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1、 Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.国际财务务报告准则则第3号:企业业合并(最最新英文版版)0推荐国际财务务报告准则则第3号:企业业合并(最最新英文版版)IFRS 3 Interrnatiionall Finnanciial RReporrtingg Staandarrd 3 :Busiinesss Commbinaationns This verssion inclludess ameendmeents resuultinng frrom IIFRSss isssued up tto 31
2、1 Deccembeer 20006. IAS 222 Buusineess CCombiinatiions was issuued bby thhe Innternnatioonal Accoountiing SStanddardss Commmitttee iin Occtobeer 19998. It wwas aa revvisioon off IASS 22 Busiinesss Commbinaationns (iissueed inn Deccembeer 19993), whiich rreplaaced IAS 22 AAccouuntinng foor Buusineess
3、 CCombiinatiions (isssued in NNovemmber 19833). In Appril 20011 thee Intternaationnal AAccouuntinng Sttandaards Boarrd (IIASB) ressolveed thhat aall SStanddardss andd Intterprretattionss isssued undeer prrevioous CConsttituttionss conntinuued tto bee appplicaable unleess aand uuntill theey weere aam
4、endded oor wiithdrrawn. In Maarch 20044 thee IASSB isssuedd IFRRS 3 Busiinesss Commbinaationns. IIt reeplacced IIAS 222 annd thhree Inteerpreetatiions: IFRS 3 Interrnatiionall Finnanciial RReporrtingg Staandarrd 3 Busiinesss Commbinaationns (IIFRS 3) iis seet ouut inn parragraaphs 1877 andd Apppendi
5、ices AC. Alll thee parragraaphs havee equual aauthoorityy. Paaragrraphss in boldd typpe sttate the mainn priincipples. Terrms ddefinned iin Apppenddix AA aree in itallics the firsst tiime tthey appeear iin thhe Sttandaard. Defiinitiions of ootherr terrms aare ggivenn in the Glosssaryy forr Intternaa
6、tionnal FFinannciall Repportiing SStanddardss. IFFRS 33 shoould be rread in tthe cconteext oof itts obbjecttive and the Basiis foor Cooncluusionns, tthe PPrefaace tto Innternnatioonal Finaanciaal Reeportting Stanndardds annd thhe Frramewwork for the Prepparattion and Pressentaationn of Finaanciaal S
7、ttatemmentss. IAAS 8 Accoountiing PPoliccies, Chaangess in Accoountiing EEstimmatess andd Errrors provvidess a bbasiss forr sellectiing aand aapplyying accoountiing ppoliccies in tthe aabsennce oof exxpliccit gguidaance. IFRS 3 Introoducttion IN1 IInterrnatiionall Finnanciial RReporrtingg Staandarrd
8、 3 Busiinesss Commbinaationns (IIFRS 3) rreplaaces IAS 22 BBusinness Combbinattionss. Thhe IFFRS aalso repllacess thee folllowiing IInterrprettatioons: . SIIC-9 Busiinesss CommbinaationnsCllassiificaationn eitther as AAcquiisitiions or UUnitiings of IInterrestss . SICC-22 Busiinesss CommbinaationnsS
9、uubseqquentt Adjjustmment of FFair Valuues aand GGoodwwill Inittiallly Reeportted . SICC-28 Busiinesss Commbinaationns“DDate of EExchaange” andd Faiir Vaalue of EEquitty Innstruumentts. RReasoons ffor iissuiing tthe IIFRS IN2 IIAS 222 peermittted busiinesss commbinaationns too be accoounteed foor us
10、sing one of ttwo mmethoods: the poolling of iinterrestss metthod or tthe ppurchhase methhod. Althhoughh IASS 22 resttrictted tthe uuse oof thhe pooolinng off intteressts mmethood too bussinesss coombinnatioons cclasssifieed ass uniitinggs off intteressts, anallystss andd othher uuserss of finaanciaa
11、l sttatemmentss inddicatted tthat permmittiing ttwo mmethoods oof acccounntingg forr subbstanntiallly ssimillar ttranssactiions impaairedd thee commparaabiliity oof fiinanccial stattemennts. Otheers aargueed thhat rrequiiringg morre thhan oone mmethood off acccountting for suchh traansacctionns crre
12、ateed inncenttivess forr strructuuringg thoose ttranssactiions to aachieeve aa dessiredd acccountting resuult, partticullarlyy givven tthat the two methhods prodduce quitte diifferrent resuults. IN33 Theese ffactoors, combbinedd witth thhe prrohibbitioon off thee pooolingg of inteerestts meethodd in
