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1、-第 1 页创建节约型学校倡议书-第 2 页创建节约型学校倡议书勤俭节约是中华民族的传统美德,艰苦奋斗是我们党的优良作风,是社会主义荣辱观的具体表现,节约资源是全社会的共同责任。环境友好型社会就是全社会都采取有利于环境保护的生产方式、生活方式、消费方式,建立人与环境良性互动的关系。建设节约型、环境友好型社会是党中央、国务院在新时期提出的一项重大战略方针。节约资源、保护环境是我们全体工会会员义不容辞的责任,为此,我们向全体工会会员发出倡议:从我做起,创建两型校园。一、节约用水。用时控制水量,用毕随手关闭;洗涮拖把不过量用水;发现水龙头滴水现象,应及时报修,不任由水龙头滴漏。实验发现,一个水龙头如
2、果一秒钟漏滴一滴水,一年便白白滴掉 360 吨水,不经意的行为却造成如此大的浪费。二、节约用电。充分利用自然光照,养成人走灯灭的好习惯。避免“;白昼灯”、“;长明灯”;复印机、投影仪、电脑不用时及时关闭。关闭电脑主机时要一并关闭显示器、打印机电源开关。停止挂 qq 升级的坏习惯,据统计,全国所有注册 qq 用户每人升一级所耗费的电量,可以让一盏 60 瓦的灯泡持续亮3200 万年,相当于 84 亿元人民币。三、节约通信费用。根据工作需要,正确选择电话、移动电话、挂号和普通邮件等通信方式;通话要言简意赅,尽量缩短时间,不用办公电话聊天或拨打信息台;尽量使用内线电话,最大限度地节约通信费用。四、节
3、约粮食。合理安排饮食,不随意浪费粮食,不剩菜、剩饭。五、珍惜纸张。充分发挥校园网络优势,推行无纸化办公。减少非正规文件的打印;纸尽量两面使用,做到物尽其用;修改文稿尽量在电子媒介上进行,减少纸张消耗。六、爱护公物。爱护公共图书,爱护公共设施;按照操作程序操控仪器设备,确保使用安全,减少物质损耗,延长使用寿命。七、提倡环保。关爱学校的一草一木;尽量少用一次性筷子、杯子、提倡自带餐具、水杯;不乱扔垃圾,注意分类投放;用过的电池收集起来送到收集点;拎起菜篮子买菜,带上环保布袋子购物,尽可能少用或不用塑料袋。八、合理消费。提倡精打细算、适度消费,培养良好的生活习-第 3 页惯;不盲目攀比,不追求名牌、
4、不追求享受、不过度消费、不超前消费。节约资源、保护环境是一件关系国计民生的大事,也是一件人人都能有所作为的“;小事”。今天,我们谨以建设两型校园的名义,通过媒体,号召全体教职员工树立两型校园建设的意识,养成节约资源、保护环境的习惯,形成积极参与“;两型校园”建设的风气,让更多的人听到我们的声音:“;关爱校园,从我做起”!我们和您一起坚信:节约是责任,环保是时尚!为了我们的子孙后代,为了我们共有的家园,为了我们每一个人,让我们行动起来!本文为 Word 版资料,可以任意修改编辑。如果你看到我上传的资料这个后缀,请删除后使用。高效学习方法和技巧高效学习方法和技巧学习需要方法,找到适合自己的方法,学
6、同点和区别点。三、合理安排复习时间很多科学家通过研究发现,有几个时间段有利于巩固记忆:一是学习后最初几分钟内,电生理活动引起蛋白质的合成;二是学习后在 48 小时内复习;三是一周之后脑突触发生永久性变化。根据人在学习过程中这一生理变化,采用复习加强记忆就显得特别重要了。如果我们能够在学习的内容即将忘记时进行复习,那么复习的效果最好,效率也最高。著名的心理学家艾宾浩斯通过实验发现了人的记忆与遗忘规律。实验证明:在学习仅过了 20 分钟后,就忘记记忆内容的 42%,1 天后忘却量已经达到了66%,到了第 31 天,忘却量高达 79%。他根据实验结果,画成了著名的遗忘曲线。并表明遗忘的规律是“先快后
9、完整,思路正确,表达严密,准确无误,考试时才能按照这种良好的习惯进行五、重视错题积累在学习的过程中,同学们可能遇到过一错再错的现象究其原因,多数是由于在学习中不求甚解,不注意总结积累所致。那么,该怎么办呢?实践证明,自编一本“易错题集”是避免做题一错再错的最好办法。错题本的复习方法:1、每周把该周错题本中记录的题目快速浏览一遍;2、每月把该月错题本中记录的题目再快速浏览一遍;3、每个季度把错题本中三个月记录的题目再快速浏览一遍;4、大考前把该错题本中的所有题目认真复习一遍,确保题不二错¥精编资料精编资料欢迎下载欢迎下载There are moments in life when you mis
10、s someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!Dream what you want todream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.May you have enoughhappiness to make you sweet,enough
11、trials to make you strong,enough sorrow to keep you human,enough hope to make you happy?Always put yourself in othersshoes.If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the other person,too.The happiest of people dont necessarily have the best of everything;theyjust make the most of everything tha
12、t comes along their way.Happiness lies for those who cry,those who hurt,those who have searched,and those who havetried,for only they can appreciate the importance of peoplewho have touched their lives.Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.Thebrightest future will always be
13、 based on a forgotten past,you cant go on well in lifeuntil you let go of your past failures and heartaches.When youwere born,you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.Live your life so that when you die,youre the one who is smiling and everyone around you iscryig.Please send this message
14、to those people who mean something to you,to those who have touched your life in one way or another,to those who make yousmile when you really need it,to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down,to those who you want to let them know thatyou appreciate their frien
