合同中中的语言应应体现其权权威性.英英文合同用用语的特点点之一就表表现在用词词上,即选选择那些法法律用词,以及正式式用词,使
2、使合同表达达的意思准准确无误,达到双方方对合同中中使用的词词无可争议议的程度。一.heerebyy英文释义义:by meanns off , bby reeasonn of thiss中文译词词:特此,因此,兹兹用法:常常用于法律律文件、合合同、协议议书等正式式文件的开开头语;在在条款中需需要强调时时也可用。语法:一一般置于主主语后,紧紧邻主语.例1:Thhe Emmployyer hherebby coovenaants to ppay tthe CContrractoor inn connsideeratiion oof thhe exxecuttion and comppletiion
3、oof thhe Woorks and the remeedyinng off deffectss theereinn thee Conntracct Prrice or ssuch otheer suum ass mayy beccome payaable undeer thhe prrovissionss of the Conttractt at the timee andd in the mannner ppresccribeed byy thee Conntracct.参考考译文:业业主特此立立约保证在在合同规定定的期限内内,按合同同规定的方方式向承包包人支付合合同价,或或合同规定定的
4、其它应应支付的款款项,以作作为本工程程施工、竣竣工及修补补工程中缺缺陷的报酬酬。注释:(1)hherebby: bby reeasonn of thiss 特此(2)coovenaant: v. mmake a foormall agrreemeent 立立约,签订订合同、条条约; nn. leegal agreeemennt具有法法律约束的的正式合同同(3)ccomplletioon off thee Worrks: 工程的竣竣工(4)therrein: in the Workks在本工工程中(55)thee Conntracct Prrice: 合同总总价,指工工程的总造造价(6)such
5、h.aas: 关关系代词,相当于tthat, whiich(77)undder: in aaccorrdancce wiith 根根据,按照照(8)tthe pproviisionns off thee Conntracct: ttermss andd connditiions of tthe CContrract合合同条款例例2:Wee herreby certtify to tthe bbest of oour kknowlledgee thaat thhe fooregooing stattemennt iss truue annd coorrecct annd alll avvaila
6、able infoormattion and dataa havve beeen ssuppllied hereein, and thatt we agreee too proovidee doccumenntaryy prooof uupon yourr reqquestt.注释:(1)hherebby:特此此(2)tto thhe beest oof ouur knnowleedge:as ffar aas wee knoow据我们们所知(33)forregoiing sstateementt:aboove-mmentiionedd staatemeent上述述声明(44)herrein:
7、in tthis, in the stattemennt在声明明中(5)ddocummentaary pprooff:证明文文件参考译译文:特此此证明,据据我们所知知,上述声声明内容真真实,正确确无误,并并提供了全全部现有的的资料和数数据,我们们同意,应应贵方要求求出具证明明文件。例例3:Thhis CContrract is hherebby maade aand cconclludedd by and betwween Co. (herreinaafterr refferreed too as Partty A) andd Co. (heereinnafteer reeferrred tt
8、o ass Parrty BB) onn (Daate), in (Plaace), Chiina, on tthe pprincciplee of equaalityy andd muttual beneefit and throough amiccablee connsulttatioon.注释释:(1)hherebby:特此此(2)hhereiinaftter rreferrred to aas Paarty A:以下下称甲方(33)on the prinnciplle off equualitty annd muutuall bennefitt:在平等等互利基础础上(4)tthrouu
9、gh aamicaable conssultaationn:通过友友好协商参参考译文:本合同双双方, 公公司(以下下称甲方)与与 公司(以以下称乙方方),在平平等互利基基础上,通通过友好协协商,于 年 月 日在中国国 (地点点),特签签订本合同同。例4:Thiss agrreemeent iis heerebyy madde annd enntereed innto oon (DDate), byy andd bettweenn Co. Chiina (hereeinaffter refeerredd to as PPartyy A) and Co. (herreinaafterr reffe
10、rreed too as Partty B).注释:(1)tthis agreeemennt iss herreby madee andd entteredd intto:特此此订立本协协议在法律律文件中表表示“订立立本协议”可用以下下4个动词词:siggn (mmake, conncludde orr entter iinto) thiis aggreemment, 按照同同义词连用用的写作特特点,可用用上述4个个动词中的的两个来表表示)。(22)herreinaafterr refferreed too as Partty B:以下简称称乙方参考考译文:本本协议特由由中国 公公司(以下下简
11、称甲方方)与 公公司(以下下简称乙方方)于 年 月月 日订立立。二 hhereoof英文释释义: oof thhis中文文译词:关关于此点;在本文件件中用法:在表示上上文已提及及的“本合合同的、本本文件的”时,使使用该词。例如表示示本合同条条件、条款款时,可以以说“thhe teerms, connditiions and provvisioons hhereoof”,这这里herreof表表示“off thiis Coontraact”;又如表示示本工程的的任何部分分,可用“any partts heereoff”,这里里hereeof表示示“of thiss Worrks”。语法:一一般置
12、于要要修饰的名名词的后面面,与之紧紧邻。heereoff和theereoff的区别:hereeof强调调“of thiss”。例如如,上面的的“thee terrms, condditioons aand pproviisionns thhereoof”中的的therreof表表示of the Conttractt;“anny paarts therreof”中的thhereoof表示oof thhe Woorks。例1Wheetherr thee cusstom of tthe PPort is ccontrrary to tthis Clauuse oor noot, tthe oowne
