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1、桩基施工工安全方方案(WWMS)Workk Maanaggemeent Sysstemm中国化学学CNCEEC1.安全全保证措措施 Saffetyy Asssurrancce MMeassurees1.1正正确使用用各类劳劳动防护护用品 Corrrecct uusagge oof PPPEi. 进入施施工现场场作业人人员一律律穿结实实的耐油油底或钢钢头皮帮帮的防砸砸工作鞋鞋。在水水坑内及及积水处处工作时时必须穿穿防穿刺刺防水胶胶靴。Anyoone whoo ennterrs iintoo thhe cconsstruuctiion sitte hhas to weaar sstroong an
2、tti-ssmasshinng wworkk shhoess. IIf yyou worrk iin tthe watter ponnd oor fflooodedd arrea, guumboootss wiill be neccesssaryy. ii. 进入入施工现现场作业业人员必必须佩戴戴符合国国家标准准的安全全帽。如如果安全全帽超过过有限期期限、破破裂或已已损坏时立立即更换换。Anyoone whoo ennterrs iintoo thhe cconsstruuctiion sitte mmustt weear quaaliffiedd saafetty hhelmmet. Iff
3、 thhe ssafeety hellmett iss ovver thee exxpirry ddatee orr daamagged, thhen it musst bbe rrepllaceed wwithh neew oone. iii. 在在施工作作业中易易于烧手手、刺手手、烫手手或严重重磨手的的作业必必须佩戴戴相应手手套;电电焊、气气焊作业业时佩戴绝缘缘隔热阻阻燃的电电焊专用用手套;电工佩佩戴绝缘缘手套。Workkerss haave to weaar ppropper gloovess whhen theey ccarrry oout thoose worrks whiich m
4、ayy daamagge hhandds iin tthe proocesss oof cconsstruuctiion; weeldiinggloovess annd iinsuulattingg gllovees sshalll bbe eequiippeed tto wweldderss annd eelecctriiciaans, reespeectiivelly. iv. 在有有可能出出现飞溅溅物体时时如切屑屑、冲刷刷、撬、敲敲打等,佩佩戴防护护眼镜和和围巾。焊焊接、切切割作时时佩戴防冲冲击和热热辐射的的防护面面罩,在在有引发发危险可可能时设设置防护护网或屏屏障。Safeety go
5、ggglees aand scaarfss shhalll bee eqquipppedd too woorkeers if anyy fllyinng oobjeectss maay bbe ooccuurreed. Thee reelevvantt faace shiieldd allso musst bbe eequiippeed tto wworkkerss whhen theey aare welldinng oor ccutttingg soometthinng, prootecctivve nnetss orr prroteectiive barrrieers havve tto
6、 bbe sset up if neccesssaryy. v. 个人防防护用品品是实现现安全生生产的一一项强制制性预防防措施,不不得随意意变更或或降低标标准。No oone couuld ranndommly chaangee orr loowerr thhe sstanndarrds of PPEE, bbecaausee thhe uusagge oof PPPE is thee moost efffecttivee annd pprevventtivee waay tto iimpllemeent saffe pprodducttionn. vi. 使用用防护用用品前应应检查用用品的安
7、安全性能能,并做做好防护护用品的的保养和和保存。PPE shoouldd bee innspeecteed pprioor tto uusagge, bessidees, theey aalsoo haave to be savved andd maainttainned welll. 1.2设设置安全全警示标标志标识识 Seet uup ssafeety warrninng ssignnsi. 根根据作业业区域的的危险程程度及时时设置相相应的安安全标志志,多个个安全标标志牌在在一起设设置时,应应按警告、禁止止、指令令、提示示类型的的顺序,先先左后右右、先下下后上排排列。The relleva
8、ant saffetyy siignss shhoulld bbe sset up in acccorddancce wwithh thhe hhazaard levvel of connstrructtionn arrea. Whhen thoose saffetyy siignss arre sset up at thee saame timme, theey sshouuld be divvideed aas pper thee fuuncttionns, succh aas wwarnningg, pprohhibiitioon, insstruuctiion andd nooticc
9、e, bessidees, theey sshalll bbe aarraangeed iin tthe priinciiplee off “lleftt-fiirstt annd uup-ffirsst”.ii. 安安全标志志牌和标标签应设设在与安安全有关关的醒目目地方,并并使现场场人员看看见后,有有足够的的时间来来注意它所表表示的内内容;局局部信息息标志应应设在所所涉及的的相应危危险地点点或设备备(部件件)附近近的醒目目处。Safeety siggns andd saafetty llabeels shoouldd bee sttickked to sommewhheree eyye-cc
10、atcchinng. Somme oof tthesse ssignns sshouuld be sett upp too a proominnentt pllacee whheree iss neear rellatiivelly ddanggeroous plaace or equuipmmentt (ppartts). iii. 安全标标志牌和和标签不不应设在在门、窗窗、架等等可移动动的物体体上,以以免这些些物体位位置移动动后,看看不见安全标标志。标标志牌前前不得放放置妨碍碍认读的的障碍物物。Safeety siggns andd laablees sshouuld nott bee s
11、eet uup oon ddoorr, wwinddow or sommethhingg moovabble whiich wouuld makke tthesse ssignns hhardd too bee fooundd. NNeveer pplacce aany barrrieers in froont of siggnbooardd. iv. 安安全标志志牌和标标签应设设置在明明亮的环环境中。Safeety siggnbooardd orr laablees sshouuld be plaacedd inn soomewwherre bbrigght. v. 安安全标志志牌的固固定方
12、式式分附着着式、悬悬挂式和和柱式三三种。悬悬挂式和和附着式式的固定定应稳固固不倾斜斜,柱式的安安全标志志牌和支支架应牢牢固连接接在一起起。Safeety siggnbooardd coouldd bee fiixedd inn diiffeerennt wwayss, hhoweeverr, ttheyy muust be staablee. vi. 在在作业区区域安全全距离的的边缘或或重要HHSE因因素(危危险源)影影响区域域的安全全距离边边缘设置置安全标标志带,并并形成封封闭状态态,其高高度约为为1.22米,作作业结束束或重要要危险源源和环境境因素的的影响消消除后应应及时拆拆除。Safee
