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1、Record to report: Leading practice processes and checklistRevised 27/09/221 Record to Reeport The Exeecutivve Boaard iss respponsibble foor thee condduct, operaationaal andd finaanciall perfformannce off an oorganiisatioon. Thhese rresponnsibillitiess are dischhargedd by: clearlyy statting tthe shho
2、rt aand loong teerm obbjectiives oof thee orgaanisattion; clearlyy statting tthe poolicy guideeliness withhin whhich tthey eexpectt manaagemennt to operaate; defininng thee systtem foor enssuringg thatt manaagemennt actts in accorrdancee withh the Boardds dirrectioon; annd defininng proocedurres foo
3、r meaasurinng thee exteent too whicch proogresss towaards ccorporrate oobjecttives is beeing aachievved.1.1 The vallue off infoormatiionIn ordeer forr the Boardd to bbe ablle to functtion eeffecttivelyy, infformattion iis keyy. A BBoard whichh operrates with insuffficieent orr inacccuratte infformat
4、tion wwill bbe unaable tto monnitor the oorganiisatioon efffectivvely wwith ddecisiion maaking beingg baseed on flaweed datta. UUnder this scenaario, theree is aa signnificaant riisk thhat thhe orgganisaation will fail to meeet itts lonng terrm objjectivves.Post Ennron, Qwestt, WorrldComm etc Execuu
5、tive Boardds cannnot ffail tto apppreciaate thhat thheir rreportting iimpactts nott onlyy on tthe peerformmance and ffuturee of ttheir own oorganiisatioon, buut cappital markeets ass a whhole.High quualityy, traansparrent rreportting wwhich is baased oon rellevantt finaanciall and non-ffinanccial vv
6、alue driveers iss crittical for ddrivinng corrporatte perrformaance aas welll resstorinng connfidennce inn the markeets. TThe fiirst sstep ttowardds achhievinng thiis is to immplemeent a frameework of maanagemment rreportting wwhich is baased oon timmely, relevvant aand acccuratte infformattion. Thi
7、ss willl enabble efffectiive deecisioon makking aas welll as meetiing thhe neeeds off exteernal stakeeholdeers. 1.2 Scope oof Reccord tto Repport The scoope off thiss papeer is the ffinanccial aand noon-finnanciaal repportinng ressponsiibilitties oof thee CFO/ FD. As ssuch iit covvers: Sectionn 2: B
8、oardd/ Divvisionnal/ ccost ccentree repoortingg (aloong wiith appplicaation of Buusinesss Inttelliggence technniquess) Sectionn 3: Generral leedger and tthe chhart oof acccountss struucturee Sectionn 4: Monthh end closee and consoolidattion pprocessses Sectionn 5: Statuutory reporrtingThe papper doo
9、es noot covver thhe repportinng ressponsiibilitties oof othher Opperatiional Execuutivess (eg. Salees, Loogistiics, CCRM, MMarketting, HR ettc). 2 Managemment rreportting2.1 The purrpose of maanagemment iinformmationn The purrpose of maanagemment iinformmationn is tto: monitorr proggress againnst co
10、orporaate obbjectiives aand pllans identiffy acttions requiired wwhere actuaal perrformaance iis at variaance wwith eexpecttationnThe Boaard Reeport is a key ccomponnent iin thee manaagemennt repportinng hieerarchhy, coollatiing innformaation acrosss an organnisatiion. The BBoard Reporrt commbiness
11、the varioous opperatiional activvitiess throough tthe coommon and oobjecttive mmediumm of ffinancce (bee it ssterliing, ddollarrs etcc). A good Boardd Repoort wiill ulltimattely ddrive decission mmakingg and actioons, aassistting tthe orrganissationn to aachievve itss shorrt-terrm andd longg termm o
12、bjeectivees.As suchh the Boardd Repoort shhould proviide alll thee neceessaryy infoormatiion too suppport tthe Booard iin fullfilliing itts ressponsiibilitties. In ddoing so itt shouuld bee: Externaally ffocuseed - Market opporrtunitties- Threatss- Competiition Forwardd lookking- Drivingg visiion- A
