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1、Day2Your First ABAP/4 Program Before Proceeding Exploriing thhe Devvelopmment EEnviroonmentt Discoveering Progrram Tyypes o Defininng Repports o Defininng Diaalog PPrograams Discoveering Reporrt Commponennts o Discoveering the PPrograam Runntime Objecct o Introduucing Progrram Naaming Conveentionns
2、Creatinng Youur Firrst Prrogramm Exploriing thhe Souurce CCode EEditorr o Using tthe Edditor: Inittial SScreenn o Exploriing thhe Funnctionnalityy of tthe Soource Code Editoor Gettingg Helpp o Obtainiing F11 Helpp o Obtainiing R33 Librrary HHelp Findingg Yourr Deveelopmeent Obbjectss Introduucing th
3、e RR/3 Daata Diictionnary o Exploriing Taables and SStructtures o Displayying aa Tablle or Struccture Definnitionn o Displayying DData iin thee Tablle o Determiining Displlayed Fieldds Understtandinng ABAAP/4 SSyntaxx o Introduucing the sselectt Stattementt o Understtandinng Tabble Woork Arreas o In
4、troduucing the wwhere Clausse o Workingg withh Systtem Vaariablles o Using tthe Chhain OOperattor o Using tthe seelect singlle Staatemennt o Commentting CCode aand Foormal Docummentattion Summaryy Q&A Workshoop o Quiz o Editor Exercisses o Programmming Exerccises After yyou coomplette thiis chaapter
5、, you shoulld be able to: Create and mmodifyy simpple ABBAP/4 progrrams. Use staandardd funcctionss in tthe ABBAP/4 editoor. Use F1 and RR/3 Liibraryy helpp funcctionss. Find yoour prrogramms usiing thhe Objject BBrowseer andd the editoor. Displayy a taable aand itts conntentss usinng thee Dataa Dic
6、ttionarry. Use thee tablles annd sellect sstatemments. Chain sstatemments togetther uusing the cchain operaator. Add commmentss and docummentattion tto youur proogramss. Before ProceeedinggBefore proceeedingg, youu shouuld: Be comffortabble wiith a progrramminng lannguagee suchh as CC, COBBOL, oor V
7、issual BBasic. To oobtainn the full beneffit frrom thhis annd alll folllowingg chappters, you shoulld alsso havve twoo or mmore yyears of prreviouus devvelopmment eexperiience. Set up your interrface as reecommeended in Daay 1 iin thee secttion The IInterfface MMenu, if yyou haave noot donne so alre
8、aady. Performm the instaall prroceduure foor thee ScreeenCamms on the CCD-ROMM. Thee insttall pproceddure iis desscribeed in the rreadmee.txt file foundd in tthe rooot diirectoory off the CD-ROOM. Many off the proceeduress in tthis bbook aare deemonsttratedd usinng ScrreenCaams. SScreennCams are lli
9、ke mmoviess; theey shoow a sseriess of sscreenns, inncludiing keeystrookes aand moouse mmovemeents, with a desscripttive vvoiceoover. They can bbe fouund onn the CD-ROOM thaat commes wiith thhis boook. SSee thhe reaadme.ttxt fiile foound iin thee roott direectoryy of tthe CDD-ROM for mmore iinformma
10、tionn. Exploriing thhe Devvelopmment EEnviroonmenttA devellopmennt objject iis anyythingg creaated bby a ddevelooper. Exampples oof devvelopmment oobjectts aree proggrams, screeens, tablees, viiews, struccturess, datta moddels, messaages, and iincluddes. The R/33 systtem coontainns toools foor creea
11、tingg and testiing deeveloppment objeccts. TThese toolss are locatted inn the R/3 DDeveloopmentt Workkbenchh. To accesss anyy deveelopmeent toool, yyou goo to tthe woorkbennch. The worrkbencch conntainss thesse toools too helpp you creatte devvelopmment oobjectts: The ABAAP/4 pprograam ediitor wwher
12、e you ccan crreate and mmodifyy ABAPP/4 soource code and oother progrram coomponeents The Datta Dicctionaary whhere yyou caan creeate ttabless, strructurres, aand viiews The Datta moddeler wheree you can ddocumeent thhe rellationnshipss betwween ttabless The Funnctionn librrary wwhere you ccan crrea