13、ty marrk ttapee (11.2mm hiigh) shhoulld bbe sset up in thee eddge of saffe ddisttancce oof cconsstruuctiion. Onnce connstrructtionn coomplleteed oor ssomee immporrtannt hhazaardss arre eelimminaatedd, tthesse ssafeety tappe sshalll bbe rremoovedd immmeddiattelyy.vii. 任任何人不不得擅自自拆除或或损坏安安全标志志,若有有损害及及时完
14、善善或更换换。Anyoone is nott alllowwed to remmovee orr daamagge ssafeety siggns, daamagged saffetyy siignss orr laabells mmustt bee reeplaacedd inn tiime.1.3施施工人员员资格认认定 RRecoogniizattionn off quualiificcatiion of connstrructtionn sttafffsi. 现现场作业业的所有有特殊工工种(包包括电工工、焊工工、起重重工、机机动车辆辆驾驶员员等)都都必须经经过国家家政府部门门的专业业培训
15、,并并取得特特殊工种种操作证证或岗位位资格证证书后方方可在项项目从事事相关的的工作。All of thee woorkeers invvolvved inspeeciaalttypeeoffwoorkss (iinclludiing eleectrriciian, weeldeer, craanemman, drriveers etcc.) musst aacceept proofesssioonall trrainningg orrgannizeed bby ggoveernmmentts, andd obbtaiin tthe rellevaant cerrtifficaate, thhe
16、n theey aare ablle tto uundeertaake thee reelatted worrks. ii. 项目经经理、安安全管理理人员应应经过相相关部门门培训,并并取得资资质证书书,方可可上岗。Projjectt maanagger andd saafetty ssupeerviisorrs hhavee too suucceessffullly ppasss thhe rreleevannt ttraiininng aand obttainn thhe ccerttifiicatte, theen ttheyy arre aauthhoriizedd too woork
17、on sitte. iii. 进驻驻施工现现场作业业人员必必须进行行安全三三级培训训教育,培培训合格格后方可可进入施施工现场场。All thee coonsttrucctioon wworkkerss haave to accceptt saafetty eeduccatiion, annd oonlyy quualiifieed wworkkerss coouldd ennterr innto cossntrructtionn siite.iv. 离开特特种作业业岗位达达6个月以以上的特特种作业业人员,应应重新进进行实际际操作考考核,经经确认合合格后方可上岗岗作业。As tto tthoss
18、e wworkkerss innvollvedd inn sppeciial typpe oof wworkk, iif ttheyy diid nnot worrk ffor sixx moonthh orr moore, thhey havve tto aacceept thee reelevvantt teestss, oonlyy quualiifieed wworkkerss coouldd woork on sitte. 1.4严严格作业业许可管管理 Strrictt maanaggemeent of worrk ppermmiti. 作作业前按按照批准准的施工工技术方方案确认认现
19、场的的作业条条件、落落实各项项HSEE预防措措施和应应急措施施,提前244小时向向作业许许可证审审批单位位提出书书面申请请。In aaccoordaancee wiith thee coonsttrucctioon sscheeme appprovved priior to connstrructtionn, cconsstruuctiion conndittionns sshouuld be connfirrmedd, aand HSEE prrecaautiionss annd rreleevannt eemerrgenncy meaasurres shaall be impplemmen
20、tted. Woork perrmitt muust be appplieed tto tthe rellevaant autthorritiies 24hh inn addvannce. ii.工工程开工工前,必必须向施施工人员员进行全全面的安安全技术术交底,让让全体施施工人员员掌握工工程特点点及施工安全措措施,并并在整个个施工过过程中正正确、完完整地执执行,无无措施或或未交底底严禁布布置施工工。Prioor tto cconsstruuctiion, itt iss neecesssarry tto mmakee teechnnicaal ddiscclossuree too alll t
21、the connstrructtionn woorkeers, whhichh woouldd bee heelpfful to fullly unddersstannd tthe enggineeeriing feaaturres andd meeasuuress foor cconsstruuctiion saffetyy, aand commpleetelly aand corrrecctlyy exxecuute theese meaasurres durringg thhe pperiiod of connstrructtionn. iii. 作业业前应对对施工区区域、作作业环境境、
22、操作作设施、设设备、工工器具等等进行认认真检查查,发现现隐患立立即停止施工,落落实整改改后方准准施工。The connstrructtionn arrea, woorkiing envviroonmeent, faacillitiies, eqquippmennt aand toools shaall be carrefuullyy innspeecteed pprioor tto cconsstruuctiion. Onnce anyy hiiddeen ddangger is fouund, coonduuct recctifficaatioon iimmeediaatelly. iv.特
23、特殊作业业、危险险作业及及其它作作业时,严严格按照照审批的的方案组组织施工工,不得得擅自改改变方案案,并根据作业业需要到到指定部部门办理理各种施施工“作业票票”。Specciall woorkss, ddanggeroous worrk aand othher worrks havve tto bbe ccarrriedd ouut iin aaccoordaancee wiith thee appproovedd coonsttrucctioon sscheeme. Noo unnautthorrizeed cchanngess shhoulld bbe mmadee.v. 进入施施工现场场
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- 桩基 施工 安全 方案 培训资料 iaci