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1、XX年MMBA联联考英语语试题考生注意意事项 1.考生生必须严严格遵守守各项考考场规则则,得到到监考人人员指令令后方可可开始答答题。 2答题题前,考考生应将将答题卡卡上的“考生姓姓名”、“报考单单位、“考生编编号”等信息息填写清清楚,并并与准考考证上的的一致。 3全国国工商管管理硕士士入学联联考英语语分为试试题(一一)、试试题(二二)。 4本试试题为试试题(一一)。考考生必须须在规定定的时间间内作答答。 5试题题(一)为听力力部分。该部分分共有AA、B、C三节节,所有有答案都都应填写写或填涂涂在答题题卡1上上。A、B两节节必须用用蓝(黑黑)圆珠珠笔答题题,注意意字迹清清楚。CC节必须须用2BB
2、铅笔按按照答题题卡上的的要求填填涂,如如要改动动,必须须用橡皮皮擦干净净。 6听力力考试进进行时,考考生应先先将答案案写或标标记在试试题上,然然后在听听力部分分结束前前专门留留出的55分钟内内,将答答案整洁洁地誊写写或转涂涂到答题题卡1上上。仅写写或标记记在试题题上不给给分。 7答题题卡严禁禁折叠,考考试结束束后,按按监考人人员指令令交卷。 Secttionn I Lisstenningg Coomprreheensiion Direectiion: Thiss seectiion is dessignned to tesst yyourr abbiliity to unddersstannd
3、 sspokken Engglissh. Youu wiillheaar aa seelecctioon oof rrecoordeed mmateeriaals andd yoou mmustt annsweer tthe queestiionss acccommpanny tthemm. TTherre aare thrree parrts in thiis ssecttionn, PPartt A, Paart B aand Parrt CC. Remeembeer, whiile youu arre ddoinng tthe tesst, youu shhoulld ffirsst p
4、put dowwn yyourr annsweers in youur ttestt boookllet. Att thhe eend of thee liisteeninng ccompprehhenssionn seectiion, yoou wwilll haave 5 mminuutess too trranssferr alll yyourr annsweers froom yyourr teest boookleet tto AANSWWER SHEEET 1. Now loook aat PPartt A in youur ttestt boookllet. Partt ADir
5、eectiion: For Queestiionss 15, youu wiill heaar aa taalk aboout Bosstonn Muuseuum oof FFinee Arrts. Whhilee yoou llistten, fiill outt thhe ttablle wwithh thhe iinfoormaatioon yyou havve hhearrd. Somme oof tthe infformmatiion hass beeen givven to youu inn thhe ttablle. Wriite onlly 11 woord or nummbe
6、rr inn eaach nummberred boxx. YYou willl hhearr thhe rrecoordiing twiice. Yoou nnow havve 225 ssecoondss too reead thee taablee beeloww. (5 ppoinnts) Partt B Direectiionss:For Queestiionss 6-100, yyou willl hhearr ann innterrvieew wwithh ann exxperrt oon mmarrriagge pprobblemms. Whille yyou lisstenn
7、, ccompplette tthe senntenncess orr annsweer tthe queestiionss. UUse nott moore thaan 33 woordss foor eeachh annsweer. Youu wiill heaar tthe reccorddingg twwicee. YYou noww haave 25 seccondds tto rreadd thhe ssenttencces andd quuesttionns bbeloow. (5 poiintss) Partt C Direectiionss: You willl hhearr
8、 thhreee piiecees oof rrecoordeed mmateeriaal. Befforee liisteeninng tto eeachh onne, youu wiillhavve ttimee too reead thee quuesttionns rrelaatedd too itt. WWhille llistteniing, annsweer eeachh quuesttionn byychhoossingg A, B, C or D. Aftter lisstenningg, yyou willl hhavee tiime to cheeck youur aan
9、swwerss. You willl hhearr eaach pieece oncce oonlyy. (10 poiintss) Quesstioons 1113 aree baasedd onn thhe ffolllowiing tallk aabouut nnapppingg. YYou noww haave 15seccondds tto rreadd Quuesttionns 111113. 11. Chiildrren undder fivve hhavee abbunddantt ennerggy pparttly beccausse ttheyy A. ssleeep ii
10、n tthreee ddisttincct ppartts. B. hhavee maany fivve-mminuute napps. C. ssleeep iin oone lonng bblocck. D.taake onee orr twwo nnapss daailyy. 12. Acccorddingg too thhe sspeaakerr, tthe sleeep pattterrn oof aa baaby is dettermmineed bby A. iits gennes. B. iits habbit. C. iits menntall sttatee. D. iit
11、s phyysiccal conndittionn. 13. Thee taalk sugggessts thaat, if youu feeel sleeepyy thhrouugh thee daay, youu shhoulld A. ttakee soome reffresshmeentss. B. ggo tto bbed earrly. C. hhavee a lonng rrestt. D. ggivee inn too slleepp. Quesstioons 1416 aree baasedd onn thhe ffolllowiing inttervvieww wiith
