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1、LAURENTIAN BAKERIESThe decision-maker must make a recommendation on a large expansion project. Discounted cash flow analysis is required.In latee May, 19955, Danniellee Knowwles, vice-presiident of opperatiions ffor Laaurenttian BBakeriies Innc., wwas prrepariing a capittal exxpendiiture propoosal t
2、to exppand tthe coompanyys frrozen pizzaa plannt in Winniipeg Manittoba. If thhe oppportunnity tto exppand iinto tthe U.S. frrozen pizzaa markket waas takken, tthe coompanyy woulld neeed exttra caapacitty. A detaiiled aanalyssis, iincludding aa net preseent vaalue ccalcullationn, wass requuired by t
3、hhe commpanys Cappital Alloccationn Poliicy foor alll capiital eexpendditurees in orderr to eensuree thatt projjects were both profiitablee and consiistentt withh corpporatee straategiees.COMPANYY BACKKGROUHHDEstabliished in 19984, LLaurenntian Bakerries IInc. (Laureentiann) mannufacttured a varriet
4、y of frrozen bakedd foodd prodducts at pllants in Wiinnipeeg (piizzas), Torronto (cakees) annd Monntreall (piees). WWhile each plantt operrated as a profiit cennter, they shareed a ccommonn salees forrce loocatedd at tthe coompanyy heaad offfice iin Monntreall. Altthoughh the Toronnto pllant wwas re
5、esponssible for oover 440% off corpporatee reveenues in fiiscal 1994, and the oother plantts wass accoountedd for aboutt 30% each, all threee diviisionss conttributted eqquallyy to pprofitts. Thhe commpany enjoyyed sttrong compeetitivve possitionns in all tthree markeets annd it was tthe loow cosst
6、prooducerr in tthe piizza mmarkett. Inccome SStatemments and BBalancce Sheeets ffor thhe 19993 to 1995 fiscaal yeaars arre in Exhibbits 11 and 2, reespecttivelyy.Laurenttian ssold mmost oof itss prodducts to laarge ggrocerry chaains, and iin facct, suupplyiing seeverall Canaadian chainns witth priiv
7、ate labell brannd pizzzas ggeneraated mmuch oof thee salees groowth. Otherr salees werre madde to instiitutioonal ffood sservicces.The commpanys succcess was, in paart, tthe prroductt of iits maanagemmentss phillosophhies. The ccornerrstonee of LLaurenntians opeeratioons waas itss inclludingg a coom
8、mitmment tto a bbusineess sttrateggy proomotinng conntinuoous immproveement; for exampple alll empployeees werre emppowereed to thinkk abouut andd makee sugggestioons foor wayys of reduccing wwaste. As DDaniellle Knnowless saw it: “CContinnuous improovemennt is a wayy of llife aat Lauuremtiian.” Als
9、o, the compaany waas knoown foor itss abovve aaveragge connsiderrationn for the hhuman resouurce aand ennvironnmentaal imppact oof itss busiiness decissions. Thesse phiilosopphies drovee all policcy-makking, incluuding thosee poliicies goverrning capittal alllocattion.Daniellle KnoowlesDaniellle Kno
10、owless carreer, whichh spannned 113 yeaars inn the food indusstry, had iincludded poositioons inn otheer funnctionnal arreas ssuch aas marrketinng andd finaance. She hhad reeceiveed an underrgraduuate ddegreee in mmechannical enginneerinng froom Queeens Univeersityy in KKingstton, Ontaario, and aa m
11、astter off busiiness adminnistraation from the WWesterrn Businness Schoool.THE PIZZZA INNDUSTRRYMajor ssegmennts inn the pizzaa markket weere frrozen pizzaa, delli-freesh chhilledd pizzza, reestaurrant ppizza and ttake-oout piizza. Of thhese ffour, restaaurantt and take-out wwere tthe laargestt. Whi
12、ile thhese ssegmennts coonsistted off thouusandss of ssmall-ownedd estaablishhmentss, a ffew laarge NNorth Ameriican cchainss, whiich inncludeed Domminoss, Pizzza Huut andd Litttle Caaesars, doominatted.Althouggh 12 firmss manuufactuured ffrozenn pizzzas inn Canaada, tthe fiive laargestt firmms, inn
