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1、综合英语口语2一、基本信息课程代码:.FLL010课程性质:必修课程名称:综合英语口语(2)英文名称:ComprehensiveEnglishSpeaking 2学时/学分:32/2开课时间:大一下适用对象:英语类一年级先修课程:综合英语口语(1)二、课程描述英语口语(二)是英语专业技能必修课,在专业学习的基础阶段开设。三、教学目标通过本课程的理论教学和相关实验训练,使学生具备如下能力:1、在基础阶段结束时,学生能够在一般的社交场合与英语国家人士进行交谈,表达思 想2、能够做到语音语调自然,无重大语法错误,语言基本得体。四、课程目标对毕业要求的支撑毕业要求指标点课程目标L跨文化交际能力1.1培
2、养口语交流过程的跨文化沟通意识, 增强对中西方文化之间在某些话题方面的 异同的敏感性。教学目标1、22.语言能力2.1具备扎实的双语基本功。教学目标22. 2熟悉中英语言在各层面的差异。教学目标23.知识能力3.1具备针对话题进行专业知识准备的能 力,掌握熟练的专业技能。教学目标1、24.应用能力4.1熟练掌握各种场景对话能力。教学目标1、2五、教学内容见教学安排。六、教学安排该课程每周2学时,16周,16学时为课堂授课教学时间,16学时为实践课时。早下学时数IntroductionIntro to course requirements /students intro/teachers in
3、tro2Lesson 1 -Warm up with a random topic (2mins prep) Spoken group activityShort video (vocabulary note-taking section on love/dating)Love song from Scotland - 500 miles (with ukulele) + student practice Valentines Day Activity - Good date/Bad date (prep dialogue)2Lesson 2 - Ireland (Saint Patricks
4、 Day) - Short video/pic intro + vocab Culture-Food - Taking a holiday to a foreign country - dialogue. Buying-Booking tickets over the phone with credit card (spoken activity) General Knowledge Quiz.2Lesson 3 - * Assign topics for group presentations next week Crime and Punishment (activity) with gr
5、oup discussion/ethics/culture Game: Introduction to Cluedo and first practice.2Lesson 4 - Group Presentations:Lecturer will assign topics to be prepared and arranged by students in a presentation format - (PPT is not compulsory/ each group 4mins)2Lesson 5 - Understanding offensive language and phras
6、es in English. How to deal with difficult situations and keep your cool.Situational role-play and dialogue (pair work)2Lesson 6 - Music review: A spoken review of various songs + vocab Lecturer will open with 4-6 short music video clips.With genre, styles, tempo, descriptions, emotion etc.2Lesson 7
7、- * Assign music and songs to students for next weeks activity.2Lesson 8 Group Musical Performance - Lecturer will assign an English song to each group and can be arranged and performed by the students in whichever way they chose (props + instruments are a bonus but not compulsory)2Lesson 9 - Buying
8、 and Selling in an International Market place (Part 1). Using culture comparisons. Video Intro and vocab note-taking.Class Activity2Lesson 10 - (Part 2) Work ethics, Jobs, Questionnaire practice (Pair-work), Preparation of a resume. Hand-shakes/Body language/Short Video2Lesson 11 - Job Interview - L
9、ecturer will assign students with task of creating an individual resume which will be used in a formal interview setting (formal attire is a bonus but not a requirement)2Lesson 12 - General Knowledge Table Quiz :Introduced by students team leaders (50 questions)2Lesson 13 Q+A session with students c
10、oncerning final exam details.End of semester English movie.2Final exam - Making x Short Film (no less than 3mins - no more than 5 mins in length in .avi, .mp4, .wmv format ONLY! (LARGE FORMATS exceeding lOOMB WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED)Lecturer will assign a topic with key vocabulary/phrases/expressions t
11、hat MUST be used during the performance and script writing. Students must make regular progress checks with the lecturer beginning on week 13.* Props/ Makeup/Wardrobe is a bonus but not a requirement *Students must submit this project for viewing in the final class.Students can use phones, cameras,
12、video software, music, animation when editing, but ALL STUDENTS must be seen on camera speaking in English according to the script they have prepared.In addition, each group must have a director/team-leader who will also prepare a 2 minute introduction on behalf of the group discussing the film, top
13、ic, script, performance*(ppt presentation with photograph is a bonus but not a requirement)2七、课内实验内容、要求及学时本课程没有课内实验。八、教学方法与手段本课程以外教授课为主,对教师的课堂组织能力要求比拟高,要求学生参与性强,因 此,教学中应坚持以学生为中心的原那么,培养学生的交际能力。英语会话训练很具操作性,是模仿性很强的课程,教学中要尽可能采用辅助教学设备,如录 相带、VCD光盘,英语网站浏览等教学设施和手段,精选一些好的背景资料,场景设置以加 强学生的感性认识和创新意识。除课堂授课外,还要组织学生进行课外英语活动,如校园英 语角,英语演讲赛,班级辩论赛等。平时布置一些主题讨论,角色扮演等,加强课堂交际氛 围。九、考核方式及成绩评定考核方式:口试成绩评定标准:平时成绩占30%,期末成绩占70%。十、教材及主要参考书指定教材:1、新编英语口语教程第二册,王守仁主编,上海外语教育出版社。参考书目:1 走遍美国(American Album)、走向未来(LookAhead)