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1、CFO2010IFACFinnanciaal andd Manaagemennt Acccountting CCommittteeJanuaryy 20022The Rolle of the CChief Financiial Offficerr in 22010Issued by thhe IntternattionallFederattion oof AcccountaantsThe misssion of thhe Intternattionall Fedeeratioon of Accouuntantts (IFFAC) iis thee worlldwidee deveelopmee
2、nt annd enhhancemment oof an accouuntanccy proofessiion wiith haarmoniized sstandaards, able to prrovidee servvices of coonsisttentlyy highh quallity iin thee publlic innteresst. This boooklett was prepaared bby thee Finaanciall Manaagemennt Acccountiing Coommitttee (FFMAC) of IFFAC. TThe miissionn
3、of FFMAC iis: To encoouragee, ampplify and ssuppleement progrrams tthat ffocus on thhe finnanciaal andd manaagemennt acccountaant, aas connducteed by IFAC Membeer Boddies tto: Providee for the ddeveloopmentt and suppoort off suchh proffessioonals; and Build ppublicc awarrenesss, undderstaandingg and
4、 demannd forr theiir serrvicess; To provvide aan intternattionall foruum forr exchhange of innformaation regarrding curreent deeveloppment and eemergiing isssues that shapee the managgementt accoountinng proofessiion.The FMAAC wellcomess any commeents yyou haave onn thiss bookklet. Commeents sshould
5、d be ssent tto:Techniccal DiirectoorInternaationaal Fedderatiion off Accoountannts535 Fiffth Avvenue, 26thh FlooorNew Yorrk, Neew Yorrk 100017-36610 USSAFax: +11 212-286-99570E-mail: edcoommenttsifaac.orggCopies of thhis paaper mmay bee downnloadeed freee of chargge froom thee IFACC webssite aat www
6、w.ifacc.org.Copyrigght Januaary 20002 byy the Interrnatioonal FFederaation of Acccounttants. All rightts resservedd. No part of thhis puublicaation may bbe repproducced, sstoredd in aa retrrievall systtem, oor traansmittted iin anyy formm or bby anyy meanns, ellectroonic, mechaanicall, phootocoppyin
7、g, recoordingg, or otherrwise, withhout tthe prrior wwritteen perrmissiion off the Interrnatioonal FFederaation of Acccounttants.ISBN: 11-8874464-777-8FOREWORRDThe Finnanciaal andd Manaagemennt Acccountiing Coommitttee (FFMAC) of thhe Intternattionall Fedeeratioon of Accouuntantts (IFFAC) eexplorres
8、 emmerginng treends aand seeeks tto reppresennt conntempoorary best practtice iin thee domaain off accoountinng worrk conncerneed witth thee manaagemennt of organnizatiions. This is doone prrimariily thhroughh a raange oof pubblicattions: annuual thheme bbookleets, aan annnual ccollecction of arrtic
9、lees of meritt, ressearchh studdies, Interrnatioonal MManageement Accouuntingg Pracctice Stateementss (IMAAPS) aand guuides for ppractiitioneers. TThese publiicatioons arre avaailablle thrrough the IIFAC wwebsitte at www.iifac.oorg.Past thheme bbookleets haave cooveredd topiics liike Maanagemment AA
10、ccounntancyy in tthe Yeear 20004 annd Thee Seniior Fiinanciial Offficerr in tthe Yeear 20005. SSuch hhas beeen thhe speeed off channge thhat thhese ddocumeents ddescriibe prracticce todday. A recennt stuudy (NNo. 111) exaaminedd A Prrofesssion TTransfforminng: Frrom Acccountting tto Mannagemeent. TT
11、his eexplorred emmerginng treends ffrom tthe viiew off 12 mmemberr bodiies off IFACC reprresentting ssix coountriies. FFour oof thee bodiies arre speecialiist asssociaationss lookking aat thee fielld of managgementt accoountinng; thhe remmaininng eigght arre proofessiional bodiees seeeking to bee mo
12、ree respponsivve, annd morre reppresenntativve, off theiir memmbers workiing inn manaagemennt-rellated roless, in businness aand puublic practtice. The stuudy exxploreed thee 12 pprofesssionaal asssociattions in vaaryingg stagges annd staates oof traansitiion too the futurre andd eachh toldd theiir
