《酒店常见宾客100问培训资料dwsc.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《酒店常见宾客100问培训资料dwsc.docx(86页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、酒店对客客服务之之百问百百答The hottel gueest serrvicce ccentt annsweer qquesstioons在横店酒酒店中,客人的提问是没有一个固定的模式,范围也没有任何限制的,我们将最新收集到的客人常问话题汇总分析,分别汇总整理出酒店前厅对客服务100个问题,餐饮对客服务100个问题,客房服务对客100个问题等,内容囊括了横店各酒店设施设备及景区风土人情等几个方面。In tthe Heaadinng HHoteel, thee guuestts queestiion is nott a fixxed pattterrn, theere is no limmit
2、 to thee sccopee off. WWe wwilll goo too thhe llateest colllecctioon oof gguessts oftten askk toopicc suummaary anaalyssis, reespeectiivelly ccolllecttingg annd ssorttingg ouut tthe hottel froont offficee cuustoomerr seerviice 1000 quuesttionns, 1000 caaterringg too thhe ccusttomeer sservvicee, rroo
3、mm seerviice cusstommer 1000 prrobllemss, tthe conntennts inccludde tthe Heaadinngthhe hhoteel ffaciilittiess annd sscennic cusstomms.1、酒酒店到各各景区的的距离有有多远?1、HHow farr iss thhe ddisttancce ffromm thhe hhoteel tto tthe sceenicc sppotss?2、哪哪儿有出出租车?2、Whheree iss a taxxi?3、酒店店外面的的街区上上有到各各景区的的出租车车服务?3、Onn t
4、hhe sstreeet outtsidde tthe hottel hass a taxxi sservvicee too thhe sscennic spoots?4、酒酒店内有有寄存行行李的服服务吗?4、Dooes hottel offfer serrvicce oof lleavvingg offf llugggagee?5、酒店店前厅部提提供此项项服务 5、Hootell loobbyy off thhe DDepaartmmentt too prroviide thiis sservvicee6、酒酒店内哪哪个部门门提供邮邮寄服务务?6、Whhichh deeparrtmeent
5、in thee hootell too prroviide maiil sservvicee?7、酒店店前厅部提提供此项项服务7、Hootell loobbyy off thhe DDepaartmmentt too prroviide thiis sservvicee8、酒酒店内哪哪个部门门提供住住客横店店一日游游?8、Whhichh deeparrtmeent in thee hootell offferrs aa onne-dday touur oof HHeaddingg?9、酒店店营销部提提供此项项服务9、Hootell maarkeetinng ddepaartmmentt too
6、 prroviide thiis sservvicee10、哪哪儿有卖卖小纪念念品的商商店? 10、WWherre iis tthe shoop ffor souuvennir?11、各各景区都都有卖小小纪念品品的商店店11、AAll sceenicc sppotss arre sselllingg smmalll soouveenirrs sshopp12、AATM机机在酒店店的哪个个区域?12、WWherre iis tthe ATMM inn thhe hhoteel?13、AATM机机即银行行自动取取款机,目前酒店还没有此项服务。13、AATM macchinne tthatt thh
7、e bbankk auutommatiic ttelller macchinnes, thhe ccurrrentt hootell haas nnot thiis sservvicee.14、酒酒店哪个个部门提提供兑换换零钱服服务?14、WWhicch ddepaartmmentt off thhe hhoteel pprovvidees cchannge serrvicce?15、酒店前前台提供供此项服服务 15、TThe Froont Dessk ooffeers thiis sservvicee.16、酒酒店何部部门提供供留言服服务?16、WWhicch ddepaartmmentt
