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《涉外劳务派遣合同(中英文对照-)传(DOC8)43232.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《涉外劳务派遣合同(中英文对照-)传(DOC8)43232.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、劳务派遣合同Labor ContractContract No.: 20130016合同编号:2001300116甲 方:*(sschoennhutlllc)地 址: Flloridaa 电话: (* 电传:(*法定代表人:_lne_ 职职务: _总经理国籍:美国Party AA: schhoenhuutllcRegisteered AAddresss: FlloridaaTel: *Fax: *Legal rrepressentattive: _lnePositioon:Genneral ManaggerNationaality: Amerrica乙 方:*地 址:*。电话*电传:*法定代表
2、人:*,职务:总经理理、 国籍:中国国Party BB: *.Registeered aaddresss:*Tel: *Fax: *Legal rrepressentattive:*Positioon:Genneral ManaggerNationaality:Chinaa甲、 乙方代表通过友友好协商20013 年3 月6 日签订。The conntractt is hherebyy conccludedd by bboth ppartiees thrrough frienndly negottiatioon on Maarch 66th,20013. 第一条 总 则则1.Generral P
3、rrovisiions1.甲方负责负负责提供项目目(钢琴组装装),乙方公公司负责提供供劳务。(1)Partty A sshall offerr the projeect(Piano assemmbly),Partyy B shalll offeer labbor foorce(Employyee).2.本合同自签签字之日起生生效,直至双双方间全部遗遗留问题,包包括财务问题题处理完毕之之日止。(2)The contrract sshall be vaalid ssince the ddate oof siggnaturre andd willl termminatee untiil alll r
4、emaiining probllems ssolvedd, inccludinng thee finaanciall probblems.第二条 人 员员2.Emplooyee乙方公司 “提提供人数、派派遣日期和工工作期限,为为本项目派出其授授权代表、各各类技术人员员、工人、管管理和服务人人员(以下简简称“人员”)。Party BB shaall offfer nnumberr of tthe peeople,dispaatch ddate aand woorkingg termm and shalll disppatch the aauthorrized repreesentaative,t
5、echnnicianns,workeers,maanagemment aand seervicee peoplle(hereaafter referr as eemployyee) (1)人员离离境之前如需需变更时,甲甲方应将变更更内容提前一一个月书面通通知乙方,如如甲方变更计计划未能及时时通知乙方公公司,而乙方方公司已按计计划集中人员员和订购机票票,甲方应负负担因此造成成的损失。(1)Partty A sshall notiffy Parrty B one mmonth earliier foor thee channges oon empployeee befoore thhey leea
6、ve cchina.If Paarty AA faill to infform PParty B and Parrty B book flighht ticckets accorrding to pllan for thhe empployeee.Partty A sshall compeensatee the lost for iit. (2)人员工工作期限期满满之前,如需需终止雇佣,甲甲方应在终止止雇佣之日前前_1_ 个月月书面通知乙乙方。(2)If PParty A reqquiress to tterminnate eemployyment beforre labbor coontra
7、cct exppiratiion.Thhey shhall iinformm Partty B oone moonth eearlieer in writtten nootice. 第三条 签证和和其他证件3Visa and oother certiificatte1.乙方应按中中国政府的有有关规定办理理人员出入中中国国境的一一切必要手续续,并承担其其费用。Party BB shalll hanndle aall neecessaary prroceduures oof Exiit-Enttry foor empployeee in acccordaance wwith llaw annd r
8、egullationns of Chinesse Govvernmeent and bbear the chhargess.2.甲方应按项项目所在国政政府的有关规规定办理人员员出入项目所所在国及居留留、工作许可可证、等相关关手续,并承承担费用。Party AA shalll hanndle rresideence ppermitt,workk permmit annd othher relevvant pproceddures for emmployeee in acccordaance wwith PParty A couuntrys reggulatiions aand bbear tth
9、e chhargess.3.如果甲方未未能为人员获获得在项目所所在国的居留留、工作许可可证和相关手手续,而使人人员无法进行行工作,应付付给人员在此此期间的合同同工资。如人人员因此被迫迫返国时,甲甲方应负担人人员的回程旅旅费,并支付付每人_1_个月合同同工资的赔偿偿费。3.If paarty AA did not oobtainn the residdence permiit,worrk perrmit aand reelevannt proocedurres to rresultt the emplooyee ccan noot worrk.Parrty A will pay eemployy
10、ee saalary durinng thiis perriod.IIf thee emplloyee was fforcedd to rreturnn Chinna foor it.Partty A wwill bbear tthe reeturniing exxpensees andd pay each emplooyee oone moonth ssalaryy as ccompennsatioon.第四条 乙方公公司的义务4.Partyy Bs obliigatioons1.符合双方商商定的技术条条件;Employeee is qualiified for ttechniical rr
11、equirrementts agrreed uupon bby twoo partties2.遵守项目所所在国的法律律和法令,尊尊重当地风俗俗习惯;Employeee shoould aabide by worrksitee counntry llaws and regullationns andd resppect llocal custooms annd habbits.3.尊重甲方人人员的技术指指导;Employeee shoould rrespecct tecchnicaal guiidancee of PParty A 4.不参与项目目所在国的任任何政治活动动;Employeee s
12、haall noot to take part in anny polliticaal acttivitiies.5.遵守公司的的规章制度;Employeee shaall abbide bby commpany ruless and regullationns6.与甲方为实实施本项目而雇佣的的其他国籍的的人员合作共共事。6.Emplooyee ccan workk togeether with otherr foreeignerrs empployedd by PParty A forr the mentiioned projeect.第五条 甲方的的义务Party AAs obliigat
13、ioons1.对人员给予予正确的技术术指导;Party AA shalll proovide correect teechniccal guuidancce to emplooyee2.尊重人员的的人格、风俗俗和习惯;Party AA shalll resspect emplooyee ppersonnalityy, custooms and habitts.3.不干涉人员员在非工作时时间的活动自自由;Party AA shalll nott inteervenee emplloyee activvitiess duriing noon worrking time.4.保障人员的的安全;Par
14、ty AA shalll guaaranteee empployeee safeety.5.对人员的解解雇和更换,应应由双方的授授权代表商定定。Any dissmissaal andd repllacemeent onn emplloyee shalll be cconsullted bby botth parrtys reprresenttativees.第六条;每天工工作时间安排排可由甲、乙方公司授授权代表商定定6.Dailyy workking ttime ccan bee deciided aafter consuultatiion byy bothh parttys repprese
15、nntativve.2.凡由于待料料、停电、气气候恶劣等非非人员的责任任而造成的停停工,应计为为工作时间,合合同工资照付付。Any shuut-dowwns caaused by noo mateerial, poweer cutt, badd weatther aand otther nnon arrtificcial ffactorrs shaall bee counnt as workiing tiime annd paiid as ussual.第七条 合同工工资Contracct Sallary1.人员的月工工资(包括伙伙食费)在本本合同有效内内按以下标准准支付(美元元):后付工工资
16、标准表。Employeee monnthly salarry (inclludingg foodd expeenses) shalll be ppaid bby USDD accoordingg to tthe foollowiing sttandarrds durinng thee valiidity off the laborr conttract.Attachhment heretto thee wagees schhedulee sheeet. (1)服务人人员Servicee persson (2)熟练技技工,厨师 Skillfuul mecchanicc ,chef(3)技术员,翻
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- 涉外 劳务 派遣 合同 中英文 对照 DOC8 43232