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1、2011经济学学家期刊文章章精选20篇篇(考研英语语专用,含参参考译文)1、EduucatioonSnootty or what?Oct 114th 22004 FFrom TThe Ecconomiist prrint eeditioonInverrted ssnobbeery prreventts goood teaacherss goinng wheere thheyree needdedA cleever mman waants tto do a goood thiing, bbut thhe wiccked ggovernnment stopss him. Thatt is tthe
2、 sccandallous-ssoundiing sttory oof thee diffficultties eencounnteredd by TTristrram Joones-PParry, headd of ffee-paaying Westmminsteer Schoool, onne of the bbest iin thee counntry. He reetiress nextt yearr and wantss to hhelp tteach mathss in aa statte schhool.Was hhe wellcomedd withh openn armss?
3、No. He wwas toold, hhe commplainns, thhat hee woulld neeed rettrainiing foor thee statte sysstem. It waas a ssimilaar stoory foor Davvid Woolfe, a rettired Ameriican pphysiccs proofessoor whoo teacches iin a BBritissh staate scchool. He ssaid tthis wweek tthat tthe auuthoriities told him tto sitt th
4、e GCSEmmaths exam normaally ttaken by 166-yearr-oldss if hhe wannted tto conntinuee.The ssystemm is nnot quuite aas inssane aas thiis migght suuggestt. Thee rulees thaat reqquire statee-schoool teeacherrs to be foormallly quaalifieed do have excepptionss. Thee Teaccher TTrainiing Aggency insissts th
5、hat Mrr Jonees-Parrry coould ggain hhis tiicket in juust a day, by haaving an asssessoor froom thee statte sysstem oobservve hiss workk at WWestmiinsterr (a rrequirrementt scarrcely less ludiccrous than the ssuppossed deemand for rretraiining). Mr Wolfees Ammericaan PhDD woulld couunt ass an eequiva
6、alent to thhe GCSSE matths paass noormallly reqquiredd. So he woould sscrapee by aas welll. Thhe Genneral Teachhing CCounciil, annotherr quanngo, hhas noow apoologissed too Mr JJones-Parryy for givinng himm the wrongg infoormatiion att firsst, annd theen leaaving his ffolloww-up lletterr unannsweree
7、d forr six weekss.The rreal sstory is thhe gullf bettween the ttwo kiinds oof schhool. Headss likee Mr JJones-Parryy hiree teacchers with good acadeemic ccredenntialss but not nnecesssarilyy withh statte quaalificcationns. Sttate-sschooll hiriing iss clossely rregulaated; theirr teacchers need to be
8、e expeert foorm-fiillerss and jargoon-wieelderss, andd are much less likelly to have good degreees: iindeedd onlyy 38% of sttate-sschooll mathhs teaacherss havee a deegree in thhe subbject; in iindepeendentt schoools, 63% ddo.So itts noot surrprisiing thhat prrivatee-schoool teeacherrs thiink evven
9、thhe mosst nomminal barriiers tto theeir teeachinng in statee schoools aare offfensiive annd sillly. TThe otther sside rresponnds inn kindd: teaachingg unioons thhis weeek saaid snnidelyy thatt Mr JJones-Parryy mighht be good at teeachinng advvancedd mathhs to well-behavved brright kids, but wouldd
10、not necesssarilly knoow howw to tteach simplle summs to rowdyy, dimm oness. Perrhaps. But many statee-schoool paarentss despperateely seeekingg bettter maaths tteachiing foor theeir chhildreen migght coonsideer thaat rissk ratther ssmall.2、Pareents aand chhildreenFamilly valluesSep 330th 22004 FFrom
11、 TThe Ecconomiist prrint eeditioonRich kids have littlle timme forr theiir eldderly parennts. TThe inngratiitude!WHY wwas Kiing Leear trreatedd so ccruellly by his ddaughtters? Untill receently, mostt of tthe annswerss havee comee fromm schoolars with scantt knowwledgee of eeconommic thheory. Forttu
12、nateely, JJohn EErmiscch, ann Esseex ecoonomisst, iss workking tto remmedy tthis ddeficiiency. His reseaarch pprovess whatt manyy pareents hhave llong ssuspecctedtthat iincreaased wwealthh goess alonng witth fillial iingrattitudee. Toopic ssentennceUsingg dataa fromm the Britiish Hoousehoold Paanel