8、offferrs MMesssagee seerviice?17、酒酒店前台台提供此此项服务务17、 Hottel froont dessk tto pprovvidee thhis serrvicce18、酒酒店客房房结帐时时间至中中午122时18、Hottel cheeck-outt tiime to nooon 112 19、结结帐时是是否可使使用信用用卡?19、yyou usee a creeditt caard wheen yyou cheeck outt?20、可可以20、ssuree21、横横店影视视城共有有几家酒酒店?21、HHeaddingg fiilm andd teele
9、vvisiion citty aa tootall off seeverral hottelss?22、横店影影视城共共有3家四星星、4家三星星、266家经济济性酒店店22、HHeaddingg fiilm citty aa tootall off 3 fouur-sstarr, 44 Saamsuung, 266 ecconoomy hottel23、CChecck-iin和CChecck-oout的的时间?23、WWhatts thee tiime forr Chheckk-inn annd CChecck-oout?24、CChecck-iin的意意思是入入住登记记,Chheckk-ou
10、ut指结结帐离店店。 一般来说说,中午午12:00以以后办理理Cheeck-in,下下午2:00之之前办理理Cheeck-ourr。具体情况况会根据据营业情情况作调调整,详详情请洽洽各酒店总总台。24、CChecck-iin: repporttingg onness arrrivval, ass att a hottel dessk; Checck-oout: leeaviing a hhoteel aafteer ppayiing thee biill. Geenerrallly, Cheeck-in is nott trranssactted unttil 12 a.mm. CChecck
11、-oout is traansaacteed iin 22 p.m. It willl bbe aadjuusteed aaccoordiing to thee buusinnesss siituaatioon, Pleeasee coonneect thee Frrontt Deesk on extt. 11. ffor dettaills.25、酒酒店何部部门可提提供兑换换外币服服务?25、WWhicch ddepaartmmentt offferrs tthe serrvicce oof eexchhanggingg thhe fforeeignn cuurreencyy?26、酒酒店前
12、台台可提供供此项服服务26、TThe Froont Dessk iin tthe hottel offferss thhis serrvicce.27、可可否使用用信用卡卡做CAASH PAIID OOUT?27、WWhettherr orr noot ccan thee guuestts uus ccreddit carrds to CASSH PPAIDD OUUT?28、CCASHH PAAID OUTT是指信信用卡提提现付帐帐。宾客可通通过ATTM机提提取现金金或是使使用信用用卡在前前台做(有有限额规规定),使使用者在在提款时时需按提提示输入入密码。28、TThe gueestss c
13、aan ddraww thhe ccashh frrom ATMM inn thhe llobbby oor ppaidd ouut aat tthe Froont Dessk bby IInteernaatioonall Crrediit ccardd( wwithh liimitted amoountt). Thee usser shoouldd ennterr Piin NNumbber upoon tthe insstruuctiion givven by thee maachiine.29、酒酒店何部部门提供供礼品包包装服务务?29、 Whicch ddepaartmmentt of
14、fferrs tthe serrvicce oof ppackkingg thhe ppressentts?30、酒酒店小商商品店可可提供此此项服务务。30、HHoteel ssmalll sshopp caan pprovvidee thhis serrvicce31、酒酒店大堂堂在哪?31、WWherre iis tthe hottel lobbby?32、酒酒店大堂堂一般在在你办理理入住登登记的地地方32、TThe hottel lobbby is wheere youu chheckk-inn.33、酒酒店是否否有家庭庭房入住住?33、DDoess thhe hhoteel hhave
15、e a fammilyy rooom to livve iin?34、目目前酒店店还没有有家庭房房提供34、AAt ppressentt, tthe hottel hass noo faamilly rroomm too prroviide35、酒酒店的洋洋酒品种种有哪些些品种?35、TThe hottels wwinee vaarieetiees wwhicch bbreeed?36、 Marrtinni (Dryy/Reessoo) 马马天尼(白白/红);37、CCampparii金巴利利38、VVodkka/伏伏特加:39、SSmirrnofff/皇皇冠40、RRUM/朗姆酒酒:41、哈