15、dship.And if you dont,dont worry,nothing bad will happen to you,you will just miss out on the opportunity to brightensomeones day with this message.Since we went to school,we have access to English all the time,because it is one of the necessary subjects.Before weattend college,we keep our attention
16、 on the grammar,but now college means the new stage and we should pay attention to practical English.Here are somesuggestions.First,it is important to speak out loudly.The purpose of learning English is to communicate with foreigners,so as to get to know more aboutthe world.Grammar is not the only t
17、hing we care about.What we should do is to open our mouths and improve our ability to use spoken English.It beginswith reading textbooks.When we listen to the tapes and repeat many times,then our d.President Trump,as he often does,had a few things to sayAfteradmitting that he had been lonely over th
18、e holidays,Trump took advantage of his first public appearance of the new year Wednesday to air lingeringgrievances,make multiple false claims and reinforce recent decisions that have rattled financial markets and his partys leaders.As he held forth for morethan 90 minutes before a small pool of rep
19、orters and photographers,members of his Cabinet,ostensibly called to the White House for a meeting,sat quietlyaround a long conference table.Trump defended his decision last month to withdraw U.S.troops from Syria and sharply cut the deployment to Afghanistan,moves that disturbed Republican allies i
20、n Congress and prompted the resignation of Defense Secretary James N.Mattis.In doing so,he contradicted his ownrecent claim that the U.S.had achieved its objectives of total victory over Islamic State militants in Syria.“Look,we dont want Syria,”he continued.“Were talking about sand and death.Thats
21、what were talking about.Were not talking about vast wealth.Were talking about sand and death,”he said,seemingly contrasting the war-wracked country with Iraq and its vast oil reserves.Iran“can do what they want there,frankly,”he added,a comment likelyto unnerve officials in Israel,who have worried t
22、hat a U.S.withdrawal from its positions in eastern Syria would allow Iran to expand its influencethere.“Its not my fault,”he said.“I didnt put us there.”Trump offered little further clarity on the U.S.withdrawal from Syria,which he initiallysaid would take place in 30 days,saying now that the pullou
23、t will“take place over a period of time.”Later,in a long riff about Afghanistan,Trumpseemed to endorse Moscows 1979 invasion of the country an act that the U.S.viewed as an attempt to spread communism and waged a long,covert operationto combat during the Carter and Reagan administrations.“The reason
24、 Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia,”Trump said,making a case to leave the policing of hot spots in the Mideast and Central Asia to countries in the region.“They were right to be there.The problem isit was a tough fight.”The Soviet Union eventually was bankrupted
25、 by its Afghan war,Trump added.“Russia used to be the Soviet Union.Afghanistan made itRussia,because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan.”Historians generally agree that the Russian invasion and subsequent occupation of much ofAfghanistan was one of several factors that contributed to the col
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- 创建 节约 学校 倡议书