13、rr of the goodds shhall, witthoutt intterruuptioon, bby daay annd niight, inccludiing SSundaays aand hholiddays (if requuiredd by the carrrier), suupplyy andd takke deeliveery oof thhe gooods. Proovideed thhat tthe oownerr of the goodds shhall be lliablle foor alll loossess or damaages inclludinng d
14、eemurrrage incuurredd in defaault on tthe pproviisionns heereoff.注释:(1) Whetther the custtom oof thhe Poort iis coontraary tto thhis CClausse orr nott:不论港港口习惯是是否与本款款规定相反反,wheetherr orr nott:不论是否(22) thhe owwner of tthe ggoodss:货方(33) wiithouut innterrruptiion:无无间断地(44) caarrieer:承运运人(5) in ddefauult
15、 oon thhe prrovissionss herreof:违反本款款规定 hhereoof:off thiis Cllausee参考译文文:不论港港口习惯是是否与本款款规定相反反,货方都都应昼夜地地,包括星星期日和假假日(如承承运人需要要),无间间断地提供供和提取货货物。货方方对违反本本款规定所所引起的所所有损失或或损坏,包包括滞期应应负担赔偿偿责任。例例2Forreignn traade ddealeers aas meentiooned in tthis Law shalll, iin acccorddancee witth thhe prrovissionss herreof, c
16、ovver ssuch legaal enntitiies aand ootherr orgganizzatioon ass aree enggagedd in foreeign tradde deealinngs.注注释:(11) fooreiggn trrade deallers:对外贸易易经营者(22) ass menntionned iin thhis LLaw:本本法所称(33) thhe prrovissionss herreof:the provvisioons oof thhis LLaw 本本法规定(44) leegal entiity:法法人(5) be eengagged
17、 iin fooreiggn trrade deallingss:从事对对外贸易经经营活动参参考译文:本法所称称对外贸易易经营者,是是指依照本本法规定从从事对外贸贸易经营活活动的法人人和其他组组织。例33The estaablisshmennt off a llimitted lliabiilityy commpanyy or a coompanny liimiteed byy shaares shalll coomplyy witth thhe coondittionss andd proovisiions of tthis Law. A ccompaany ccompllyingg wit
18、th thhe coondittionss andd proovisiions hereeof mmay bbe reegistteredd as a liimiteed liiabillity comppany or aa commpanyy limmitedd by sharres. Provvidedd thaat iff a ccompaany ffailss to compply wwith the condditioons aand pproviisionns heereoff, thhe coompanny inn queestioon shhall not be rregiss
19、tereed ass a llimitted lliabiilityy commpanyy or a coompanny liimiteed byy shaares.注释:(11)a llimitted lliabiilityy commpanyy:有限责责任公司(22)a ccompaany llimitted bby shharess:股份有有限公司(33)proovisiions hereeof:本本法规定 hereeof: of tthis Law(44)mayy be regiisterred aas:登记记为参考译译文:设立立有限责任任公司、股股份有限公公司,必须须符合本法法规定的
20、条条件。符合合本法规定定的条件的的,登记为为有限责任任公司或者者股份有限限公司;不不符合本法法规定的条条件的,不不得登记为为有限责任任公司或股股份有限公公司。例44If, as aa ressult of wwithddrawaal orr anyy othher rreasoons, an aarbittratoor faails to pperfoorm hhis ddutiees ass an arbiitrattor, anotther arbiitrattor sshalll, inn acccordaance withh thee proovisiions hereeof, be
21、sseleccted or aappoiintedd.注释:(1) as aa ressult of wwithddrawaal orr anyy othher rreasoons:回回避或者其其它原因(22) arrbitrratorr:仲裁员员(3) the provvisioons hhereoof:thhe prrovissionss of thiss Laww 本法规规定(4) be sseleccted or aappoiintedd:选定或或指定参考考译文:仲仲裁员因回回避或者其其它原因不不能履行职职责的,应应当依照本本法规定重重新选定或或指定仲裁裁员。例55In tthe ee
22、ventt of confflictt bettweenn thee proovisiions on aarbittratiion fformuulateed annd prreparred ppriorr to the effeectivve daate oof thhis LLaw aand tthe pproviisionns off thiis Laaw, tthe pproviisionns heereoff shaall pprevaail.注注释:(11) coonfliict:相相抵触(22) prrior to tthe eeffecctivee datte off thii
23、s Laaw:本法法施行前(33) thhe prrovissionss herreof shalll prrevaiil:以本本法为准 hereeof:oof thhis LLaw参考考译文:本本法施行前前制定的有有关仲裁的的规定与本本法的规定定相抵触的的,以本法法为准。例例6Wheere, in aaccorrdancce wiith llaws, thee cirrcumsstancce(s) speecifiied iin Arrticlle 155 andd Artticlee 16 of tthis Law is /are conffirmeed, tthe oorgannizat
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