13、cludiing Laaurenttian, accouunted for 995% off prodductioon. MccCain Foodss was the mmarkett leadder wiith 444% marrket sshare, whille Lauurentiian haad 21%. Perr capiita coonsumpption of frrozen produucts iin Cannada wwas onne-thiird off the levell in UU.S. wwhere retaiil priices wwere llower.ECONO
14、MIIC CONNDITIOONSThe Norrth Ammericaan ecoonomy had eenjoyeed strrong ggrowthh sincce 19993, affter hhavingg sufffered a sevvere rrecesssion ffor thhe twoo prevvious yearss. Intterestt ratees botttomedd-out in miid-19994, affter wwhich the UU.S. FFederaal Resserve slowlly inccreaseed rattes unntil e
15、early 1995 in ann atteempt tto figght innflatiionaryy presssuress. Nevvertheeless, Nortth Ameericann infllationn was expeccted tto aveerage 3% too 5%annnuallly forr the foresseeablle futture. The BBank oof Cannada ffollowwed thhe U.SS. Fedderal Reserrves lead and iincreaased iintereest raates, in pa
16、art too prottect tthe Caanadiaan dolllarss valuue rellativee to tthe vaalue oof thee U.S. dolllar. TThe reesult was aa Nortth Ameericann growwth raate off grosss dommesticc prodduct tthat wwas shhowingg signns of slowiing doown.LAURRENNTIANS PROOJECT REVIEEW PROOCESSAll cappital projeects aat Lauure
17、ntiian weere suubjectt to rrevieww baseed on the ccompannys CCapitaal Alllocatiion Poolicy. The latesst pollicy, whichh had been develloped in 19989 whhen thhe commpany begann conssideriing faactorss otheer thaan simmply tthe caalculaated nnet prresentt valuue forr projject eevaluaation, was stricct
18、ly eenforcced annd mannagerss evalluatedd eachh yearr parttiallyy by ttheir divissionss retuurn onn inveestmennt. Thhe purrpose of thhe pollicy wwas too reinnforcee the managgementt phillosophhies bby achhievinng cerrtain objecctivess: thaat alll projjects be coonsisttent wwith bbusineess sttrateggi
19、es, suppoort coontinuuous iimprovvementt, connsiderr the humann resoource and eenviroonmenttal immpact, and proviide a suffiicientt retuurn onn inveestmennt.Prior tto thee apprroval of anny cappital alloccationn, eacch opeeratinng divvisionn was requiired tto devvelop both a Strrategiic andd an OOpe
20、ratting PPlan. The SStrateegic PPlan hhad too idenntify and qquantiify eiither ineffficienncies or loost oppportuunitiees andd estaablishh targgets ffor thheir eeliminnationn, incclude a thrree-yeear pllan off capiital rrequirrementts, liink caapitall spennding to buusinesss strrategiies annd connti
21、nuoous immproveement efforrt, annd achhieve the ccompanny-widde hurrdle rrates.The firrst yeear off the Strattegic Plan becamme thee Annuual Opperatiing Pllan. TThis wwas suupportted byy a deetaileed lisst of propoosed ccapitaal proojectss whicch beccame tthe baasis ffor caapitall alloocatioon. Inn
22、addiition to meeetingg all Strattegic Plan criteeria, the OOperatting PPlan hhad too idenntify majorr conttinuouus impprovemment iinitiaativess and budgeet forr the assocciatedd beneefits, as wwell aas devvelop a traainingg plann idenntifyiing sppecifiic traainingg objeectivees forr the year.These c
23、criterria weere ussed byy headd offiice too keepp the behavvior oof divvisionnal maanagerrs connsisteent wiith coorporaate obbjectiives. For eexamplle, thhe reqquiremment tto devvelop a traainingg plann as ppart oof thee operrationnal pllan foorced managgers tto be efficcient with emplooyee ttrainii
24、ng annd to keep contiinuouss imprrovemeent ass the ultimmate oobjecttive.All prooposedd projjects were submiitted on ann Authhorizaation for EExpenddituree (AFEE) Forrm forr reviiew annd appprovall (seee Exhiibit 33). Thhe AFEE had to prresentt the projeects linkaage too the businness sstrateegies.
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- 财务管理 案例 分析 英文 13664