16、哈瓦那俱俱乐部(HHavaana Cluub);42、BBacaardii(百家家得)43、GGin/金酒:44、PPremmiumm Sccotcch WWhissky/高级苏苏格兰威威士忌:45、酒酒店是否否有行政政酒廊?45、DDoess thhe hhoteel hhavee exxecuutivve llounnge?46、酒酒店的早早餐时间间?46、BBreaakfaast in thee hootell? 47、77:00amm100:000am47、77: 000amm 10: 000am48、酒酒店供应应的早餐餐是自助助餐还是是点菜?48、WWhettherr thhe bb
17、reaakfaast offfereed bby tthe hottel is bufffett orr a la craate?49、 酒店供供应的早早餐是自自助餐49、BBreaakfaast is serrvedd att thhe hhoteel bbufffet50、酒酒店供应应早餐是是中式还还是西式式的?50、TThe Chiinesse bbreaakfaast or Wessterrn?51、酒酒店供应应中式早餐餐,但含含西式类食品。51、HHoteel ssuppply of Chiinesse sstylle bbreaakfaast, buut wwithh weeste
18、ern styyle foood.52、同同一家公公司都入入住酒店店行政楼楼的客人人,可否否使用免免费会议议室?52、TThe samme ccomppanyy, tthe exeecuttivee flloorr off thhe CChecck IInn Hottelguessts, caan uuse freee cconffereencee rooom?53、要要依据酒酒店规定定执行53、TTo pperfformm acccorrdinng tto tthe hottel reggulaatioons54、行政酒酒廊的电电话号码码是多少少?54、HHow mucch iis tthe
19、 exeecuttivee loounggess teelepphonne nnumbber?55、 行政酒酒廊电话话号码:05779-XXXXXXXXXX56、客客房至客客房的电电话怎么么打?56、 Howw too maake thee caall bettweeen tthe roooms?57、先先拨X,在直直拨房间间号码 57、DDiall XXXX ffirsst, theen ddiall thhe rroomm nuumbeer ddireectlly.58、客客房内电电话机上上的灯为为什么会会亮?58、WWhy thee liightt off thhe tteleephoo
20、ne in thee guuestt-rooom shaall gliitteer?59、留留言显示示灯闪烁烁意为有有留言,酒酒店留言言有两种种:语音音留言和和书面留留言 59、TThe gliitteerinng llighht mmeanns ttherre iis aa meessaage. Thheree arre ttwo kinnds of messsagges: sooundd meessaage andd leetteer.60、外外线怎么么打?60、HHow to calll ooutssidee?61、 市内先先拨XXXXX,再再直拨电电话号码码61、FFor loccal
21、 calll ddiall XXXXX firrst, thhen diaal tthe nummberr diirecctlyy.62、国国内,国国际先拨拨XXXXX,再再拨区号号及电话话号码62、FFor IDDD/DDDD ccalll diial XXXXX ffirsst, theen ddiall arreacodde aand tellephhonee noo.63、怎怎样听取取语音留留言?63、HHow to gett thhe ssounnd mmesssagee?64、可可直接在在客房内内电话留留言灯上上按下按按钮听取取留言。64、PPresssedd thhe bbott
22、tom of messsagge llighht oon tthe tellephhonee frrom thee guuesttRoomm.65、如如何获得得国家代代码和地地区代码码?65、HHow to gett thhe ccounntryy coode andd diistrrictt coode?66、可可向酒店店商务中中心和总总机查询询,客房房内的黄黄页亦可可供查询询。66、IIt ccan be inqquirred froom tthe Bussineess Cennterr annd OOperratoor. It cann allsobe llookked up in th
23、ee Yeelloow PPagees iin tthe gueest roooms.67、如如何获得得网络号码码?67、HHow to gett thhe nnetwworkk nuumbeer?68、可可向酒店店总机查查询。68、IIt ccan be inqquirred froom tthe Opeerattor.69、酒酒店市内内电话、国国内长途途和国际际长途的的收费标标准?69、WWhatts thee sttanddardd chhargge oof tthe loccal calll, DDDD annd IIDD?70、市市内电话话免费70、FFreee off chharg
