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1、Please Check the Repetition Rate After You Cite This ArticleThis article is from the submission of the University of Birmingham, 2015IntroduuctionnHazard Analyysis aand Crriticaal Conntrol Pointt (HACCCP) iis a cconceppt in the ffield of foood prroducttion, whichh deveelopedd in tthe laate 19960s. I
2、t iss on tthe baasis oof reccognizzed prrincipples tto achhieve a higgh levvel off goodd safeety maanagemment. HACCPP systtem aiims too reduuce or eeliminnatingg hazaards tto an accepptablee leveel that iis quiite esssentiial too foodd manuufactuuring (Ropkkins aand Beeck, 22000). HACCCP useed forr
3、deteectingg the hazarrds thhat may occcur iin thee wholle chaain off foodd prodductioon andd adoppt preeventiive coontroll meassures to avvoid tthe riisks happpeningg (Morrtimorre, Waallacee and Cassiianos, 20088). Thhe funnctionn of HHACCP on prreventtion oof hazzards reducces thhe deppendenncy onn
4、 end-produuct teestingg and tradiitionaal insspectiion (PPeter, 20099). Innsteadd, conntrolss are transsferreed to the bbeginnning sstage durinng prooductiion. NNow, HHACCP systeem hass achiieved interrnatioonal aaccepttance and tthis qqualiffied ssystemm was recoggnizedd as aan effficiennt meaasure
5、 of ennsurinng foood saffety (ibid).Nowadayys, ann incrreasinng nummber oof peoople aare cooncernned abbout ssafetyy and qualiity off foodd. Pubblic cconsummers hhope tthey ccan buuy foood thaat is sanittary, unconntaminnated, nutrritiouus, saafe too conssume, and mmeetinng thee quallity sstandaard
6、(EEarly, 19955). Reegardiing daaily ffood, beverrage eespeciially soft drinkk accoounts for aa largge prooportiion inn drinnks maarket. The objecctive of thhis sttudy aaims tto redduce oor eliiminatte pottentiaal hazzards, by mmeans of deevelopping aa HACCCP plaan sysstem wwith aa seriies off moniit
7、orinng andd conttrol mmeasurres, tto preevent the cconsummers wwho coonsumee the presssed appple jjuice.1. HACCP TTeamA reasoonablee and conviincingg HACCCP teaam shoould bbe buiilt too moniitor aand deevelopp an eeffecttive HHACCP plan. All team membeers haave a respoonsibiility to coomplette foood
8、 hyggiene trainning tto acccompliish thheir ttasks, and they shoulld undderstaand appproprriate produuct-sppecifiic knoowledgge andd expeertisee. A ccompleete HAACCP tteam iincluddes manyy diffferentt and signiificannt parrts, iincludding (FSA, 22015):l Team leeader (persson reesponssible for iimple
9、mmentinng HACCCP): Mayl Scribe: Heleenl Sanitattion EExpertt: Tomml Processsing lline rrepressentattive: Jerryyl Hygienee Manageer: Toonyl Productt Speccialisst: Beenl Packingg and distrributiion exxpert: Keviinl Qualityy Assuraance/TTechnoology Speciaalist: Lucyyl Food Saafety Directtor: Vicctoriaa
10、2. Pre-reqquisitte Proogramss (PRPPs)HACCP ssystemms aree desiigned to iddentiffy andd anallysis food safetty hazzards assocciatedd withh prodducts durinng thee wholle prooduct proceessingg. To ensuure ann effeectivee HACCCP sysstem ffor appple jjuice, it sshouldd estaablishh a fiirm fooundattion oo
11、f commpliannce. TThese practtices are cconsiddered to bee pre-requiisite to devvelop efficcientlly andd impllementt HACCCP plaans, aand thhey arre alsso cann be sscreenn out generral haazardss and reducce thee numbber off CCPss (Gazze R., 20033). Beesidess, pree-requuisitee proggrams (PRPss) covver
12、alll areeas inn foodd prodductioon to suppoort ennvironnment and ooperattion ccondittion aand acchievee safeety off prodducts (CFIAA, 20111). TThe sttandarrd pree-requuisitee proggrams shoulld incclude folloowing aspeccts (JJuice HACCPP Alliiance, 2002).Good Maanufaccturinng Praacticees (GMMP)GMP is