13、te globaal ABAAP/4 ffunctiion mooduless The scrreen aand meenu paainterrs wheere yoou cann creaate a user interrface for yyour pprograams The folllowinng tessting and ssearchh toolls aree alsoo avaiilablee: the ABAAP/4 DDebuggger the SQLL tracce toool useed to tune SQL sstatemments the runntime anal
14、yyzer ffor opptimizzing yyour pprograams pperforrmancee a wheree-usedd tooll for impacct anaalysiss a compuuter-aaided test tool for rregresssion testiing a repossitoryy searrch toool foor finnding devellopmennt objjects the Worrkbencch Orgganizeer forr recoordingg channges tto objjects and ppromott
15、ing tthem iinto pproducction All devvelopmment oobjectts aree porttable, meanning tthat yyou caan coppy theem froom onee R/3 systeem to anothher. TThis iis usuually done to moove yoour deeveloppment objeccts frrom thhe devvelopmment ssystemm to tthe prroducttion ssystemm. If the ssourcee and targeet
16、 sysstems are oon diffferennt opeeratinng sysstems or usse diffferennt dattabasee systtems, your devellopmennt objjects will run aas-is and wwithouut anyy modiificattion. This is trrue foor alll plattformss suppportedd by RR/3. (For aa listt of ssupporrted hhardwaare annd opeeratinng sysstems, refee
17、r to Tablee 1.1.) Discoveering Progrram TyypesThere aare twwo maiin typpes off ABAPP/4 prrogramms: reportss dialog progrrams Defininng RepportsThe purrpose of a reporrt is to reead daata frrom thhe dattabasee and writee it oout. IIt connsistss of oonly ttwo sccreenss (seee Figuure 2.1). Figure 2.1:T
18、The seelectiion sccreen and tthe ouutput screeen. The firrst sccreen is caalled the sselecttion sscreenn. It contaains iinput fieldds alllowingg the user to ennter ccriterria foor thee repoort. FFor exxamplee, thee repoort maay prooduce a lisst of saless for a givven daate raange, so thhe datte rann
19、ge innput ffieldss woulld apppear oon thee repoorts selecction screeen. The seccond sscreenn is tthe ouutput screeen. Itt conttains the llist. The llist iis thee outpput frrom thhe repport, and uusuallly doees nott havee any inputt fiellds. IIn ourr exammple, it woould ccontaiin a llist oof thee sal
20、ees thaat occcurredd withhin thhe speecifieed datte rannge. The sellectioon scrreen iis opttionall. Nott all reporrts haave onne. Hooweverr, alll repoorts ggeneraate a list. In thiss bookk, youu willl learrn howw to ccreatee repoort prrogramms. Defininng Diaalog PPrograamsDialog progrrams aare moore
21、 fllexiblle thaan repports, and so arre morre commplex at thhe proogram levell. Theey cann conttain aany nuumber of sccreenss, andd the screeen seqquencee can be chhangedd dynaamicallly att run time. On eeach sscreenn, youu can have inputt fiellds, ooutputt fiellds, ppushbuuttonss, andd moree thann
22、one scrolllablee areaa. Discoveering Reporrt CommponenntsABAP/4 reporrts coonsistt of ffive ccomponnents (showwn in Figurre 2.22): Figure 2.2.TThe coomponeents oof an ABAP/4 proogram. Source code Attribuutes Text ellementts Documenntatioon Variantts Only thhe souurce ccode aand prrogramm attrributee
23、 compponentts aree requuired. The rest of thhe commponennts arre opttionall. All devvelopmment oobjectts andd theiir commponennts arre stoored iin thee R/3 databbase. For eexamplle, thhe souurce ccode ffor a reporrt is storeed in databbase ttable dd0100s. Discoveering the PPrograam Runntime ObjecctA
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- sap 学习 资料 7833