12、Sheermaan AAlexxie , aanAAmerricaan IIndiian poeet. Youu noow hhavee 155 seeconnds to reaad QQuesstioons 1416. 14. Whyy diid SSherrmann Allexiie oonlyy taake dayy joobs. A. HHe ccoulld bbrinng uunfiinisshedd woork homme. B. HHe mmighht hhavee tiime to purrsuee hiis iinteeressts. C. HHe mmighht ddo s
13、somee evveniing teaachiing. D. HHe ccoulld iinveest morre eemottionn inn hiis ffamiily. 15. Whaat wwas hiss orrigiinall gooal at colllegge? A. TTo tteacch iin hhighh scchoool. B. TTo wwritte hhis ownn boookss. C. TTo bbe aa meediccal docctorr. D. TTo bbe aa maatheematticiian. 16. Whyy diid hhe ttake
14、e thhe ppoettry-wriitinng cclasss? A. TTo ffolllow hiss faatheer. B. FFor an eassy ggradde. C. TTo cchannge hiss sppeciialtty. D. FFor knoowleedgee off pooetrry. Quesstioons 1720 aree baasedd onn thhe ffolllowiing tallk aabouut ppubllic speeakiing: Yoou nnowhavve 220 ssecoondss too reead Queestiions
15、s 177200. 17. Whaat iis tthe mosst iimpoort thiing in pubblicc sppeakkingg?A.CoonfiidennceB. PPrepparaatioon. C. IInfoormaativveneess. D. OOrgaanizzatiion. 18. Whaat ddoess thhe sspeaakerr addvisse uus tto ddo tto ccaptturee thhe aaudiienccess atttenntioon? A. GGathher abuundaant datta. B. OOrgaaniz
16、ze tthe ideeas loggicaallyy. C. DDeveelopp a greeat opeeninng. D. SSeleect appproppriaate matteriialss. 19. If youu doontt sttartt woorkiing forr thhe ppressenttatiion unttil thee daay bbefoore, yoou wwilll feeel A. uuneaasy. B. uunceertaain. C. ffrusstraatedd. D. ddeprresssed. 20. Whoo iss thhis sp
17、eeechh moost proobabbly meaant forr? A. TThosse iinteeresstedd inn thhe ppoweer oof pperssuassionn. B. TThosse ttryiing to impprovve theeir pubblicc immagees. C. TThosse pplannninng tto ttakee upp soome pubblicc woork. D. TThosse eeageer tto bbecoome efffecttivee sppeakkerss. You noww haave 5 mminuu
18、tess too trranssferr alll yyourr annsweers froom yyourr teest boookleet tto AANSWWER SHEEET 1. Secttionn iii Voocabbulaary andd Sttruccturre (10 poiintss) Direectiionss: TTherre aare 20 inccompplette ssenttencces in thiis ssecttionn. FFor eacch ssenttencce ttherre aare fouur cchoiicess maarkeed AA,B
19、,C aand D. Chooosee thhe OONE ansswerr thhat besst ccompplettes thee seenteencee. TThenn bllackken thee coorreespoondiing lettterr onn thhe AANSWWER SHEEET 1 wwithh a penncill. 21. Lonng llongg aggo,mmostt fooressterrs hhavee beeen menn, bbut todday, a nummberr off woomenn thiis ffielld iis cclimmbi
20、nng. A. rregiisteerinng BB. ppurssuinng CC. ddevootinng DD. eengaaginng 22. Thee baanknno0ttes whiich hadd foooleed mmanyy baank telllerrs wweree diiscooverred to be A. aartiificciall B. geenueene C. couunteerfeeit D. fauultyy 23. Witthouut aa whholee heeartted to a kkeenn foorwaard-loookinng vvisii
21、on andd a deeep iinsiightt, yyou cnnnot be a lleadder. A. ddeteermiinattionn B. reesollutiion C. commmittmennt DD. oobliigattionn 24. Alll trranssacttionns aare strricttly , annd wwe nneveer sselll, rrentt orr trradee anny ccusttomeers nnamee. A. cconssideerabble B. connfiddentt C. coonsiiderratee D
22、. coonfiidenntiaal 25. Bigg buusinnessses enjjoy cerrtaiin thhat smaalleer ooness doo noot hhavee. A. ttrannsacctioons B. priivillegees CC. ssubssidiies D. subbstiituttes 26. Youur kkinddnesss iin ggiviing tto tthe connsidderaatioon oof tthe aboove proobleem vvilll bee hiighlly aapprreciiateed. A. i
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- 某某 MBA 联考 英语试题 11398