13、SSurveyy, Mr Ermissch shhows tthat aafflueent paarentss are slighhtly mmore llikelyy to ssupplyy offsspringg withh moneey andd helpp withh chilld-reaaring than poor parennts. BBut suuccesss seemms to have preciisely the oopposiite efffect on chhildreen. Thhe merre posssessiion off a unniverssity dde
14、greee makees chiildrenn 20% less likelly to phonee theiir motthers regullarly, and more than 50% lless llikelyy to ppay thhem a visitt.This is puuzzlinng beccause self-interrestedd chilldren mightt be eexpectted too behaave inn precciselyy the oppossite wway. MMost wwealthhy peoople aare deescendded
15、 frrom weealthyy pareents, whichh meanns theey havve a llot off patrrimonyy to llose bby cuttting back on thhe fawwning. “Notthing will come of noothingg,” ass a prre-rettiremeent annd stiill saane Kiing Leear puut it when his yyoungeest daaughteer darred too withhhold her aaffecttions.So whhy aree
16、richh kidss suchh bratts? Thhere aare twwo likkely eexplannationns. Thhe firrst iss thatt, as theirr incoome riises, the mmarginnal coost off provvidingg servvices goes up. IIt simmply iisnt worthh theiir whiile too helpp withh the shoppping, partiicularrly siince aafflueence ttends to inncreasse di
17、sstancees bettween parennts annd chiildrenn. Andd, sinnce peersonaal conntact correelatess withh teleephonee conttact, they are lless llikelyy to pphone, too. Out of siight, out oof minnd.Anothher annswer comess fromm an oobscurre braanch oof ecoonomiccs knoown ass straategicc bequuest ttheoryy. Thi
18、is preedictss thatt chilldren will proviide onnly ennough serviices tto enssure tthey gget a reasoonablee sharre of the iinheriitancee. Butt thatt poinnt is reachhed soooner by thhose wwho haave onnly onne sibbling rivall, or none at alll. Weealthiier faamiliees, whhich ttend tto be smalller, ssimpl
19、yy faill to eensuree the optimmum ammount of coompetiition.Givenn thesse iroon lawws, whhat arre parrents suppoosed tto do? Goodd resuults mmight be acchieveed by havinng morre chiildrenn, or expreessingg a suudden interrest iin thee locaal catts hoome. BBut Mrr Ermiisch iis nott optiimistiic. “TThe
20、 onnly thhing tthey ccan doo is ffolloww theiir chiildrenn arouund,” he saays. AAnd doont mmake KKing LLearss misttake bby hannding over the ccash ffirst.3、Thee inteernetAlivee and kickiing Seep 23rrd 20004 Froom Thee Econnomistt prinnt ediitionCompeetitioon stiill exxists on thhe webbJUST when you
21、tthoughht youu kneww the web, alongg comee new compeetitorrs to keep thinggs intterestting. On Seeptembber 155th, aa new searcch enggine ccalledd A9.ccom waas unvveiledd by AAmazonn, thee giannt intternett retaailer. It rrepackkages Googlles ssearchh resuults, but wwith uusefull tweaaks. SSearchhes
22、noot onlly calll up websiites aand immages on thhe samme pagge, buut othher reeferennces, such as Ammazons boook seaarch, the IInternnet Moovie DDatabaase, aand enncycloopaediia andd dicttionarry refferencces. MMoreovver, iit keeeps trrack oof useers ssearchh histtoriessan iimporttant iinnovaation a
23、s seearch becommes moore peersonaalisedd.Many had aassumeed thee markket waas stiitchedd up bby Gooogle aand Yaahoo! (who accouunt foor oveer 90% of ssearchhes), barriing thhe exppectedd entrrance of Miicrosooft. LLikewiise, tthe maarket for oonlinee musiic seeemed ssettleed: Apppless iTunnes iss th
24、e leadeer, itts maiin rivvals bbeing RealNNetworrks annd Miccrosoffts MMSN Muusic. Yet tthis, too, underrstatees thee poteentiall for battlle. Laast weeek, YYahoo! bougght Muusicmaatch, an onnline musicc retaailer and ssoftwaare fiirm, ffor $1160m. Musicc downnloadss are now wworth roughhly $3310m a