13、ligninng opeeratioons too straategy- Refininng strrategyy as rrequirred Challennging to thhe mannagemeent teeam- Drivingg perfformannce- Questiooning the sstatuss quo- Understtandinng andd manaaging riskss2.2 Managemment rreportting & operrationnal reeportiingManagemment rreportting iis a bbroad ter
14、m whichh may mean diffeerent thinggs to diffeerent peoplle. IIt is, therreforee, neccessarry to underrstandd the distiinctioon bettween: managemment rreportting aas useed by key EExecuttives and sseniorr manaagemennt. TThese reporrts arre useed to drivee deciision makinng andd meassure wwhetheer or
15、not ccorporrate oobjecttives are bbeing met. Thiss typee of rreportting nneeds to bee saliient, relevvant, coverring bboth ffinanccial aand noon finnanciaal criiteriaa managemment rreportting aas useed forr day to daay opeeratioonal ppurposses. Exampples iincludde cosst cenntre rreportts, heeadcouun
16、t annalysiis, caall ceentre perfoormancce etcc. TThese reporrts arre datta driiven aand ennable managgers tto revview ddeliveery off theiir currrent respoonsibiilitiees. TThese reporrts shhould be sttandarrd in theirr pressentattion aand deeliverred wiithin minimmal innterveentionn or ooverheead. Th
17、is type of reeportiing iss desccribedd as “ooperattionall repoortingg”The foccus off thiss papeer is the EExecuttive sstyle managgementt repoortingg2.3 Design princcipless in MManageement ReporrtingIt is rrecognnised that everyy comppany wwill hhave ddifferring iinformmationn needds forr runnning tt
18、hat ccorporrationn. Ass suchh everry commpany will have diffeerent managgementt repoortingg needds. IIt is, howeever, necesssary when revieewing or deevelopping rreportt conttent tto havve in placee coree desiign prrincipples. Thesse shoould iincludde: deliverry of inforrmatioon whiich meeets tthe n
19、eeeds oof keyy deciision makerrs witthin tthe orrganissationn deliverry of timelly, reelevannt andd accuurate inforrmatioon whiich meeets tthe neeeds oof thee Busiiness as weell ass Finaance deliverry of inforrmatioon nott dataa, bassed onn the philoosophyy of “lless iis morre” (ssaliennt, cooncisee
20、 repoortingg of iinformmationn vs ddeliveery off signnificaant voolumess of nnumeriic andd otheer datta) “one veersionn of tthe trruth” whichh deliivers consiistenccy of inforrmatioon acrross tthe whhole oorganiisatioon (seee Secction 2.4 beelow) use of lead as weell ass lag indiccatorss (eg. for cu
21、stoomer ssatisffactioon, seervicee downntime may bbe a llead iindicaator, custoomer cchurn a lagg indiicatorr) incorpooratioon of operaationaal KPIIs ass welll as ccore ffinanccial mmeasurres applicaation of a balannce sccore ccard aapproaach, eensuriing coonsideeratioon is givenn to ffinanccial, op
22、eraationaal, peeople/stafff and custoomer pperspeectivees. applicaation of exxceptiion reeportiing teechniqques, with signiificannt varriancees beiing hiighligghted action orienntatedd repoortingg, in termss of ccommenntary and rrevieww dynamicc in nnaturee. Thhe conntent and fformatt of rreportts n
23、eeeds too be rreviewwed annd reffresheed to ensurre theey keeep pacce witth chaanges in thhe Bussinesss 2.4 Overvieew of the ccascadde of inforrmatioonThe mannagemeent reeportiing sttrateggy shoould bbe bassed onn a caascadee of iinformmationn fromm the Boardd downn (ie. fromm Boarrd to Divissions t
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- 咨询 财务管理 最佳 实践 财务报告 英文 6682