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1、融资约束、现金金持有政策与与公司投资行行为研究杨安华四川大学工商管管理学院会计计金融系Email:yyangannhua1126.coom Teel:1599821999128摘要在完全市场中,公司内部资金和外部资金可以实现完全替代,不存在融资约束问题。在非完全市场下,金融资源的稀缺性和信息不对称问题使得有限的资源难以实现有效配置,从而导致市场上大量公司无法获得足够的外部资金支持,以满足净现值为正项目的资金需要,此时,公司即受到了融资约束的限制。在现实世界中,融资约束普遍存在,并显著影响着公司的现金持有政策和投资行为,进而对公司的价值产生影响。因此,对公司融资约束问题的研究具有重要的现实意义,
5、的系系统性缺陷所所导致的系统统性融资约束束引起的。对对于处在同一一市场环境中中的公司来说说,融资约束束对公司最大大的影响是基基于外部融资资的障碍而导导致投资水平平的降低,融融资约束与投投资现金流敏感感度之间不存存在显著的关关系,投资现金流量敏敏感度不能作作为融资约束束的代理变量量。(5)随着信贷贷市场和资本本市场环境的的逐渐完善,投投资现金流敏感感度呈现出下下降的趋势。关键词:融资约约束,现金持持有政策,现现金现金流敏感感度,投资现金流敏感感度,投资行行为AbstracctIn the perfeect annd commpletee markket,exxternaal funnds arr
6、e commpletee subsstitutte forr inteernal fundss,thenn therre is no coorporaate coonstraaints.Howewwer,inn the real worldd,whicch is incommpletee,the scarccity oof finnanciaal ressourcees andd the probllem off infoormatiion assymmettry maakes iit diffficullt to alloccate llimiteed finnanciaal ressour
7、cees efffectivvely,wwhich makess a loot of firmss faill to oobtainn suffficiennt funnds too suppport tthe innvestmment pprojecct,eveen if it haas a ppositiive NPPV.If this case happeens,thhe firrm is finannciallly connstraiined.AActuallly,fiinanciial coonstraaints is wiidesprread eexisteence iin the
8、e reall wordd,and signiificanntly iinflueences corpoorate cash holdiings ppolicyy and invesstmentt behaavior,and ffurtheer inffluencces thhe vallue off the corpooratioon. Thherefoore, iit is very imporrtant to coonductt reseearch on thhe corrporatte finnanciaal connstraiints, whichh has been becomme
9、 onee of tthe maainstrream oof ressearchh in tthe fiield oof moddern ccorporrate ffinancce.Howeverr,I fiind thhat soome faactorss castt seriious ddoubt on soome exxistinng litteratuures: firsttly, uusing the wwedge betweeen thhe intternall and the eexternnal coosts oof funnds ass the measuure off fi
10、naanciall consstrainnts haas a bbig gaap to the rrealitty,andd can not mmeasurre thee finaanciall consstrainnts vaalidlyy;secoondly, therre is no deetaileed theeoretiical aargumeent onn the metriics off finaanciall consstrainnts;thhirdlyy,the compaarativve stuudy onn the diffeerencee of ccorporrate
11、ccash hholdinngs poolicy and iinvesttment behavvior uunder the iinflueence oof difffenennt finnanciaal connstraiints ccan noot enssure tthe diiffereence ssignifficantt;fourrthly,modell speccificaation essorrs mayy causse thee concclusioons baased oon thee modeel inaaccuraately.Moreoover,II findd tha
12、tt the abovee facttors aas welll as the ssamplee seleectionn baseed on diffeerent time perioods annd diffferennt marrkets causee the diffeerent concllusionns aboout thhe rellationnship betweeen thhe finnanciaal connstraiints aand innvestmment-ccashfllow seensitiivity.This thhesis attemmpts tto stuud
13、y thhe rellationnship betweeen thhe finnanciaal connstraiints, corpoorate cash holdiings ppolicyy and invesstmentt behaavior from the ccreditt ratiioningg persspectiive, eexpectting tto makke up for tthe abbove ddefectts in some degreee andd provvide ssome iinsighhts onn the makinng of relevvant ppo