24、ge71、国国内长途途:XXXXX元元/分钟钟71、DDomeestiic llongg diistaancee: XXXXXX yuuan / mmin72、国国际长途途:港澳澳台地区区XXXXX元/分钟72、IInteernaatioonall loong disstannce:HonngKoong, Maacaoo annd TTaiwwan reggionns XXXXXXyuann / minnutee73、其其他地区区XXXXX元/分钟。73、OOtheer aareaas XXXXXX yuuan / mmin.74、CChecck-oout时时计入房房帐,免免收服务费费。74、
25、CChecck-oout is inccludded in thee Hoousee biill, frree of serrvicce ccharrg75、酒酒店订房房电话号号码、传传真号码码是多少少?75、HHoteel bbookkingg teelepphonne nnumbber, faax nnumbber?76、房房内如何何上网? 76、Howw too acccesss tthe intter-nett inn thhe rroomm?77、免免费宽带带上网系系统77、hhighh sppeedd brroaddbannd IInteerneet aacceess sysste
26、mm78、酒酒店何部部门提供供代订火火车票和和机票服服务?78、WWhicch ddepaartmmentt offferrs TTickket serrvicce?79、酒酒店商务务中心提提供此项项服务79、BBusiinesss CCentter offferss thhis serrvicce.80、酒酒店哪能能上网?收费标标准?80、WWherre tto aacceess thee innterr-neet? Whaatss thhe sstanndarrd ccharrge?81、酒酒店客房房内提供供免费宽带带上网服服务。81、FFreee brroaddbannd IInteer
27、neet aacceess in Hottel roooms.82、酒酒店的网网址?集集团总部部的网址址?82、WWhatts thee weebsiite of thee hootell annd oour Heaadquuartter?83、免免费订房房电话是是多少?83、WWhatts thee Tooll freee NNumbber?84、中中国地区区为05579-XXXXXXXXXXX84、TThe nummberr off Chhinaa iss: 005799-XXXXXXXXXXX85、如如何咨询询各酒店店、景区区的电话话号码?85、HHow to connsullt tth
28、e hottel, thhe aareaa off thhe pphonne nnumbber?86、可可向酒店店总机总台台询问86、AAsk thee hootell opperaatorr sttatiion87、如如何查询询其他国国家和地地区的电电话号码码?87、HHow to cheeck thee teelepphonne nnumbber of othher couuntrriess annd rregiionss?88、可可向酒店店前台、商商务中心心、总机机查询88、WWe rrefeer yyou to thee hootell frrontt deesk, buusinnes
29、ss ceenteer, swiitchhboaard89、酒酒店是否否提供自自动洗衣衣服务?89、DDoess hootell offferr thhe aautoomattic lauundrry sservvicee?90、酒酒店暂时时不提供供此项服服务90、TThe hottel doeesnt ooffeer tthiss seerviice forr thhe mmomeent.91、如如何获得得气象信信息?91、HHow to gett thhe wweattherr innforrmattionn?92、可可向前台台或总机机查询气气象92、TTo tthe reccepttio
30、nnistt orr opperaatorr chheckk weeathher93、酒酒店内有有医生和和药房吗吗?93、IIs ttherre aa meediccal serrvicce iin tthe hottel?94、酒酒店暂时时不提供供此项服服务94、TThe hottel doeesnt ooffeer tthiss seerviice forr thhe mmomeent.95、自自助餐时时可否带带走食物物?95、IIs iit ppermmittted to takke aawayy foood whiile bufffett?96、一一般来说说不允许许96、IItss n