13、ownn storry to date. The insigghts aand chhangess theyy weree purssuing indivviduallly weere coollecttivelyy indiicativve of an unnderlyying oor immminentt trannsformmationn in tthe prrofesssion.This iss bestt summmarizeed by statiing thhat thhe finndingss idenntifieed thaat thee finaance ffunctiion
14、 inn orgaanizattions was ttransfforminng iin terrms off a vaalue aadded managgeriall focuus, itts areea of organnizatiional invollvemennt, thhe cappabiliities expeccted ffrom iit andd its leadeershipp (thee Chieef Finnanciaal Offficer), thee conssolidaation, elimminatiion orr outssourciing off muchh
15、 of iits woork reesponssibiliities, and the rradicaal redductioon of its hheadcoount. It seemmed seensiblle, thherefoore, tto cannvas tthe viiews oof 10 leadiing chhief ffinanccial oofficeers too get them to teell thheir sstoriees. Thhis thheme bbookleet is the rresultt of tthat eexerciise. OOnce aa
16、gain, the membeers off FMACC idenntifieed leaaders in thheir ffield acrosss manny couuntriees, buusinessses aand puublic sectoors. TThey aagreedd thatt thiss storry wouuld bee bestt desccribedd throough tthe faacilittationn of aa leadding aauthorr, andd enroolled the hhelp oof Robbert BBruce, Accoou
17、ntanncy Edditor of Thhe Timmes.The Chiief Fiinanciial Offficerrs aree all from compaanies with easilly reccognizzable namess and with viewss fromm Nortth Ameerica and EEuropee, toggetherr withh counntriess likee Argeentinaa and Hong Kong. We tthank them for tthe tiime thhey gaave too the interrviews
18、s, butt espeeciallly forr theiir canndid ccommennts annd forr sharring ttheir insigghts. It waas enccouragging, from an FMMAC viiewpoiint, tto notte thaat alll of tthem aaddresss thee rolee of tthe CFFO in the sstrateegic ddirecttion oof theeir coompaniies.Other nnotablle toppics ccovereed inccluded
19、d inveestor relattions, acquuisitiions aand thhe CFOO rolee in ccorporrate ggovernnance and rrisk mmanageement.This thheme bbookleet, Thhe Rolle of the CChief Finanncial Officcer inn 20100, tellls thhe stoory frrom thhe inddividuual viiewpoiints oof theese CFFOs whhich ccan bee seenn in tthe thhemes
20、 choseen: Developping aa Visiion for the FuutureManaginng thee Infoormatiion FllowMoving Away from TranssactioonsTreasurry Willl Takke PriiorityyBecominng thee Proccess OOwnerPart off the Team Butt AparrtChief PPlanniing OffficerrStrateggic Chhangess to tthe Fiinancee RoleeConcernn Abouut Gloobal MM
21、arkettsThe Impportannce off CommmunicaationThis riich veein off insiights, togeether with our sstudy of a profeessionn trannsformming ffrom aaccounnting to maanagemment, will fuel the wwork oof FMAAC in the ccomingg yearrs. The strrategyy of FFMAC aaddressses: Thoughtt leaddershiip in expannding the
22、 ffield of prracticce knoown ass manaagemennt acccountiing; Sharingg of bbest ppractiice inn thiss fielld glooballyy; andd Assistiing deevelopping ccountrries aas theey expplore the bbenefiits off manaagemennt acccountiing.Finallyy, my thankks to thosee membbers oof FMAAC whoo orgaanizedd thiss proj
23、ject tto briing thhese lleadinng inttervieews too our attenntion. Thiss grouup connsisteed of:Bill Coonnelll, Dirrectorr of RRisk MManageement, BOC Groupp plc;Chris JJacksoon, Heead off the Facullty off Finaance aand Maanagemment, Instiitute of Chharterred Acccounttants in Ennglandd and Waless;Gary
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- 如何 成为 XXXX CFObijb