13、 Austtraliia, CCanadda annd thhe Unnitedd Staates, proompteed thhe Innternnatioonal Accoountiing SStanddardss Boaard tto exxaminne whhetheer, ggivenn thaat feew coombinnatioons wwere undeerstoood tto bee acccountted ffor iin acccorddancee witth IAAS 222 usiing tthe ppooliing oof inntereests methhod,
14、 it wwouldd be advaantaggeouss forr intternaationnal sstanddardss to convvergee witth thhose in AAustrraliaa andd Norrth AAmeriica bby allso pprohiibitiing tthe mmethood. IN4 AAccouuntinng foor buusineess ccombiinatiions variied aacrosss juurisddictiions in ootherr resspectts ass welll. TThesee incc
15、ludeed thhe acccounntingg forr gooodwilll annd inntanggiblee asssets acquuiredd in a buusineess ccombiinatiion, the treaatmennt off anyy exccess of tthe aacquiirers inntereest iin thhe faair vvaluees off ideentiffiablle neet asssetss acqquireed ovver tthe ccost of tthe bbusinness combbinattion, andd
16、 thee reccogniitionn of liabbilitties for termminatting or rreduccing the actiivitiies oof ann acqquireee. IN5 FFurthhermoore, IAS 22 ccontaainedd an optiion iin reespecct off howw thee purrchasse meethodd couuld bbe appplieed: tthe iidenttifiaable asseets aacquiired and liabbilitties assuumed coull
17、d bee meaasureed innitiaally usinng eiitherr a bbenchhmarkk treeatmeent oor ann alllowedd altternaativee treeatmeent. The bencchmarrk trreatmment resuultedd in the idenntifiiablee asssets acquuiredd andd liaabiliitiess asssumedd beiing mmeasuured inittiallly att a ccombiinatiion oof faair vvaluees (
18、tto thhe exxtentt of the acquuirerrs oownerrshipp intteresst) aand ppre-aacquiisitiion ccarryying amouunts (to the exteent oof anny miinoriity iinterrest). Thhe allloweed allternnativve trreatmment resuultedd in the idenntifiiablee asssets acquuiredd andd liaabiliitiess asssumedd IFRS 3 beingg meaas
19、ureed innitiaally at ttheirr faiir vaaluess as at tthe ddate of aacquiisitiion. The Boarrd beelievves tthat permmittiing ssimillar ttranssactiions to bbe acccounnted for in ddissiimilaar waays iimpaiirs tthe uusefuulnesss off thee infformaationn proovideed too useers oof fiinanccial stattemennts, be
20、caause bothh commparaabiliity aand rreliaabiliity aare ddiminnisheed. IN6 TThereeforee, thhis IIFRS has beenn isssued to iimproove tthe qqualiity oof, aand sseek inteernattionaal coonverrgencce onn, thhe acccounntingg forr bussinesss coombinnatioons, inclludinng: (a) tthe mmethood off acccountting f
21、or busiinesss commbinaationns; (b) tthe iinitiial mmeasuuremeent oof thhe iddentiifiabble aassetts accquirred aand lliabiilitiies aand ccontiingennt liiabillitiees asssumeed inn a bbusinness combbinattion; (c) thee reccogniitionn of liabbilitties for termminatting or rreduccing the actiivitiies oof
22、ann acqquireee; (d) tthe ttreattmentt of any exceess oof thhe accquirrerss intteresst inn thee faiir vaaluess of idenntifiiablee nett asssets acquuiredd in a buusineess ccombiinatiion oover the costt of the combbinattion; andd (e) thee acccountting for gooddwilll andd inttangiible asseets aacquiired
23、 in aa bussinesss coombinnatioon. MMain featturess of the IFRSS IN7 TThis IFRSS: (a) rrequiires all busiinesss commbinaationns wiithinn itss scoope tto bee acccountted ffor bby appplyiing tthe ppurchhase methhod. (b) requuiress an acquuirerr to be iidenttifieed foor evvery busiinesss commbinaationn
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