31、oot ppermmittted genneraallyy.97、作作为前台台接待员员,你认认为应具具备哪些些能力?答:1、熟熟练前台台业务;2、了解解饭店设设施设备备和服务务项目;3、快速速准确地地提供有有关问讯讯服务;4、运用用心理学学知识,针针对身份份不同的的宾客选选择不同同的沟通通方式。97、aas aa reecepptioonisst, whaat ddo yyou thiink shoouldd haave?Answwer:1, ffamiiliaar wwithh thhe ffronnt ddeskk buusinnesss;2, uundeersttanddingg off
32、 hootell faacillitiies andd eqquippmennt aand serrvicces;3, pprovvidee thhe ffastt innforrmattionn seerviice acccuraatelly;4, tthe usee off pssychholoogiccal knoowleedgee, ffor thee iddenttityy off diiffeerennt gguessts chooosee diiffeerennt wwayss off coommuuniccatiion.98、良良好的服服务意识识主要表表现在哪哪些方面面?答:1
33、、热热爱旅游游事业,热热爱旅游游工作;2、有责责任心和和荣誉感感,关心心和体贴贴每一位位宾客;3、自觉觉地加强强自身的的业务素素质和思思想修养养。98、aa goood sennse of serrvicce mmainnly in whaat aareaas?Answwer: 1, llovee too trraveel, lovve tthe worrk oof ttourrismm;2, hhavee thhe ssensse oof rrespponssibiilitty aand honnor, caare andd coonsiiderratee off evveryy guues
34、tt;3, cconsscioouslly sstreengtthenn thheirr owwn bbusiinesss qquallityy annd iideoologgicaal ttraiininng.99、总总台服务务中有哪哪些具体体的推销销方法?答:1、根根据不同同对象、不不同宾客客适时推推销;2、利用用优势、特特色进行行推销;3、利用用包价内内容帮助助推销;4、主动动询问,及及时向宾宾客提出出合理建建议;5、带领领客人参参观设施施,进行行现场推推销,吸吸引宾客客;6、适时时向宾客客推荐饭饭店的其其它服务务项目。99、wwhatt arre tthe speeciffic mar
35、rkettingg meethoods?Answwer: 1, aaccoordiing to diffferrentt obbjeccts, diiffeerennt gguessts timmelyy maarkeetinng;2, tthe usee off addvanntagges, feeatuuress too seell;3, tthe usee off thhe cconttentts oof tthe pacckagge tto hhelpp prromoote thee saale;4, ttakee thhe iinittiattivee too assk, timme
36、lyy addvicce tto tthe gueestss;5, tto lleadd thhe gguessts to vissit thee faacillitiies, too coonduuct on-sitte ssalees, to atttracct gguessts;6, iin ttimee too reecommmennd tthe hottel to thee guuestts oof tthe othher serrvicces.100、按照公安局有关旅馆住宿登记的规定,客人入住登记时需填写哪些内容?答:1、姓姓名,性性别,年年龄,有有效证件件号码,工工作单位位,家庭
37、庭住址,何何处来,何何处去,抵抵达及离离店日期期,同住住人及关关系,本本人签名名。2、外国国客人另另外还需需填写护护照号码码、签证证号码、种种类及有有效日期期,入境境日期等等。1000、iin aaccoordaancee wiith thee prroviisioons of thee Puubliic SSecuuritty BBureeau of hottel acccommmodaatioon rregiistrratiion, guuestts iin tthe reggisttrattionn reequiiredd too fiill in whaat cconttentt?An
38、swwer: 1, nnamee, ssex, agge, nummberr off efffecctivve ccerttifiicatte, worrk uunitts, homme aaddrresss, wwherre, wheere to go, arrrivval andd deeparrturre ddatee, aand livve, I ssignned.2, fforeeignn guuestts aalsoo neeed to filll iin tthe passspoort nummberr, vvisaa nuumbeer, typpe aand efffectti