25、annuallly buut aree foreecast to grrow too $4.66 billlion bby 20008, acccordiing too Forrresterr Reseearch, so tthere is rooom foor neww firmms to sprouut.Meanwwhile, the most surprrisingg new compeetitioon is in weeb broowserss. Miccrosofft wass the undissputedd chammp( Innformaal:=A champpion), af
26、teer bunndlingg Inteernet Exploorer wwith iits Wiindowss operratingg systtem inn the 1990ss and destrroyingg Netsscape. Howeever, Microosofts broowser is soo vulnnerablle to attaccks byy onliine crrooks and vvariouus trooublemmakerss thatt the Ameriican aand Geerman goverrnmentts havve reccommennded
27、 tthat uusers consiider aalternnativees. Thhis haas beeen a bboon tto twoo smalll broowser-makerrs, Oppera, a Norrwegiaan sofftwaree comppany, and MMozillla, whhich ddevelooped tthe Fiirefoxx browwser bbased on ann openn-sourrce veersionn of NNetscaape. FFirefoox boaasted 1m dowwnloadds witthin 1100
28、 hoours oof itss releease oon Sepptembeer 14tth.Securrity hhas beecome the mmain ccompettitivee diffferencce. Thhe sofftwaree of bboth OOpera and MMozillla is consiideredd safeer (paartly becauuse thhey haave feewer uusers and sso aree a leess atttracttive ttargett for hackeers). Microosofts shaare
29、off the browsser maarket has aactuallly shhrunk over the ppast tthree monthhs froom aroound 996% too 94%. It iis a hhighlyy symbbolic phenoomenonn, albbeit aa modeest deecreasse. Evven Gooogle is thhoughtt to bbe toyying wwith tthe iddea off launnchingg its own bbrowseer.Underrlyingg thiss rippple o
30、ff comppetitiion iss the abiliity off largge commpaniees thaat alrready beneffit frrom ecconomiies off scalle to extennd intto neww areaas, saays Haal Varrian, an ecconomiist att the Univeersityy of Caaliforrnia aat Berrkeleyy. Thaat expplainss Amazzons A9 seearch serviice annd Yahhoo!ss movee intoo
31、 musiic. Ass for browssers, “Micrrosoftt had a locck on the mmarkett and just droppped thhe balll. Miicrosooft haasnt proviided aany innnovattion iin thee browwser aarea aand thhey haad pooor seccurityy,” hee sayss. Thee messsage: watchh yourr backk.(1俗俗语:擦亮你你的眼睛;22Micrrosoftt的一款软件件,用来阻挡挡可疑信息或或过大邮件。
32、这这里一语双关关,反讽十足足。)4、Braain sccanninngNo hiiding placeeOct 228th 22004 | SAN DIEGOO Fromm The Econoomist printt edittionStudiies ussing ffunctiional brainn-imagging ttake oon sopphistiicatedd topiicsFEW rrecentt innoovatioons haave trransfoormed a fieeld off reseearch as muuch ass funcctionaal maggneti
33、cc-resoonancee imagging (fMRI). Thee techhniquee has revollutionnised the sstudy of thhe humman brrain. By maaking visibble thhe invvisiblle (thhe acttivityy of ddifferrent bbits oof thee liviing brrain oon a ssecondd-by-ssecondd basiis), iit hass revoolutioonisedd the studyy of tthat oorgan. But wh
34、at startted ouut as a meddical instrrumentt is nnow ussed rooutineely too probbe commplex questtions aboutt behaaviourr and motivvationn. Thaat wass the lessoon of two sstudiees preesenteed to a meeeting of thhe Socciety for NNeurossciencce, heeld inn San Diegoo earllier tthis wweek.In onne of the s
35、studiees, Joonathaan Cohhen, oof Priincetoon Univeersityy, andd his colleeaguess trieed to explaain ann anommaly tthat hhas beeen naaggingg econnomistts forr decaades. If huumans were fullyy ratiional (at lleast, ratiional in thhe wayy thatt econnomistts deffine tthe woord), they wouldd attaach thhe
36、 samme monnetaryy valuue to a weeeks ddelay in reeceiviing a paymeent, rregarddless of whhen thhat weeek beegan. So, iif sommeone is offferedd $10 at thhe begginninng of any ggiven week, or $11 att the end oof it, he sshouldd makee the same choicce, whhetherr thatt weekk starrts noow or a yeaar froo