13、 one oof thee mostt imporrtant tools for food proceessingg faciility that helpss for the pproducction of hiigh quualityy and safe juicee prodducts. It aalso pproviddes thhe bassis foor prooduct safetty in the HHazardd Anallysis and CCriticcal Coontroll Poinnt. GMMP is oftenn refeerred to thhe praact
14、icees andd proccedurees perrformeed by food proceessor, and it maay reffer too the peoplle, faacilitty, prrocesss and envirronmennt in the pprocesssing line of juuice (Univeersityy of NNebrasska, 22005).Good Hyygienee Praccticess (GHPP)Good Hyygienee Praccticess are necesssary to ennsure that theree
15、 are compllete aand prroper trainning sscheduule inn the food iindusttry inncludiing diiffereent leevels of trraininng proogramss and efficiient ooperattion ffaciliities. GHP is offten llinkedd withh stafff traainingg, hyggiene condiition of inndividdual, contrrol off equiipmentt, whiich ussed too r
16、eduuce paathogeenic hhazardds (Shhafer, 20122).Good Aggricullturall Practiices (GAP)Good aggricullturall praccticess as gguidellines are vvital to deecreassing miicrobiial coontamiinatioon of raw aagricuulturaal prooductss in ffood ffactorry (Deevon eet al., 19999). IIt inccludess wateer mannagemeen
17、t, ttemperraturee conttrol, pest contrrol, sstoragge connditioons maanagemment, facillity ssanitaation, and distrributiion liine (RRippenn, 20007).Standarrd Opeeratinng Proocedurres (SSOPs)SOP is priorr to SSanitaation Standdard OOperatting PProceddures (SSOPP) (CFFIA, 22014). It cconcenntrateed on
18、conntrol and mmonitoors inndividdual ooperattions to ennsure devicces liinked with produucts eeligibble deveelop aand immplemeent. BBesidees, SOOP cann conttrol mmicrobbial hhazardd and preveent crross-ccontamminatiion off juicce thrrough buildding aapproppriatee operrationn linee and improoving pro
19、ceeduress (Ba, 20006). 3. Productt DesccriptiionTable 33.1 Prroductt DesccriptiionName off prodductPressedd applle juiice (Troppicanaa)DescripptionPure sqqueezeed fruuit, nnot frrom cooncenttrateAveragee nutrritionn valuues per 2000ml1EnergyFat of whiich saaturattesCarbohyydratee of whiich suugars22
20、FibreProteinnSaltVitaminn C438kj/102kcall (5%)0g (0%)0g (0%)24.0g23.4g (26%)1.2g0.2g0g (0%)82mg (1103%)1Averagge serrving. Thiss packk conttains 5 servvings.2Contaiins naaturallly occcurriing suugars from juicee.Chemicaal atttributtepH: 4Aw: 0.885Brix: 112Microbiiologiical llimitssPatulinn: bellow 6
21、g/kgProcesssingRaw appple soortingg, peeeled, squeeezed aand thhen haandle with filtrrationn and dissoolutioon. Paasteurrizatiion annd fillling will be coonductted inn finaal staagePackagiingPackageed intto 1 llitre Purre-Pakk classsicall carttonConditiions oof stoorageKeep inn refrrigeraated bbelow
22、 4Shelf llife30 dayss in aa chillled eenviroonmenttInstrucctionss on tthe laabelAlways storee in rrefriggeratoorShake wwell bbeforee servvingUse witthin 55 dayss of oopeninngConsumeer grooupGenerall popuulatioonRecommeendatiion off furtther pprocesssing requiired bbeforee conssumptiionStraighht(Sour
23、cee fromm: Morriison, 2015)4. Processs Floww CharrtReceiving raw applesRaw apples storage74.1 Floow ChaartSortingRemove debrisSelectingBrushInspectionRinsedWashingDrainedSqueezing0-5DistributionRefrigerate storageLabellingMetal detectionReceiving packaging materialsDry storageSealing8030FillingCooli
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- HACCPDesignForAppleJuice4996