39、vee daate, daate of enttry, ettc.前台客人人嫌入住住手续太太繁琐,不不愿填写写登记卡卡时你怎怎么办?答:1、解解释入住住登记的的有关规规定。2、帮客客人填写写,并请请其签名名。3、将客客人资料料存档,以以后在入入住前帮帮客人填填好登记记表。5, tthe gueest tooo cuumbeersoome, doo noot wwantt too fiill in thee reegisstraatioon ccardd whhen youu doo?Answwer:1, tto eexpllainn thhe rreleevannt pprovvisiions
40、s off thhe rregiistrratiion.2, tto hhelpp guuestts ffilll inn, aand pleeasee thheirr siignaaturre.3, tthe gueest infformmatiion fille, in thee fuuturre tto hhelpp guuestts ffilll inn thhe rregiistrratiion forrm.6、一位位语无伦伦次、精精神明显显不正常常的客人人来总台台要求入入住,你你应如何何处理?答:1、婉婉言拒绝绝其入住住。2、请保保安人员员将该客客带离公公共场所所。3、联系系派出所
41、所帮助处处理。6, aa sppiriit oof iincooherrentt, oobviioussly nott noormaal vvisiitorrs tto tthe staatioon aand askked forr, hhow shoouldd yoou ddo?Answwer: 1, ddecllineed tthe occcupaancyy.2, ppleaase seccuriity perrsonnnell wiill be awaay ffromm thhe ppubllic plaacess.3, cconttactt thhe ppoliice staatioo
42、n tto hhelpp deeal witth.7、在你你当班时时,有一一位身着着奇装异异服、举举止特殊殊的男士士前来问问讯,你你该如何何接待?答:1、尊尊重客人人的个人人爱好和和风俗习习惯。2、不进进行围观观、嘲笑笑、议论论、模仿仿或起外外号。3、详细细了解客客人的问问讯范围围,并提提供正确确、快捷捷的问讯讯服务。 7, youu haave a ddutyy, ddresssedd inn ouutlaandiish cosstumme, speeciaal mmannnerss off meen tto hhelpp, hhow do youu reeceiive?Answwer: 1
43、, rresppectt foor tthe gueestss off peersoonall hoobbiies andd cuustooms.2, ddo nnot croowd, riidicculee, ddisccusssionn, iimittatiion or niccknaame.3, aa deetaiiledd unnderrstaandiing of thee guuestt innforrmattionn raangee, aand prooviddingg acccurratee annd ffastt innforrmattionn seerviice.8、客人人要
44、求加加床时怎怎么办?答:1、迅迅速答复复客人,并并告知加加床收费费标准。2、通知知房务中中心将床床加进房房间。3、加床床前应检检查床是是否牢固固好用,避避免发生生意外事事故。4、配备备床上用用品及增增加一套套用品。8, rrequuestt thhe eextrra bbed do?Answwer:1, aa prromppt rreplly aand infformm thhe gguesst, exttra chaargees.2, nnotiify thee rooom serrvicce ccentter willl bbe aaddeed tto tthe rooom.Checck
45、wwhettherr thhe ffirmm iss goood, wiith 3 bbedss beeforre bbed, too avvoidd accciddentts.4, wwithh beeddiing andd addd aa seet oof ssupppliees.9、 客人要求求在房间间摆放鲜鲜花、水水果时怎怎么办?9, tthe gueestss asskedd too puut fflowwerss inn thhe rroomm, ffruiit, howw too doo?答:1、了了解客人人所需鲜鲜花、水水果的种种类、色色彩、数数量和摆摆放形式式,并记记下房号号和姓名名。2、按要要求进行行摆设,要要注意技技巧,避避免客人人禁忌的的花,水水果要消消毒。3、尽量量了解客客人摆放放鲜花水水果的原原因,进进一步做做好细致致的服务务,如是是客人生生日,则则向客人人表示祝祝贺等。Answwer: 1, wwhatt thhe ccusttomeer rrequuireed fflowwerss, ffruiit ttypee, ccoloor, quaantiity andd pllaceemennt fformm, aand thee noote of thee rooom nummberr annd nnamee