37、m noww. Butt thatt turnns outt not to bee how most peoplle juddge itt. In most casess, theey willl takke thee $10 todayy but the $11 inn a yeear annd a wweek.Dr Coohen rreasonned thhat thhis innconsiistenccy migght reeflectt the influuence of diiffereent neeural systeems inn the brainn. To test this
38、, he rrecruiited 114 stuudentss, thee tradditionnal woorkhorrses iin succh stuudies. Whille lyiing inn his brainn scannner, the sstudennts weere offferedd the choicce of receiiving an A ggift ccertifficatee wortth sommewherre bettween $5 annd $400 immeediateely, oor gettting one wworth 1% too 50% mo
39、re in a couplle of weekss timme.When a parrticippant cchose the eearlieer rewward, theree was an inncreasse in the aactiviity off his limbiic sysstem. This is a regioon of the bbrain that is innvolveed in emotiion. IIn conntrastt, wheen thee choiice waas to delayy grattificaation in exxchangge forr
40、a biigger rewarrd, brrain aactiviity waas conncentrrated in thhe “thhinkinng” reegionss, succh as the pprefroontal corteex. Thhe incconsisstencyy therreforee seemms to be thhe ressult oof diffferennt sorrts off calcculatiion haappeniing inn the two ccases.Of coourse, thatt doess not answeer thee ult
41、iimate questtion oof whyy evollutionn has equippped tthe brrain tthis wway. DDr Cohhen sppeculaates tthat iit mayy havee someethingg to ddo witth surrvivall whenn the arrivval off resoourcess is sscarcee and unpreedictaable, ratheer thaan thee subjject oof conntractts andd an eefficiient bbankinng s
42、ysstem. But iit doees shiine a new llight on isssues such as drrug adddictiion annd proocrasttinatiion, wwhich are bboth ssituattions wheree the tempttationn of iimmediiate rrewardd can lead to chhoicess thatt mighht ulttimateely bee detrrimenttal.Whilee Dr CCohens grooup wrrestlees witth howw peopp
43、le maake chhoicess, Klaaus Maathiakk, of the UUniverrsity of Tbingeen, inn Germmany, and hhis coolleaggues, are uusing fMRI to sttudy tthe efffectss whicch cerrtain sortss of cchoicee havee on bbrain activvity. Speciificallly, tthe teeam iss lookking aat whaat goees on in thhe heaads off dediicatedd
44、 videeo-gammes pllayerss duriing viiolentt “soccial iinteraactionns” wiithin a gamme.Dr Maathiakk enliisted 13 gaamers who pplayedd videeo gammes foor, onn averrage, 20 hoours aa weekk. Whiile thhe gammers sstalkeed andd shott the enemyy fromm the relattive ddiscommfort of a scannners interrior, the
45、 rresearrcherss recoorded eventts in theirr braiins.As a playeer appproachhed a violeent enncountter, ppart oof hiss braiin callled tthe annterioor cinngulatte corrtex bbecamee actiive. TThis aarea iis asssociatted wiith agggresssion iin lesss ficctionaal sceenarioos, annd alsso witth thee subsseque
46、nnt supppresssion oof morre possitivee emottions, suchh as eempathhy. Drr Mathhiak nnoted that the rresponnses iin hiss gameers weere thhus sttrikinngly ssimilaar to the nneurall corrrelatees of real aggreessionn. As he puuts itt, “Coontrarry to what the iindusttry saays, iit apppears to bee moree t
47、hann justt a gaame.”5、TelevvisionnGrim realiityNov 44th 20004 Frrom Thhe Ecoonomisst priint edditionnAmeriicas appettite ffor reealityy teleevisioon is flaggging“THE Rebell Billlionaiire: BBransoons QQuest for tthe Beest” wwill mmake iits deebut oon Ameericas Foxx netwwork nnext wweek, featuuring a Briitish tycooon, Siir Ricchard Bransson, ttryingg to mmake aas succcessfful a realiity-TVV showw as aan Ameericann moguul, Doonald Trumpp, staar of “The Appreenticee”. A conteestantt willl get dumpeed in each episoode; tthe