14、licyy of bboth tthe coorporaation and ggovernnment.Based oon thee theoory off infoormatiion assymmettry, aagencyy costt and crediit rattioninng, ussing tthe fiinanciial coonstraaints as thhe maiin linne, thhis thhesis studiies thhe corrporatte cassh holldingss poliicy annd invvestmeent beehavioor un
15、dder thhe inffluencce of finanncial consttraintts.Firrstly,this thesiis buiilds aa finaanciall consstrainnts moodel,iinvesttment decissisionn modeel andd corpporatee cashh holddings modell,and then analyyzes tthe immpact of fiinanciial coonstraaints on coorporaate caash hooldinggs pollicy aand innve
16、stmment bbehaviior.Thhen,baased oon thee finaanciall consstrainnts moodel,tthis tthesiss consstructts a ffinanccial cconstrraintss indeex to measuure thhe deggree oof finnanciaal caoonstraaints.Finally, ussing tthe saample of Chhinesee listted maanufaccturinng firrms ovver thhe 20001 to 2008 periood
17、,thiis theesis cconduccts ann empiiricall testt on tthe coorporaate caash hooldinggs pollicy aand innvestmment bbehaviior unnder tthe innfluennce off finaanciall consstrainnts.Thhe connclusiions aare ass folllowingg:(1)The corpoorate cash reserrves aare poositivve to the ddegreee of ffinanccial ccon
18、staaints; firmms witth higgher llevel of fiinanciial coonstraaints actuaally hhave bbiger cash reserrves.(2)Therre is a possitivee relaationsship bbetweeen thee finaanciall consstrainnts annd thee cashh folww senssitiviity off cashh, firrms wiith hiigher levell of ffinanccial cconstrraintss proppens
19、itty to save more cash out oof casshflowws.(3)Firmms witth higgher llevel of fiinanciial coonstraaints actuaally hhave llower levell of iinvesttment and tthe unnderinnvestmment pprobleem is more serioous.(4)For both of thhe connstraiined aand unnconsttraineed firrms, tthe innvestmment-ccashfllow see
20、nsitiivity is poositivve, annd thiis rellationnship is caaused by thhe sysstemicc incoomplettenesss exissts inn the crediit andd capiital mmarkett.For firmss undeer thee samee markket ennvironnment, the reducction of innvestmment iis proobablyy the only obvioous immpact causeed by finanncial consttr
21、aintts, thhere iis no signiificannt rellationnship betweeen thhe finnanciaal connstraiints aand thhe invvestmeent-caashfloow sennsitivvity.(5)Withh the improovemennt of the ccreditt and capittal maarket envirronmennt, thhe invvestmeent-caashfloow sennsitivvity ddeclinned.Kewordss: Finnanciaal Connst
22、raiints,CCash HHoldinngs Poolicy,The CCashfllow Seensitiivity of Caash,Innvestmment-CCashfllow Seensitiivity,Invesstmentt Behaavior目录1导论11.1研究背景景及问题提出出11.2研究意义义21.3研究思路路、内容与基基本框架31.4研究方法法61.5本文创新新点622文献综述72.1理论基础础72.1.1信息息不对称理论论82.1.2代理理成本理论112.1.3信贷贷配给理论122.2国内外实实证研究现状状132.2.1国外外实证研究现现状132.2.2国内内实证
24、.3融资约束束年度分布特特征474.4本章小结结485融资约束下的的公司现金持持有政策与投投资行为实证证研究495.1实证假设设495.2研究设计计515.2.1样本本及数据来源源515.2.2实证证模型及其变变量515.3实证结果果及分析575.3.1融资资约束对公司司现金持有政政策的影响575.3.2融资资约束、现金金持有政策对对公司投资行行为的影响645.4本章小结结736研究结论及进进一步研究方方向756.1研究结论论756.2政策建议议766.3研究局限限性及进一步步研究方向77参考文献79作者在读期间科科研成果简介介87致谢89 1导论1.1研究背景景及问题提出出金融资源的稀缺缺性
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- 杨安华 融资 约束 现金 持有 政策 公司 投资 行为 研究 11127